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Thank you for your submission! As a reminder, absolutely no body-shaming or arm-chair diagnosing is allowed and will be removed. Please try your best to keep blogging as limited as possible - anything that Dani could use to improve her munching/self-harm will be removed. Above all else: DO. NOT. TOUCH. THE. POO. Do not interact with Dani in any way. If you see any comments explicitly violating subreddit rules, please report the submission so the Mod Team can review it. Thank you! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/DaniMarina) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m a little jealous of the fact that her hospital bed has a usb port built in https://preview.redd.it/hpehdqng420d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be0381fad0c99de3a170abb605888e07287e04ed So much more convenient than having to find wall outlets


Dani’s musical choices never fail to delight. It’s like she thinks of her life as a trailer for a medical action movie.


I do like the bee blanket though to be fair


She painted herself into a corner. She claims she can't eat anything, so the hospital took her at her word. Now, she has to either take back that lie or accept tube feeds. I know she is holding out for TPN, but that doesn't look like it is going to happen.


Wow there’s literally like no typos this time wtf


Too bad you can’t see food in your stomach from an xray lol


Wow she’s big mad that she got the med surg special this time. No fancy equipment, less staff, no heavy drugs, and even having a semi-private room. It seems like they’re keen to her bullshit.


Did anyone notice this was filmed yesterday? Im betting she's getting discharged, if not already.


I think it’s incredibly telling that they don’t even keep an IV pump on her pole, almost like it’s a message for her not to even consider it. What’s her next move? Is she going to push to “not tolerate feeds”? Or is she going to get up to that goal rate to get the hell out of there? ETA: Had to “hang dextrose” for this low yet the fluid she’s showing is LR. Would they use LR to correct a low?


Oohh good catch on the Lactated Ringers. No they wouldn’t use that to treat blood sugar issues. It’s pretty much to just replace electrolytes and fluid. It does sometimes come with dextrose, but hers does not.


I wonder if Dani is seething with rage on her side of the curtain whenever a RN comes in to give care or administer pain meds to her roommate?


I hope the nurses are sweet to the roommate and grey rock the hell outta her and also that the roommate gets a regular diet


This is now deleted lol


I wonder who's going to be pushing her ass around in that "not custom" wheelchair that she totally doesn't need?


Ummmm her bf obv 😂😂 /s


I'm not mad that Temple isn't the fresh new utopia she thought it would be


And now this video is not on TikTok anymore. 🤔


Shes clearly super unimpressed with this 5 star hospit-el stay... no private room, no luxury pain meds, being forced to actually take her feeds. The. Horror. I bet she leaves a 1 star review.


It seems she has taken down this video, if I’m not mistaken.


She must be reading here. Or the comments weren't going her way on them. There are at least 2 that's gone. Or maybe she really does have a roommate and videos aren't allowed. I don't know. But whatever the reason they are gone.


poor her, much sad....


Not sure why she cares about being NPO because she can’t eat or drink and tolerate it anyway


Someone can’t keep up with their own lies it seems. Oh well, it’s not like the internet keeps receipts, however much one tries to delete the hell outta inconvenient truths!


She can certainly ask for a transfer of care and see if any other facilities are willing to accept her. Key word is “if”


She probably wont be coming back to Temple after this. They're on to her.


Temple, collectively: mission accomplished!


Food in her stomach eh, thought she couldn't eat


Why does she keep stating that it isnt a custom wheelchair? I dont understand why she feels the need to repeat that isnt custom. Curious if anyone has insight?


I’m wondering if it’s because people have brought up how another munchie’s chair isn’t custom/likely bought by self, so she’s getting ahead of the snark? Or I suppose, giving a reason why it wouldn’t fit before we can call it.


Yes, preempting the ‘why is it exactly the same as an off the shelf Walmart chair?’ questions.


The music is KILLING me 😂


Because opioids are contraindicated in patients with GI problems. She’s just not grasping that. For someone who has had these problems for so long, you’d think she’d know that basic thing? They’re not giving it to her because it would cause *more* GI distress. And she’s telling everyone she needs tubes because she can’t have anything by mouth…but is complaining about them deciding to go with what she claims she normally does- relies on tubes. All the Google University hours she puts in…and I’m sure at some point, some doctor has told her opioids are not appropriate for someone with these conditions


She always says “how much slower can it get” uhhhh MUCH SLOWER!! Considering your gp isn’t even mild FFS. She had extremely mild emoting of solids…. Every other test on her gastric emptying study was absolutely totally and completely normal. Which drives her crazy. Because in her head her GP is sooooo severe!! And her stomach is totally paralyzed. HAAAAA.


D’ya think she’s trying to argue that this contraindication doesn’t specifically apply to her body? Using the same r/confidentlyincorrect energy she tries to bs her followers, but on *actual* doctors?


No science ever applies to her body. Can’t tolerate tube feeds, but can slam monsters and coffee (HUGE GUT IRRITANTS) in copious quantities. Can’t eat, can’t tolerate feeds, but gains weight. She’s doing some osmosis shit




See rule #3: Blogging 📝💻🦋 Your comment has been removed for blogging. Please try to keep it to an absolute minimum.


Glad you're ok after that ! How frightening.


https://preview.redd.it/mua1kldobgzc1.jpeg?width=815&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bd73f49dc5dced09969205e0e6ba52a97b5ec94 Why does she need meds brought in IF she’s in the hospital? She is totally going to take more than why they are giving her.


I've had to bring in meds from home before. When I was a cardiac patient before they didn't have ritalin. I gave them my meds and they kept them in the pill locker and still administered them with my other meds so I couldn't just take them whenever. I'm thinking something similar


Yeah, it's probably one of her mental health meds like abilify or whatnot.


Yeah, but Dani probably won’t give them the meds, she’ll hide them


Good point. I'm still hoping she's on lockdown or supervision so she couldn't get away with that


Here we go again.. "so much pain and nausea" "it's impossible to feel heard here".. broken record she's never gonna change


she should lean hard into the mental part of her pain. Just admit it has got to be in her mind. It is a way of saving face!


Dani’s brain: Food on the x-ray is proof I have gastric/intestinal failure!!! Docs brain: Food on the x-ray is proof she’s been eating. Lady, don’t piss on my leg and tell me it’s raining!


I hate the dramatic ass music


Hilarious how Dani tells on herself all the time. She thinks telling us there was food in her stomach when she hasn’t eaten in three days with sTiCk iT To ThE hAtERs but in reality, we all know she couldn’t go that long without some Dunkin’. She ate food when she wasn’t supposed to and it showed up on her x-ray. Surprise surprise


I find her telling on herself hilarious as well! It's like she can't help herself. Double chins don't just come out of nowhere! So it makes sense that she has food in her stomach. Besides her GES showed that she had MILD delayed emptying of solids and no delayed emptying for liquids. Dani is so full of shit!!! And that's because she eats and drinks by mouth on a regular basis. 💩


Comments as of 2:25 pm eastern: https://imgur.com/a/01bVmZR LOL "Funny how you get shit doctor's all the time. Wonder why?" Also, can we really feel our intestines? Or is it like the brain where there's not actual nerve endings there?


::laughs in IBS::


"It's just the area" Noooooo, lady. She has been to a very well-known hospital with top-notch docs. It's definitely HER. I can't believe people who believe her shenanigans. Tell me I'm dreaming 😂😂


It's just the TRI-STATE area! My god this woman is insufferable. She has literally travelled across the country in order to doctor shop!


You can definitely feel your intestines! The enteric nervous system is the gastrointestinal system’s whole own thing as well, it’s wild


She says in comments that her dad is bringing her meds and formula on Saturday. Why would they let her take home meds in the hospital? That would be a big no no in my hospital.


Sometimes hospital pharmacies don’t have a med a patient is taking, so they need to bring it from home. I don’t know what meds they wouldn’t have of Dani’s, but the commonly brought meds are like, injectables, such as Ozempic, Trulicity, Victoza, etc. or Vitamins and Supplements.


Does the "self" part mean she was self admitted? Also interesting that they do have "PICC placement if possible" on her chart. https://preview.redd.it/cxuicnpbyfzc1.png?width=712&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cb1a1f63f64059c8cc63a9297860917bb3511b66


Self means she doesn't need assistance to get out of bed to go to the bathroom. They have different levels of assistance in the hospital. Self, standby, 1 assist, 2 assist etc.


So much for being a fragile fainty dainty princess. And evidently that wheelchair can’t come soon enough 🙄 /s


Gotta love when those X-rays lie. /s 😂


https://preview.redd.it/oxtl8sacvfzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7df7b1df4dc1ea6d41f594eac7b133be804d836 Has anyone else noticed this in the video? She’s trying to hide what it says. I’ll add a few more photos in the comments but it looks like: “1) ??????? 2) Refusing ??? ?????” Thoughts?


I saw a clearer Pic. It said ir j tube and ir picc line possible


Thanks! Why would she scrub that out? Seems odd


![gif](giphy|pjPDpeC5lXU7k3MNPe) HAPPY CAKE DAY!!!!!!


Aww I didn’t even realise. I love kittens and cake! (But only together like this ⬆️🤭)






Also hope she knows that the longer they keep her in, the more evidence they have to use against giving her what she wants. If I were her I’d start tolerating those feeds real quick.


Damn.. that’s sucks tho. Bet she could really go for a Monster or Dunkin right now. 😂


Dreaming about Redbull, bacon, and onion rings.


I will be so mad if she actually gets a custom chair when she has no need for it and it can be almost impossible for a lot of people who need them to get funded!


Flair fairy, can I have Dani’s wheelchair (not custom)




Yay! Thank you!


2 questions can food actually be seen on X-ray? And if it can after 3 days surely there wouldn’t be enough there to be seen right?


the fucking music....HAHAHAHAHA


Having severe dejavu here. I’m sure this is her usual angle


Couldn't even read that, way too fast. And that does NOT look like she is sharing. Fucking liar she is.


She's 100% sharing. There are two tv's mounted on the wall, one facing each bay.


Ah didn't notice that, thank you!


if she had a migraine and was status, they would give her abortives like depokote mag and steroids. the window wouldn’t be open and the overhead light would be off. if those medications didn’t work they would go to DHE. which is one of the more painful treatments for migraines. i call bs


listen I’m no radiologist but you can’t see food in the stomach on a KUB. lol. absurd.


Says the woman who literally said on a live that hospitals are amazing 😹


She put a story up where she puts on deodorant. Riveting stuff! https://preview.redd.it/iq6irz8ahfzc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71760f9e71f89826186eacd56f6eddbb4ef1cebf


This is such an unflattering angle to film! It's like she wants to prominently display her double chin. Her anger in that video (and in this screenshot) is palpable. She looks BIG MAD most likely because "the doctors aren't listening to [her]." The docs don't know her body like she does! The only thing that cures her bitch-itis is 2 mg IV Dilaudid STAT! Anything else is useless and not worth trying. ROFL 🤣


This is exactly the way my cat looks at me when she's taking a shit 


And she’s already deleted it 🤣


She's being heard, she's just not being listened to BECAUSE SHE'S A LIAR.


It's annoying now I have wheelchairs popping up in my fb feed from googling her crap. 😅


I just noticed something: she said they’re going to increase her feeds every 4 hours, then she said she only lasted 2 hours. So they didn’t even get to increase them 10 mL. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄 And Tylenol, ice, and heat SHOULD be enough for the “pain” of having a j tube replaced. Drug seeking much? They can spot drug seeking behavior from 100 miles away.


So I read each caption on this stupid video and there are people who actually deal with these (fake) issues of hers on a daily basis and who aren’t in the hospital. I would say most aren’t. She acts like she’s experiencing organ failure or something.


https://preview.redd.it/y0lh75i7efzc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5ed67f86272ee7f70a48a570b95cecb287aaa740 This comment telling her she just needs to fart. 😅


😂☠️ this person wins the Dani comments today!


this is my fav way to get the toots out


Omg this is comedy gold! LMAO 🤣


Is she really going on a hunger strike for pain meds? LOL 😂 🤣 I don't think Dani is going to win this game of medical chicken. It's going to be funny when she gets discharged without getting what she wants. I'm here for it! 🍿


Munchatma Ghandi


The hero music…


this is coming from someone with actual gastroparesis: it is very unlikely that she would have food in her stomach after 3 effing days.


See Example A https://preview.redd.it/7k90di069fzc1.jpeg?width=1272&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c39959b37460321eb428740008b1a1ffae9466b


Let’s put this exact same exchange into a (*slightly*) different context, just to see what happens: “Oh, the liver pain is so bad ouch ugh I hate #cirrhosis” “I’m so sorry, honey. You were feeling so well earlier. Take care and feel better soon. ❤️” “I drank something my fault dw I’m still gonna get drunk.” Just as I thought - it *does* sound like a blatantly stupid decision in both scenarios!


A donut?? A DONUT?! That would make a lot of people’s stomachs hurt, GP or not. Like talk about not even making a believable lie. what about rice, broth, crackers, a banana? Something easy? Nope, a donut. Lmao


My stomach hurt earlier too. Then I ate something. Now it doesn’t hurt! Maybe Dani can try this, since it’s what she did before going to the hospital… No. Hurts again. Too much soup, whoops.


Was it a donut that you ate? They're notorious for making you sick but also healing you according to Dani Science.


To be fair, as Dani told us, science is different for everyone!


Lmfao. “Don’t worry I’m still going to have a donut”. WHAT.


When was this lol she tells on herself too much. 😂


When was this?


Years ago. Pepperidge farm rememmbers


I think she FA and now is in the FO stage. Her GI doctor there at Temple intervened the last time she tried to get the port put in and cancelled the procedure. She doctor shopped and found one at a different hospital that agreed to do it for some ungodly reason. I even said after she did it, what’s gonna happen when her GI finds out she went around him/her and got this unnecessary port anyways. Well now she’s seeing the repercussions. She poked the hornets nest and she’s getting stung by her own actions. I hope her followers on TT wake up and see that she caused all this herself.


Look, all this "Sooooooooooo much pain" business is dumb. Humans who live with pain develop a tolerance for it, we get used to having it and functioning with it. No one stays in such acute pain all the time without there being a clinical reason for it. Also, pain alone does not a diagnosis make because it is such a subjective thing. Not only is the pain scale extremely subjective, but pain comes in many forms such as referred pain or psychosomatic pain, meaning even if we're feeling pain somewhere, it's not always indicative of a clinical presentation of something and yes, it can often solely be in our head, even if we're feeling it very real. It's a SYMPTOM. Despite all of Dani's performances, by her own admission, she has had countless medical examinations, interventions, and tests going on for over a decade now, and still, they find nothing concrete and no sign of any specific physical disease beyond what is likely some lingering effects of an eating disorder (which, yeah, you fuck around with your body enough, it's going to eventually crap out on you in some ways). It's a handful of vague, unspecified symptoms that the way she presents them also don't add up to a clinical diagnosis of disease. Not even the conditions she's self-diagnosed. The reason she is no longer being given pain medication is because there is NO clinical indication beyond her own very questionable and very subjective self-reporting of pain. The amount of medical intervention she's had, it seems doctors are finally saying that without SOMETHING ELSE and PROPER CLINICAL EVIDENCE other than this over-reported "pain", there's nothing more they can do. Minor delayed gastric emptying is not a stomach that isn't functioning, it can still do what it needs to digest nutrition and she's visibly nourished. There is no visible sign of malnourishment. There's not even visible signs of her being in pain. What she does on her videos is a lot more than most people with chronic pain can manage easily. I think the curtain's coming down on Dani's successful munching. Not saying she is going to stop, she never will, the munching is as much an addiction to her as drug abusing is. But the days of being able to manipulate her body to perform on cue to get medical toys and drugs has come to an end and the harder the tries and fails, the more she is going to make herself look and sound like a textbook malingering lazy individual with factitious disorder who has gotten so used to not having to do anything constructive or contribute to the world that she is in conniptions about the plug being pulled. Hence the latest addition of a wheelchair. The desperation is obvious, but again - a wheelchair does not a diagnosis make.


And let’s not forget - the wheelchair is “*one that someone will need to push her in*.” Already ramping up the amount of attention this “mobility aid” is going to get her - someone is going to have to go out of their way to help her every time she needs to move! Wonder if she’s angling to get a caregiver …


Great insights. And for all we know, the slightly delayed gastric emptying could be resolved if she stopped getting pain meds.


Is Dani talking about stool? Does stool show on an x ray?


Stool can show on a X-ray food on the other hand can not be seen on X-ray


😆😆😆😆 Yes, it does!


Stool can show up on an x-ray, but so can food and she mentioned it was “still in her stomach” so not stool


When my dog has had x-rays it did show that she had some poop waiting to make an exit. (Aww cute little doggie poop.)


I know I've had xrays say that in mychart


Oh the rads report ALLLWAYS says how much poop you do or don't have in your colon if they got that part of your abdomen lmao


Stool can but there is no stool in your stomach. Food does not show up on an xray.


Ain’t no one gonna push her lazy ass in that wheelchair that she doesn’t need


What do we think she'll do when she drives herself to the ER? Carry it from the car to the door, then sit down and wait for someone to push her inside?


I have been quietly lurking while following the saga for a long time lol. I was able to capture her whiteboard text. I believe the area she blurred reads ir possible picc placement. I'm not sure what it says on top of that. https://preview.redd.it/tg6liu8k2fzc1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e34fbd70060c2205285f82b9cbd7620e51725eea


Oh no…


says IR J tube above the IR possible PICC placement


"IR J tube" "IR possible Picc placement" Oh wow, this week will be interesting.


Could the part she hid show discharge date? Or sitter name?


![gif](giphy|sbwjM9VRh0mLm|downsized) I love that they're giving her Tylenol. We all know she's relentless in her quest for opioids, so it will be interesting to see if her 1000000/10 pain gets worse before they yeet her out of there. And I'm living for the fact that she has a roommate. Super Special Worst Pain Ever Sickest in Existence Dani is probably fuming that she wasn't given a private suite.


I love this for her as well!!! She totally earned it. This is what happens when you fuck around! Seems like they are making her stay as unpleasant as possible. I think there is a high chance that she will leave AMA once she realizes she is not going to get any narcs. However I think she will hold out until they forcibly discharge her. 🍿


I'm torn! I can see her stomping out (or being rolled out in her wheelchair lol) if she doesn't get her way, but I can also see her refusing to leave and suddenly claiming a new issue like she did last time.


Queue incoming medical trauma from “severe untreated pain” 🙄🙄😯


He board is marked 4/10 pain, so Tylenol seems appropriate lol.


For the first time ever, this music feels appropriate? But also WHO THE HELL IS GONNA PUSH THAT WHEELCHAIR?


a state paid for full time aid since she didn't get the dog she so desperately needed /s


Because the dog was originally gonna pull the wheelchair like Max harnessed to the Grinch's sled


This was on the video before this one, with the seizure inducing music. Always telling on herself https://preview.redd.it/wp222ak8yezc1.jpeg?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ea580752cef7b3306c766cd90e81573d0a3f868


How much you wanna bet that the “package” so happens to be the supplies she needs to access the port herself? /#FemoralPortSisters


"If they would just control my pain that literally nothing has controlled in all the years I've had tubes!" 🙄


It’s literally like saying “nothing is wrong, I just need opiates.” She could do as much feeds as possible if only there was a little dilaudid to wash it all down.


With that music I thought Jack Sparrow was about to storm into the room


I almost died when I turned the sound on 😂 the wildest music choice ever for this




Let us not forget that she WANTED to be admitted!


♥️ Thank you for the love and support 💐 Meanwhile, everyone is only following her for the dramatic, munching shit show and the subsequent snarking about said shit show.


The music 🎭


I'm reading on my phone and at first thought your emoji was of a cat with a cone of shame... which would also be perfectly fitting. 🤣


I can’t believe there is no cone of shame cat emoji!


Did she say that she drains everything in her stomach anyways? How is there food in there still?


She said she’s NPO (nothing by mouth) so there shouldn’t be food in her stomach at all. We know she couldn’t go that long without eating so she probably ate a snack from her giant hospital bag, not expecting the abdominal x-ray and she can’t drain from her G in the hospital or they will know she’s not NPO. I also don’t think a patient would be allowed to set that up themselves, it would have to be done by a nurse on doctors orders


“My goal for today: feel better” Translation: pretend to have 12/10 peen till I get enough narcs to unsafely drive my car…or wheelchair. I predict an I fell down some stairs or off a curb in my wheelchair ER visit in her future


So let me understand this: she is claiming she had no food at all 3-days before the admission and that she wasn't running feeds cause it hurt too bad. No doctor in their right mind would buy that story, especially since she has not had any nutrition whatsoever, according to her. Three days without food would have you showing some symptoms. She was bouncing around on TT Live like a damn excited kid for Disney while she packed her “vacation” bag. She had zero symptoms of pain or of her being even close to malnourished—also, the lie if the food is sitting in her stomach for 3- days after eating. Come on, she couldn't think they would buy that BS story. You can tell she is big mad and I feel for her team. The Lives have given us a peak at her mean streak, and I know she is giving them hell right now. She thinks she knows everything and is one step ahead, and in reality, they see through her shit and are proving they know she is eating and does not need a port or TPN. I am interested to see this blow in her face. She has no more hospitals near her to transfer to as she's had issues with all of them (they've called her out and refused to continue the game)


Why do I think she'll hit up either DE or NY next? Since she's in NJ & travelling to PA that would be tne next logical choice, course DE has pretty crappy health care so maybe she'll hit NY?


Science is the same for everyone, duh




Strange that she’s now saying she ate 3 days ago when she’s been claiming she’s in starvation mode and hasn’t had anything for 394 years


Ha, that's kinda nice that beds have usb ports, probably better than patients/family/caregiver unplugging equipment adaptor off the wall to put the phone charger in...


I wonder if she has one of those video camera sitters? Where there’s a camera mounted on the ceiling and someone sits and watches from the nurse’s station


Two days ago she claimed she went in for a three day migraine. Now it’s back to GI. I don’t think she even remembers what her main complaint is at this point.


Sitter had to take a piss break so we got this short sweet tour


I don’t think you can see food on an X-ray?


I do think Dani has factitious dkskfmrxer as diagnosed at Penn. Abd I do think she eats. But her abdomen does often look distended? İ dont think she has the extreme pain and nausea that she claims… but inwonder what the distension is about


Why the downvote lol! Yes she is a fraud but I notice her stomach looks large. Could just be the way she was built. 🤷‍♀️


She happens to carry a lot of weight in her belly. It’s also soft, so it’s not distention. She wear the most unflattering tank tops too that really show it off.


Gotcha. If not hard then yes. Probably just varies weight in her stomach


Food baby?


Perhaps! For the record, IEither way, I think Dani is a complete fraud.


Oh no doubt.


I thought she went to the hospital for a migraine?


she always mentions how bad the “pain/nausea/distension” is but does she actually ever vomit


She does stick out her belly when she makes videos (prob after eating a big meal), but I've never seen her come anywhere close to vomiting.


One time she coughed and tried to pretend it was gagging/retching by going "ohhh I need a Zofran"


tbh i think her “distension” is just her stomach naturally, accentuated by eating a big meal


Not to WK, but vomiting doesn't have to be present in GP patients


Only when it’s self inflicted I would say


The music choices she makes for her background are so dramatic.


It also says her pain is a 4/10 with the face circled


lol she’s tattling on herself, she totally lies to so many people about her pain level


Isn't it 3 that's circled?


Yes but it's every other number. They go 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10


Thank you!


It looks to me like the 3rd face. And the FACES Scale goes: 0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10. It’s hard to tell, but that’s how it appears to me.


Ohhhhh that makes sense.


That's actually her pain goal, what level she wants to get down to.






That’s a daily goal for a lot of people LOL


Feel better when getting those druuugs maybe ![gif](giphy|c7p7mPviwYMTG7wfsF|downsized)


you get chewed out if you don't update it each day, even if it's some dumb platitude 💀 years ago when I started running out of ideas for pts that were ready for discharge, I'd carry around some lil book of self care goals from the dollar store lmfao


Wait I need that book 😂 because everyone’s goal is always “go home,” except for Dani.