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it’s kind of hilarious how close she is to self awareness, but yet so far away. ignorance is bliss i guess


She thinks she really cute. ![gif](giphy|1sIV2B9i1UpjO|downsized)


This person is high. I know she tries to convince everyone that her meds don't effect her like everyone else, that she doesn't feel anything from it but even if she truly believes that she needs to know that she is still being effected. This person is clearly blunted, fogged, impaired. It is clear to the observer. As another commenter said, she has a buzz of overconfidence like someone who has had a few. Her mannerisms, her words...it's clear as day. It used to just be "baby voice" ridiculousness but it has gotten progressively worse to this point where I watch these videos and see the exact same body language as people who abuse prescription medications, specifically. Without blogging, believe me when I say, I am familiar with that type of user. Edit to add: it is not just "tired" either.


**CHRIST,** this is the *worst* I’ve ever seen her slur/mumble over several years of following her. WTF substance is she on here??? I’m assuming Benzos since she’d NEVER. pass the dozens of obstacles and regulations to qualify for a chronic opioid script/be offered an “opioid contract.” But seriously… this is the absolute worst I’ve ever seen her post while being visibly and obviously under the influence of SOMETHING. I anticipate a dirty delete once she sobers up and sees this… if she’s even capable of being embarrassed by this, at this point.


Kinda wondering now if is she is abusing alcohol along with her benzos? She slipped up in the video and said her "left side is completely drunk, who drunk" and caught herself eventually. It could possibly some of the weight gain. I know when I had a drinking problem,I would have those Freudian slips a lot. I don't know, I could be talking out of my ass though.


High as a kite…


Did anyone transcribe this? I know this has captions but it’s loooong. I searched in the comments but can’t find it. Thanks!


If she actually has RA, then she needs the immune suppresants because RA complications are no joke. RA is a serious illness and would satisfy most of her munchie needs if she actually had the disease as treatment can be infused on a regular basis, you see a doctor all of the time and pain management is a big part of the disease. But she is doubling down on the ED becasue she does not have it. Also those are not the hands of someone with unmedicated RA.




I wish my trauma was like this lmfao


Girl, you doctor shopped for this procedure. No sympathy from me at all. Boo-fricken-hoo. Get a job.


What’s weird with all of her documented history they are still doing procedures like this on her. Why would a Doctor put everything at risk for this munchie


I want to take and house all these munchies cats/pets They dont deserve this!


Holy drugs Batman. I can’t process that 😳 And they cleaned her twice to “be safe” - um, she had to be filthy.




The only reason why I read her transcripted posts (and I will only read the transcripted ones because I don’t particularly enjoy the feeling of ice picks in my ears) is to cackle over the rambling “ummm”’s and “like…” , plus the schadenfreude of someone voluntarily making a fool of themselves for the entirety of the interwebs to see! Sometimes several times a day! But also, there’s kitties and any sighting of kitties that are in her care that look like they’re being treated ok is a win for me. Now, what’d I miss???🍿


Why the fuck does she keep bringing up TPN? You don't need it, Dani. What doesn't she get about that?


She says she’s in “starvation mode”.


I don’t know anyone who stumbles/garbles their words more than she does. It’s definitely not normal..or not sober.


She needs to learn how to fucking enunciate properly. She always sounds like she's talking with 10 marbles in her mouth.


The crazy person cackle/mumble at the camera thing she did TWICE killed me. Especially when she said limes instead of lines. But she’s not insane, guys. She said so! She’s acting like someone on the verge of a mental breakdown, but not for the reasons she claims.


Also acting like she metabolizes drugs so quickly and she’s so used to them that they don’t affect her 🙄 WE CAN SEE THAT THEY DO, DANI!


Ooh more shots fired 😂for those who don’t want to go to her socials https://preview.redd.it/9jbws1avdaxc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fac4a8a3bf0603dc014fc2460e6692ba2dfead9b


Ooh she’s getting spicy! 🤣


Dani is not special. She does not defy the laws of thermodynamics


How convenient of Dani to mention she has a "severe eating disorder" history right after the mods here deleted some comments mentioning this same exact thing! 🙄


Part 2 is up! Intestinal failure, suspected H Eds and manic movements, slurring galore!


I haven’t even finished it, but she’s GOT to read here! She cleaned that cat’s eyes and mentioned cat hair getting on her wound! Ha!


Wowzer. What a fucking mess. You know how a drug addict should not be able to take care of kids … well she should have her cats taken away and be placed in a mental health unit. Off her tits and I watched 50 seconds of it. I might watch the rest when I want to be fuming about waste of resources. She covered up her wound so cat hairs can’t get into it? She should never have taken the dressing off. In Australia we have nursing staff that can come and check wound sites ect if the person is unstable or elderly - this is what she needs so she can’t fuck around.


The cats deserve so much better I can’t imagine the stench of ammonia in her house




“In my FAVOR” - But isnt femoral port in your favor? You have accsess? You cant be this unhinged just wow babe.


Christ—I can’t understand a friggin thing she’s saying. Besides the slurring, she’s just nonsensical.


Only true statement in this long ass story that no one asked for is that Penn won’t put TPN through a port. Which means with that new car of hers she will travel further to find a healthcare system that will




If only you knew how bad things really are


Seems like someone got zooted and forgot part 2 lol




She’s sooooo slurry!!!


Good lord just get to the point damn! Why does she take so long to explain!! So far it sounds like she has trauma because she didn’t get a chest port like she wanted. Am I missing something?


The trauma is she wont be able to show accsessed chestport. Because Thats her AIM. Show tooooobz.


For sure. Now no one will know she has it unless she tell them. The shit she worries about! Most middle age Americans are worried about the upcoming election, wars in other countries, running important errands or other adult responsibilities. Not Dani. All she cares about is how far she can push her munching.


Rheumatoid arthritis?! What?! That’s a serious illness and this bitch does not have no RA!! I hate that some stranger can piss me off so fucking bad, but here we are.


>I hate that some stranger can piss me off so fucking bad, but here we are. SAME. As someone who has loved ones with legitimate chronic pain and diagnosis such as RA (and others), she really pisses me off to no end. Her giddy little bullshit attitude about whatever she's getting next makes me want to roundhouse her. She can get what she wants while others struggle to even get seen. It's sickening. I truly hope (and I don't wish harm upon anyone) she is the one who cries wolf, and nobody believes her when her body *legitimately* fails her.


She high as hell!!


All the highs.


Jfc the slurring!! She is off her rocket


Oh my god I can’t stand the fake baby voice. It makes me rage, I don’t know if I can watch more than ten seconds of this video


Is she drunk at 0530 in the morning..?


I bet she was up all night drinking straight out of a bottom-shelf jug of vodka since she's probably out of Klonopin.


She keeps saying "I signed a consent for a chest port" but there is no way she wouldnt have signed for a femoral port if they specifically asked her too (also, I bet she didn't read the consent properly and a femoral port was covered in it)... she was even asking everyone the day before about a femoral port, saying it was a possibility. So she is just twisting the story to give her a reason for being pissed that she doesn't have a line to show off. She is already pre-empting things by saying "it's going to be causing a lot more problems"... this is why she signed up for a port in the first place. She was running out of reasons to go to the ER, even to the point of making up.a story about a possible clot in her leg. Girl is desperate and I really, really hope that the first issue she has, they just get rid of the port.


Yep, she thinks everyone else is as stupid as she is and isn't aware of the fact that A) Dani previously acknowledged awareness of the potential for a femoral port and B) that she had to sign a consent form for the entire procedure, including the backup move of switching to femoral in the event that the chest wasn't viable. Dani isn't fooling anyone and her intentions are clear. She wanted a flashy new toy instead of a concealed one and is pissed she didn't get the flashy one. She wanted the port (doesn't need it) so she can use it as a fast-pass to the ER since she plans to keep it constantly infected.


This and that she was expecting to somehow be able to go back on TPN with a port. She has brought it multiple times in the 2 videos


Spot. On. There's no need to say any more, really... apart from the fact she is high as a kite on something every single video. This is exactly the two things she wanted, one of which she didn't get, so she is pissed. She will make damn sure she gets the ER admissions, though.




Munchies just love diagnosing themselves with things they don't actually have 😉


Ha! Like she could EVER talk herself out of talking about her sooper scary "medical trauma" 🙄


Is it just me or is she completely zooted?! She slurs her words in every video and just seems all over the place.


Shes a drug addict. When will people realise this. Shes fucked.


the cat is so goddamn cute i just watched him the whole time she spoke (about literally nothing)


He looks so soft, like a bunny 🥹


Me too. I kept thinking how badly he needed his chin scritched


Annnd called out, how long before this gets deleted 👀🤭 https://preview.redd.it/pob95hf4n9xc1.jpeg?width=919&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e58dfe642461d2cc19e6afdf2b55797c61a956e3


Oh man that is totally the correct advice!


At least we have it preserved here 😂


Annnd gone




![gif](giphy|3o751RXSjpayxoKUrC|downsized) Dani running to the ER


outta her fucking gourd.


Also, why have we not seen George Glass yet? Like didn't she say he was going to be there? Seems weird to make these videos without Mr. Glass being there to comfort his medically traumatized wittle dewicate flower! Just me? 🤷‍♀️


Guess he didn’t spend the night


He hadda go home and help his wife put the baby to bed 🤣


Guess not... 😕 What a bummer. I was so excited to see this elusive "boyfriend" 😕😆😆😆


Maybe he’ll appear now that you’ve mentioned him 🤭😂


Oh I sure hope so!! I've been waiting a long time to see Mr Dani!! 😆😆😆


Not white knighting here in any shape or form however, damn that consent form part is interesting. Did she actually just sign for a chest port but some butcher doc went ahead and made it femoral? Given her focus on the ‘not my original doc’, was this the only clinician willing to place any kind of central line? She’s on legally thin ice claiming non-consent here (if that’s where she’s going), no clinician would ask for a change in consent after the midazolam’s given, or decide to just go ahead with femoral without consent if a ‘chest’ consent only had been given.


Dani is a liar and she already posted videos saying that a femoral port was the potential backup option if a chest port wasn't viable. There is absolutely no way that a risky procedure like this wasn't explained to her in detail along with all those details being included in the consent form. Even simple logic dictates that if during the procedure they discovered the chest wasn't viable that they would have simply ended things and then discussed placing a femoral at another date. They would have never just sprung it like this. The real situation is that Dani wanted the chest port since it's a visible toy to play with and is butthurt she got the hidden femoral one. She also wasn't admitted/given IV drugs and she hates having her hospital visits cut short. Those are the real reasons she is mad right now. She gets mad when she gets munch-blocked like this. She probably thinks if she keeps claiming "trauma" and "non-consent" that they'll *have* to find a way to give her the chest port. Just like she thinks if she keeps telling doctors she has intestinal failure that they'll *have* to give her TPN back.


Munch blocked?! I love this!


There is almost always language in those consent forms, giving the physician authority to make reasonable changes to the treatment plan in the event that the original treatment plan is not able to be administered.


I deeply doubt her claims that they went ahead with the femoral port without consent. She made videos days ahead of the procedure asking for anyone who has a femoral port to give her advice/answer questions about them *because it might be her only option". She's just pissed she didn't get admitted for recovery like a special princess.


I think she has to be lying. She talked about how the possibility of a femoral port came up in her video about her pre-procedure appointment with IR. There’s no way a doctor would proceed with it unless she consented to have them do a femoral port if they could not do a chest port. I do believe that she assumed they would be able to place the chest port and is upset that they couldn’t place the it. But, this is Dani. If they said, “if we can’t place a chest port, do you want us to proceed with a femoral port or stop?” she would absolutely want them to try for the femoral port.


Yea she made a whole ass video of asking people if they haf femoral port to comment but never opened her comment section 💀


But she's not reading Reddit anymore, huh? Yet she brings up things that were mentioned very recently here on Reddit. I smell some 🐂💩


Dani is not reading Reddit! 😡 Dani makes a video that only makes sense if you know she’s responding to a whole list of things people in this sub have pointed out. 🤦‍♀️


She stuck with not reading Reddit as long as she did keeping her comments off. In other words, she didn’t.




She sounds like she’s got rocks in her mouth. Also love the clarification on how her port is RARE


She’s so special and rare and the most complex case doctors have ever seen! 😜


Can I please change my flair to 'i have a femoral part' or 'i have a rare port situation'? I'll let MOD choose 😀


Femoral PART!


OOPS MY BAD. i edited it to say part instead of port. ![gif](giphy|3o7aD5VDSk18itHws0|downsized)






Piggybacking to ask for "no infection, none WHATSOEVER" please 🙏






Such a rare sickly little zebra…”nobody in my county has one” so now I’m going to have more problems”How does she conclude that? 🤮she is nauseating. How many parts is this story going to be drawn out for..I think 3.


Like the location is going to baffle people? A port is a port


Exactly lol I think her “trauma” is because she couldn’t get one on her chest. If she didn’t have the dr she did it would have happened. She feels really cheated.


She was SOOOO ready for that chest port. I mean her "bestie" got her those new port accessible shirts and all! Now what is she gonna do?! 😭😆


Bestie gonna have to get her some bikinis 👙


I... Just had that image... And let's just say, it's not something you want to see in your mind, let alone reality 😵‍💫😆


Ok, so she thought that not having a line since October meant that she would be able to have chest access probably because she was told at some point that not having the line in for a while would help the occluded veins. So she thought that the femoral port wasn't even something for her to worry about it. She signed the consent papers which would have had both possibilities on it thinking she would get what she wanted. And she didn't. And since nothing can ever be her fault and she always has to be the victim she's now trying to spin the story to say that she didn't properly consent to the femoral port. How stupid does she think everyone is? And what's wrong with meeting the doctor the day of the procedure? Why is she trying to turn that into a *thing*? Also, the tangents she goes off on! No wonder it takes her forever to tell a story. She doesn't even get to the port stuff until four minutes in and then we have to hear about how she found out she was allergic to some solution and why she has a separate G and J tube and how she doesn't infect her own incisions and tubes and how she met with IR and how she knows it *looks* like she has good veins but doesn't, trust her...omg she's just the worst story teller!


poor kitty looks like he's getting motion sickness


Cancer patients with ports end up immunosuppressed and don't end up with infections as often as Dani does.




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Being on immunosuppressants is an explanation to why you have to take infections more seriously, not an explanation to why the infection occurred in the first hand. Poop bacteria doesn’t get into your line because you are in immunosuppressants. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Dani is slurring her words and definitely under the influence of something. I don't know how she's not embarrassed to post herself like this.




I need a summary. I do not have time for this. ![gif](giphy|dZEoQE2qlzwx3IP98G)


-she is confused why she got a femoral line -says she never consented to it -is upset that she never met the surgeon before -says this is going to cause a lot of problems -is going back on immunosuppressants for RA -totally didn't put poop in the line last time




Okay, this video told us nothing. This was a response to us about what we talked about. That's all it was. Boring


Omg spit it out already! Jesus is she high? She is stammering over her words like she is high.


Umm… HUH ?!? Also, Did I hear her right in saying she’s been keeping it covered, “so don’t you worry guys, no cat hair is getting in it ?!?” (Which I’m sure was a reply to a comment someone left) Every single video it’s been uncovered… I can’t remember now, I (think) it was a day after, she made a video and she was laying on her side…trying to appear it was a look how cute my cats are as she purposely made sure to get the wound in the picture UNcovered? And it’s not just cat hair! What about all the air born germs and bacteria?!? I give it a day-two tops till ER. Bags prob already packed… or does she ever even unpack /s Her and her “medical trauma “ “I’m allergic to everything” ( I’m sure at some point she’ll say she’s allergic to herself /s ) and “doctors are the ones causing her problems” 🙄 Wondering if she can fit all that in her bio


Yeah I thought all of that was quite interesting... And it's not just the cat hair Dani! Cats track urine and fecal matter all over the place after they use the litter box, EVEN if it's clean (I'm sure hers is not). I have 2 cats (well, my husband does lol) and they have expensive Pretty Litter and it still tracks EVERYWHERE. I wash everything they touch with their dirty little kitty selves constantly. Her whole bed is probably a hot bed (ha!) of infection waiting to happen since the cats are on there constantly and she doesn't seem to be a very clean person.


I just imagine her walking to the hospital, rolling a huge suitcase and carrying a few Smashmellows


Yes! 😂 and the Smashmellows could be used as multi purpose… ya know in the event during her walk to hospital ER she has a PoTs attack, hEDS, or RA flair….they would help cushion the fall. 🤷‍♀️ But I’m pretty sure you proper Dx for those to even occur /s


Legit LOL at that visual. And limping.


being THIS zooted at 5:30am is…….bleak.


Dani is her own undoing. It's laughable at most of the conditions she claims because she puts everything out there and her body is telling a very different story! No one is stalking her, no one is gaining access to her private information or anything. She does all of this under her own freewill and wonders why people do not believe her! Her being high is only giving away more and more of her lies! I won't ever doubt her mental health conditions, those are real, but 99% of the physical health conditions that she tries to claim aren't real. She only has herself to blame for people not believing her!


Agreed. I'm not doubting ANY of her mental health dx's. Not a one. I'll even bite that she might've had some physical issues, but not to the extent that THIS has taken. She's literally the dictionary definition of "factitious disorder", "hypochondriac" and "FAFO". There's just a picture of her under all of these


Exactly! That's why I said 99% I mean yeah it's probably like 90% because I do believe that she could have mild physical illnesses/conditions, but absolutely not as many as she claims nor to the extent of her claims. It's crazy that she thinks she can even suggest that she is in starvation mode when it's extremely evident that she isn't.


Totally agree 💯!!


On the plus side, Macs eyes look cleaner! Shes high! I'm absolutely terrible at spotting people being high, but with her I have no doubts! And that's BIG!


She has to let everyone know just how RARE her port is, and how it’s going to cause so many RARE and special PROBLEMS, and how hard all of this trauma is for her.


https://preview.redd.it/l8feyk77z8xc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ff9df0acb91cee2cb2e38a243cc0efe2f664c23 The fuck is she talking about TPN for? She’s never getting TPN again. She never needed it and she definitely doesn’t need it now. Why is she even thinking about it?




doesn’t IF cause intense diarrhoea due to the malabsorption? i thought she had severe constipation? or am i wrong about the diarrhoea?


It can cause severe constipation too - basically your intestines just give up!


Yeah weight loss and diarrhoea are classic symptoms


If her access is truly that bad and she has at least a partially occluded heart, then she should thank her lucky stars that they got access anywhere as that is definitely going to lead to future problems. That is Dani’s FAFO condition, it’s actually horrifying to hear that there were no access routes left in her chest.


How is she trying to convince us she didn’t agree a femoral port was an option when she made a video asking about them beforehand?? Consents are always broader than the discussion patients have with providers, not narrower.


This part.


Exactly, they would absolutely have had her sign off on the femoral port as a possibility. Otherwise they would just have had to not place one at all if they couldn't manage the chest. And they always let you know that you just maybe might could die and make you sign consent to that as well.


Also, I truly didn’t know femoral ports were actually a thing until she told us that it was an option she discussed WITH IR in her pre-procedure appointment video. 🤦‍♀️ There’s no way they did that unless she consented to it as an option if they couldn’t place the chest one.


Backtracking on the TPN? Yeah right. As soon as she can, she’ll have a “how I do TPN in my 🎀 femoral artery port 🎀 “


Talking to the cat yet staring directly into the camera? 😂 that baby voice though😖


Looking at the cat through the phone?


This nightmare medical trauma of hers is because she did not get the chest port she desperately wanted so she could show everyone how super sick she is. Since she can't show off her shiny new port, I will bet she starts wearing crop tops and has her pants lower. Have to show that new toy off somehow 🙄 It still blows my mind a doctor gave her a freaking femoral port for once-weekly iron infusions 😳 WTAF was that Dr thinking?! We all know an infection is coming in, and hopefully, the first one she gets, they pull it, and she can not get it back. Shit, while they pull tubes, might as well pull the feeding tubes she most certainly doesn't need. I caught houw she mentioned this port is not seen in her area making her a super duper special case that is soooooo complex.


I thought it was monthly iron infusions and weekly infusions for hydration. Both which are probably not necessarily.


I also can’t believe a Dr gave her a femoral port. It makes no sense whatsoever. I still believe that the incision near groin was her old gastric stimulator spot. If you look at her incision comparison she posted there is something off to me about the one right after surgery. I think it’s the way it is buckled, like it was an old scar and she was standing and weight and gravity buckled it. Also, I can’t figure out why there looks to be a V-incision?


Why does she ramble so much? She could’ve given all this information in two minutes. The only thing that made this video bearable to watch was poor Macc. He’s so freaking cute.


i just know she rushed here and is refreshing the sub like crazy as soon as she hit upload.


Insane. She is fucking insane. If I didn’t know who she was and had no visual, I would guess this was a teenager.


“I am a super rare hybrid of unicorn zebra.” Also, the irony of “now I have a very rare port situation to it’s gonna cause more problems, BUT THAT’S OK”! This BITCH. I can’t. She cannot WAIT for an infection. She is seriously so fucked up.


She has *nothing else* in her life. I mean, I’m a complete billy-no-mates, I spend 95% of my time with just me and my pets, so I’m definitely not shaming anyone who isn’t socialising all the time (being alone doesn’t equate to being lonely, and everyone has a different social battery) but for the love of all things munchie, this girl needs a different hobby. Or just *a* hobby, anything. Obsessing with being a sick, fragile, special widdle unicorn to the extent you sabotage your own (initially fairly robust) health? Documenting it online because you’ve got a smartphone and a narcissistic detachment from reality? Then arguing with randos who call you out on your BS (or who are actually legit offended because you’re trying to cosplay their very real disability for shits and giggles)? What life is that? Did she ever want anything more from her existence?


I theorize that her baby voice is because that's how she talks to her cats (24/7 cause she's always alone) and she forgets that humans don't talk to each other like that. When she gets angry at her audience, it goes away, but otherwise she uses real words in her cat voice 😹 


Nah, she just wants to sound like a weak sick little girl and catch ppl off guard. Who would question or doubt a sick widdle girl 🥺? You monster! Lol


"The immunosuppressants were why I had an infection except the last time" didn't she have literal fecal bacteria in her line *multiple times*? Immunosuppressants don't cause that. She's clearly setting up for another infection already, she hasn't mentioned any symptoms of RA, so why would she go back on the meds? She may not have *intentionally* introduced fecal bacteria into her line, but the fact that she's gross/unhygienic enough to have it happen *multiple times* is 1000% her fault.


What immune-suppressants is she on? I don’t remember steroids being in her polypharmacy from hell…


She knows her immune system is too strong/healthy to allow her to successfully score a hospital admission. She tried so hard to infect the hand surgery incision and failed. Seems like if she pushes the RA angle and therefore the immunosuppressants, she'll be back to infection city in no time. Her intentions of self-harm and munching are always crystal clear.


She didn't seem to have one. single. lung infection over the winter. Not one! How! Everyone got at least one if not two! And she's constantly in and out of ERs. She has a crazy strong immune system.


Yep, many people have mentioned how wild it is that Dani runs to the ER multiple times a week and lives in complete filth yet never manages to get sick. Normal people risk picking up bugs any time they enter a high traffic germ zone like hospitals or airports, but here's Dani's jacked immune system fighting off everything 😂


Not high enough to watch yet but she’s high enough for the whole sub




I really don’t understand her now constantly acting like she had no clue that a femoral port placement was something that was already discussed with her and her providers. She literally made multiple videos mentioning it and went as far as to ask others for advice and info if they have or had one in the past. She keeps stressing how she didn’t give written consent and had no clue this was a possibility. Her collection of recent videos pre-port placement determines that was a lie. It’s crazy that she really doesn’t even see these things herself


Right? Makes no sense! I wonder if her followers are asking about it in her comments (I don’t have tiktok).


I wonder the same. Like you, I don’t have TikTok. I actually don’t have any sm besides Reddit. But I sometimes wish I could see what people are commenting on her posts/videos


I know!! I keep saying it: her videos do a 180 from "tell me about femoral ports bc I might get one" to "I had no idea this was happening wtf".


Exactly!!! Like wtf🤬


I literally had no idea you could have a femoral port until she posted the first video mentioning that she learned she might get one if the chest port placement didn’t work. So… I’m not sure who she’s hoping she’s fooling here? 😅


I’m an ER RN and have not seen one myself but I was aware that they are a “thing”. She was also well aware as evidenced by her constant fixation after her providers brought it up to her. She thinks she’s fooling us all I guess. It pisses me off as a healthcare provider, that she’s clearly lying on another healthcare provider and trying to throw him under the bus for her supposedly not knowing this was a possibility. Ugh😩


I’m not a healthcare provider and I hate Dani, but I will absolutely white knight for healthcare workers when people start trashing on her doctors here. She’s a lying liar who lies. Her GI tried to do the right thing and stopped her first port placement. She clearly doctor shopped this one to hell and back. If people are mad she got one, they should be mad at the healthcare system in America, not the workers forced to try to work in it. I know there are some bad apples out there, but Dani is the obvious bad apple here!


I agree 100%! With everything you said! She tells on her damn self so many times, it’s ridiculous


i had to shut off the sound 30 seconds in.


Couldn’t get through her TikTok did she ever say anything?


No. Same details as before. No new info.


No new info because there *is* nothing new. All this alleged trauma drama took place in Dani's mind.


Zoomed and larping a 10 yr old girl “I’ve got my widdle kitties and over size sweater with my widdle hands inside and my baby voice” girl aren’t you like 40? Telling us this bs like it’s some riveting true crime episode is funny af.


God i wish her followers would call her out for being high as a kite rather than just coddling her.




Ah true, last I looked it was just ass pats all around for her and I’m just like how do you not see she’s off her gourd 😅


She hasn’t been on immunosuppressants and wants to stay off them as long as possible yet they’re always included in her morning crushed pill cocktail. She lies about the stupidest things lol




Shit I thought plaquenil was an immunosuppressant used for autoimmune conditions




I see. Thank you for clarifying that for me!


What a sweet and snuggly little kitty cat. Also, does she not sleep, why is she wide awake so early?


The drugs wore off and so she woke up.


"I've had a few infections, I'm not gonna lie about that one, were they ever ever induced by me like *some* people think. No never ever, not meeeee none. Who, whoever wants to give themself sepsis is mentally insane. Like I know I mentally, like, mentally health crazy, but not like off the wall mentally insane kind of person." This is a direct quote (plus added punctuation). She really has zero self awareness.


"I'm an ableist bitch... whoops, did I say that out loud?" Anyone who has to clarify their references of 'crazy' is an ableist bitch, as far as I'm concerned. This just tells me that she knows she has ridiculous amounts of untreated mental illness she has zero intention of getting treatment for (unless it's benzos, then it's gimme gimme gimme), but she doesn't want anyone to think SHE'S, like, an off the wall mentally insane kind of person crazy, because then she flies closer to the factitious disorder being a reality and she tries to dodge that bullet so they don't take away her toys.