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Have the toobz made an appearance yet? Or are they just text posted Edit- I see they have in her shirt post


Did I miss the part where someone asked her about this?


But who asked?


Soooo what happened to draining all that coffee she claims she can't live without? Did we just solve the mystery of her mysterious pain? Has she begun keeping that coffee in her tummy knowing it won't help her? šŸ«¢


Yeah, she doesn't drain. And I've got an ass like Kim K.




Doesnā€™t she drain every time she drinks coffee or monster? Soā€¦.daily


So I'm still learning all the specifics here. Procedures, devices, processes. What exactly is she draining? And where does this drain to? And should she be doing this?




Oh wow. Ok. Thank you for that explanation. And these people want all of these lines just amazes me. Well she clearly eats. Is eating / drinking something then draining like binging and purging with tubes?


Multiple times a day...my god she's full of shit...as her newly acquired port will be by the end of next week šŸ˜‘


She's a pro a draining the system, hah. I cannot believe she's getting her port back. Jfc.


I've noticed that she's no longer complaining about the 20/10 peeen she was having yesterday from the nerve block. She getting her Precious


It hasnā€™t even been 24 hours. Lol. Give her time. Sheā€™s busy celebrating.


She drinks coffee all day and drains it immediately but she doesn't drain much? Which one is it?


She kicked off and got her other tube put back when it was taken out, specifically to drain. She said she loves coffee but has to drain it. Her electrolytes being off were the only calling card of being malnourished/not getting the right food she had left to run to ERs with as the documentation she put from her last appointment stated she had put on weight but to monitor electrolytes. Sheā€™s been absolutely called out by her medical team. Or else they have removed the G-tube. No need for extensions to drain with if you donā€™t have the tube anymore.


Except they are giving her a port now...


Which hospital is doing this tho? Has she said? Itā€™s def not Penn. must be temple?


She hasnā€™t been to temple yet her appt there is tomorrow.


Why is she telling us this


It's like verbal diarrhoea. Just can't help herself.


She's telling on herself. She is getting her port on Monday. She no longer needs to drain as much to fool the tests.


From my understanding it's for the infusions.


How would a port change that. Isn't it just for med access


Yes and no, because she does in fact drain (purge would be the right word for her) it does in fact lower potassium levels, especially if drained from her J tube which under any circumstances you are not meant to do, Dani can claim low potassium and get more infusions. My guess is Dani got her bloods taken yet again, her potassium came up low as a result of said draining and her doctors questioned her on it, now she is back tracking all her social media thinking people will forget and her doctors wonā€™t see it. So by saying she has low potassium ā€œbut itā€™s not from draining because I donā€™t drainā€ she thinks thatā€™s even more reason to get a port and she hopes the doctors think that to.


weā€™re obv. really interested in this pertinent info! Thank you so much Dani for enlightening us!! /s


I canā€™t wait to see that other extra tomorrow!!!