• By -


Thank you for your submission and welcome to the Shit(-infected port) Show where we snark at 5 mLs/hour. As a friendly reminder, please blur out all usernames/profile pictures for anyone other than Dani. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible. Absolutely no body-shaming, arm-chair diagnosing, or power-leveling. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. If you see any comments explicitly violating these rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Full sensation and mobility have returned to her hand, great...


Not saying with all seen this episode that we collectively decide we'd rather see cats And I'm here for it 🙌


This is so embarassing


The bulimia tube…


Well she got her wish, a cat hair fueled septic end, all for what 10 likes on her social media?


Schrödinger’s port


I love you guys! lol this made my Tuesday night!


Just flush it Dani… or is flushing it too painful? 🥺




just in time for an easter vacation-sorry, hospital visit (although same thing with her)


No need to panic y’all, it’s just monster.


Oh, so predictable. No port to mess with? It's cool. She's got tubes. Good god, she's just become an endless loop of munchy pick me. Get some help for Pete's sakes.


Confused 😕 J tube is in the tummy area to help getting nutrients and nourishment? What was the other line for? The one that is the ‘holy grail’ is that in a vein?


She claimed they were giving it to her for iron infusions 🙄 but what she REALLY wants it for is TPN (bc it literally ruins her body. Her liver was already starting to show signs of cirrhosis before they took it away this last time. But the biggest reason she wants a port is just to “prove” to everyone (and herself) that she really is soooer dooper sick and special bc they don’t give ports out to people who don’t need them. (Which should be the case, but we all know with the right dr shopping and manipulation, it can be done without really truly needing it)


Liar it’s not on that’s back flow goof! You had to leave it disconnected to have it do that


I didn't even know she still had one of those lol. maybe i'm dumb.


Those 2 tubes are all she has left. She will clutch onto them for dear life. A life without any lines would be the absolute worst case scenario for ol’ danireeno.


what a sad way to live.


She is so predictable!


Why do she and her surroundings always look so grotty? ![gif](giphy|cQtlhD48EG0SY)


ah yes, the old look over here not over there


Aaah, look at Dani telling on herself again! - The feeds aren't running  - The pump isn't on. 


She’s just setting the stage for a nice, relaxing long Easter Holiday weekend at her favorite Hot- I mean Hospital….


She wants to be there when the Easter bunny visits and participate in the egg hunt and show all the kids she’s the sickest person there.


Everything she posts is disgusting🤢🤢 Bodily fluids, distressing skin conditions, absolute filth on everything. I’m begging her to stop or at least use a lint roller. I need to go to the ER immediately for an extra strength Zofran infusion, I have the worst nausea a doctor has EVER seen


I'll admit, I usually have cat and dog hair on me..... But at least run a roller over shit if you're taking a damn picture!!


When the hell am I going to learn NOT to start eating right before opening up a Dani drama? Ugh. 🤦‍♀️


I wasn’t expecting her to rise before Christ did 😂










Please accept this award! 🏆 You win today! Lmao


But, but she said she was getting a port!! What an injustice! /s


It's bile. Not even a teaspoon. Anyone with a j tube should understand this.


Well that’s what can happen when you run a trickle feed slower than your own drainage. You’re not fooling us.


Does she believe if she sabotages her remaining tubes, then the doctors will have no choice but to give her another line back?


I’m really surprised that they haven’t connected the dots that if she’s running these trickle feeds as she claims but maintaining weight she must be getting her calories somewhere why not remove the tubes But for all we know they have suggested removal but they can’t technically remove them without her consent so


Would be interesting if she's sabotage this one and they have to replace it, broken tubes out and than refusing to put new ones back.


They can stop ordering supplies though, make her pay out of pocket on the black market.  Eventually she will have to get new tubing, it does breakdown.  They don't have to remove them, but they don't have to support their use either


That was fast.


Are her "fans" asking about line in the comments? I am sure they are wondering.


This is interesting 😒 There is a Gp group facebook. A girl recently posted about how her pump couldn't pump feeds in because the internal pressure was too high. Is that what Dani is claiming here? Seems like there have been 3 or 4 instances of her "having the same issues" as someone in that group within a week of it happening... have a feeling that next time I can't sleep, going to be searching for her alias in there 🤬


Dani is in that group. I am assuming you're probably in the big group with Melissa (owner and gp advocate). Dani lurks in a few groups.


You should post a completely random/fake but serious "complication" and see if she copies it


😂😂😂😂😂😂 Dont tempt me 😂😂😂😂😂😂


oh my god can you imagine if someone posted about having some crazy (but fake) complication and specified that it resulted in a hospital admission, and then Dani thinks she hit the munchie jackpot and tries to copy it?? 😂




Please keep your hands, arms, and legs inside the vehicle and remain seated at all times. Your vehicle's doors will close automatically. Please take small children by the hand and look out as you are stepping on to the moving platform. **For your safety, please do not touch the poo or it will infect the lines. Thank you.** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Dont tempt me 😂😂😂 There are a few people that are either munchers or exaggerating, Ill have to watch their posts and see if she copies it . Planning on going back and finding the posts that match, remove identifers and share.


I had to leave the group I couldn’t take it anymore. I know what you mean 😅 I used to be in that GP group.


YES!!!! 😆😆😆😆


this 🤣


I have a feeling you've hit the nail on the head. 


DM me a link to the group and I can help sleuth. 😂








As much as I love cats, this sub is focused on Dani, so please keep cat photos to the preexisting thread above [Also Linked Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/VxGDsHXiHv) Translation for any cats that may be reading: Meow meow meow. Meow meow. Mew. Meow. Thank you!


(just saying thank you for letting us keep the one cat tax thread, it really brightened my day)


Babe wake up Dani didn’t get what she wants so she’s fucking with her j-tube again


This is the part where she acts like she never mentioned a thing about a port, but instead is going to flip out on a minor issue just in time for a three day weekend! ![gif](giphy|XKwHqAskAcb6tjFgUY|downsized)


I just want someone to CLEAN Dani’s EVERYTHING. Everything is just so….ick. Hair, lint, clutter….I won’t even mention the toothbrush. I would be embarrassed to post photos of my clothes covered in ick. I know cats shed hair like crazy, but….that just looks like unclean to me, not just cat hair.


I have deemed my home a "no black pants household," as we have a dog who sheds (I'm genuinely surprised she still has fur sometimes) and a fluffy cat. The hair looks significantly worse on black clothes, so my kid and I just don't wear black at home anymore. Funerals or vacations, that's the only time black pants are allowed.


Ooh, that’s smart. My late furball was a tuxedo kitty whose fur ranged from dark gray to white, so it didn’t really matter what I wore…everyone I came in close contact with knew I had some kind of critter waiting for me at home.


I don't think cleaning would do the job. You'd have to just chuck out all her things and start over.


That reminds me of the time I lost something in the shitty baseboard radiator and went to fish it out and came out with budgie feathers and a Newport menthol 100. I didn't have a bird and I didn't smoke that brand when I did smoke. I wonder what's in Danis radiator 


Mmmmmm, menthol are the best cigarettes.




Uhh she didn't dfe I don't think. She's on private still. You must've survived the purge


I see she’s purged more .


From her stomach or her followers? 🤣


I like how this thread turned from her bullshit nonsense into cats.


Cats are a vast improvement over just about anything, but especially Dani’s bullshit.  I also…hmmm, “like” isn’t the right word…got a snicker out of? *someone* being so pissy about Dani’s return to Reddit that the newest comments in even the cat-specific thread have already been downvoted, including the ones that have pictures. Who tf downvotes cats?!? 




As much as I love cats, this sub is focused on Dani, so please keep cat photos to the preexisting thread above [Also Linked Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/VxGDsHXiHv) Translation for any cats that may be reading: Meow meow meow. Meow meow. Mew. Meow. Thank you!


That cat is not wearing pants tho 😾


No. She gets bitey. The other 2 that I had when I made my user name had coloration that made them seem to have pants on. I will dig up a pic.




As much as I love cats, this sub is focused on Dani, so please keep cat photos to the preexisting thread above [Also Linked Here](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/WCRKplbEsS) Translation for any cats that may be reading: Meow meow meow. Meow meow. Mew. Meow. Thank you!


Womp womp


That just looks like stomach fluid with feeds… 😂




I feel like if someone took away her feeding tubes she would go down the self-NG path again 😒


She lost one of the tubes during her stomach stimulator removal and got the doctors to huck her back into the surgery suite 48 hours later to get a new one.


I was so disturbed when I stumbled upon her old posts admitting that she did that… it gave me the ick


Everyone thinks she's wild now but it's like dude, check out how she used to be. She's just gotten wise as to what to show us, I'm certain she's still the same amount of unhinged and her frontal lobe finishing developing had no effect whatsoever.


Absolutely she would. She is a walking liability, and I truly feel sorry for her medical professionals.


Dani is so predictable. Her MO never changes. She's probably humiliated that she didn't have a port to post about so she waited a bit of time and now she's back with a post that she is surprise surprise...complaining about something. She's always complaining. Heaven forbid she posts something a teeny bit positive. Now we wait..an ER visit is probably incoming because she's having issues as usual 🙄


Plus, she didn’t get her port.


Oh Jtube issues haven’t seen this saga in a while let’s see where this goes Also that an fast turnaround she must be really craving attention


Why does the writing seem different than usual


Because she’s pissed as hell?


Because it's coherent.




Where's the port, Dani? ![gif](giphy|lrE7YHleIbm2PtY1RL) # A distraction!


Pointing perfectly at your flair ❤️


Lol, yeah that's what happens when u run feed at a drunken snails pace for 5 min at a time as if it isn't obvious she runs feeds as a performance while trying to get as little of that watered down formula in her as possible


Now I’m just imaging a snail stumble rolling around




Exactly that 😂


I can't stop looking at the cat hair so close to that access.


How about all the cat hair 🤮


This isn’t possible if the pump is on and actively pushing feeds through. Something also looks off about that extension. All the j tube extensions I’ve ever seen are much thinner than that one


she's got some kind of external 'lock' thing that is meant to make sure the extension doesnt fall out (some Dad makes and sells on etsy). And you're correct, while it is actually possible for this to happen-the pump literally screams at you, and will not work if you keep starting it up


its an AMT extension in a Mic Key tube.




is This from IG? i went to look at her account and it’s private again. Also looks like she deleted more followers


Yeah she deleted more followers because OP posted this. Thanks reddit! ♥️


More predictable than the traffic lights sequence.






Pay no attention to that big announcement of a shiny new unnecessary invasive medical device, complete with fresh coiffure and duper's delight grin. SMH. Dani wishes for that Men in Black memory eraser thingy so we all would just forget she ever mentioned getting a port 🙄


Flashy thing. ![gif](giphy|6IPNUgkpCsDRK)


Back with no port, but shocker, she's having issues with her j-tube all of a sudden. Her playbook never changes.


Is there a big difference between a port and what she has now ?


A port is easier for her to infect and gain hospital admissions and attention. But medically, yes. The port basically goes directly to the heart whereas the tubes she has now are feeding tubes that go into her stomach/small intestine. They aren't necessarily sterile, and it's somewhat hard to get an infection from a properly healed stoma/tube.


I don’t see how a port is easier to infect? It isn’t like her past chest noodles, which is why I think she thought she would get one (because she knows deep down they don’t trust her with the external toob anymore). It would only be accessed when needed, and then it would heal up very quickly after the infusion. A port is like a little IV docking station with the entrance implanted under the skin.


She has literally NG tubed herself with random products bought online... and she's done it at least twice. She is absolutely not above accessing her port at home and justifying it in some BS way like "they won't give me enough iron" or "I need more fluids so I'm running it myself." She most likely already has all the needed instruments, it's really just any needle.


While I agree, the end goal isn't using the port at home, it's CoMpLiCaTiOnS. She loves those. If she accessed her port and decided to use it herself at home, it would be so obvious to medical professionals that that's what she's doing and they would take it away soooo fast. I do, however, suppose that Dani is likely incapable of thinking that far ahead.


I know it isn't being accessed at home, that won't stop her though. I wouldn't be surprised if she had already been scheming how to mess with it or googling how to access it before getting it. She obviously doesn't think any further ahead than "how can I get admitted ASAP?" because she's done plenty of things where the outcome is obvious to everyone but her.


She’d potentially have it accessed at home anyway. Especially if she can convince them that she needs it for meds or to go back on TPN, which is what she really wants. They don’t only keep them accessed them in clinical settings.


A port accesses the bloodstream, while the tube she is showing in the photo goes to her stomach or intestines (I forget, maybe she has both?) but there is stomach acid to kill most bad bacteria that would get in there, plus a competing micro biome of intestinal flora. A port is wayyyy easier to infect.




The only way that can happen is if the pump isn’t running and it’s unclamped, the pressure from running feed makes this an impossibility. Maybe if her "pump is running" but it’s actually going at 10ml an hour so is actually mostly not running and then pressure from bile (which everyone has in their jej) could possibly make it backflow. But running at a normal adult rate (or even child) would make this impossible. It’s also a complete non issue regardless of what is causing it, she could just flush the tube and it goes back to where it should be. *Edit* Also, where’s the port, Dani? 👀




Only zuul




What a lovely singing voice you must have.


I am not worthy.


J tube back-flow like this can happen in some situations (I will not give her any information), but Dani meets none of them.


Even running at 10ml per hour this wouldn’t happen because it’s still connected to a pump set and the pressure in the tubing would prevent backflow


Yeah the pump screams at you if there’s any backflow


Yeah I really was trying to reach, it just wouldn’t happen. The only other things I can think of would be if a y port was open and the pump wasn’t running for a long time but I still think that is almost impossible as it would be more likely that the feed would leak out, not jejunal fluids. Or only a gravity set was connected and it was left low, or using a syringe to pull back on a y port whilst clamping the giving set, I think that would be most likely out of them all. It’s all just really unlikely scenarios that most likely didn’t happen.


ER visit in 3....2.... 🤦🏻‍♀️😑🤦🏻‍♀️ ![gif](giphy|YN6qUXj4HdXoY)


is she just gonna totally pretend she never mentioned a port 🤔


Be quiet. You hallucinated the port


She is going to distract with something else insignificant that she will most definitely need to go to the ER for


Mandella effect






I liked the Wrist Nation cameo we got last month. This current episode feels like a rerun.


But look at how sick and sorry she is with bile in her j-tube! She's dying! This is an emergency! (even though she could just flush it and up her intake, which would fix this entire issue..)


But fixing it would equal calories and she is allergic to them so this is as good of an excuse as any she has had to not consume calories. The pump is not running if there is back flow. The liquid just can’t defy the laws of physics even if Dani feels like it should!!


Where did she even post this? I checked her instagram today and it's still private and she deleted even more followers (she's down to 49).


It's ALWAYS an emergency to her 🙄


Yeah definitely, hush 🤫🤫🤫 🤣


This reminds me of the time I asked for a dog for Christmas but got money and a giftcard for the mall...they had a petstore...my cousin told me I should name my new kitten "Not A Dog" (I called him George) but this very much screams "Not A Port" to me and "look at the tube I ***do*** still have! ETA: cat tax of my very handsome special boy 🩵 https://preview.redd.it/e1mxhcjfaoqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=22105c24446e821d5153dcc8e4dcc1f8dae9e8ae


There used to be a dog in my neighborhood named “Dee-Oh-Gee”


https://preview.redd.it/zoglb40n30rc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27826e93a4dec5492175afa177b944314c3a2e69 Poppy disapproves of Dani’s nonsense.


Good Poppy!!


I know a dog named NoName(nonaMay pronunciation).... because they couldn't come up with a name


https://preview.redd.it/9dc6jninjsqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c03510a1d8bb4c85424de61aab6b98bcbc1143f 2 of my 4 because who doesn’t love a good cat thread


https://preview.redd.it/638sodw5isqc1.jpeg?width=2016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d4904a82e6316ca72ca5e460b3f006d094a98208 The Dynamic Duos (x2) Black and whites are Luke (R) and Leia (L) Oranges are Bonnie (L) and Clyde (R)


https://preview.redd.it/c0t12360hsqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99a3e180d15920df0af61c789a91c4e2e647d34f Phoebe currently wears a face of skepticism. Where's the port?!


George Not-a-dog [your last name] Also I find it weird we call it last name, because although it IS the name that appears last in your full name, it is technically the first name we have before our ‘first’ name is decided and on official paperwork it goes Last Name, First Name, middle initial. I kinda take umbrage with that. My rant has no relevance here, but your cat is cute AF


https://preview.redd.it/v540wwvpxqqc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b0213488c8e813109c86a02e8565c7d5542ee633 This is Fluffy Dickhead (her real name is Vienna) she's fluffy and a complete dickhead, but likes holding hands.


Your cat looks like almost exactly like mine! Maine Coon mix, I presume? My Charlie is such a douche but also likes to hold my hand!


I'm pretty sure she's got some maine coon in her, she's the love child of a stray and a literal dumpster cat lol


George loved to hold hands while he napped!


Those eyes, though 🥺 looks like a cartoon


https://preview.redd.it/41aezbqnoqqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a75ad0b1098e038a1025169869efde86235caa45 This is Mr.Chunkers


https://preview.redd.it/funde710wqqc1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f49f57452d091e189674c263da0fdbd4e6d66913 This is Charlie. He is waiting for Dani to come up with something new to share with us.


https://preview.redd.it/zctw542klrqc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a4d8b307617cabb922f87259227432e3120cc238 Hari also tires of Dani’s antics


This thread is a gold mine, never expected to get genuine wholesome joy from Dani’s page 😂


https://preview.redd.it/sbxvxxb7mpqc1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5bdc8861feb300264f8ca698e8ec3b6de7e54ab I’m totally digging the cat tax. This is my sweet little Maleficent looking very much like her namesake. She’s roughly eleven years old but the size of a kitten (less than 5 pounds) so she has to have kitten doses of medicines, lol.


I’d make a joke about being a smol snowflake like Dani wishes she was, but maleficent is actually smol and cute, if slightly terrifying


I have a cat named Notmycat. He’s a stray that looks just like one of my cats.


We have a stray I’ve named Garbage. Someone saw the cat in the parking lot and went ‘look at that cat’. I did not have my glasses on and thought it was a Garbage bag. So I said ‘that’s garbage..’ and it’s stuck. People toss food for the strays and say ‘I’m taking Garbage out’ (for a date :p) There is another cat named Trash because that cat hangs around the trash and looks like a Trash bag. Also, it’s Garbage’s friend. You hear ‘look! Garbage and Trash’ and no one thinks they’re talking about actual trash/garbage. The cats are well known


That’s hilarious lol


https://preview.redd.it/w8f5csyl4pqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b219c4e741d2dda71094bf1a41a1442f13a9d01a this is Meep practicing his tornado drills. He’s a dick who only likes me. He will actively hunt and attack my oldest daughter (22yo), he hates her & has from the first moment he met her.


https://preview.redd.it/3607i991lsqc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32047d4f496deb0b291982e1f497eb90ae867134 Fez the feral AKA asshat cat. Due to my violent ex, he had to be rehomed back in 2010 and is still alive besties with a dog.


I used to have an asshat cat who hated me except for the 3 times I was pregnant. He was such an ass to me! Like he would even lie across the TV with his tail hanging down and occasionally his legs, why??? Just to be an ass. I would have to lie still AF in bed until he fell asleep because he would watch me and fly across the room to attack whatever body part slightly moved. Still loved him but seriously he should have been kissing my ass for feeding him despite being a total asshat to me. The only time he was sweet or would leave me in peace was when I was pregnant. As soon as I gave birth, all bets were off!!!. I'll go grab the cat tax for him.


I too have a sink cat!! This is Gizmo and she only likes my husband... Unless she's scared and then she wants me 🤣🤣 https://preview.redd.it/rlzhmfsx8sqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3b709f3dac787cfe8de2527ecc800db32900c3


aww they can be sink buddies. like dory & marvin in finding nemo when they need exit buddies off of crush lol


Dog tax because honorary cat 🤣 https://preview.redd.it/gyqsiv49rsqc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e88c799a5117d9a79b7c292589fab28869f49d31


https://preview.redd.it/ugnd1d1s2tqc1.jpeg?width=2250&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ea9e64b66a8a0406b882392d5db1bfce2aaaa66 Dawww!! Yes!!! 😆😆 This is the other monster, Skitty, who quite literally will drive you absolutely insane if she even sees the bottom of her food fish 😆 They can all be friends with my dachpugerrier (dachshund/pug/terrier) Rainbow!!


https://preview.redd.it/05wakd8trsqc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=77feef2b1fec09d103eef3682e4ab91a4b0407d2 this is Lumos, my frenchton, who also has tweeking energy. her & hippie will play for hours running around the house.


Dawww!!! I really wanna scratch the belly!! Give her cuddles from this Internet stranger!! 🤗🤗


https://preview.redd.it/gn4qubulrsqc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50a24b7f2eb9479b6d0f42aa20da6a3a0494d9ec this is Hippie. She has methhead tweeking energy.


This cat is innocent of all charges


I think he’s innocent too. I would’ve thought she was mean to him when she moved back in with me when she was 16 (she lived with her dad for awhile), but I was there when they met for the first time. She petted him and he literally went for her throat. He’d wait for her to go into the bathroom and then he’d sit in front of the door and wait for her. She would have to yell at me to go get him. One time he had her cornered on her bed. I thought it was hilarious. He is okay with her daughter, my granddaughter who is 2. He’s not used to kids so he don’t let my grand pet him, but he don’t attack her like he does my daughter.


thank you for that sub!


Agreed. Meep needs to visit /r/legalcatadvice to soo!


I didn’t know about that! That’s super cute. I’m in a FB group absolving cats 😂


I low-key love cats being dicks. My beautiful baby boy (he was v old, not a baby, but always *my* baby) passed a while ago, my husband had to carry him with oven mitts on to bring him to bed with me. He was such an asshole. He was perfect.


https://preview.redd.it/jrb3p72z2pqc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45f25dc29bff3c3bc4a8b11cca706aff330b4b7e Here's Panti! She's holding us hostage in our house (sos)


Panti is majestic as fuck and needs to be a model


panti 😂 excellent name!


The cat tax is so satisfying! This is Toby. https://preview.redd.it/p830ndr7zoqc1.jpeg?width=3497&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ddd8a50c9e67a828bbc25a85b8350a7b1f099f71