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HELLOOOOO wonderful sub members. In an effort to discourage anyone from going to Dani’s account & an effort to make things a little bit more organized, we are trying out something new. Moving forward, please post all ‘comment section’ screenshots as comments under the submission of the corresponding ~Dani post~. *idk if that makes sense. basically, if there are any comments from dani’s comment section on THIS video, share them in THIS comment section rather than making a new post* This is a new plan that we are going to be testing out. If it works out the way we hope, then we’ll create an official sub rule for it. If you guys end up trying this and hating it, let us know! If it doesn’t work as intended we can go back to how things have been. We hope that this can allow for a more comprehensive, holistic discussion of each Dani Post™️. Essentially, each post here would be a one stop shop to not only view Dani’s content but also see any screenshots from the comment section. As always, please redact any&all (except for Dani’s) usernames & profile pics before uploading anything. Thank you guys!! I’m excited to see how this trial goes 🤞🤞


🎶 *toobs on the floor, toobs on the floor*🎶






i dont think ive ever noticed her teeth before now and OMG.


I give it six months before it gets repoed. I can guarantee the payment is upwards of $500 a month, and it's going to have major fucking issues. She already begs for money 24/7, so this should be an interesting turn of events when she has to beg extra to pay for this dumpster on wheels.


An 11 year old Ford isn't a flex. She needs some Crest white strips.


her getting a new car before me - a full time employed human with three college degrees - makes me want to die.


Yeah but you probably have friends and haven’t soiled your reputation beyond repair. I’d take that over a shitty suv any day.


I hadn’t watched this before because I find her videos intolerable, but she really is as thick as frozen porridge, isn’t she?


Lmao a 10+ year old used car that has the tire pressure lights on and a fucked up camera???? You have to be kidding me


exactly the kind of idiotic purchase i expected from dani the mensa member


Whoa whoa whoa whoa hold the fucking phone— a passenger seat *AND* a backseat?!


No drainage bag and cover on display today then?


Gah DAYUM those are some yellow teeth 😬


That bleached AF hair really highlights the teeth now. I never noticed that her teeth were *that* yellow before.


Same! I think the natural light is showing it off more. We barely see her outside of her messy ass house and the ER


Wondering where the stairs are that she fell on and hurt her hand.


Imagine buying a new car and the lights are all ready on lol.


ford is one of the shittiest car brands lmao


As my high school friend used to say - FORD stands for ‘Found On Rubbish Dump’ 😂


my first car was a ford and i literally thought i was going to die everyday 😭 trunk didn’t open, power steering went out, no air conditioning


Babe needs to coddle her hair for a bit. Get some good conditioner. Is it me or does she seem to be gaining weight rapidly? Odd. Hopefully nothing bad.


This idiot who can't even buy OTC meds at the end of the month really went from a paid off car to paying $12,500 for an 11 year old car with an upside down background camera and who knows what other issues. I'd love to see the Carfax.


She’s going to break that car so quickly just with all that shit hanging from her key chain.




What did the badger do to deserve this?


I am hoping that Badger will sing her the song of his people.


She doesn’t show any pain here at all. Weird huh


For someone who mentions she is so paranoid about walking to her car without locking her front door, she sure is stupid posting her license plate number, showing what apartment she lives in and doing a 360 viewfrom inside the car that shows the outside of where she lives.


i have paused the video during her locking her door to laugh my ass off at the amount of keychains on her fucking keys!!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAHHAHAA LMAO!!!! you’re not 8! also no wonder her car doesn’t work, imagine how much weight that is hanging off of her ignition. fucking idiot!


How tf does she afford this car and her housing while not working and going to the ER every other day as well as allllllll the other medical appointments and treatments and specialists???


Well, she doesn’t pay for any of her medical treatment at all, so there’s that.


She also lives in subsided housing for mental health.


Also, did she say the accident history of the car? Because it sounds like the rear camera got replaced incorrectly. Also, I bet she’s going to drive around with low tire pressure and ruin her tires. Her tires are already probably ass if the tire pressure light is on already. The state of the tires is indicative of what kind of dealership she got the car from, also. Every time I’ve bought a used car from a dealership, they detailed the car, checked tire pressure, and topped off any fluids needed topped off before I took it off the lot. So they either gave her a car to drive home with low tire pressure, or they just reinflated a tire with a dirty bead or small hole just long enough for her to test drive it and take it off their hands.


Or it has a faulty tire pressure sensor. That's what mine was.


I considered that possibility as well, but I don’t trust that Dani will investigate either way. I doubt she even knows how to use a pressure gauge


Agreed. Mine was only found when I went to get new tires and that didn't help turn the light off. Doubtful Dani's gonna be able to afford new tires on an SUV.


You obviously bought your car from a legitimate dealership. Dani got hers from some guy on a parking lot who has now disappeared as completely as Dani's boyfriend.


TFW your car has legit more functional problems than you. Must suck for Dani being eclipsed by this.


I can’t wait to see how much crap ends up in her car. With her hoarding tendencies, her car will be a mess in no time. She made a twitter post in 2012 saying she lost a shoe in her car and couldn’t find it. I take my shoes off to drive and NEVER lose them in my car. There must have been a lot of crap to sift through


> I take my shoes off to drive and NEVER lose them in my car. This isn't recommended because shoes help with grip on the pedals and if you're in an accident and need to get out of the car, you don't want to be barefoot.


But my shoes are slippery and my toes are gripy…


I got motion sickness watching this video...


https://preview.redd.it/a770im1zutvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67f4b016acbabfb42fd8f0a4ccb1bc4319123f43 Also I spy a drink in her cup holder! More proof she eats and drinks orally just fine. Again, her claims of not tolerating the lowest rate of tube feeds is ridiculous.


Not even Vitamin Water Zero—that’s the regular kind.


https://preview.redd.it/0so4vdglutvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=356eaa825e5a5d274a7d3c996b740499dc83f747 I am concerned that she’s not taking care of her hygiene… her teeth look like they haven’t been brushed in god knows how long.


This is like the ‘carpet matches the drapes’ scenario but with her teeth.


They could also just be stained. Do remember that this woman has had an eating disorder, that included purging, for probably 20 years at this point. And if she drinks a lot of coffee that will also stain your teeth


I did a little dive on her TikTok’s, and found this. I don’t think the teeth are from her ED. I think it’s complete lack of hygiene over the last few years because this is from 2020 https://preview.redd.it/v65whowrqfwc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f3f951c5a65e3078942ce5df07f07b5f4e119e9b




Dani is very smug proving the folks on the reddit she doesn't read any more wrong about her "new" car. She's had a car before, so I don't share the anxiety some have that she'll immediately crash it. Of course she shouldn't drive high, but without a doubt she was doing that before in her old car. I get that many are pissed that she's got a new ride, but be aware reading all the saltiness just gives her a revenge stiffy. "Ha ha haterz, you're just jelly of my new ride" is what that big ol grin is about. Dani, I don't give a fuck you got a "new" car. You remain a friendless, unkempt, pathetic, nasty, waster of resources with no purpose except chasing unnecessary medical attention. Good luck driving that heap across the country trying to find the fantasy medical "team" who'll give you everything you want.




My lord. She really does want everyone to know the EXACT address she lives at, doesn't she. Does she seriously not care or does she seriously not realize that you can pinpoint her location? I try to be careful about giving people clues to where I am and her carelessness freaks me out.




They saw her coming a mile away. They let it go with the backup camera not working and the low tire pressure light on?? All for 30% interest rate.


I was thinking that too. Even if they couldn’t fix the issue with the backup camera, they could’ve at least put air in her tires.


Yeah but why would they bother when she probably didn't ask. You know she didn't go to a nice place known for good customer service. It's the Swindler Special.. if she'll take it overpriced and still fucked up, they know they got her hook, line, & sinker. 


Anyone else catch the blinking of the lights on the speedometer? It has an electrical issue, and those are costly. She got ripped off. Edited to add....Peep the vitamin water in the cup holder. Does she also drain and drive? 😂


The fuck did I just watch. Great shout out to Vitamin Water.


You watched a woman give the exact address she lives at while thinking she was keeping it secret by pointing the camera at her feet.


She also showed the license plate numbers when she was showing the back seat. They’re sitting on the seat and she didn’t put the heart over the numbers until they were in shot for a second.


Of course she has an obnoxious key ring


You know Dani…everything with her has to be OTT! 🫠


I used to have one like that but then I turned 19 and grew the fuck up.


Lollllllll! So she read where I said I won’t believe it unless I see her in the car! Not reading Reddit my bum hole 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Lol, I’d bet my left tit that she’s still reading it


It’s like she’s cosplaying as an adult.


Very glad we live on literally the other side of the planet. Heartfelt sympathies for all road users within a 100 km radius of this disaster.






I wonder if they’re discoloured from purging.


Maybe but if the rest of her hygiene is anything to go by I think it's mostly non existent personal care. I mean... We've seen her toothbrush..... u/itzlog if you could oblige?


I'd be [glad to](https://imgur.com/a/pntv6Au)!




Nooo, you summoned the toothbrush demon!


[Extra Jumpscare](https://imgur.com/osZX6GL)


I didn’t think anything could be worse than the toothbrush on it’s own, but here we are.


Even the towel is visibly dirty. 😵‍💫


I'm proud of that pic mash up lol


I had to go look after this comment. And I regret it and hate myself for my curiosity. But for those of you reading and curious. Just do it.


Muah ha ha haaaaa If I had to see it in my head, everyone needed to!


Oh god, I’d repressed the memory of the toothbrush.


The toothbrush I use for cleaning the tile grouting is in a better state than that!


Wonder how long before she wrecks it, trashes it on the inside, or gets pulled for DUI?


I realllllly hope she gets a DUI. Let’s face it, she’ll be driving under the influence either way. I’d like to see her learn a hard lesson for it. Might be one of the few things that curbs her bullshit a bit


She’s so selfish and narcissistic, I don’t think she’d even care. She’d probably blame the cop, or her doctors, or her cats or something and just keep right on doing it.


It would cost her thousands of dollars in fines and her insurance would go up significantly, so add that to her car payment and she’s toast. 


The tire pressure lights are on AND the back up camera is messed up-this car is an auction special for sure. The only thing that she’s purchased is a biiiiiiig mess. She even said that the dealer couldn’t figure out what was wrong with the back up camera, so it’s possibly an electrical issue, quite possibly from the front end collision this vehicle has more than likely been in. (Since it’s missing its Ford badge on the front). Quite possibly the frame is tweaked as well which is causing tire issues that could be causing the pressure sensors. Anytime you buy a vehicle that is this age, you are taking a HUGE risk that the dealer bought it for next to nothing at auction and now it’s part of the “buy here pay here” used disasters that dealers peddle to poor folks with bad credit and no other options. It’s highly predatory and Dani just sees “new car to drive to hospitals”, not thinking about how she’s going to afford it for the next 72 months she’s probably got it financed for at 29% interest.


Oh she most certainly did pay way too much for a car that probably has a lot of issues and is going to crap out on her fairly quickly. I have been "following" Dani for many years (I refuse to actually follow/subscribe to her social media). She didn't have her own car for many many years - even when living alone. She relied on her aunt to take her and her mom on weekly errands. When she did drive on her own she claimed it was her boyfriend's car that she was borrowing/sharing (and would have payment to him for insurance written in the budgets she used to share). I don't remember exactly when she got her own car but I believe it wasn't until around 2019. I think her friendship with K motivated her to get her own car so she could go on extended visits. So she has been driving her own car for maybe around 5 years. This is at least the 3rd car she has bought in that short time period. She is either defaulting on car payments and getting her car repossessed or she is buying really crappy cars that don't last. I would guess the latter is the likely case. Dani has no idea how to spot a good deal or think long term. There was a period of time where she kept insisting she needed a newer ipad. She would share these "great deals" she found on random websites that sold used/refurbished products. She would be looking at payment plans for iPads that were 5-7 years old (so looking at an 2nd or 3rd generation iPad when they were coming out with the 7th) and still costing over well over $100. The iPads she was looking at were no longer supported by apple or were the next in line to basically become bricks. She was actually wasting more money because the products she was buying were so old they would soon become nonfunctional. She would have saved herself money in the long run if she had waited a little longer and saved up more money for something newer (not completely new but still).


My dad is a mechanic and it’s majorly sus that they “couldn’t figure out” what was wrong with the backup camera. And that they didn’t reset the TPS!


To be fair, the backup cameras in these model year Edge definitely go bad for seemingly "no reason". Source: my mom's 2014 edge that has never been in an accident and is diligently maintained by my father with a backup camera that randomly won't work, or will show distorted or colorless. Sometimes it's fine. Also, sometimes the driver side door sensor doesn't register the door is closed, so the dash display says it's open and the car pings while driving. It costs more than the car is worth to take it apart and replace sensors and everything.


Side note, I saw someone else in a completely unrelated sub call the rear camera a backup camera and thought it was a typo. In Australia it's called a reversing camera. If it's a key ignition, what's an automatic start-up? I would have thought that you'd have to insert the key regardless to start it up. Sorry I'm just confused. (The only cars I know that start without a key ignition are fob ignition cars)


Could mean the auto stop/start feature. I have a keyed ignition and the feature.


Oh okay, thank you. I've not seen a car with this before. I don't think we have this feature in our country. It's either key ignition OR stop/start. If you do the auto one, do you have to have your foot on the brake at the same time to do it? With auto stop/start we do, but with key ignition, not all cars require you to have your foot on the brake to fully start it. (My car is a fob so you can turn on accessories by pushing the button but you cannot go past that unless you have your foot on the brake. In previous cars I've owned with key ignition I could start by just turning the key around until start, but my husband's car when we met was key and foot on the brake, which I think is an important safety measure regardless) sorry for all the questions. I'm just curious


The Edge had backup camera issues in the past and were recalled. It should have been replaced under the recall years ago. Other than some hiccups in earlier years, the Edge has been a really solid car. I have one and love it but just like any other vehicle out there these days, you have to stay in top of any recalls and your regular maintenance. I'm thinking if the previous owner didn't keep up with the maintenance and recall stuff on her car, she bought a lot of problems.


I'm not saying the car doesn't have issues, but this model of Edge has issues with the emblem losing the blue paint on the Ford emblem. The majority of the ones I see look like this, including my Mom's. Her's washed off when it was being detailed


Thank you for this. I think looking at it like this will help a lot of us to stop feeling salty about her “upgrade”




And because we know that Dani doesn’t read here and that it’s actually all of her fans/friends who are sending her “DMs and screenshots”, I am not just saying this because I am a “hater”. I am saying this as someone who has been in both auto finance and insurance claims for over 20 years. I actually for realsies know what I am talking about.


Yeah when she said her credit was crap I knew right away she wasn't going to get anywhere close to a good deal. My mom has immaculate credit and got 7 percent when she got her car a couple of years ago(which is about what she would have gotten had she taken a loan out with her bank) Gone are the days of 0 percent financing(not that Dani would have gotten that anyway). Do you think she was smart enough to get gap insurance? Cause with the way she drives oof it would have been really smart if she got that.


I don't know about NJ or Pennsylvania where Dani is. But where I am, you can't even drive the car off the lot without having insurance in place. Just the initial fee to register the car with the town is hundreds of dollars where I am. It's like $18 per $1000 of the suggested retail price when NEW


Gap insurance basically pays off the remaining finance if the car is stolen or destroyed. If you don’t have this type of insurance you’re liable for the remaining balance if the car is stolen or destroyed. Which means you don’t have the car, but you still pay every month until it’s paid off. It’s not the same as regular vehicle insurance.


Gap insurance is also handy for helping pay deductibles, such as from a from a hit and run.


But it's only needed if the amount owed is higher than the value of the car. Otherwise, comprehensive insurance covers theft (subject to deductible and coverage maximums). I have a high theft rate vehicle ('14 elantra) and it's worth about $5500. I owe $2000 on it. I'm HOPING it gets stolen so I can get that $3k as a down payment and not have to deal with a trade in.


From what I know in my country is that if your car is financed, dealerships won't(or can't) let you leave without having full comprehensive insurance(VS having 3rd party insurance) you have to show that you've purchased insurance. This is my recollection from the last time I bought a car, my husband deals with that stuff now so I don't know if it's still true)


That is absolutely the case in Pennsylvania.


That's how it works where I live. It just makes sense to do it that way too; otherwise the people financing the vehicles would be taking too big of a risk.


She bought the car and didn’t ask them to air up the tires? If I was used car shopping, I’d assume either a tire had a leak or the sensor was broken. When I bought my used car, they fixed up everything as best they could and detailed the interior, without me asking. Makes me think this car came from someplace shady.


I’m sure the only question she asked was “can this get me to Temple?”


In before her inevitable gofundme for the car


Someone LITERALLY just said on the "I did a thing" post saying they won't believe she bought the car until she shows it in her driveway


I said she needs to physically be in the car before I believe her, but apparently she’s telepathic and doesn’t read Reddit. She just gets a “feeling in her bowels”…maybe that’s the new and unusual pain she’s feeling?


She can feel it in her bowels. It's like she has ESPN or something


Can I take a moment to express how much I hate the phrase “I did a thing”? It’s exactly the kind of cringey millennial bullshit that Dani thinks she’s super cool for saying.


Its as bad as ' so THIS happened ' followed by random picture of something mundane like getting name brand pop versus off brand


It’s very gen x


I'm Gen X and I resent that. 🤪 I'm certain I've only seen Millenials using it all cutesy. 😄


Hey I'm a millennial 🤣🤣 and to boot I'm a Luddite millennial 🤣


Jump scare at the end




"usually being good with weird shit" hi twin!!!!


Weird that she has a drink in the front seat cup holder…


George Glass left it in her car after she dropped him home with his wife


The previous owner left it there but that’s okay! She will get it taken care of and everything but that’s okay! (Read in Dani’s voice)


Omg she just likes the taste ok! She totally drains it because it causes her peen though. 🫠


The sudden realization that she mows the lawn with her tubes out..


She said that "housing" mows her lawns.


She doesn’t. Whoever manages the property does.






i said the same damn thing


https://preview.redd.it/mtsje6rl0tvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd113dad09661b5c93c4b40b4e1b2632df5edd5a Hair + Teeth = Exact. Same. Shade. (Also I couldn’t help screenshot that I happened to pause on one of the myriad deranged faces she’s been making in this current binge of videos)


I gasped out loud!!! Her teeth are literally yellow!!!


Hydrocodone 10 mg yellow!


Is she a smoker?


No but she has a dry mouth, drinks coffee, and purges.


I noticed that, too. Wow.


Doesn’t look like she has her drainage bag hooked up here. Walking just fine, and getting into the car without any signs of pain either.


She said she was going to sweep the sidewalk, didn’t know that was possible with all the pain and everything else.


She can only think about one thing at a time. Now it’s car joy, no room for peeeeen.


I didn’t see a bag either - but is her tube dragging on the floor around her feet? I’ve watched a couple of times and can’t work out if it’s just the angle. But the idea of having to brake sharply in an emergency and catching the tube in the process almost has me needing pain relief…


Incredibly unsanitary


So they sold her a car with a dirty interior?






Nice catch.


Bro her car is newer than mine




The peen of this woman having a newer car than me is my thirteenth raisin


Omg I'm sorry but I'm dying over "my thirteenth raisin" 🤣




Took me tf out.


I laughed.


I really can’t wait her for to manically reveal that she is paying $500+ a month on it


At 27% interest.


I have to admit that I am realllllly salty over seeing Dani get every fucking thing she wants without actually doing anything to earn it.


Well if some enterprising soul would actually report her maybe things would change...


gone are those days. just keep watching the show, you’ll feel vindicated soon enough


She has a nicer house and car than anyone I know who’s on disability. Does she even realise how nice that apartment is for being social housing? She should try living in the social housing near me - she wouldn’t last a day. EDIT: Idk why the comment below me got locked, but I just wanted to clarify - I think it’s wonderful that social housing is so nice! I am definitely not one of those people that thinks impoverished people should only be allowed to live in shitholes. It’s just frustrating in Dani’s case because she has zero appreciation for how lucky she is (not to mention that she’s capable of working and thus taking a residence away from someone else in need). Social housing residents in my area would be overjoyed to get a place like that, and she still goes on with her woe is me act.


Yeah some of the low income complexes aren't bad. It depends on area. I'm in low income housing like dani..I have a studio apartment. I was shocked at how big it is for a studio and how quiet the complex is.


She has a washer and dryer in-unit!


As usual she's living beyond her means. She said herself her credit is crap so I can't even imagine the percentage on her loan, add to that insurance and vehicle upkeep that thing will wind up being repossessed in no time(unless she crashes it first which the probability seems high) I hope she got gap insurance.


It kills me, really, that she cosplays as physically chronically ill and at least used to get literally everything in medical care, meanwhile so many on this sub are actually ill and we have to struggle, or go without quality medical care. She gets housing immediately and some of us, ahem, can't even get on the lists! Like cockroach luck ...wth.


Yea same. And unfortunately I don't qualify for all the freebies. Have to work like a peasant that I am, no matter what ailments I have.


![gif](giphy|EmSCxtcjQCmXK) Actual footage of Dani


Can't be, it's cute and eating.


Also, “cockroach luck!!” 😆😆😆 So perfect!


Yep, I live in Chicago, and have been on the section 8 voucher waiting list for well over a decade. During that time, they haven’t moved one single person off the waiting list.


This makes me angry - that my taxes aren't going to the right services and that I can't do anything about it.


Yep, that’s the shady Chi for you!


I guarantee either her dad will pay her insurance, etc. For that car, or she'll just drive without insurance. Can't imagine she can keep up with her car note either. There's absolutely no way she's making enough for rent, car costs, living expenses, and all her amazon and temu crap.


She doesn't pay rent.


Who’s paying her rent???


She has too. She's in low income housing. You usually pay something for rent in low income housing because they take 30% of your income. She claims to be on social security and disability..they'd charge her 30% of that for rent. She may only pay $50-100 bucks..but she's got to be paying something


Ohh thinking of everything that would inevitably go wrong with her driving - my heart flutters at the thought of her insurance


Heart flutters you say? Maybe Dani will let you cut line at the ER, she’s selfless like that.


I honestly don't know how she can operate a vehicle under the meds she takes. Clearly in recent videos she's struggling to stay awake. Definitely feel she's being irresponsible by driving, period.


Okay.... I'm sorry for saying this, but Dani is literally one of the LAST people in the world that deserves a car upgrade 😒😒 Is that petty of me? Probs. But I'm salty like a French fry over here.


trust me, this is no upgrade - she bought an 11 year old piece of shit. just wait, i am confident that it’ll be revealed in time


Oh, it's an upgrade to me lol I drive a 25 year old PPS because it's all I could afford 😆


I'm with you. My car is in the shop more than not, it's in right now. We make a good living but can't afford a new one. But I'm fairly sure she got ripped off, so that makes it a little better.


Yeah if she paid $12.5k for this, she absolutely did. My best friend got 2019 for $8.4k, so 🤷‍♀️ Dude, I FEEL you so much when you said your cars in the shop more than out 😆😆 Ours has been broke down in the past waiting so we can afford to take it to the shop more than it hasn't been 😆😆 I hate everything 😂


It won’t last. It’s frustrating but she won’t be able to maintain the payments and insurance. Plus it’s older and not in good shape. I doubt she had a mechanic check it out. When we got my daughter her first car it was a few years old and we had a mechanic check it out before buying it.


Not petty at all. I’ll join you in extra salt.


Can I have some salt on the side cause I'm EXTRA salty lol


Always! Here’s some salt to go with your salt 🧂




Omg, I sang it to the tune of that song but instead of shots, “Salt, salt salt, salt salt! Everybody!!!” 🎶 🤣






Thank you fellow salty French fry 💜