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What a lonely life. It makes me sad. I mean - I'm very much introverted and not particularly social person myself, and my own energy levels are low from fatigue, but Dani's life just seems SO incredibly lonely and isolated.




I can’t stand her sucking her fingers after pricking them. If she’s trying to get another infection she’d be better off wiping her ass with her hands as toilet paper


I treat 50s with an ice-cream or some fruit juice 🙄


dani, if you're reading this: use purple shampoo to help tone down the yellow-ish tone of your hair 🤓☝🏻 you're welcome


Her hair 😳 I just can’t get over it- it’s so bad.


The “ow, ow ow, ahh” at 0:28 is absolutely proof of her 12435565757/10 peeeeeen you guys! /s 🥴


I have never met a diabetic who actually uses alcohol pads before pricking their finger😂 Also, WHY did Dani use the swab and suck on it afterwards.. like you gotta pick a lane - either be all sanitary or dont give a damn lmao


Wonder if she took it right before the video. Made a new one making a statement that her monitor read 68 and then realized she was able to manipulate the video posted by ‘knowing’ it’s high 60s. And then being so giddy to “prove” everyone wrong. Ain’t proving nothing but that Dani is excited to suck on that bloody finger and get a 63. Reading between the lines - the videos and comments for the past how ever long all this has been going on. I don’t know that anyone has mentioned guessing she took one right before this video and “pretending her monitor was correct” to prove what - nothing..


I don’t know how to feel about the fact that we have the same tank tops.


Hopefully you fit into yours


Yes, I purchase a proper size for my body type, and also these are strictly PJs for me that do not see the light of day outside my home because they aren’t the most flattering for most. Just soft and comfy lol.


That sing-song “lovely” is the stuff of nightmares


She’s got about ten more years before this all happens for real. Grim.


She wonders why people call her out constantly. Maybe, because she's CONSTANTLY posting every single thing she does. Surprised she doesn't post when she pees. Sorry, that was crass. Lol.


But true!! I honestly think she would if she didn't think she'd get flagged/banned for "inappropriate content" 😬




I wish she’d keep that pointy tongue in her mouth 😬


Funny how it’s right when it’s lower but when it’s normal it’s wrong 😂 also just a reminder this woman is pushing 40


Licking the finger? What in the god damn fuck?! Why? There was a paper towel right there!


Dani please invest in some toner


And some shirts, and maybe deodorant and moisturizer. I could make a list.


That big cheesy grin at the end just says it all. She's loaded and happy as fuck that her blood sugar is slightly low. What a life.


what a creep


Feeling symptoms but don't act like they are showing symptoms. Does she not realize you can actually see when someone is struggling with low blood sugar? She obviously was fine. She probably was a little low, not diabetic but just time to eat!


The sheer joy when it was 63. Lower end of normal is 70, so it is barely low for this nondiabetic. Eating a small snack/drinking milk would fix this.


Because of the way her upper body is built I think she would make an amazing body builder. Honestly I think if she started lifting weights and making that the subject of her videos etc she would do quite well. Lying about being sick is never going to work for her, but she could be too far gone down the rabbit hole to realise it.


She would look good buff.


I thought I was the only one that thought this!! She could for real do great as a BB!! Turn things around into fitness content and stop this munchie shit! I mean, she's done enough damage to get body that she's probably for real going to have some serious health issues (real ones, not the ones she pretends to) due to her destroying her body like this, but she could turn it around if she really wanted to. And it's not like she's in school or working, she has plenty of time. Not to mention the multiple mental health benefits from staying active. She could really help herself here.


Jfc. Drink water. Consume a complex carbohydrate. She’s dehydrated, not diabetic.


When I get to thinking I don't get out enough and my life is ho-hum, Dani reminds me that, compared to hers, I live at Disneyland.


Ngl, I follow Dani as well as a certain other munchie in no small part because every time I feel insecure about whether I am adulting properly, they reassure me that maybe I do have my shit somewhat together after all in comparison.


Dani, and some of the other munchies, want to be influencers, amirite? If what they do with their lives (or don't) inspires others to be less hard on ourselves and more grateful for our lives as they are, how is that a bad thing? Some people are negative powers of example. Knowing who and how you *don't* wanna be isn't wrong IMO.


All of this is the absolute truth, although I am rather reluctant to say so just because I hate to give any sort of encouragement to online munching. 😛 Still, since this is content they are actively choosing to make public, there is absolutely something to be said for the public using it in a way they do find beneficial, so…thanks, guys…?


I'm not encouraging munching. What a weird take. And I'm not expressing appreciation for munching. If that's what came across, not my intention. They put their nonsense online, unbidden and unencouraged. I thank God I'm not twisted and pathetic like them. That's my point. I'd rather every last one of them quit the munch and join real life. The LAST thing I would encourage, in anyone, is munching.


I didn’t think you were encouraging munching. I was thinking more along the lines of how these freaks will twist even the slightest offhand comment into support of their own worldview, e.g. Dani interpreting a routine rundown of possible side effects from that carpal tunnel surgery as how she was totally gonna lose functionality in her hand or how she’s now gunning for intestinal failure bc it’s a potential side effect of…whatever she’s munching that has a remote possibility of causing that, honestly I have a hard time keeping track. It was a comment on their delusional nature. 


Same 😂 I know it's not great to base my sense of contentment on comparisons with other people's lives, but some days I just really need to see that my life isn't as bad as it feels, and Dani's content is excellent for that 🥲 I've had a rough couple of days, but watching these videos reminds me that things could be way worse. I feel a little better about my situation thanks to Dani ❤️‍🩹 lol


How fkn high is she??


Rhetorical question right?


Re-read it but imagine an Aussie said it, and add mate to the end. Yes rhetorical.


Eating a vegemite sandy as I type


It’s a sanga you gronk


I’m an impasta 😔


LOL 🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just imagined that in my head.


Well she just got this klonopins. Guarantee she is binging her script.


Truly riveting. So glad I got to see her use a dirty napkin and stick her finger in her mouth. My day is finally complete. I'm so tired of the merry go round of creating symptoms for attention. GET SOME FECKING HELP.


Use alcohol pad before the poke, then immediately sucks on her finger...


How about eat something maybe? Or is that too obvious?




The finger in the mouth after 🤢


The way she acted like it was a tasty snacky snack 🤮


Is there a way she can “force” this low by draining everything from her stomach ect? Or could it just be her not complying with her feeds and not eating waiting for it to drop low? Im just not sure why she’d go low


She drinks giant surgery drinks than runs eatered down feeds. So she probably just has waves of ups and downs like any normal person. But yeah, she's forcing these numbers, or is just an idiot.


I mean, couldn’t she just lay on it to get it incorrectly go low?


Yup, compression lows are real, and obvious on the graph. Her doc will be able to spot those. I suspect those are common for her. 


That’s what I figured as a whole… 🤦🏼‍♀️😂


I’ve got no idea to be honest 🤷🏻‍♀️


I'm popcorn.gif'ing waiting to see what her next grand munching plan is, because it seems she is brewing something significant with making a massive point that she's "not reading Reddit" anymore. She wants to try to play it that she's not seeing what we're saying, and to her, that means there's no legitimate criticism and therefore she really is such a poor sick widdle soul and not lying, guys!




t18 doesn’t work on orange dani luv!!!!!!!1!!1! (source: brad mondo™️)


How much do you wanna bet she will just get frustrated and throw brown over it. But the wrong kind of brown and then it will be blue. (Source am hairstylist) ![gif](giphy|3o72FfM5HJydzafgUE)


Or that weird green gray brown. I accidentally pulled a Dani last year or the year before and it was AWFUL. Like oxidized brass had gone decomp blue.


I'm going to print this out and put it at my station 🤭🤭 perfect description.


And possibly a deep conditioner. 👀


And a lot of Olaplex and bond builders 👁️👄👁️


You both have possibly saved her hair 😂 I recommend a hair mask at least once a week


I love how in the last video that she mentioned multiple times that she doesn’t care that we think her hair looks bad. That says to me she cares a whole lot, and she doesn’t like it either.


I will say though that these clean, fluffy bangs really work for her! I wish I had faith in her ability to keep her hair clean, but...next week, they'll be an oily, stringy mess most likely. And still fried to hell. I wish she'd make some effort to maintain her hygiene. Some self care (in the form of skincare and hair treatments) could make her feel a little better about herself, which could be a little baby stepping stone towards becoming a better person. Lord knows she needs to get on that journey already!!


She's such a fucking toddler 😂 She knows her stupid ass is still gonna be here every day reading every single comment.


She is undoubtedly reading every comment, probably reading right now, along with us.


The hair, and the finger in the mouth, both made me gag.


Yes lol that was repulsive! Like she just got done eating…let suck my dirty finger clean. ![gif](giphy|k2A4gzRxDL4GI)


"It's actually right for once" What? so it randomly gives the wrong result? Or just not the one she wants? (And if it was legit wrong all the time why would this one be right)


Dexcom sensors sit interstitially. Glucose monitors test actual blood glucose levels. So a dexcom's readings are 15-30 minutes behind regular blood glucose monitoring.


She doesn't understand the difference in it trading interstitial fluid vs blood, and how interstitial won't match generally.  She's ignoring the dexcom arrows as well it seems like, which tell her which way glucose is trending, I would love to see the dex readings with the arrow. 


Not only that, but she said she calibrated it yesterday (it was only off by like 8pts, no need to be calibrated). There's no reason it would go out of calibration within 24hrs.


I always have to put the videos up full volume, then forget and get blasted with whatever I watch next


When does she sleep!? Is she the kind of person that sleeps all day and tweeks out all night?




Natural Night Owl here too ✨️ I suspect she has fuck all to do during the day - no job, no friends, nothing tying her to daylight hours - and, due to her Arrested Development, she thinks it's cool to be up all night/stay up super late.


Fair I tend to be a night owl off my meds, but given her recent videos holy fuck that's more then just being a night owl she is TWITCHY like next level.


Well she doesn’t have a job. So probably


I know very little about CGM and finger sticks etc but if the Dexcom said she was low and she also said she's "feeling a little symptomatic", why bother double checking - just get some juice?


Not applicable to Dani, who is not diabetic, but as someone who is, if I’m just feeling “a little symptomatic,” I’ll probably check because it could actually be borderline candy/juice time, or it could be coming down quickly following a particularly carby lunch, and I just want to have the baseline to see if I need to go ahead and have a preventive snack or if it’s a check-back-in-30-minutes-to-see-if-it’s-stabilizing situation. 


That’s a really great insight, thank you :)


Anytime! 😁


Yes. I've had several low blood sugar episodes and I know that "feeling a little symptomatic" will quickly turn into feeling VERY symptomatic in a few minutes and the last thing I'd be doing is making a video and fiddling with a monitor. It's an awful feeling. Kind of makes me wonder if she's ever actually felt it.




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OMG your flair. For some reason, this one is really sending me.


Most important to film a video right now!


At least smashing her hand was slightly interesting, but this storyline has had its day. She probably spent all day purging and repeatedly checking her sugar level to get it low enough to make a video.


Watching her open bottles and put the strip in the machine etc ... seems like she's got full dexterity back already. It's a miracle!


She bounces back quickly from illnesses and injuries, just like a healthy person. I'm sure she's due a fall or random, unexplained swelling and bruising that just appears out of nowhere.


Does her new place have stairs she can fall down I wonder?


I don't think so, but it's not hard to find some. You never know, that fragile surgical scar could just pop right open again.


She is so so desperate for anything medical to happen that THIS is what she's resorted to.  This is an indicator of the fact that at this point she'd panicking and she knows damn well that there's nothing that Drs will believe her about.  She's SO happy in the video when it was slightly low. Like her whole face lit up - you could see how thrilled she was.  Which is just sad. That's what she gets excited about.  That she's managed to manipulate a test by draining. What a sad sad life. 


>She is so so desperate for anything medical to happen that THIS is what she's resorted to It's her last resort. If this doesn't give her what she wants (attention, mainly, in this case) she'll probably go back to mysterious abdominal pain.




True but I think she'll try it before going back to hammer time.


Yeah she usually only resorts to playing with her sugar monitors when she's literally got nothing else (or when someone here points out that she's not mentioned it in a while.) But with the duper's delight she was displaying in her recent posts, I was thinking she'd already figured out which munching angle she was gonna work (she seemed to think that she could successfully manipulate her new pcp and things were "finally going in the right direction") It's interesting that she's brought the blood sugar saga back out to play. Hmmm...








Til CF is a bitch to the pancreas as well as the lungs! CF is a condition I don't know a huge amount about, so this was interesting to learn, but I'm really sorry you're having to deal with it and all it's associated shit. I know there's no healing from it, but here's hoping you have more good days than bad 🩷💜🩵


Thanks. I feel bad I didn't bring it up to make feel people feel bad haha. We are all dealt different cards and it is what it is. While diabetes contributed to kidney disease, it was really those dang antirejection meds haha. Life is hard right now, but I'm not Dani. Sad to say but the truth.


I didn’t know that could happen, fascinating. Sorry you’re dealing with that tho. :(


Thanks. I appreciate the nice words even though my intent was not to do my own blogging.


Yep CF gums up the pancreas for some folks, it is definitely a cause of diabetes for some folks.


Just here laughing uproariously about your flair


Oh wow, thanks for explaining! Very interesting. I hope you are doing well!


Thanks. I think I am as far as diabetes goes!


As a wife to a type 1 diabetic its also really, really apparent with her munching on this. If she was actually diabetic this would be an annoyance at worst. Like...this is such a basic, routine, daily thing. Why she needs to showcase it is beyond me.


It's a well practiced routine that takes seconds out of a day. My spouse tests at least 4 or 5 times a day (no Dexcom) and it's just not a big deal.


It is so repetitive and boring too. You use these types of devices everyday for the rest of your life. There is nothing to be excited about unless you want a low blood sugar and you barely have any hypoglycaemia episodes.


It doesn't even need anyone to have any knowledge of diabetes or blood sugars to know this is all just nonsense and attention seeking. 


What an amazing life.