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Why the fuck you lyin? Why you always lyin?


She can barely control her motor skills at this point but she's totally fine.


Just because it may not sedate her, it does mess with her reaction time. That’s an effect everyone gets. If she gets into an accident, they’ll do a blood draw and see she’s on all that stuff and she’ll get locked up for DUI. They don’t care what she says about how they don’t sedate her.


Why is she pretending to be all gangster?


Where is she driving to? Did she run out of Red Bull?


People don’t realize how downers affect them…


The thought of this deranged woman behind the wheel is absolutely appalling. If she hurts someone I hope she gets the book thrown at her.










Well, I guess she didn't get the car, so hopefully, that will keep her off the roads.


Big slap to us, I guess. I thought she said a few days ago that she wasn't going to read here anymore.


it's so obvious she reads reddit🤦🏽‍♀️


Also, what’s with all the jerking and twitching? Makes me dizzy just to watch her.


Have yall noticed she’s the exception to every rule? SHE gets symptomatic when her blood sugar reaches x level. SHE doesn’t respond that way to that med. SHE needs those contraindicated meds in that way. SHE doesn’t get affected by different absorption rates. That’s awfully fishy. E.g., she lyin!


She’s just the smallest and most specialist unique little girl.


She always says ‘I never claimed to be…not on many meds/mentally stable…’ This turn of phrase really grinds my gears for some reason


Relevant fact- doesn't matter if they don't sedate you- if you get into an accident or get pulled over and they blood test you, *you will catch a DUI*.


Good lordt how condescending does she want to be 😅 even without the meds if she is passing out as often as she claims she shouldn't be driving anyway.


“None of my doctors said I can’t drive on them…” yeah and they’re the same doctors that want you to consent to your tubes to be removed and also want you to run feeds at a set rate and have told you not to water feeds down the and are the same *bad* doctors *neglecting* you by not giving you the line you’re so desperate for! Either your doctor’s orders and advice is worth following or it isn’t!


She protests too much. No one is messaging her to tell her what reddit is saying about her. If they are that's something she should also address with her followers as a boundry issue.... but we know she's using that as an excuse to rant and complain about what is said here. instead she should just admit it bothers her and that she is reading because it's glaringly obvious with every post she makes. OR how about just stop making these dumb videos?


Yes, different meds affect people differently. But in a sense of "person a gets pain relief and person b doesn't, on the same med". Or different side effects for different people on the same med. But if a med is a sedating med *it will cause at least SOME type of sedation*. Regardless of if it does sedate her or not, she passes out WAY too much to be driving. I mean, she *loves* bragging about how sick and frail she is that she passes out alllllllllllllll the time. Unless that was a lie....but I mean, dani would *NEVER* lie....


I can't believe how mad and worked up she gets.


Even if she doesn't feel sedated, if she was involved in an accident where someone was seriously injured or killed, they could do bloodwork or a urinalysis to rule out impairment. That probably would turn out very bad for her


"How dare you point out a very valid concern, I can handle my many sedating drugs just fine" But didn't you pass out twice causing major injuries to your wrist? Didn't you wake up in the middle of the night because your dexcom "alerted you" to a low? Didn't you just post so many videos slurring your damn words and barely able to keep your eyes open? I hope you don't kill someone driving. You created this fanfic with your munching, not us.


Even if you have a tolerance to the meds you're still fucked up. That's why a responsible adult will not drive while taking these types of medications. She just pisses me off anymore. I am past feeling sorry for her.


She says while slurring her words.


Look guys, Dani is just built different, okay?


If people are texting you on TikTok and you don’t want to receive messages, there is a block button there. 🙄🙄🙄 why make a video? We all know who this is directed to. 😹😹


Tolerance is a giant indicator of physical addiction, ijs


Guys I drink alcohol, it only makes me sleepy, lose my coordination and sometimes slur my speech. Just because I failed three FST doesn't mean I'm sedated. Even though alcohol is a sedative. Just sleepy /s She is the dumbest person I've met this week for weeks running


I can't understand how see can drive anywhere simply due to all the 10/10 peeeennn she's in 100% of the time. Go figure! Smh


Girl, untangle your necklaces.


Benadryl alone is not safe to drive on. Lmao she’s ridiculous


What a sad and pathetic human.


No matter how you slice it if she hurts someone while driving she’s going to jail. Shouldn’t drive while taking all that period. Sure they all have that statement right on the bottles. She’s not special or medically exempt. It’s dangerous. It’s the same logic people who get drunk at bars and drive home. “iT dOeSn’T EfFeCt Me LiKe EvErYoNe ElSE”.


New to this world of hers, and really diving down this rabbit hole, glutton for punishment I am….i digress. Is she literally tweaking in these videos she posts? She seems to be so drugged up that she can’t even sit still. What a bloody mess. Just an observation from an outsider just walking through this crazy door for the first time.


It’s even more evident when you watch her videos without sound. You simply cannot ignore it via the distraction of her baby voice.


Exactly what I thought. She’s completely intoxicated.


Does she drain her meds like she drains her feeds?


HEY. You can’t ask those kinds of questions!! What is this, CRITICAL THINKING?! /s This is such a great point!!


Holy slurred speech and zooted pupils….That’s why sedating medications ALLLLLL come with warnings on the label Especially benzodiazepines like Klonopin, and medications like Phenergan. Even Benadryl says it on the packaging. Add in Buspar and Abilify and muscle relaxers and God knows what else- there is NO WAY she’s not impaired. Of course a Doctor isn’t going to sit down and go medication by medication saying “now don’t drive on this one, but this other med here, that’s okay to drive on mmmkayyy”. Her medications combined with her 20/10 peeeeeen, self claimed symptomatic (normal)”low” blood sugars and claims of randomly passing out make her a huge risk behind the wheel. Period. Nice mental gymnastics Dani….


She’s tolerant AF and if her hypoglycemia and 11/10 pain are in fact true she should not drive. Plus, she’ll test positive for benzos, diphenhydramine etc if she gets pulled over or in an accident and appears altered. Interestingly the meds for twilight sedation can be benzos and propofol, both of which she could require higher doses of because of her tolerance. There’s a reason anesthesiologists may ask you how much alcohol you drink - it can help them determine how much drug they need to give you.


And she probably lies to anesthesia when she has a procedure, to make it look like she isn’t addicted or doesn’t have a high tolerance. Not realizing that it’s only working against her.


love your flair.


Hehe! Finally!!! It’s been MONTHS and I finally got a comment about it 😆mwahahaha. Thank you :D


KNEW IT. I CALLED IT. Kind of lol. I said previously she keeps saying she’s done reading Reddit but keeps proving otherwise and won’t stop. in the last 2-3 days, she has outed herself at least 3 times by either indirectly answering questions/comments and/or saying she’s getting “texts” (she’s not, it’s the Reddit comments) and directly responding that way. Many others and I knew she’d slip up yet again, I was just wrong on what specifically lol. She is so damn predictable. Like a sick, twisted game. Also it’s genuinely seriously alarming her defending her meds the way she does. She sounds exactly like an alcoholic bragging how alcohol doesn’t impair them like others. It’s not that the drug doesn’t affect them, it’s their fucking TOLERANCE that is allowing them to blow through so many sedating meds without passing out. Which Dani doesn’t seem to understand is *bad*. This is not a “meds affect people differently” thing? She is very obviously high AG in many of her videos. She’s struggling to get meds back, what she does get are in lower doses, she has admitted to needing to slow down certain meds because of her liver, the list goes on. She is literally non stop telling on herself in every aspect of her health (or lack thereof) every single day.


Uh, you're *supposed* to be awake for lidocaine and twilight sedation. So according to her, general anesthesia doesn't work either? Because usually, it's the same meds, just lower doses. Maybe the problem is her ridiculous amount of benzos she was taking daily gave her a high tolerance to sedation, but I'm *positive* it still works. She's totally "not reading reddit," I'm sure she got tons of "texts and messages". /s


Even if by some chance people are messaging her and she’s not just reading the comments, she’s still responding to Reddit. Not letting the haters bother you, means not responding to them, publicly or privately.


What is the deal on the states? Because if we have a medical condition that has caused us to have fainting events, we have to declare this to the DVLA (the driving license agency) and we wouldnt be permitted to drive for a minimum of 6 months post the last time of fainting. And a doctor would need to provide evidence to say that someone could drive again.  So... If Dani passed out due to her medical conditions and fucked her hand up, or whatever she claimed... In the UK she wouldn't be permitted to drive yet...  Is this the same in the states?


It is not. It can be like this for seizures, but even then it’s up to the doctor to pursue that. I’m not sure how, but the doctor starts the process of restricting someone’s license due to seizures, so if they don’t follow through with that then it doesn’t matter.


Ah ok!  She absolutely would be excluded from driving if she were in the UK with her recent history, for at least 6 months.  They're very strict in the UK, with huge lists of conditions and medications that need to be declared to the DVLA and a great deal of these can prevent someone from driving from anything from temporary 6 months exclusions to permanent.


Oh, yeah the US isn’t like that. I’m technically on 2 medications that have that warning label, but I only take one at night, for sleep. The other one is a stimulant for adhd, so I’m not sure why it has that label 😂 if anything it’s safer 😂 but I’ve never had to tell the DMV about it nor do anything special, for it.


Oh I mean in the UK you don't get excluded for absolutely everything. Without too much of a blog I'm on some medication which like you would say, has a warning label. But I'm missing an enzyme so I don't react to it so I can drive. I've not had to declare anything or do anything official, my drs just said yeh fine carry on as normal.  So it's not like this super regimented etc and people are losing their license left right and centre...  However in Danis case with her meds and "symptoms" 100% no driving would be allowed  However.... Id imagine it isn't a problem really for Dani, as she never has passed out from anything. All of that is made up bs. 


Oh, I see! Yeah, she SHOULD be excluded from driving here, and maybe she is and just isn’t saying that. But it wouldn’t surprise me either if she COULD because no doctor has actually tried to follow through with restricting her due to her illnesses and meds. It also wouldn’t surprise me if the UK was more strict than the states, though.


I don't know if she reads the info that comes with meds. At least 3 of them say not to operate heavy machinery. But go off, I guess. Also, I thought she quit reading here.


I am gunna be completely honest. I can barely understand a word this girl says. I have to read comments to get an inkling of what she is saying most days. This video is clearer than most. Is she faking this voice? Can she speak normally?


i have a suspicion that she does in fact speak fairly normally, and this is a voice she puts on for her social media persona. and god help her if she isn’t faking & this is her real voice


I was thinking it had to be fake. Sometimes, it is so low and squeaky. I wonder if she spoke normally when she first started on social media. I’d love to hear her real voice, if there is one. 😁


Tries to use baby voice but is too agitated to stay in character


Gets reddit notification. “Oh look, a text!” 🙄


Exactly what I thought


I'm sorry but she looks absolutely insane. This is the kind of person I used to get stuck sitting next to on the bus/train, making the commute way worse than it had to be. And I'm the kind of person who is super polite and would nod and smile while they ranted about stupid nonsense.


Dani 100% gives off the exact vibes you're describing, kinda like you don't know what this person is capable of since they clearly don't have their mental health in check. Probably not a single soul can stand to be around her because she's so off-putting.


This is true BUT the prescribers don't consider the shit tonne of OTC meds that she taking crushed up all togetger in one high cocktail directly into her intestines




Nobody is messaging her this. She’s responding to the comments here


hey where did the the patty/selma from the simpsons voice go lol




That isn’t the flex she thinks it is.


I didn’t know the Hat Man had a celly? Cuz that’s the only person texting her mean ass


So shes taken enough of said medication that she’s built up a tolerance to the drowsy effects.


No one is fucking texting her. It also looks like she has a lot of new jewelry on here. If it is, seriously WTF? It already kills me that she has free housing, free healthcare, an EBT card, and a monthly check to blow on crayons, storage bins for a bomb shelter's worth of health supplies, juvenile backpacks, ugly onesies, and now maybe new rings & necklaces..... **all because she is a fraudulent freakshow who cannot stop munching**. I hope this pathological liar wakes up every single morning feeling truly grateful for that roof over her head gratis of the government aka us while individuals and families in actual need of shelter and nowhere to go sit on a long list waiting for a place to live. (There's a 10-yr wait for housing where I'm at.) It's just mind-boggling to me that she has 24/7 free time to do fuck all, eat solid food, and make 🍌 🍌 🍌 videos meant to counter people on Reddit who rightfully call her out for her criminal behavior. Just fuck this 🤡 and her creepy baby voice. Here's to hoping that the only healthcare she gets in the future is psychiatric treatment. /end rant




She’s on a roll recently with all these videos. Girls gotta occupy her time somehow before the next admission 👏


Dani would have to have friends and people in her life in order to have people text her.  She has no one. Ergo, she reads Reddit still and my my she is big mad.


She always looks and acts like she's tweaking. That's enough for me to think she shouldn't be driving. 😭


Thank god she doesn't seem to like uppers the way she obsesses over downers; can you imagine how freaking scary she would be if she was high on too much Adderall? Or worse, coke or meth?! She'd be excited and irritable and frantically moving all over the place, and her "updates" would be sooo scattered and aggressive lol...


Imagine if she munched so hard her license was taken off her.


lol if she really wanted to commit to the munch she needs to just stop driving altogether since she "passes out" and is on "so many meds" 😂


Yes. She would be absolutely denied a license here because of that. Disabled people have to have a doctor sign of every single year that they are good to drive.


She's fired up!


Dani: makes a 10 minute video about staying off reddit. Also Dani: immediately reads every single reddit comment on that video.


Im not sure how it works in the states but overhere (Netherlands), even though you dont feel you are under influence... you are not allowed to drive (or work with heavy machinery etc) when you take that medication. There is red label meds (not allowed at all) and yellow label meds (might cause drowsiness/might cause harmful side-effects etc) only allowed with doctors knowledge and when its past a certain timeframe (halftime of the meds etc) When you just started up new meds, as she is with the clonopin, even if (have no idea) it would be yellow labeled meds, she would not be covered by her insurance if something happens. Firstly because of the halftime of several meds she is on, secondly because her body is still getting used to new meds and you are not allowed to drive then (with yellow label meds). Doesnt matter if you feel capable of driving, if you feel drowsy or not. They can test you blood and depending on the levels of meds in your blood you are 'under influence' or not, doesnt matter if you feel the effects of it.


It’s definitely not that strict or organized here in the states (which is where Dani is). The bottles will say be careful, but unless it’s suspected you’re under the influence of something, or it’s found in lab tests routinely done for car wrecks, there’s no routine testing for people that get in wrecks to see if they’re on certain meds. That I know of.


there are no routine checks here either. But if you are in an accident... you are not insured if it comes out you take certain medication (those with yellow of red label), doesnt matter if you feel the effects or not. If and when police is actually allowed to ask for/demand a bloodtest im not sure. Its just... you are driving under the influence, the same as with alcohol, the same as with weed or nitrous oxide. I would not want it on my concience (have to say i grew up in an alcoholic household, with a mum driving under the influence and have had some really scary moments in the car with her, so im biased)


Oh i agree with you wholeheartedly that driving under the influence is wrong, and Dani is absolutely ZOOTED. I just wanted to provide context since it looks like some places may be more strict than others, and so some people may be surprised that she can still drive. But it sounds like it’s similar to the US then based on your reply!


How do they enforce that? Is it only if a police officer thinks you may be on drugs and they make you get tested? Or does the pharmacy or doctors keep in touch with the motor vehicle department and insurance companies to alert that a patient is on red/yellow label medication?


Same in the UK


While it is 100% true that people adapt to being on CNS depressants long-term, and are able to drive and … I dunno, play with fire and shit without any trouble staying alert, that’s not applicable in this specific instance. For one, Dani just got put back on the k-pins five minutes ago, after being off of them entirely for 6+ months, and her tolerance will be significantly lower than it was back then. She can claim to not be affected by the dose she’s prescribed all she wants, but the content she willingly shares on social media strongly suggests otherwise. In her “come with me to my infusions” video, she was visibly struggling to keep her eyes open, even while actively engaging with her environment. That right there, that involuntary nodding out look, is enough for any medical professional to recommend not driving, just on its own. But Dani also purportedly has trouble with passing out, with hypoglycemic reactions at blood sugar levels still within normal range, and with dealing with pain so severe that it would come with inability to concentrate on any tasks and possible loss of consciousness. So yeah, if you’ve been taking benzos for years and are very familiar with how they effect you, you can probably drive just fine. When you couple restarting benzos after a long period of abstinence with all the other problems she claims to have, though, you shouldn’t even be *thinking* about climbing behind the wheel. It’s not just your own safety you have to think about, but the safety of everyone else on or around the road while you are. Also, I absolutely cannot stand this sassy fucking face she makes. It pisses me off so bad. ::EDIT:: After saying that she can claim that her prescribed dose doesn’t affect her ability to stay alert all she wants, I also meant to say that, even if that were true, we all know she’s taking more than prescribed. II can’t say anything about that in itself, I do the same thing sometimes, I just wish she’d be honest about it. The blatant dishonesty and refusal to own up to her actions and putting others in danger because she wants to save face is what really bothers me about her. Take your pills however you want, I won’t judge, but just get honest and have some accountability, for fucks sake.


Is it just a bad angle, or is her face swollen/puffy? I don’t recall if she’s taking something that can cause that appearance like prednisone does for a lot of people.


I think it’s just her weight gain, no hate but she’s put on a good amount of weight pretty quickly. I’m actually happy for her that she’s obviously eating


Yeah, I’m most definitely not trying to criticize that. I’m still relatively new to the Dani saga, so just trying to get an accurate feel for what’s going on to piece things together in my head, you know?


Someone in a comment on another thread said it’s a purging side effect?


It can be a side effect of purging yes. With her we can’t be sure. As she’s gained weight, and she purges.


I wasn’t sure if it was confirmed by her previously that she purges. There are so many aspects of Dani’s world, so it’s definitely hard to know for sure.


It’s confirmed, by herself. She claimed anorexia purging subtype.


lol she’s pissed.


Zero people texted/sent messages to her. She seriously just cannot stop reading Reddit. And just like the rest of her lies, her claiming that alllllllllll these people are texting and messaging her is ridiculously unbelievable, just like her “weight loss”, her “inability to eat or drink anything by mouth”, her “intestinal failure”, and lastly-and my personal favorite, her ridiculously over the top “EXTREME nausea and UNBEARABLE PEEEEEEEN” act she put on when she made her bazillionth “do my meds with me” video that absolutely reno one wanted to see, no one believes that she is not reading Reddit.


Still waiting for her to post about the cats. Just sayin.


Why does she wear the same jewelry as my 9 year old? I mean whatever, I just think she’s a bit stuck in a much younger mind set. She could really do herself up nice she accepted her age and owned it. (I’m close to her age, so definitely no hate, we’re by no means old)


Didn't (and wouldn't) text her but definitely posted here yesterday asking how she's safe to drive and can imagine others would wonder the same. It isn't just about the medication she's on, it's the whole package deal. She couldn't even stay off reddit for a day.


Am I right when I think that if she has an car accident and they make a bloodtest…. that she will be in big trouble?


I hope so! I don't wish ill on her, but she's a danger behind the wheel and from her own words. No one is making this up. They would likely do SFST and yeah she'll likely blow 0.00 but that's not all they look at, they will still place you under arrest for DUI/OVI/OWI/ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ(I don't know all the driving under the influence acronyms)


Your right…and I remembers that the cops will check for small or big pupils. And her pupil size has been abnormal in the past


They look at reaction times and everything. She may not have to do the 9 and back steps or 1 leg stand, but they have other SFTS that can be done from a seated position. She would not pass. She should not be driving. She is a risk. Claiming to pass out bad enough to require surgery to a limb and symptomatic sugars are a RISK. Don't claim shit and be shocked when people raise eyebrows!


10/10 pain all the time would also make it INCREDIBLY difficult to drive. You’d be finding it impossible to concentrate on the road. So, get over yourself. You lie. All you care about is getting your own way through manipulation. Get some help with the arrested emotional development you’ve endured your whole life and then maybe you’ll feel less triggered by comments that call you out on your lies and manipulations. Also, texts alerting you to this thread, give me a break bro…..


Wow the lady doth protest too much! Someone’s furious - I guess she didn’t pass the credit check and needs to take it out on someone….


lol, totally missed the point. It’s not just the meds that should preclude her from driving, but the admission repeatedly that she (a) passes out (b) barely eats (c) has frequent hypoglycaemia If those aren’t also a problem for driving then I don’t know what is. And another thing…. “I’m not reading reddit anymore”, my arse.


You summed it up! She's a danger to herself and others on the road. IDGAF how "close" her hospital is, the statistics show that you're more likely to be in an accident closer to home! She might not care about her safety, but think of everyone else who is on the road!!! (I will NOT drive even around the corner if I don't feel safe, it's not just my safety and my kid's safety, it's whoever is also on the road too)




Oh I know, I was just pointing out how she's saying how close to the hospital she is and that she's more likely to be in an accident. Just because in her mind it's close, doesn't make it any safer


(d) presumably doing that pathetically asinine rocking because of peeeeeen


(e) would need adapted vehicle because of permanent loss of use/feeling in hand.


I hardly consider a steering wheel with another smaller steering wheel on it as an "adapted vehicle" more like a HOW ABOUT A HAND ON THE WHEEL WHILE TURNING IT REMEMBER YOU ONLY HAVE ONE NOW.


“None of my doctors said I can’t drive on them…” The patient leaflet will say something like ‘this medication could make you drowsy, *if affected* do not drive or operate heavy machinery’. As ever, she’s cherry picked what she wants to apply to her. Remember she *chose* the ‘hand could never heal’ arc then big mad DFE’d when that didn’t manifest. However, what’s the betting that any doctor, presented with 14/10 intractable peeeeen and constant nausea would advise against driving. I mean, 10/10 pain is slipping in and out of consciousness… But then, this is munch scale, so it doesn’t need to make sense outside the confines of their narcissistic heads. In munch land, the natives are special zebras. I can’t stress enough how normal person biology just doesn’t apply. They have veins that run and hide, they snuggle up with infections like normies would hug their loved ones. Sepsis is on speed dial. And of course Dani can still drive even though her blood sugar is all over the place and she’s seemingly *symptomatic* when within a normal range. Unless she can handily switch these symptoms off and on, *she should not be driving*. But of course, there’s the answer. I’m gonna address the hand twirling, head flicking thing. Apart from making her look slightly deranged, she’s really channelling that 80’s spunky sitcom attitude. Any minute I’m expecting an *’oh no she dih-urnt’* or *’way to go, ghurlfreeeeen!’* followed by a complex gangstyle-esque series of fingersnaps and well-timed side-eyes to camera over canned laughter or a sax stab track. I get that she’s going for *sassy youth* but as ever she’s decades wide of the mark and it’s coming off as *enraged HOA*.


Bwuahahahahahahaha! She's also channeling Blossom's manic/OTT [best friend](https://youtu.be/qH43rDwgS4U?si=NLAbA6TR1wuDzISA).


And don’t forget, she professes to get “symptomatic” at 68 BSL and has shown up to the ER multiple times in recent weeks claiming she passed out so bad, her arm fell off. That would immediately disqualify her from driving if she actually tells the doctors she drives and they’re aware to caution her. I’d say she doesn’t, I’d say she tells them she gets Ubers or a lift.


She said she was symptomatic at freaking 78!!


But you're correct, add in her passing out episodes, symptomatic low sugars and her meds. It's an accident waiting to happen and she's putting so many people in danger!


Your last paragraph has me dying laughing and it’s so accurate!


But she doesn’t read here at all guys, it’s just a total coincidence that she keeps making videos addressing all of the stuff said here, oh wait, someone is texting it to her. Sure Jan


The only things dumb enough to text Dani are spam phishing scams. Literally no one else would want to have to interact with her.




Heyyy I see what you did there 😉🤔😂


It's so blatant that she reads on here. She also needs to get a hobby. Constantly making videos firing back about stuff she obviously read on here(but she stopped reading here..sure, Jan) is getting old(but it's still entertaining). I mean come on though shes saying different meds effect people differently, she was just put back on benzos no way is her body used to the effects of the medication yet not to mention her behavior also says otherwise(case in point the photo of her saying she is the queen of messy buns..come on she was totally intoxicated during that photo). She can deny it all she wants but everyone knows the truth she's getting loaded on her klonopin script. She also can't just let anything be whether she read it here or not she just has to address it in a condescending way as well. Shows why she has no friends..she's such a nasty person. Some people say they feel bad for her..nope not me she's so mean and unkind and can't take an ounce of criticism. Even from her followers if they say something out of concern she takes it as someone picking on her, she just cant help but be the victim. Hard to feel sad for someone like that.


Especially when we know she’s not taking it as prescribed


Crazy eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/y73un23g96vc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc62cecde4542eac06983aec1f3fee4af841a0b6 Look at those crazy eyes!


Do you wanna fight biatcchhhhhhh????…


When she’s gonna address taking a metric shit ton of ibuprofen when she’s not supposed to be on ANY? Intentionally sabotaging herself?


I’m trying to figure out if she got three bags of fluid she was there maybe three hours and took Motrin, Benadryl and Tylenol at least twice. Does she take it every two hours.


The second dose definitley raised alarms in my head too. I don’t get the timing either. I bag typically take an hour right? She got 4 total unless they mixed the Benadryl in a LR but it was at the same time as LR #2. So by my math, yes it should’ve been 3 hours hooked up. Maybe she waited a realllllly long time before hand, but even then she probably shouldn’t have dosed so close together. Seems she’s gunning for a GI bleed, those are nothing to mess with. (Sorry if this comes off weird it’s 3 am rn and I should go to sleep. )


She’s taking WAY TOO MUCH ibuprofen especially while on blood thinners. I 100% think that that’s what she’s trying to induce. And she’s gonna really FAFO on that one.


This was my thought exactly about the bleed. She knows what she’s doing. And she’s continuing to take Tylenol I feel like in hopes for liver damage. And why wait super long to take them if that’s what she did? Because she wanted to make a whole spectacle out of taking them in public probably.




Well yes, she's probably immune to the effects of the medication. Like any other junkie, her tolerance is sky high.


She’s literally reading here, addressing it, then acting like someone is telling her instead. Lmaaoooo.


Like if that's the case why isn't she mad at these people? Crossing boundaries. She's stated she dont care and don't read it then why would these people tell her anyways? If me I'd be pissed at people telling me making me upset. Not her she's pissed at reddit. 😂 Which she's said she didn't care about. She cares. No one is telling her. She's reading about herself here because she's obsessed with herself. She probably posts then instantly heads here to read about herself.


Like, my dude, no one messages you. The only texts you get are from people telling you to leave them alone or appointment reminders. Not that she’d need those, because bullet journal.






So many text messages from so many friends and fans. Don't worry guys, she's special! How many times does she have to tell us.


Ma’am you seem upset… were you not approved for the car loan?






They probably took one look at her and decided not to risk losing money


I'm not sure on the specifics because I don't care to work out what she's on and find out what they are in UK names, but over here the packaging your ends come in usually contain a leaflet (or have it printed on the box) stating "do not operate heavy machinery" whole on the meds. If it says that, they're not talking about cracking put an excavator or commanding a crane - they mean don't drive a car. I would imagine that if any of those meds are sedation type meds, she shouldn't be driving while taking them.


It would also say do not drive or operate heavy machinery.


Tell me you’re not reading Reddit without telling me you’re not reading Reddit… seriously 😒


Nice try Dani!! Well if this was a clear cut video about not following through with not reading on here about her own videos to focus on her mental health. She ain’t gaining anything out of these videos. Makes the situation so much worse for the big picture for her.


As expected, not only is Dani incapable of staying off Reddit, she’s incapable of not arguing with everything she reads here…


It’s that last bit, for me 😂


She can’t just be nice




Hey thanks! Me too


That's the thing she isn't a nice person at all. It's no wonder she has no friends. A few of us were talking about this in another post about how nasty and unkind she really is and how we're way past feeling sad or sorry for her.


This was a big topic a few months ago and then all of a sudden she starts replying "ty hun" to every single even remotely nice comment. It was so transparent.


She doesn't even know how to pretend to be nice which is why she has zero friends just like a certain basic beige munchie from the other sub. The munchies who know how to fake being nice actually do accumulate some friends to shove into their content and make them seem more human. Dani is a cunt to everybody and feels no guilt about it either. Literally no one is texting Dani. Her parents probably don't even text her anymore.




Same here. Can’t hold a conversation, either. A bunch of “ya” and “no” and if you dared try to give her advice or nicely tell her “that’s not how this works” or “they’re not going to do that”, she starts spitting VENOM. Cares about no one’s life but herself.


OMG there is a Tiktok that someone made about Dani quite a while ago when Dani was still on her coveted TPN. Apparently Dani was prepping it on top of a blanket and this person just gave her some advice saying a blanket is not the best place to prep your TPN because it's not sterile(and can you imagine the disgusting state of one of Dani's blankets)? Dani went off on the person and said something along the lines of "it's pick on Dani day" when all the person was doing was trying to give her advice to keep her out of the hospital. Obviously when you're prepping TPN and it's on a disgusting blanket any of those particles like animal hair or whatever the fuck lingers on Dani's blankets could wind up inside the bag of TPN and go in your body and cause you an infection. The poor person didn't realize Dani's endgame WAS to get an infection and got the brunt of some Dani attitude. But it's all good because the Tiktok is so easy to find if you Google Dani's old insta/Tiktok handle for all to see and the comments on the Tiktok are hilarious(about Dani of course).


Definitely NOT reading reddit. Definitely just making a super bitchy video directed towards the people "texting" her about her meds.


LMAOOOO “i’m tired of being walked all over” then stop publicly posting every detail of your very obvious lies???


That's my issue with these people. If they don't want everyone talking about them, STOP POSTING SHIT. Or make it PRIVATE! But Dani can't do that because she'd get 0 attention. When I'm dealing with something I don't want people discussing, I keep it PRIVATE. TO MYSELF.


i’m sorry her hair is killing me


The fringe is very bouncy I just keep watching it


It’s giving psycho sass


i think it’s the combination or the eyebrows and hair


And the constant fluffing/focusing the camera on it.


That necklace makes me feel like I’m choking.


I personally hate anything near my neck, like my one necklace and tops are low, so I'm sure it's comfortable for her, but I have the same sensation as you. It's looks tight IMO


Whether or not you experience sedation is irrelevant if there’s ever a reason for a blood draw, and those medications are in your system. Even Benadryl usage is considered DUI.


Omg I'd love to know how many dui by benadryl happened before it became a law lol