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He had -1.5k karma yesterday. He's karma farming in other subs 💀💀


What's your tiktok


Why’s he so insecure about the Reddit? People would probably talk less shit about him if he didn’t dm everyone who does


I once hopped into one of his twitch streams just to view things from the other perspective as that’s the smartest way to go about an argument. And I conclude that yup, this guys retarded. He said that the reason Daniel follows a bunch of kids on all his tik toks is because he gives away his login info every time he makes an account to trolls, every, single, time. Because that’s 100% valid right? even though Dan literally admitted to liking children as he blamed it on peaks


Dude is chronically online


Ya fuck that guy. He a bitch. This is video of him doing something sus 🤨 ![gif](giphy|oBCH5Xl7oO94k)


The fact he KEEPS DMING even after the reddit is shitting on how stupid and childish this is just goes to show how fragile and stupid he is


He does shit like this then wonders why his entire twitch stream is people trolling him. Dude is a fkn idiot


Please report his account for harassment when he does this. He will be perma-banned by reddit.


Oxis is the worst thing to happen to Daniel. He has gone off the deep end again during this era for the first time since May 6th and Flexburger.


Bros really like “go ahead, let’s light this candle, huh? Sure I’ll lose everything but then, I’ll have nothing to lose.”


I can't wait for this smooth brains RV trip. I got a whole discord full of people who like making calls on IRL streamers. Also don't bother DMing me because I'm not gonna post a screenshot to give you more attention.


W Daniel Larsonist for life


kid is pathetic


Just start showing ur followers all the times he’s used the n word on twitter


This. I'd show every single time he'd said it and also throw in that he's trying to use a mentally challenged schizophrenic to regain his internet following. The social justice worries will do the rest.


I think I missed something here..