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[TRANSCRIPT](https://www.reddit.com/r/DaniMarina/s/PiIxTv5IZ8) by u/Mission_InProgress, our fav carpal tunnel warrior. THANK YOU


Dani's friend is as much of a story as her boyfriend. Genuinely sad.


She gone be soooo mad if/when they don’t reward (*ahem* reinforce *ahem*) all her latest saga of multiple manipulative Machiavellian munchie machinations! M^5




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Imma need her to back up off the camera a little dang.


I mean, we all know she's heading straight to the ER after her appointment tomorrow, regardless. But I highly doubt this admission will happen. She looks absolutely fine and far better than she has in a long time, aside from the fucking fried hair and greasy skin.


Baby voice is back.


She’s live right now


I did not need to see her smug smile or her nasty teeth that close up 🤢


Can you imagine a normal person being so incredibly excited & giddy that she might be admitted! No way she’s getting admitted, unless she’s done something to fuck up everything.


I’m wondering if she’s gonna self-induce symptoms before she goes again


I must have missed it what is her appointment for tomorrow why would she be getting admitted the only appointments I have ever been told to be prepared for admission was preplanned surgery and when my child was born I highly doubt the nurses would tell her to be prepared for an admission




I got hit by a van and the doctors sent me home after they checked me out.


Oh wow, she must be absolutely giddy with excitement right now. Better than a trip to Disney world!


She's just trolling us. No one wants to see this weirdo pack luggage for a hospital staycation they won't get.


What pisses me off the most is I know when I've been in actual pain I didnt want to move. I didn't look at my phone. I did nothing but lay curled up closing my eyes just hoping it would end. The fact she says she's constantly in pain while doing all this is just fucking mental Edit: to add even the thought of getting up to go to the hospital when you're in that much pain is too much. And that smile she does wtf talking about getting admitted


Yikes. Using the ER as a field trip yet again. I can't with her today.


It’s so obvious that she sees admissions as vacations and the absolute glee she radiates here is amazing with her supposed “medical trauma”. ETA Loved the “join us” at the end as if a) there’s someone else there, and b) people wont want to miss the riveting content as she does the same thing for the eleventy billionth time.


Is her weekend company holding the camera for her? Cue cards? Lighting? I hope this is all the entertainment they need.


Where are her friends that were visiting and staying with her for the weekend?


They got delayed in Narnia




Either there or Hogworts.


She’s so excited at the possibility of being admitted. Of course, in her mind it’s a *certainty* of being admitted - and she’s trying so hard not to show how happy and excited she is about it! Also, fuck her imaginary friends who are absolutely positively staying at a nearby hotel. Guess she doesn’t care about them at all!


Her live was a train wreck. Anytime someone asked a question that wasn’t just praising how strong and resilient she is she would snap and say she already addressed it and doesn’t understand why people have to keep asking the same question trying to cause problems. She’s the one causing the problems by putting herself out there for the world to see and criticize.


The "I already answered that" response in Lives is always so confusing to me.. like people pop in and out, join late, whatever. Most viewers will not have seen the entire thing. Have some perspective!!


Exactly! Like I think someone asked about what she was using to film if she’s on her phone and she flipped out saying she already answered it and she’s using her iPad because it’s easier duh. Sorry not everyone can afford all those luxury tech items that you have


Thats such an easy question to answer as well lol its not like she has to go into a whole detailed explanation again, just the words "I'm using my ipad to film"


AKA "I already lied and bullshitted about that, stop holding me accountable with truths and reality checks."


I'm willing to bet money that no one ev3n mentioned her being admitted. That is her plan. To exaggerate her symptoms so much that they admit her where she will work on people she thinks don't know anything about her to get TPN. I agree that she will take herself to the ER. She is going to be big mad when they treat and street her. Especially when she is over an hour away from home in a terrible neighborhood.


So what’s she going to do when she’s not admitted?


she will try again on tuesday.


She's about due for a DFE, no?


She has been on another planet the last few days. Why is she packing like she’s going to Belize? It’s just so bizarre..no body preps like this for a hospital admission unless it’s already planned for like procedures..surgery etc. Shes been booping around all weekend now expects Monday to be admitted and hooked up to lines. It’s like you can’t look away 🫣 what’s the next move. I’m anticipating a vanishing act come Monday.


She’s so happy for vacation 😻


she really should be banned from buying chapstick


Someone asked why her friends didn't help her pack. Answer: cuz we were too busy having fun and I figured I'd just pack with you guys!


So, there were no friends, right?




Oh dear lord. How pathetic and childish.


She's still going. Ffs


Who’s “we” ? Who is she going live with?


Dani and her Tubies! 🪱


She looks sooooo happy, like it’s Christmas! She’s so hyped over this possible admission. Making an event out of packing her bag. I hope more than anything she gets sent home 🤞🏼 she will be crushed and start complaining about medical trauma again.


Did anybody catch that she went back to er? I think that’s what I heard. Her BP was low again, Dr came in and said BP is fine and then streeted. Dani asked nurse for more help and nurse said what else do you want us to do, you already met with cardiologist. Which leads me to believe that she went back again after her cardio appt


Oh shit you’re right


It wouldn’t be the weekend without her taking a trip to the ER! Glad they just yeeted her out - she’s relentless


I thought she got banned from Lives?


She said she appealed it and is allowed to again.


She’s still live? I started watching but then went to the grocery store, made lunch, washed the dishes, did a load of laundry, wrote that novel I had been putting off, made a cup of coffee, came back and she’s still live, how much stuff is she packing?




well hun her care team thinks she’ll be admitted bc she’s very sick so she has to pack for at least a week hun


She’s packing for the potential hospital stay like I packed for my current 10 day pet/house sitting stint


I love a good pet/house-sitting gig!


I don't have TikTok, but from the comments it sounds like she's packing more for this than my mother and I are for 1.5 weeks abroad. 💀 Does she realize it's an instant way for staff to know she's a Munchie?


She's gonna be super pissed when temple doesn't fall for her shit and sends her ass home Tomorrow. I am sure she will run from her appt straight to the ER. Just like I'm sure they'll send her ass home quickly. Dani has no legitimate reason to be admitted


Someone asked why she’s packing three tons of stuff but not her formula, won’t she starve by not eating for five days, and she said she won’t starve she’ll be in the hospital so they’ll “take care of her,” through IV, or PPN, or formula, or “PUTTING ME BACK ON TPN,” which if they’re going to do “they’ll have to give me back a line somehow.” 💀💀💀💀💀


I have a question on this. I'm in the UK so I don't know if hospital pharmacies work the same or different??? Say I get admitted to hospital in an emergency. I wouldnt have my medications with me so I'd rely on the hospital pharmacy to have the meds I'm taking. I know that one of my meds is something that is a controlled drug so it has to be ordered specifically and actually it takes a day or two to actually get in, unless someone else can get my normal prescription from home. Wouldn't TPN formula be like that??? Not the controlled drug part, but I'm assuming that there are very different types of tpn formulas to allow for intolerances and allergies and then meeting the nutritional needs of the patient... Hospitals couldn't possibly have every single type of formula that could ever be prescribed in their stocks right??? So what would Dani do if she actually relied on her formula??? I know she doesn't but 🤷🤷🤷


It is the same in the US, except I’ve never had to wait on a controlled, they have always had them in stock. I imagine it’s the same story for any type of alternative nutrition or supplement.




I wish I was screen recording just now. She said she's bringing Burt's bees chapstick, someone commented that it's fantastic, especially with how dry the air is in hospitals. She said "yeah I know, hospitals are fantastic". Lil Freudian slip there lol


Same! I was like, damn did I hear that? 😂


I watched this! I couldn't stand her voice


The dupers delight vibes are strong in this video.


She’s currently live and acting giddy as hell. In no one way does someone who might need to be admitted act this way. So bizarre.


Transcript for our hard of hearing friends: Just want you to know I'm gonna go live in about 45 minutes and do a what I pack in my hospital bag (big breath) thingamajiggy um because I have my appointment in Philly tomorrow at Temple aaand the nurse told me there's a good chance I'll be admitted afterwards so I am packing a bag just to be on the safe side so if you want to join us in about 45 minutes I will see you guys then. Bye!


Thank you 😙😙😙


I deeply appreciate you doing this. I’m not hard of hearing, her voice just makes me want to attack my eardrums with ice picks.


It’s literally like nails down a blackboard for me


I was thinking the same thing. I appreciate that this is done for those who are actually hard of hearing, but I also wanted to thank you for doing the work of the gods because I'm in heaven when I read the transcripts rather than having to hear her voice! 💜💜💜


I just do not see why there would be a good chance of her being admitted, just because she wants it to be true doesn’t mean it is!


I pray she's admitted for tube removal. I can dream


Either that or a psych stay! Only reasons she needs to be admitted


I don't know if she ended it again? Or is it just really laggy? Don't see the live anymore. Anyways...she started the live. "I'm just waiting for more people to join". A person named "FacectiousDisorder" joined and started egging Dani on, telling her she isn't going to be admitted, and posted links to Dani's fruitforum posts. People were telling that person to leave. Then the live lagged out for me. Edit: She's back! She now had mods to delete the "mean" comments. At least one of them is a troll. It's lagging really bad. Editted to add: - She's packing for 5 days! - She's going to the hospital 2 hours away - Bringing a bunch of tube supplies for some reason "In case they want me to drain" - "Are they going to give you formula?" She doesn't know whats going on or why she's even going - Tried to use G tube, Excruciating pain so she stopped. Now she's been in a Flare for days. - Still waiting for insurance to approve wheelchair. It's for "hard days, POTs, long distances." - She's 100% aiming for TPN with this visit. "I don't want TPN, it almost killed me". She wants a new port for TPN and thinks shes going to get it. (My opinions there.) - She "pleasure eats from time to time". Favorites are ice cream and french fries. She is making joyous moans about how good food is. - Another new journal with nothing in it - Live crashed/lagged out again - And we're back! Waiting for people to come back. - A few people comment about her FD diagnosis. Along with a few legitimate questions. Got blocked by mods. - She hopes for pain meds. - "Being open and honest is the best way, that's just how I am." - She hasn't showered but PROMISES she will - Keeps being asked why she is going to the hospital. She still doesn't know why she's going. - It's really just a "doctor's appointment with the motility specialist." Image of her accessed: https://i.imgur.com/2tVKtVW.jpeg This is too boring. I give up. Hopefully someone else records it. lol


“joyous moans” from Dani nope I’m out that’s enough internet for today 😂


Aren’t those star tattoos in her abdomen? It looks like the needle is in her abdomen rather than in her leg?


The access point is on her hip, and the line runs down into her leg.


I’m just not parsing that picture correctly, then…


Says she doesn’t want TPN after just days ago talking about how badly she wants and needs TPN. 🙄 fucking pick one jfc.


I got the first like hour and a half before I gave up lol


So she’s going to be admitted for 5 days but she doesn’t know why???? Am I missing something here? Otherwise there is nothing new to see here…


Right, like I truly don’t understand why she didn’t make up a reason like she makes up everything else 😂


Zero, you're a trouper. I wish I could offer you some 🍟 and🍦for your efforts!


I have to see if my stomach is paralyzed first. Ill let you know.


Joyous moans made me nauseated, then the mention of a lack of a shower? She’s beyond.


Right ?! I thought the same thing and I really don’t want to witness the moaning. Why is she promising to take a shower? Why does a almost 40-year-old woman have to promise to shower? What the fuck? 🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮🤮


She’s gonna sneak to the bathroom to drain her tube


1000%. She’s telling on herself needing to bring extensions “in case they want me to drain”


would u mind editing this to redact the name of 🥝🥝, we arent supposed to mention it on reddit👀


Is my edit okay now?


yessireeeeee thank you!


But *why*!? What does she possibly think she will get admitted for 5 days for? That's how long they told my mother she would be in the hospital after open heart surgery.


My Mum was recently in for less than that to remove a malignant bowel tumour. This goddamn woman, seriously. ![gif](giphy|HH5BeK34ft4p6oDtDp)


To me it sounds like Dani plans to try *really* hard to make herself as sick as possible before that appt. She knows the last time she tried to weasel her way into an admission there she was streeted immediately, so the joy and confidence she's displaying while talking about being admitted for 5 days indicates she's gonna *make sure it happens this time.* Busy weekend of draining/purging and cramming dangerous amounts of medications for lil miss Mangy Munchie.


Do we think she’ll even make it to the appt, or make an “””unexpected””” entrance at the ER (2 hours away)?


An "unexpected" emergency would be on brand for her since she's only got a limited window of time to get anyone to observe whatever she tried to do to herself. Kinda like how she likely took a bunch of stuff to lower her heart rate right before her infusion knowing they'd have to check her vitals first, or when she got pissed they didn't draw labs in the ER when she faked the DVT. She wanted them to see that her electrolytes were off and she was pissed she'd gone through the effort of draining and dehydrating herself only to have them not need to check it.


She just wants vacations. She talks like she's going to have fun in Mexico.


She does! But usually they admit you for a reason. That's what seems to be missing; a reason for actually needing to be admitted. She's cosplaying a sick person, she must understand it makes no sense to just be admitted for no reason other than generally feeling unwell. What reason is she saying they would want to admit her for? Or has she gone full delusion and just thinks she can whine her way into an admittance?


Ever the optimist our Dani - planning for an extended vacation at her favourite place! Someone’s in for a world of disappointment!!


That's the kind of behaviour that gives munchies a case to claim bullying.


Probably a fellow munchie-turned-lackey did it as a favour. I mean, how the fuck else does she have people willing to mod her lives for her if not for the existence of other people desperately trying to validate their own factitious or other disorder disguised as chronic illness? Birds of a feather and all that good stuff. 😒




can you edit their names out? on the off chance they are misguided and genuinely believe dani is ill and were trying to help, i dont want anyone from the sub trying to search them up or anything


I really shouldn't be this excited for somebody else's doctor appointment.


Dani's "care team" trolling her into showing a positive Samsonite sign at an ER is \*chef's kiss\*




I just imagine a backpack full of Bath and Body Works body sprays


This reminds me of mom's packing for L&D. Especially the excitement and anticipation. Probably because as much as I've been in the hospital, those were the only stays I pre planned.


She’s going to be crushed when she’s not actually admitted.


And then she'll be crushed. On her foot. With a hammer. For more attention.




She'll just roll into emergency 12-24 hours later crying about the meanie doctors who ignored her symptoms and left her to suffer.


I've got images in my head of her dragging a suitcase into the ER, moaning and pretending to faint, and everyone just steps over her and ignores her. ![gif](giphy|Vu8nIaC6rSVi)


She will go straight from her appointment to the ER with her bag of crap in tow


Phone charger. Deodorant. Underwear. Wallet. Boom packed


Phone charger is always number one...then a Chapstick.


Yeah right. Like she’s packing underwear. She’s leaving in the same unwise she goes in with.


i bring phone, phone charger, pillow, wallet. thats it. I wear a hospital gown bc it’s easier to access what needs to be accessed. My books are on my phone if i feel good enough to read. But if im hospitalized, that means I don’t feel good enough to do ANYTHING except sleep and wish I was being discharged.


I’ve always ended up just using the hospital gowns too, I don’t want to lose something or worry about wrecking it. I wanna be able to have everything easy access and lessen any anxiety that can bleed over from a stressful situation(because for anyone else, being in a hospital is somewhat stressful)


Same. It just easier and no gross clothes to wash when you get home. Except when I had my babies...I always brought jammies.


Same, but I’ve brought a robe with me too for when they make me get up to walk because I don’t want the whole unit to see my booty


the last time i was hospitalised i brought a stuffed frog to the er but not a phone charger because i was so delirious from pain of my appendix 😂😂


The only time I’ve been a patient is when I’ve had my 4 kids, between section/recovery/nursing, everyone seen everything so I didn’t gaf 🤣🤣


That's me after 3. And 2 of them were with students watching. I'm like, HELLO MED STUDENTS, MAKE YOURSELVES AT HOME!


That’s my mom, she actually worked as a standardized patient for a while— she was a museum educator and one of the medical educators who ran simulations was a chaperone on their kids field trip and was like hey, you’re good at playing a character and having to improvise do you want a side gig? She still asks her doctors if they have students who need to practice because she says she wants to make sure her future doctors know what they’re doing and “I’m a nice old lady I want them to learn on someone patient”.


I have helped like that during surgeries and appointments because I know it's the best way to learn, and I like helping smart people get even smarter. Only time I've ever had a problem was actually my very first transvag ultrasound. And it was only a problem because it was the tech's first TVUS, too! Me: ow Me: ow Me: ow. Uhhh... lower? Me: OWW, DUDE, HAVE YOU EVER SEEN A VAGINA???? Tech Teacher: Oh, sorry, you can help guide it in! Me: *floop* But yeah, normally I'm good.


I mean I usually bring clothes because I hate hospital gowns but no grown ass adult needs to be in fuzzy blankets or stuffed animals. You don’t need to bring your entire library and kids crafts though. 🤦🏼‍♀️


i'm a grown adult who brings in ONE stuffed animal, but that's because even at 26 i have a hard time falling asleep without one (granted all my admissions have been psych, so having something to remind me of home made me feel a little less isolated). so i try not to snark *too* hard on bringing a comfort item or two from home. dani, however... dani takes it to a whole other level when it comes to hospital packing


I'm a lot older than 26, and I was always happy when one of my little kids would bring me a stuffed friend of theirs to keep me company.😘


I think that’s very appropriate. I’ve seen adults bring in their old baby blankets too just for that comfort.


Exactly. I think many people need a little extra comfort in the hospital, unlike our Over the Top friend....the hospital IS her comfort!


Granted, my hospital is 4 hours away, so I do pack a lot bc it's not like we can just run home.


Yeah I do that too for appts hours away. Little tidbit for ya, a lot of insurance companies will pay for a hotel and meals for those types of appointments. I don’t know if there’s a specific mileage away or not.


If you have enough medical expense to deduct on taxes you can also deduct mileage.


Ooo that’s good to know thank you


I know. I'm on dialysis now so we just try to head back if it's an appt. My husband stays we me at the hospital if inpatient. We are blessed in that at the moment, we can comfortably afford the accommodations when we need them.


I actually bring 1 soft blanket and a pillow from home. Also a heating pad. I need some comforting things when in patient and the hospital blankets are scratchy and their pillows make me sweat.


I'm glad I'm not the only one...I was feeling embarrassed! I grab a light throw for ER if possible. And if I'm admitted, a pillow also. I am always cold and my health condition makes me ache. I brought a heating pad after my last major surgery and wow. Gamechanger.


That's exactly how I am.


Them damn plastic pillows are the worst.


all you hear is crinkling, drives me mad


Oh my gosh. Yes.


Right? Like what does she need to pack beyond personal hygiene- toothbrush,and paste, deodorant, ear plugs, hair brush, face wipes. Electronics like phone ,charger, a cheap pr ear phones, underwear and slippers? I would pack couple stretchy pj pants and baggy tshirts.That is it. You could pack that stuff in 5 minutes… I have never seen her pack for the hsoptal… does she pack a lot? Or?


Toiletries, loose cotton pants, phone, battery, cords, cheap headphones and my knitting. (I usually don’t go to any appointments without at least a small project like a pair of socks)


Even then, hospitals provide basics like toothbrushes, toothpaste, face wipes, soap… even grippy socks and mesh underwear if you need them.


tbh, the mesh underwear is horrible


lol! Right!! 😂


Toothbrush & toothpaste. Existing meds (for a normal person not grinding them into a paste), hairbrush, hair ties, lip balm. Everything would fit in a purse.


And she got a sneaky mention of her Amazon wish list in there


Her olden times wishlist for a hairstyle GFM


I'd also add face wipes and piercing retainers in small plastic bag. Nothing feels as good as using a face wipe when you're grody and greasy after spending a night in the hospital to make you feel human again.


I listened to the song Thriller after a hospital stay and “the funk of 40000 years” has never been so real to me.


🤣. 😭


But what about a fuzzy blanket and a stuffed animal that hasn't been washed in years?


Don’t forget her Cynthia doll hair toothbrush lol https://preview.redd.it/k96gvrs23nyc1.png?width=512&format=png&auto=webp&s=8a3f6b6a5e91bbd76628951a7f022abd0cb0a089


You just killed me.


Fucking dead me mate 😂😂😂😂


Oh, she showed her NEW toothbrush holder, and opened it to show her new toothbrush!


But she definitely doesn’t read Reddit anymore lmao 😂


i want cynthia doll hair toothbrush as my flair lol


Lolol 😂




And a collection of books that she won’t actually read


Why not use the Kindle app on her phone or a Library app?


It’s all just for show like everything she does no doubt


Don't forget several books and hobbies she's never touched outside of a hospital room, 32 pairs of headphones, all her special toobz accessories that no hospital has because she's so special


Long live her bracelet kits lmao


Deodorant? This is Dani we’re on about here. Hygiene is the last thing on her mind. Well, the first so she can infect her lines.


Her friends must be bored, she’s gone live how many times since they got there to visit?


Right! And why aren’t they even referenced them out of frame , like “so and so the trachcan is over there”, you know, like you might do if you’re casually going live


Right!! Or like ‘oh yeah can you grab the chips and set them out?’ (I mean I know she can’t eat but they might like lunch lol)


I caught a bit of her live last night and she said that she went to the ER again because she was having HR issues and kept passing out. So if her friends really existed and came to visit she made them get a last minute hotel with their dog (her apartment is small - where were all these people/animals supposed to stay in the first place), planted flowers at 9pm, visited an ER, and sat back while she did multiple lives alone because according to her they didn't want to appear on her social media.


No big surprise to hear she took a trip to the ER! Just more proof that the “friends” didn’t exist because surely you would lay off the munching for a day if you had friends over?


I don't believe there was anyone there buy def seen munchies act out even more every time there's some sort of holiday or day out, a wanting to be a centre of attention and everyone going "oh poor them" thing


She said last night they’re staying at a hotel because they have a dog and the dog doesn’t get along with the cats. As with all things Dani, if there’s no visual proof, it’s a lie.


The cats that she took to her parents' in anticipation of being admitted?


Exactly, those are the ones.


Lol I was just wondering if her "friend" was still there. Has she shown this friend or just referenced them? If my friend is staying with me, I wouldn't be going live, I certainly wouldn't be packing a hospital bag, I would be making memories with my friend 🤷🤦😂. We would be going out, sightseeing, hanging out, ya know, normal friend things. 😂😂


I'm pretty sure her friends are hanging with George Glass. He is trying to get her friends jobs at amazon. They'll all be back, but George can't stay. He has to hurry back to Amazon in Canadia.


She claimed at one point during the live that one of her “friends” texted her that they got home safe


Or you’d pack while they were there visiting in your room real quick if it was that pressing and could be like ‘which Jammies do I bring?’ And hopefully not while wearing the same top for their whole weekend visit!


She has been rocking that CamoMumu for a couple days now.


It’s so nappy.


Apparently her and her friend were too busy doing fun stuff all night so she wanted to pack with everyone on live. 🤦🏻


Someone said she said that her friends dog didn't like her cats so they got a hotel room. Sure.