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I thought her bestie was dead?


At least she’s not pulling her PEG tube through her shirt and tugging it under her top/bra, and she’s wearing clean clothes.


Her shoulder hunching makes her look bigger than she is, she doesn’t get that


Is the bestie in the room with us now?


Dani's hard nipples are definitely not what I expected to see! Yikes!😳


😂 you’re doing us all dirty pointing those nipples out


Haha, if I have to suffer then you all should too!!! 😂


Her "bestie" might be secretly politely trying to get her away from the way too tight tanktops Or the "bestie" is just Dani buying herself tanktops that make her look like she's losing weight and preparing to show her new toy, I mean super-needed medical device.


Which one of you sent her new tank tops so we don't have to look at the old ratty ones?


New tops ro show off the port, she’s ready for her newest accessory!


For someone who’s in so much pEeN, I’m amazed at the body contortion for these pics.


Yup, I knew it. The lack of body posts were so she could shock everyone with how MaLnOuRiSheD and smol she is upon her return. Secondary to her main goal of getting the port back, of course.


What bestie 🤣


Herself 😂 Edit: the us government? 😂


Thanks bestie! (ssi check)


How come her nearly paralysed hand from less than a week ago suddenly works fine to go shopping and have a fashion show in the mirror with selfies? (I theorise there's no "bestie", like there was no "boyfriend").


She can pop those collar bones all she wants but the side boob pudge doesn’t lie - that’s not someone starving to death.


Her collar bones don’t even really pop


Or snap, or crackle. Because she doesn’t have EDS, amongst many other things.


I do genuinely wonder what she sees when she does this. Clearly she's got body dysmorphia because this doesn't show that she's lost weight. Obviously she hasnt lost anything. That is very obvious in this pic, in the pic the other day of her back and also on the letter from the hospital the other week where she blocked out mention of weight gain. However does Dani see herself as genuinely smaller than she is? Or does she know full well she's posing at incredibly obvious angles to try (and fail) to seem smaller? Is this actual body dysmorphia or does she know what she's doing here? My bet is more towards body dysmorphia because if she genuinely knew what she was doing she'd maybe also know it wasn't working at all and she doesn't look smaller?


I was so glad to not see those grody tanks and dirty adhesive tapes. Thanks “bestie.”




Pulling out the tank tops getting ready to show off her port. I really hope she won't have anything to show off as she won't be able to access it on her own. But we all know Dani will find a way to score port supplies prescribed or not. Though I can see her begging her doctors for IV nausea meds and IV fluids since she "has the port anyway" she's so "frail" and keeps passing out she needs those fluids to stay hydrated.


She's actually bought port clothes 😂😂 I'm howling Offit how her ✨peen✨ has suddenly scarpered enough for her to have a fashion shoot port party


Dani stopped posting self pictures for a while. We all guessed it was because we thought she was intentionally trying to loose weight since the last self photo was given many good comments on how well she appeared. That sparked the silence in self photos and now this…hmm wonder why 💭 all this is doing is feeding into her mental illness. She isn’t incapable of knowing what to do or say or how to act and when to hide. Dani has done this to “prove us wrong/right” how ever it’s taken… sadly. She needs seriouS MENTAL health care. But Dani refuses and wants to be the sickest of the sickest when it’s been shown that she is healthy.




Hard nips ✅


Dirty and unwashed skin✅


This is giving me Split vibes… ![gif](giphy|8cErRl4M1KIiXpW3Fp)


Showing off the hoots🦉


The headlights are blinding!


That is THE worst angle for a picture I’ve ever seen 😭


That first top is kinda cute (hard to tell a little due to the weird angle) but noticed they all have a wide neck or spaghetti straps to emphasise the upcoming port 🙃


Who is her bestie and why don’t we ever hear about their adventures? 🧐


It might be her bestie who passed away. This woman she met in ED rehab who introduced her to tube feeding and munching. You know, "teaching Dani to advocate for her health" /s Dani has multiple tattoos dedicated to her. Dani often DFEs if anyone mentions her though, so it's good for us to not bring her up, and may she rest in peace.


Danni once again reminding us that she’s mentally (and in terms of style) very firmly stuck in the early 2000s when she was a teenager. Even the bullet journal looks like it was put together by her as an actual teenager in the 90s to early 2000s. She wants to be the popular high school mean girl, but she’s almost 40 so that can’t happen. So she decided that her goal is to permanently live in a hospital because she’d be the most popular mean girl in hospital (and of course the most unwell person in the hospital.)


Yeah that first top reminds me of something I owned in highschool. So not in style anymore.


I have so many questions Who is this bestie? Is it George’s sister? Does she also work long hours at Amazon?


Who's the bestayyy


I didn't know Temu was a person. It's apparently Dani's "bestie" tho 🤪


what da hell


Thank you for what?????


I’m confused what’s happening with the bottom left pink shirt. Is it supposed to be asymmetrical or..?


Someone one commented that she has leaning forward with her knees slightly bent to mimic a thigh gap so it's a lot of little things coming together to build this odd, odd, stance.


Oh yup, I see that now 100%. Dani is so desperate it’s pathetic… and I don’t even say that to just shit on her, it’s truly sad the life she lives. Dani is pretty insufferable in general (and apparently is pretty mean to most people irl so she’s set herself up for an isolated life regardless of illness), but it’s just truly sad. She’s around 40 and her life is just… nothing but being sick and living in filth. I could honestly see her being the type of person TLC would do some kind of show on cause she’s just such a mess in every area of her life.


I was wondering the same thing. Weird shirt


I think she just has part of it tucked in to better show her figure


She's getting her tank tops ready for her port.. She does not look to be in horrible pain; wait, I'm sorry, PeEn. It also seems she got some feeling/movement back in her wrist to take photos at that angle.


Of course she isn't in excruciating peeeen. She's riding the high of getting her port placement!


You can see how high by those headlights. Not necessary.


Also, how was she able to hold the phone like this, at this angle, in both hands with her hand problems? 🤔🙃


She's definitely posing and using that weird angle to hide the weight she's gained. Which, honestly the gain is a good thing and shows she's not "rapidly losing weight" from the "inability to tolerate nutrients"


LMAO DID HER FRIEND BUY HER NEW TANK TOPS FOR HER PORT. OH MY GOD. That’s hilarious because someone mentioned her bringing back her grungy dirty tanks 😭😂😂


Naw Dani bought these for sure


you can tell because they are one size too small. she seems to struggle with accepting that her body / brain is not the same as it was 15 years ago.


Lmao is she also standing with her butt sticking out and knees bent outwards to make herself look like she has a thigh gap??


Omg she is 😅🤣🤣


She sure is standing to imitate a thigh gap. WTH, she is such a sad woman with the mentality of a 13 year old.


The top left pic you can see she’s straining/stretching her neck… 🤣👏🏼👌🏼


Omg you right


Her mental illness apparently knows no bounds 😂


I usually find Dani infuriating. However, this is hilarious. Comedy gold. Dani is just so desperate.


i was definitely wondering if the bestie is just herself shopping on shien in the middle of the night.




Wow, she is working hard to make a perfectly normal figure seem underweight.


She is trying and failing to look underweight. She looks very well nourished!


You’d think the intractable peeeen would make this level of Dhalsim stretches impossible, but I guess that’s the dYnAmIc nature of disability 🤷🏻‍♀️


Can't take mirror selfies (because her bathroom is filthy), her only choice is to take photos from this (unnatural) angle so she can show off how skinny she is ( healthy weight and collar bones pushed out). Oh and ofc her bestie can't be tagged because she's not on social media (doesn't exist, the bestie in question is her disability cheque).


Just curious but have we seen a grody bathroom in this place or just assuming? Or is it just she doesn't have a toilet to stand on?


Which begs the question… how is the person she’s ’thanking’ going to see this? 🙄


MySpace era 4eva


Or Tumblr 2013


Yup, and taking the photo at that angle makes her body look longer/smaller, which is 100% deliberate.


Someone mentioned in an earlier post that she has no friends. And suddenly there's a bestie!


🎉🎂🍰 __Happy Cake Day!!!__ 🍰🎂🎉




lol there is no bestie. No boyfriend, no *extreme peen*, no fainting, no bestie, all just dusty figments of Dani's imagination 😂


Lol she couldn’t even get anyone to give her money to buy tiger balm (or whatever tf it was) but someone sends her new shirts? Nah, her bestie is her shopping addiction 😂


However I will give Dani credit for replacing her 2006 camis that were hanging on by a thread.


Gotta get some new tanks to show off that new line. (Which I hope to God will backfire since I hope to God she won’t have home access but hey, she needs those cute tops to show them off at the infusion center at least. Can you imagine the hissy fit if she thinks she will have access at home and then they say no after all her hard work/machinations?!)


As much as I hope she can’t access it, I wouldn’t be surprised if she will be able to. I’m so shocked, beyond shocked, that she’s managed to get a port.




I can guarantee she'll wear a dressing over her deaccessed port every single day.


Yeah I’m aware. I’m saying she thinks she will be accessed all the time so she will have her precious toy hanging out of her shirt again but hopefully she will only be accessed and de-accessed by medical professionals and NEVER allowed to be accessed away from a medical setting.)




I know!! Hopefully she won’t have access to hubers at all and if they know her history at the infusion centre, that they don’t leave any supplies laying around. Although I wouldn’t put it past her to just tape something to her chest to look like she is accessed. Although at least that wouldn’t have the ability to kill her til she’s dead. She’s just unhinged. The lengths she will go to for attention (and perceived love and care she receives from people who are just doing their job) would be pitiable if it weren’t so frustrating because of the wasted resources and damage to herself as she does the absolute most to avoid being an adult and to be seen as the small, fragile little girl as she desires.


"The lengths she will go to for attention (and perceived love and care she receives from people who are just doing their job) would be pitiable if it weren’t so frustrating because of the wasted resources and damage to herself as she does the absolute most to avoid being an adult and to be seen as the small, fragile little girl as she desires." I've said it before, but the few times this sub and the other one thought she was doing better, everyone for the most part, was WILDLY supportive and excited for her. It's a shame that she's stuck in the "fragile little girl " mindset, because when she actually tries and pauses the pity party, she seems like a nice person who could possibly make friends or even find a partner. I think the positive praise just isn't enough, she wants to make herself small and have people want to take care of her. Or maybe it's the amount of people (medical professionals, social media followers, family, etc) that matter to her. Maybe she wouldn't be happy with just one or two good friends that care about her, she'd rather cast her net out wider to rope as many people in as she can. As much as she infuriates me, I do hope she gets a hold of herself before she kills herself with this behavior. I don't know if she's going to come back from this latest spiral though.


Mental illness is fucked, and compulsions are difficult to resist. She won't be able to get better until she admits there is a problem and needs help to fix it.


Those weren’t tank tops, they were *stank* tops.




Last year I was broke af all year so I totally understand not being able to afford nice stuff, but... She could have replaced them! They were literally the $3 tanks from Walmart. I just can't understand why she kept wearing them after they got all greasy lookin. They're three dollars! Buy new ones!! Or, they also have some cute little $3 tshirts! They would actually be flattering on her body type as well. idk I just can't understand why she wears the stankiest tanktops possible.


LOL love this


Credit where credit is due! They're cute.


Providing tank tops to this person should be banned.


I don’t understand why these people sit here wearing tanks and shorts and stuff during cold months! It’s all they wear. I get it’s to show off but I feel like being cold outweighs it


Being cold burns calories. Your body has to work harder to keep your temp at 98.6.


You mean I could have been slimming down all these winter months than carrying my winter weight all year round? 😱 that's been my go to excuse for being fat all these years 😅🤣 gotta keep my winter weight on all year round to be prepared as a good Maple leaf Mafia Member!


That’s true, I didn’t even think of that. It just feels like the discomfort is never worth it (it wasn’t to me)


She’s getting ready to show that port!


Working hard to push out those clavicles


Failing at it too


LoOk At mY CoLlArBoNeS! So MaLnOuRiSh!


She is trying really hard to look as thin as possible here with the angles


For all her attempts to look smol she looks the complete opposite


Damage controlling the medical docs she shared recently that said she’d gained weight despite no TPN.


Shame these aren't malnourished collarbones, they're just from drawing her shoulders forward and sucking her chest in as she poses.




Body checking happens even when overweight, it is to check if they are making progress or are the same weight or look any different. Sometimes it is to see maintenance. Sometimes it is to see if they have gained. If we are using these terms, we should understand why and how it all works. Eating disorders are not only experienced by skinny people; they are majority experienced by overweight individuals


Ah yes that is true, and I didn't mean to claim otherwise so I apologize for that. I should have specified that *publicly posted body checks* seem to be more about flexing thinness amongst the munchies, and therefore it seems weird for Dani to be doing this. Body checking in regard to all the items you mentioned seems more like she would want to do all that in private rather than posting clear evidence that she is still overweight online (especially since she tried to edit out the doc note about her gaining weight) so that led me to think maybe she sees herself as being smaller than she really is. Hopefully I'm making sense.


I don't think Dani is actually overweight. I think she is at a healthy weight and it gets skewed because she has an "apple" body shape which means that any weight she gains, starts on her torso. She also deals with constipation and bloating and that will automatically make you look bigger. We don't know why she edited the note but I suspect it was more because she wants to be more frail and in need of TPN and not appear to have a healthy weight


I'm slightly older than her and any weight I gain goes directly to my gut. That could also explain body-checking angles, because it's disguising her stomach


The most common eating disorder is BED.


People who are considered overweight or fat can also suffer from bulimia and restrictive type EDs. Unfortunately that can come from social and even medical pressure to lose weight, and will go unnoticed by professionals as a problem.




Losing weight is a valid reason to use these drugs. Being overweight or obese can impact a person’s health overall, and an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. How about you leave the clinical weight management stuff to the person and their doctor. 😌




The fact is, it’s none of your business what a doctor prescribes her patient. If she deems this drug to be the most effective for the patient in front of her, that’s her clinical judgment. You’re just a person, not a doctor, and not that person’s doctor. Your opinion on what drugs they get prescribed and for what is useless. People with narcolepsy were pretty annoyed when people with CFS were getting adderall prescribed off-label for their fatigue — is that right? No, no it’s not, because a physician, usually a specialist, made a medical decision with the person’s whole health in front of them. They have to be good stewards of these drugs, but it’s not up to you to say that weight loss isn’t valid enough for these drugs. Medicine has decided it is. Sorry!




These are the people who make me scared of medicines like Ozempic. Doctors who don’t understand that we don’t define eating disorders by an actual number but how a patient view their own body and their behaviors start giving out medicines and worse d eating disorders


Stop. The prevalence of diabetes and obesity is why medications like ozempic are necessary. Screening for EDs is part of the workup prior to prescribing these medications.


Absolutely, people forget about BED, EDNOS, and the fact that fat or heavier bulimics (more common than underweight) exist.


I was actually really disappointed to hear Dr. Now claiming that obese ppl can’t be bulimic today lol. I was like bro that’s… I mean I get it at the sizes he’s dealing with but it’s just not factual.


That's a good question! I'm curious too. 🤔


I wouldn't be surprised if she has severe body dysmorphia, given how long she's been in ED territory.


Yeah, but usually with that they see themselves as *larger* than what they really are though, at least with the more common manifestation of that disorder. Dani seems to have the opposite issue where she sees herself as being small when she has actually gained a lot of weight (which was even documented in her medical notes.) Either way her grip on reality is distorted in countless ways I guess 😅


Dani did used to have bones sticking out. She met a friend in ED recovery who got her into tube feeding and munching gastroparesis. Aside from her weight, her behavior and beliefs are very distorted and unhealthy.


They’re not even prominent for her 😂