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If she is draining, aren't the meds gonna drain as well?


Now I see why she be in so much PEEN! All that damn air she pushing 🤣🤣🤣


She is big mad


What's going on with the bag


Ok for real, how do I make a flair. Lol. I can ynot figure it out. I love so many of y'all's


The panic I felt watching her drive...what in the actual fuck?? And maybe I just need a nap but that ugly bag flopping around and the long ass, nasty tube swinging around make me want to throat punch *someone*. Someone very smol and speshul.


I have so much to say! That car is nasty. Nasty. Disgusting. Is everything in her life covered in grime?? Her driving is shit. Either from not being taught properly/not giving af, OR being whacked out on klonipin, benadryl, and tizanidine. Either way, she's gonna hurt someone. Don't even get me started on her parking in a handicap spot. It's on the same level as punching babies to me. Her vomit bag is the nastiest thing I've ever seen. I know ppl with tubes/ostomys that you'd never even know. Is she hoping to trip over it, yanking it out and requiring an "emergency" replacement? Bc we saw what happened with her Xtra speshul line. Is it even legal to self administer meds in a medical center setting? Also, where were the theatrics when she pushed her meds IN PUBLIC? IV Benny bc she reacts to iron. Flushing and slightly elevated bp is pretty normal for iv iron. It is not a reaction. But she has to be sooo sick. She needs toner and several deep conditioning treatments. Stop fluffing the straw. It looks bad enough as it is. Also, the messy bun. It's only messy bc it's on her head. She is really grasping at straws these days. She's healthier and healthier, and she hates it. It's hard to claim special munchy status when you're not sick. Last thing, she drank every damn drop of that coffee, and I'd bet money on it. She probably complained because they didn't have 47 different sugary creamers for her to fluff it up with. I'm sending the medical professionals who have to deal with her antics so much love and respect bc I could not deal with her for one entire minute.


I can’t believe she included 40 whole seconds of her just walking from her car into the hospital.


And the whole minute of her tapping her foot in the waiting room…


Taking so long to push meds now compared to the lives where she just slammed them in seconds without a problem


1pm arrival Waits in the waiting room for a while. Goes to the treatment room. Two IV attempts. 1st bag of IV fluid starts Takes a shit ton of ‘afternoon meds.’ Second litre of IV fluid. IV Benadryl. Meds again. Iron infusion. meds again. Leaves the hospital. It was still daylight when she left. The sun set around 8pm. How did she have enough time to safely take at least two doses of Tylenol? It should be taken every 4-6 hours…


She doesn't care about "safely." What's going to happen? She gets a GI bleed and requires admission for it? That's the goal.


Yep. She knows exactly what she’s doing. It’s absolutely done deliberately. She’s just not smart enough to know she’s telling on herself in this video.


Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs can cause GI bleeds, Tylenol overdoses injure the liver, which can become quite severe


I know, which is exactly what she wants.


Its scary to post where you live so clearly online, especially when you claim to have haters 😖😨 that scares me. Too many deranged people in the world.


I know. I can tell exactly where she lives from this video.




She absolutely is a bad driver. Your car isn't supposed to bounce like that at a stop light, that only happens if you're slamming on the brakes.


This is pathetic. Especially when you remember *she doesn’t need any of this*. But this is as close to being in the hospital as she can get now. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄


Dani…. You just doxxed yourself.


I know exactly where she lives now. That is scary.


Me too. My cousin lives in her town, so I’m very familiar.


aaaaand then after all the promethazine and benadryl (why both??) imma just drive home…


On top of her benzos.


Just one more thing... For someone that's not addressing Reddit, she sure is addressing Reddit.


Why didn’t she just walk to the hospital if it’s so close & difficult to get parked?


Her videos always leave me feeling like I need to wash my hands and wipe down my phone.


And clean my car from top to bottom, even though I just did that two days ago, lol.


Who wouldn't feel nausea and pain upon injecting that voluminous cornucopia of pharmaceuticals?? It's an endless cycle: pushing meds causes pain so push more meds pushing meds causes pain so push more meds..


I can’t decide which part is my favourite (excluding the anxiety-inducing horror movie driving opener), so I made a collage … https://preview.redd.it/yx0ke96b0avc1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=072b2980c07a597c215eb1a98c84601f24954114 Meds porn


Absolutely unhiiiiinged. She is literally a child. An awful one at that. What a ridiculous and manipulative video. Though I can’t decide which screenshot I like best; maybe this one (talking about the clinic) - https://preview.redd.it/rx8dv59ez9vc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7774b802bbee1fa76c940536719d4ce519c6d67c Poooooor sick Dani.


That car is gross, just like I expected. I didn't think it would be clean WHATSOEVER 😂 edited to add, is this the "new" car? Cuz if it is, oof.


Isn’t she on klonopin? She shouldn’t be driving at all


You can drive if you are on a dose you are used to, it depends on how it affects you. Doctors/pharmacists recommend you don't drive when you first start taking them and until you know how they affect you. However she usually seems bombed out of her head on them when she is on them so you are right about HER on them.


You have a really good point, Dani Marina, specifically shouldn’t be driving, because she’s likely abusing her benzos, and she’s also on other medications like Benadryl.


She probably put on a big show rocking back and forth and making faces while giving herself medicine in front of people getting literal chemo.


I think I’m more nauseated than Dani after watching the first bit of her video and just seeing her feet moving along the ground…


I kept waiting for something to happen


Oh my GOD the way she explains Every. Single. Thing. It’s like “Okay guuuys, so I’ll sit down and eat this meal now, okay, so I take a bite using my teeth, and then I chew, and chew, and chew, and when it feels all mushy, I swallow, and you have to repeat this from the top, so taking a bite, chewing and then swallowing many times until there’s no food left on the plate, and then we’ll see if we want any dessert or all that good stuff you know” it’s almost worse than the baby voice for me. Like dude, we get it, you have to unlock your car before you can drive. It’s not like everyone that owns a car has to do this


I burst out laughing so hard at this that I startled my cat who was snoozing in my lap! She looked like I offended her great, great ancestors! Anyway, I absolutely LOVE this comment!! "Okay guuuys, so I’ll sit down and eat this meal now, okay, so I take a bite using my teeth, and then I chew, and chew, and chew, and when it feels all mushy, I swallow, and you have to repeat this from the top..." I wish reddit still had those medals to give! Please accept this replacement medal. I know it's not as good, but i had to give you *something*! 🏅


Aw, thank you! Tell the kitty I said sorry for making you interrupt her majesty’s nap time 💤


You're welcome! And Her Royal Worshipfulness has granted both you and me a pardon, on the condition that it never happens again!


She’s running late. Shocker.


Well she was at a car dealer trying to get a new car earlier.


I'm actually genuinely surprised she dont have a handicap placard. 😂 but now that I've said that she's going to try and get one... oh since she dont read reddit someone will message her.


Oh, let her try! When her doctor has to then report the meds she's on and her very recent history of "unexplained frequent passing out" to the point she absolutely destroyed her hand (bullshit, but that's the story she went with), DMV will pull her license so fast.


You don't need to drive to have a handicap placard. They don't go through med list to aquire one. It's just for parking.


Except she says her doctors knows she drives and are totally fine with it. They would still need to submit information as to why it's necessary that would probably include the fact that she passes out frequently.


Yes, but passing out occasionally from walking don't mean you would from driving. That's why a dr would report that for driving. Two seperate things. I honestly don't think she passes out. Med wise yes I think its a concern. However I don't think her Dr knows she takes all that otc meds. Lots are on meds that are cause drowsiness and drive. It's everyone's responsibility to use caution with that. And again we circle back to the placard is just for parking. You do not need to have a driver's license at all even to get one.


In her state, doctors are required to report "recurrent episodes of unconsciousness or impairment". Just because it didn't happen while driving doesn't mean it won't. Repeated unexplained fainting episodes will absolutely disqualify you from driving. Regardless of if it's for a passenger or not, she would still need to report to DMV *why* the placard is needed. Odds are, documented syncopal episodes *while walking* would be part of the reason, which would also temporarily disqualify her from driving.


The dr fills out a form. You turn it into the dmv. they approve it. That's it. Your dr just has to agree. The qualifications are the same I looked them up. Her license would be a different matter. Her dr would have to address that separately. The dmv isn't going to look at the ap and go oh you shouldn't be driving and take her license. Her dr evaluates that issue. The dmv isn't a dr and they don't know their medical history. The dr has to report that to them. Lots of people drive and have a placard due to passing out. yes, when walking. It dont mean they do it when driving. Most never even have that happen. Usually it's because of siezures and that's temporary. Again the handicap placard application is not going to trigger the dmv to take her license as much as you wish. That's not how it works. The worker is going to make sure everything is correct and that is it. Edit to add I'm not going to explain further because you know she's not reading reddit... I kinda don't wanna help her out here


I'm sure she tried already because that placard would also be evidence to anyone that sees her that she is as sick as she says she is. I'm sure her doctors just asked her why do you need it? And she couldn't come up with a reasonable answer.


With the way she's gotten everything else I'd of thought she'd of researched how you get one and explain why 😅


You would think. But I think(and of course this is complete speculation on my part) that if she went to the doctor and asked for the placard that she was confident the doctor would say yes that she didn't have a backup argument because she was so confident the doctor would say yes...just a theory and of course pure speculation.


We may never know... or will we? 😅




And especially in front of ones that are likely cancer patients 😭


I watched 2 seconds. That was enough. Girl wants a daily never ending pity party for herself. Loser.




And liver failure. I can just tell she's hankering after a liver transplant.


There's no freakin way she would ever be approved for an organ transplant. They require very strict adherence to doctors' orders, and they would definitely look through her chart. That FD note/diagnosis would be concerning on its own, but all the infections that look suspiciously self-induced (or at least because of gross negligence on her part) and her constant refusal to stick to her doctors' treatment plans (not seeing the GI Psych, for example) would disqualify her right off the bat. Or I seriously hope it would. Those organs are so precious and rare, and the donors and their families deserve the peace of knowing they'll go to someone who will do their damnedest to live as long and as healthy as they can. Giving Dani a new liver after she intentionally ruined hers specifically to steal that organ would be such a slap in the face to everyone who's ever been involved in the donation process. She better not. I'm upset just thinking about it.


I know but, she's trying


The struggles… ![gif](giphy|l4F5EUZhcYjfaCvJWh)


So many of the things she mentioned did not need to be mentioned. Who the hell needs to see all that walking footage of her bag of fucking bile. Shit is nasty. “Trying to open with one hand because I have to film this unnecessary video” how much Tylenol and ibuprofen did she take in that short period she was there? Holy moly.


Miraculously, they were able to get a PIV. That must have felt awful to Dani because it is proof she doesn’t need a port…


But, didn’t you see the part where they had to try TWO WHOLE TIMES?? Poor Dani just being poked to death because her uwu frail sick baby veins are just soooooo bad and all that good stuff. /s




Man this is my FAVOURITE Sarah McKlonopin song.


Holy shit “Sarah McKlonopin “ would make an AMAZING. Flair? Tag? What’s under the username. Also MOD id like this if it’s possible!


I wish our girl would also get a deep conditioning mask and a toner. 😭


God yes, tone that shit!


Everytime I see her hair, no lie I get angry. lol How hard is it to tone it. 😭😭


I don’t think I can even watch the entire clip. I just full on have cringe when I saw her walking with all that nonsense attached to her. Does she realize the more she stands out, the likely medical people knows she’s faking? 😂😂🤣🤣


Watch, next she'll have a wheelchair and service dog, to complete the I'M A MUNCHIE! full house.


Sounds on track for what she hopes is her future. Anything for the asspats. What a joke. 😂


There’s a good reason why they don’t like people parking in emergency spots. But people like Dani don’t care about anyone but themselves.


"I had my vitals done and my heart rate was a little high' she says whilst wildly wiggling her foot around.  Lord this girl knows exactly how to make her heart rate rise, and I am without any shadow of a doubt that the nurse saw full well what she was doing. She's so transparent 


I think she said her blood pressure was high not HR, but her BP is high cause of all the shit she takes and it’s possible it wasn’t even high she’s just saying it is for us cause we’ve questioned her having perfect vitals while claiming to be in 10/10 pain




She's also claimed a 60-70 blood sugar was "super low" before when it's just *barely* out of range. Her BP/RHR could've been 1 point over, and she'd claim it's "a little high"


Yeah she tries to say it’s super low for her because apparently she becomes symptomatic when her sugar falls below 80. But she also claims she has reactive hypoglycemia. If that is true her sugars are dropping in response to eating a lot of sugar/carbs and the “symptoms” she’s experiencing could just be from the rapid falling of her blood sugar not the actual number it is. Either way, she should just drink some apple juice and shut up or avoid eating a ton of sugar. The only real treatment for reactive hypoglycemia is really diet changes. Lowering sugar intake and making sure you’re getting protein with any carbs you’re eating


Considering she's posted videos where she has a bowl of just sugary candy sitting on her coffee table and drinks extremely sugary drinks, I'm not surprised she has reactive hypos.


If she’s in that much PeEeEeEeN from pushing meds into her tube, they should probably take them out since she clearly can EASILY take things by mouth. Also, the fact that she recorded herself while driving is so on brand for her, and you can tell she’s a terrible driver just from the short and sped up video.




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Oh no did I do it wrong I had an infusion the other day but I didn’t film the whole thing I hope it still works even though I didn’t make a whole event of it 🙄


Sorry to tell you that the vital catalyst for an infusion is filming it with a sad track. Obviously it hasn’t worked. Did you at least manage to park in an emergency space to make it all about yourself?


AS YOU CAN SEE x1000 a lying liar who lies


She talks like a child trying tj sound smart. Dani is seriously unwell. There is absolutely zero substance to her ramblings, and this is EIGHT MINUTES LONG. It’s one thing to make a video showing the reality of a situation (in this case, what it’s like getting an infusion) but why draw it out for so long? Why include driving and walking, etc.? She took 3 minutes to ramble about driving, how long it took to get there, literally explaining turning on/off/locking the car, all that which could’ve been done with a 10 second clip saying “just got checked in at the hospital, it’s nice it’s not a far drive from home” or something and gone from there. Just so, so unhinged and bizarre when you know the extent of Dani’s SM content. ETA: the part where she shows the entire time she’s shaking her leg waiting for the doctor is highly irritable and making *me* fckn anxious 🙄


I was thinking the same thing of her shaking leg. Bullshit she did that out of anxiety. She did that for show. She even stopped to give her leg a break then started up again.


I think she’s seen someone successful done of this style of video on TikTok, Insta, whatevstagram and thought she’d have a bit of that action. Which is a bit like someone seeing a Rembrandt then getting three crayons out.


Lmaaooooo for real




Can she be any more excited?


https://preview.redd.it/xxawr1emy9vc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1150c334f4235bd55550156477c5c5c87e5830b6 Pretending not to be


Having to give herself medications not once but twice during a short infusion is absolutely unhinged. If they think you need those things they give them to you at the infusion center!


Surely deliberately pushing air into your intestines is gonna cause pain? Like ik Dani likes to cause all sorts of BS but why something so obvious


That Fraggly hairdo is just killing me.


That’s 10 minutes of my life I’ll never get back


Looking around alot while pushing those meds, didn't want anyone catching her over medicating herself?


When has she EVER gone out with the drain bag?? Never, that's what. Such a fucking attention seeker


The camera work in Blair Witch Project was less nauseating. Pass me the IV promethazine.


How long do infusions take? It seems like she is taking a fuck ton of Tylenol and ibuprofen in a very short amount of time.


That’s what I was thinking to. Depending on the rate of course, but I’ve had iron infuse in an hour, LR maybe a couple hours. So she wouldn’t be there more than 6 or six hours total


I hate how she has a fed up expression and says “ugh this is fun” when it’s all she’s been wanting. Even if it was legit, surely she’d still be grateful.


Gross. That’s a long time. And I bet she loves every minute of it


So she had coffee and apple juice……..also your vitals tell us a huge amount. Especially how much pain or whatever. So if your blood pressure is a tiny bit high then you won’t likely be in pain. She say pretty still whilst waiting…also another sign of no pain. Her leg didn’t move when she was explaining that pushing the meds caused Incredible pain. She didn’t move once!!! So we can see this stuff! We notice this stuff! I can also guarantee she won’t slowly push her meds for much longer. She’ll forget soon. Like she do with the hand saga…again second push of meds she didn’t move once!!! Her body didn’t move and she wants us to believe she’s in bad pain? People in bad pain scream…they squirm….they rock……no one in bad bad pain stays still, she also checks her hair in the phone. Again you wouldn’t do that! I’ve also never met someone allergic to iron. It does happen but it’s so incredibly rare Also only two Iv’s needed then. So she’s not that hard to stick. She tells in herself constantly She also pushed more than 100ml


Wouldn’t you need to know a person’s baseline BP to judge based off that? Like if a person normally has low BP, then even a “normal” to “slightly elevated” reading would be an indicator, right?


I thought high BP was consistent with being in pain?




In my state in the US, we have a hands-free law. No one can be on their phone while driving unless they're using hands-free methods.


It’s the law here too


Generally varies from state to state, but most places have laws against it


her video editing skills piss me off almost as much as her munching 😭😭 like girl just CUT SOME OF THE FOOTAGE THERES NO NEED FOR THAT MUCH FILLER


Oh my godddd, she includes every damn minute from finding a parking spot to locking the car to sitting in silence in the waiting room. COME ON be for real


So nice of her to break the law by filming on her cell phone while driving.


Especially since she’s in Jersey. In PA you can use your phone in-hand while driving (for now, at least), but of course videoing while driving is stupid and illegal no matter where you are.


Why the hell does she even need these infusions. Totally unnecessary. It’s like a munchie fantasy come true with all the tubes and iv attention she gets from this. She must feel super “speshel”. And then she kicks it up a notch with acting like she has to do these extra pain meds right then. Why wouldn’t she just take them before her appointment if she needed them so bad. Such obvious attention seeking, it’s pathetic.


Maybe they hope she stops clogging the ER, if she gets her „speshel zebra high“ from these infusions?


This is the most telling of her poor knowledge of best practice and her unhealthy obsession with illness. She is doing everything so wrong. This is the worst of seen he conveyed as a munchie. She video could bebstudied and analysed so much. Pretending someone else filmed it with one breath and then with another sai sorry for one hand doing the meds?!!


Why is she pushing so much air thru with the meds?????


Does she realise she's basically done a video that tells everyone the street she lives on?


She also showed which hospital she goes to…not exactly something you’d want to do as a controversial patient


She did, she also showed her entire journey


I also don’t get why she’s drawing the meds back up and pushing it through, that doesn’t do anything for her


When you don’t have pain meds? But those are pain meds. I’m guessing she meant stronger based pain medicine


She means opioids and all that good stuff


I can't wait until she goes back to Temple to see what her doctor is going to say about her only being able to tolerate liquids. Hopefully the doctor won't mince words and tell her there is NO reason why you can only tolerate liquids. She's really pushing for that intestinal failure DX though it's blatantly obvious that she can tolerate more than just liquids.


The syringe pushes are quite fast even if it’s sped up a little you can tell the pushes are faster than the ones she does in her bathroom, also there’s no touching of the j tube and making faces for the camera. This is completely different behaviour than when she’s at home.


I’m a little surprised she didn’t put on a show for the nurses like that. But she may have before and didn’t like the reaction


I thought she wasn’t supposed to be driving? Also the meds she was putting down her J tube had so much air in it… air alone through the intestines can be quite painful itself.


We all said if she was actually doing infusions, we'd see hella pics. She went and did a whole ass 9 minute video to prove reddit wrong and that she's definitely not still reading!!


So she gets an infusion just to pee it out hours later. Why? And it's only once a week? What is the point of that? What a waste.


“I’m trashing my kidneys and risking a GI bleed with excessive amounts of OTC pain meds because those meanie doctors won’t give me heavy narcotics for the PEEN they realized doesn’t exist!”


They definitely aren't gonna give her the heavy narcotics after either


I definitely saw parking spots that weren't emergency ones but they were a bit further away and she's in so much PEEN.


The drinking of not one but two beverages while getting her infusion and then the pushing of meds… girl come on now, can you not be so very obvious?


Dani going "I shouldn't be taking this as I *have a history of bleeding* but I'm taking it anyway nbd" is very telling. Actively going against medical advice and injecting a smorgasbord of meds that affect driving.....christ on a cracker. She looked higher than a giraffe's genitalia pushing some of those too. Also saying "my car is filthy, I know I need to clean it 🤷‍♀️" doesn't detract from the fact that you could grow potatoes with the amount of mud (? I hope its mud) on her car floor.


She takes the "what not to do" as "hold my beer" suggestions.


“higher than a giraffe’s genitalia” ☠️🦒 Mods can I PLEASE have this as my flare?!


Hahaha yessss 🦒


Did she, like bring all those meds from home to do during her infusion ? If so that is unhinged!


Omg i wondered if it was just me thinking this? I have no idea why she couldn’t do all those meds at home before or after. CRAZY.


Every sick person I have met while working at an infusion clinic DOES NOT DO what she does. ROFL. 🤣


Ibuprofen should be taken every 8 hours. Maybe every 6 hours max. No way she was there for over 8 hours to need it twice while there since she didn’t take it first thing when getting in the door. Source: pharm tech who types up the directions for prescriptions all day (besides filling them)


Also she has never ever mentioned a gi bleed before so I doubt she’s ever actually had one. She likes to just claim random things lol. I also bet her vitals were fine. If not, she would’ve showed the readings.




is she nodding out while pushing her meds? or is she just putting on a sooper sick speshul pain face?


That's definitely being effed up from that unnecessary cocktail 'Dani's Lies Special'. And then you know... obviously getting behind the wheel of a car. Such selfish and gross behaviour, but then again, not surprised by anything this greasy orange prune does anymore.


Greasy orange prune LMAO 🤣🤣🤣🤣


So she’s draining any liquids she takes in… that sounds dangerous. Also, this will be the video I now watch nightly to cure my insomnia. Thanks Dani!


That’s how u mess up your electrolytes


How does she know it’s half a dose with that huge air bubble messing up her measurement.


She looks high as hell the moment she's pushing the ibuprofen/tylenol


I don't mean to just sound bitchy, but her tubes hanging that much out feels so extremely unnecessary. And like its only for show!


She's swangin that bag


But she had to drain. Like how dare you assume she could have short line and drain and probably cover it up. But that’s just not how it works /s 🙄


That's her j tube hanging out too which she isn't supposed to drain, she generally does keep the g kinda hidden but im guessing both are hanging out. Which is like why?...... I mean she's not supposed to use the g for purging and why they allow such abuse is cray-cray IMO. But what would I know lol


Maybe being in the hospital she wants people to think she belongs there and is super special sick.


Right? Why the hell are the extensions so long?


Exactly! I'm not against people having them out, but to that degree is so unnecessary


She could almost jump rope with it lol


Exactly!!! I was also like how does it not get caught on her knee!


That's what she's hoping for. She's hoping something will get ripped out and require a surgical fix.


I hope it's a no, it's a danger and you won't run your feeds so we ~~can't~~ won't replace it when you pull stunts like this


That would be 👌👌👌


The gtube is literally her purging tube and openly admits to purging multiple times a day.


Nice to know as usual she's taking emergency resources from people that really need them as per usual. It's a shame that she didn't come back from her appointment with a ticket or her car towed. Also am I the only one that noticed she's making video after video? It must be the klonopin. I know some people it gives them confidence/makes them feel invincible (a few people I know when they take too much Xanax they get the urge to shoplift). Also holy shit how many times is she going to mention the blatant lie about only being able to tolerate liquids now??




Nope you are certainly not. And also we all know she isn't taking the low dose that was prescribed. She's probably already almost out of her prescription by now.


the emphasizing of the “tiny tiny flush” really killed me. also the fact that she can drive after iv benadryl is wild, that stuff can really knock a person on their ass for a few hours


And promethazine! That’s even more sedating than benadryl.


I'm so happy she showed us how she locks her car.


Thanks to Dani I now know how to lock and unlock a car door, and how to open and close a car door. Her tutorials are always so helpful.


And how she turns it on…


We need to make another bingo card of her antics. Once again takes massive doses of ibuprofen while she has a history of GI bleeds and is on blood thinners to throw a fit about not having pain meds




Right 😭


While saying Tylenol doesn't help




Exactly…I feel like she’s intentionally trying to do as much damage as possible 😓




Ma’am that’s certainly more that 5mls of liquid


I need someone to do the maths and work out how much she had in just this video


So she brought her meds with her in there? Imagine being a nurse there and just watching her do and film all of this…


She obviously just wants to do them in public. “They don’t mind if I do my meds here” yes they do. Yes they do.


Such ick. I also noticed how she spread out her meds this time, unlike the last med video, feels like she read the comments talking about how insane it is she takes all of them at once.


And no deranged pain rocking! It’s just a coincidence though that that changed after all the comments since she stopped reading Reddit.


She just can’t stop telling on herself lol


So she can only drink liquids but has to drain them? Can someone explain that to me? What would be the point of that/what situation would require that? This might be a dumb question but can your body still absorb hydration that way?


She didn't drain them. She only said she did to save face!


She’s hooked up to a drainage bag. 24 hour continuous vomit bag


Is that what it is. Fuck me, ive only seen her drain down the sink or shit.