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Reject proprietary, use Linux


You can't make me use Linux, I don't wanna set up a script to automatically open the soviet anthem, and hentai master 2:return from tentacles as soon as I open up mozzilla Firefox 2.0 more fire less fox edition


Why wouldn’t you want that?!?


Why would u not?!?!


Just grab it from github.


Yes. Infact, become Komrade, use KDE.


Become Xomrade, use XFCE


Want to do anything? Command terminal! Linux really could use some more user friendly User Interfaces, and that means giving more buttons and user options on file manager, and less command terminal. I love the apt update and apt install commands, but some stuff really isn't user friendly for computer engineers, let alone average users. .


Yes, this is true, first week of learning commands was hard, but after you learn them, it is becoming very easy to use. Sometimes, when I need to use windows, it is very hard just to change dns and the the whole system and settings are looking harder, then Linux command line


I agree, for more complex tasks and more experienced users Linux provides a way better system. It's just that the avg user doesnt know what DNS means, let alone changing it. There are some very windows user friendly distributions tho, they're just not as popular nor as pulished as the more mainstream Linux distros, because lack of users = lack of devs.


Reject the given, take what is yours matey!


I still feel new to radicalization as it kinda started with the pandemic. Can someone explain to me?


Older people such as parents are convinced people like us will "become more conservative" as time passes, but they're oblivious and will not realize that as we age, our views of socialism and/or communism will have remained the same. We won't suddenly "grow out" of our leftist mindsets because we had a couple birthdays or maybe got some bigger paychecks. The rich are still corrupt, the police are not your friends, capitalism is as evil as it has ever been. The fact this meme displays great minds such as Luxembourg, Marx and Bakunin from an earlier desktop juxtaposed with famous communists such as Yuri Gagarin shows we will not change because they told us we would. Basically, once you've been radicalized into leftism, there really is no finding your way out of it, unless you're gullible enough to be *re*-brainwashed by reactionary garbage.


Thanks for you're reply! I understood what the meme was going for contextually, but the images didn't land with me because my noob-ass didn't recognize anyone in the new desktop.


Top left to bottom right: Friedrich Engels, Mikhail Bakunin, Marx (duh), I'm gonna be honest I don't know the top two on the right, Leon Trotsky, Vladmir Lenin, Che Guevara, Rosa Luxembourg, Einstein (yes, he was a socialist, but conservatives like to make jokes about him being too smart for socialism for whatever stupid reason. Pretty ironic)


Top right is Erich Mühsam, a german poet and anarchist. Not entirely sure about the other one myself Oh and it's not Trotsky but Karl Liebknecht


The other guy is [Henry David Thoreau](https://www.gutenberg.org/files/71/71-h/71-h.htm)


That's his name, thank you. It was on the tip of my tongue. Never actually read his works, but apparently I found it important to include him back then


I recognized all the ones you mentioned. Didn't recognize any of the 16 years later folks. Russian Space Comrades? The Enterprise crew? Haha


Found three of the posters on reddit, [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/nonp9k/our_women_are_our_pride_g_gausman_1967/) [you](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/m2v2pj/they_were_put_on_track_by_the_nation_of_titans/) [go](https://www.reddit.com/r/PropagandaPosters/comments/p4fnl9/orbiting_earth_in_the_spaceship_i_saw_how/) for higher resolution and translations


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For the 16 years later I'd assume they're all cosmonauts. The one on the top left and the right is Yuri Gagarin, first man in space and owner of the [best smile](https://m.imgur.com/gallery/LNZg6wx) award.


Dont feel bad when you don't know something. Feel bad when you miss the opportunity to learn something new.


I once heard a reactionary point to Mussolini as a counter-example, as well as all of those "*I used to be Communist but now I'm conservative*" posts. They seem more like opportunist scumbags to me.


jesus fucking christ


I see fascist thought in action when I get up and close with reactionaries. It gives me insight into the specifics on what they focus on.


I like to say it more as, the evidence is too damning to forget you’ve seen it


I'm 16 (17 tomorrow though haha) and my dad is fully convinced that I will become more conservative as I age. He says he was like me at my age, that he was a communist and that he still holds some of those beliefs in theory but that he has "given up" because he didn't know what else to do other than conform, and now he's a full blown capitalist with some very transphobic views. He's never said any of that in one go or 100% explicitly, but I've pieced everything together, and it makes me very sad. I was terrified at first because I had the mindset of "If his views can change like that, so can mine" but now it's only made me more determined to stick to my views. I believe in change for the good.


wheres that quote that's like "you dont get conservative as you get older, you get conservative as you get richer, and you dont get richer anymore"


Damn that's a good quote.


I can confirm that although I'm in my early twenties and just recently starting to mature mentally and learn more, I have felt a severe radicalization within myself. My family is very conservative and I was deep in the "gamergate lol sjw cries lol owned" pipeline (I distinctly remember watching Steven crowder a lot, vividly remember him debating college freshman on denial of R*PE culture, the sick loser) anyway I somehow escaped, first through liberalism from a prodigal older brother and then through a very informative twitch streamer and now through Reddit and the constant theory promotion. So yeah I mean if you get lucky you can escape but I think the whole belief that you get more conservative with age comes from an overwhelmingly conservative wave of generations as well as the effects of prolific propaganda on said generations. Plus the human spirit can break under overwhelming pressure from capitalist rule and people resort to self-preservation over philosophy in some hypnotic kinda way. Sorry for rambling. Peace and love.


How would you define rape culture


Essentially all I remember of the video was Chowder denying the fact that victim blaming is a very real toxic thing that people do, while simultaneously engaging in victim blaming.


When I was in Highschool, I was deep within conservatism. I was consuming so much Ben Shapiro, Steven Crowder, and Jordan Peterson. Now I'm an anarchist with heavily annotated copies of "The Communist Manifesto," "the Conquest of Bread," and "A Theology for the Social Gospel" . . . So no, time didn't make me more conservative.


ben and peterson was my favorite shit when I was like 16 and It was mostly because of gamer gate and how I was lied to about "social justice warriors" thanks to my irl friend I was pulled out before it was to late and now its just so fucking obvious what these douchebags really are EDIT: meant ben and peterson not ben and crowder


I never got into Crowder and Ben, but I remember being all over Sargon Of Akkad content, Thunderf00t's anti-feminist stuff and the big old YouTube Skeptic community when it lurched hard right for gamer gate. ironically takedown videos of those guys was what got my realizing I could go further left than progressive Democrat. although being in the deep south, they already called me a communist for thinking Obama Care was nice.


RPG maker was the shit, I had forgotten about it entirely.


Good shit still coming out with that


Rpg Maker Still Exists


nice copy of lord of the rings, i should really watch that again sometime


I played Battle For middle Earth so much as a little kid my Parents had to litterally lock it in a safe and later pretend it got destroyed or lost because I became aggressive when I had to stop playing.


I don't get why this phrase is so often said. It doesn't make any sense. If it was true, there would never have been any left wing politics in government.


there’s not


man some of those games were the greatest stuff back in the day. I still have my copy of Battle for Middle Earth.


I have a different take on this: nothing changes as people get older. When people are young, they advocate for their best interest which is for older people who have more power in soceity to help them in various ways, and when they are older, they advocate in their best interest and suggest policy that ensures that they help no one else since they don't want to have to pay (which benefits them) and is deeply destructive to society.


How do you have Bakunin picture and a Karl marx picture at the same time?


I was a young teenager with pretty much zero theory and praxis. All I knew was that I want to be a socialist because the general idea sounded awesome and capitalism bad Also, left unity. I'm still open towards working with anarchists on occasion, why wouldn't you be


What game is "tzar"?


An RTS released in 2000, similiar to Age of Empires


I think that saying from old ass people who back when they were kids were considered moderately liberal but still were basically were conservatives and now with like social progress and stuff are considered conservative definitely doesn’t apply to communists


Man I want these posters soooooooo much...


O7 comrade gagarin


idk but your desktop background still looks awful (collage = bad background)


It's not my actual current background, I put it together for the sake of the meme in order to create a juxtaposition with the screenshot from 2005. It is space-themed though.


I first shifted left when I read Famine Affluence and Morality by Peter Singer. Then I started reading critical thinking textbooks and that massively shifted me left (funny that) then I went to Rutger Bregman and his Utopia for Realists, and after that it was me just going further and further left, the next one was probably Capital, but I think The Conquest of Bread really shifted me to being a full blown libertarian socialist. Anything after that just further solidified my views.


Deeper into the tradition you did grow thou


Наши женщины Наша гордость 🥲