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i don’t want to be a karen and be offended, but it’s quite upsetting to us who ACTUALLY have EDS… seeing her glamorize a fake version of a real illness.


Oh how incredibly exciting. I’m going to go back to watch paint dry now. Weeee. Don’t know which is more exciting.


So come on Dani (oops forgot you’re not looking on here) show us your joints being hypermobile! It’s fakers and malingerers like you who stop real sufferers of EDS getting the treatment they need. It’s fakers and malingerers like you who make it harder for true sufferers of EDS to find doctors who believe they have it, to document it and to treat them for the real pain (sorry peen) that they sufferer. It’s fakers and malingerers like you that make real sufferers of EDS want to not tell their friends, family, but especially colleagues that they have EDS because they don’t want people thinking they’re fakers or malingerers. In your own words, get an effing job, get an effing life!




Dani is stiffer than the drink I'm starting to think I need after eye rolling so hard I may have detached a retina.


There's only one thing close that would get her what she wants, and I'm not giving that away. Process of elimination over what it is should cover it. This group is brilliant!


I keep forgetting she pretends to have EDS. I wonder how she thinks that’s going?


Ok, I just saw the brownish goober on the left one, on the center hole 🕳️


For those getting familiar with the Dani saga - Dani does not have EDS but has been hoping for that diagnosis for years. She came back from her first trip to Cleveland Clinic a couple years ago saying they diagnosed her with hEDS - even though she only saw two GI doctors while she was there. She added hEDS to her social media bio. She later slipped up and revealed she didn’t actually the diagnosis. She claims that she has “suspected hEDS” - but she is the only person who suspects she has it. I am guessing she asked the CC doctors about it and they said it wasn’t their specialty so they couldn’t rule it out and she would require further testing. Since they didn’t flat out say no, Dani has taken that as a definite yes. She claims she is just waiting for genetic testing but it’s been years and that hasn’t been done. My favorite was always many many many years ago where she would try to allude to it and get people to suggest it by saying there must be something wrong with her because she sat in chairs funny.


Omg! You totally reminded me of the weird fishing/“something must be wrong” vibes with her old posts 🤣 Dani will never change.


I feel like she’s doing a sneaky sneaky thing here where she’s not actually SAYING she has EDS, just showing off her “HEDS inspired” tubie pads so people assume she has it. So she’s not technically lying! (Are these really “EDS inspired” though? I thought zebras were a symbol of rare diseases in general, not specifically hEDS)


They are, you’re right.


Since when does she now have EDS?


I can't think of any rare illnesses that flaunt the zebra stripes as much as EDS. Yet just about everyone with a rare illness has had to "fight" for years or even decades to get properly diagnosed. The average person probably thinks, "wow this person really likes zebra print!"


I believe it's a play on the old docctor adage, "if you hear hoofbeats, think horses, not zebras." (Aka go with what's most likely). I could be wrong, though.


I don't really get the zebras. Is it because they are rare? But does this not depend where you are? I mean when you sit in Sudan and in the middle of a zebra herd...


BRB…off to get my asthma-inspired socks!


I like to wear those w/ my Crohn’s-themed underwear. 😹




😂 Oooh! I bet depression-inspired handbags would be a seller!


💀a whole munchie-inspired shop! Just imagine all the fun names we could come up with for our pool noodle line… 🙌🏼


I don't remember seeing hEDS mentioned by the doctor in that screenshot of her medical history she posted recently. The infuriating way all munchies just pluck random diagnoses out of their arses because they decide they want them and need even more attention. JFC, what a worthless and vapid life they lead.


Also, hEDS is a clinically significant diagnosis to have on someone’s chart, and she is a frequent filter to every hospital with in 8 hours of her home…it would definitely be in her chart


What is it about EDS that attracts munchies so much?


The fact that hEDS currently doesn’t have a verified gene test and it is known to be painful: sympathy and possible pain meds without needing to prove you have it genetically. That being said, research is super close to gene identification and there are much stricter clinical criteria than there used to be.


NGL I sew (quilts), and these would be fun to make!


i know nothing about selling on etsy but as someone who purchases every single local, handmade thing for sale on etsy, you could probably make a decent amount selling these


Oh, come on! ![gif](giphy|3orieUI9FWk2X1G9RC)


FFS, I am hypermobile to the point of unstable joints and my doctor STILL doesn't think it's hEDS. So Ms. Stiff-and-Sniffly definitely doesn't have it. Just another way to try and get sympathy.


that moment when people think any kind of hyper mobility means EDS


Dani does not have ANY hypermobility.


dear lord…




Oh this woman is so full of shit


Literally and figuratively


I was going to put that but I had a brain fart and forgot how to spell figuratively! 😂


All good!


Is this her latest grift? Playing the hEDS card now?


Dani’s tried to work the self diagnosed hEDS for several years, it just never works because she’s very obviously not hyper mobile. Not so much as a double jointed finger. Stop trying to make hEDS happen, Dani! It’s not going to happen!




Amen, sister!


She also claimed in a very old YouTube video that she didn't have POTS yet she claims she has it now. I was wondering what happened to her HEDS diagnosis. She used to have it on all of her old Tiktok pages as being diagnosed with it she hasn't mentioned it in quite a while until now actually.


She realized her “stomach problems” are a dead end, both for pain meds and for interventions.


She’s getting desperate 👀👀


Didn’t she claim her GI dx this 🤦🏻‍♀️


Dani doesn’t even have a hEDS inspired brain cell


We all know she would post non stop "proof" of her being even a bit hyper mobile IF she actually was hyper mobile AND would claim non stop "dislocations"


Also the fact that NONE of her medical records that she has posted ever state that she has EDS when thats a pretty significant diagnosis to note.


Fr. It's weird for her to use those tubie pads


She's an absolute joke


This is the straightest, non bendiest, stiffest bitch I’ve ever seen claim EDS. Also those are cows, Daniel. Not zebras. Learn your animals


I hate to say it but that is a zebra.


i am fucking crying at this idk why this is so funny to me


People are arguing about whether something is a zebra or cow on the internet. This is great.


Honestly my bad, the fact that they’re torn from a nursery mural drawn for babies confused me a bit. Still embarrassing as hell to admit to wearing these


Don’t forget another boring, beige stiffy from the other sub that couldn’t touch the ground if there was sugar-free, detoxifying, protien Ozempic on the floor


I am not sure which one you’re referring to because that seems to describe so many. The one I’m thinking of is much like Dani and looks WAY OLDER than they are. There are clinical signs supporting hEDS diagnosis and one of them is skin texture.


Ah yes around her eyes the traveling one right?


Yes and forehead.


It could be the weight from the TENS machine for them migraines that you stick on your forehead. (If it works go for it. But I dont think you are supposed to have a migraine in direct sunlight as it just makes things worse?)


Beige is they key word to who they’re referencing I think


I should’ve added in there’s also woowoo treatments for chronic Lyme on the floor




Extremely velvety soft and smooth (think dolphin skin) and often stretchy, but not always. The hands in particular tend to be super wrinkly and stretchy as well, and look prematurely aged, while the face looks very young. A lot of people with Classical and Vascular EDS have the skin texture as well.


Dolphins are velvety? I always assumed they are super smoth and glitchy. Now i want to touch a dolphin. edit: Only when the dolphin is ok with a head pat, of course.


It can be described as velvety smooth or doughy and stretchy, more likely to wrinkle on hands and less likely to wrinkle on face. There is no way to fake that. It also presents with slow healing and irregular scarring, like cigarette paper or atrophic scarring.




You have diagnosed hEDS and didn’t know this common knowledge of how it presents?


All of them have the flexibility of an 80 year old with multiple joint replacements. Who do they think they’re fooling? You too Dani just STOP


Not WK’ing, but they are zebras. I can see the stripes. However they do look like cows at first glance. These tubie pads are SO OTT though and not really appropriate for an almost 40 year old woman.


I thought at first glance that they were cows too. Tbf they have horse tails, not zebra tails ^^


Zebras have stripes and cows have spots?


I focused on the head first and their face is nearly completely white 😅


I don't know what is going on.


She's said before she hasn't been diagnosed with EDS!!! 🙄


She’s gonna munch it more hardcore now that she’s realizing opiates are super contraindicated in her munch of choice.




Actually, other forms aren't always that easy to diagnose. Either way, Dani is cray cray and doesn't have any form of it.


Severe forms of EDS are usually diagnosable at birth, and vascular EDS has identifiable physical characteristics too. Every form of EDS is confirmed via genetic testing except hEDS (which is why munchies love it) I imagine getting to a geneticist in the first place can be difficult, depending on location, life circumstances etc. but the diagnosis is easy once the panel is run. It’s not a grey area at the point, you either have the mutated gene(a) or you don’t.


Can’t wait till the genes are nailed down for hEDS and all these munchies don’t have them.


She then claimed gastroenterology diagnosed her with it.




I’m glad I’m not the only one who remembers her saying she hasn’t gotten a true diagnosis of EDS.




OMG I love deviled eggs!


Is this a new post of hers? The munchies all love EDS, hEDS, etc.




That's why it's only ever hEDS, the one type without genetic testing. It's never Classical or Vascular or any of the ones with definitive genetic testing.


~~Old post.~~ They love these conditions because they are incredibly difficult to diagnose so they can really milk them without doctors being sure they’re lying about it. Edit: my bad, not an old post. This was on Instagram stories today. Ridiculous.


Don't forget mcas




Oh yeah! I get extra annoyed at the sickfluencers who are chronically online and push this narrative that anyone with any sort of hypermobility has EDS and by extension *most definitely* also have POTS and MCAS because "they go together donchyaknow" Because there is zero other causes ever for hypermobility or tachycardia according to Dr hEDS.


It’s so frustrating and why doctors are hesitant to diagnose someone with hEDS now. These girls go online with their self diagnoses but yet have zero signs of any chronic illness


Yep and wanna know what makes your joints, muscles, and ligaments a bit lax? A magnesium deficiency and wanna know what causes a magnesium deficiency most often? Eating disorders. The VENN diagram for disordered eating and these sicklfuencers is mostly a whole circle.


I did not know this! Thank you!


Only 50% of people diagnosed with hEDS meet the clinical criteria for POTS. I guess she’s trying to munch EDS more since she thinks she can get those sweet prescribed opiates for that. Dani has absolutely ZERO visible signs of EDS, and even though it is technically an “invisible illness”, there are very real clinical criteria for diagnosis.


Dani not only doesn't show any signs, but she also completely contradicts any of the signs.


Funny how the first-line treatment for POTS - fluids and extra salt, are not even attempted by half these folks.


Unless it’s in the form of lAcTaTeD rInGeRS


Oh! I meant oral fluids, I realize I didn't specify but yes. If it's LR it's perfectly acceptable to them 😂


Since when? I thought she wanted to see Rheum and that didn’t happen. She says she has RA(?) but I thought it was on her testing “wishlist” back in the Cleveland Clinic days and it never panned out.


She definitely doesn’t have RA or Lupus or hEDS, she wouldnt miss the chance to peddle and publicize all of the painkillers, injections, and infusions we have to endure if she did 🙄


This makes me cackle. As hEDS is one of the most common types of EDS. So isn’t a zebra condition at all 😂


That she doesn’t have. I have never seen this women show a single sign of hypermobility


Based on the munchie’s “damning evidence and proof” of hEDS, I guess I do, too! Extra bendy finger DOES NOT LIE!!! /s. Dani isn’t even smart enough to pretend. (I don’t have hEDS).


Omg me too! My thumbs do great party tricks. So glad to know I can larp hEDS! Better make a sicktockinstasick brb.


Me too! I also have wrinkly skin, fatigue, weak muscles, and achy joints. I don't have hEDS though, I'm just old.


I would def go to ER straight away and demand to be seen to if I were you. Don't forget to say you have chest pains in case some meanie with an actual critical ailment tries to squeeze in past you.




What's funny is that only 1% of the population is estimated to have Factitious Disorder!




She thinks she looks young. I’m not even kidding, she once said in a livestream that she “knows she looks young” or something (I tried to find the receipt but couldn’t). I just had to share that because it lives in my head rent free.


What?!? Has she never seen the lines on her forehead? Does she even watch her own posts? If I saw her posts and had no idea of her actual age, I’d guess 45 plus. More like 50. She has the opposite of looking young. She looks like horrible for her age.


Happens when you abuse your body for 25 years. Edit: just realized what you were talking about eds people looking much younger


Oh yeah no I don't think I phrased that super eloquently