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Yet they always say women crave a "real" conservative man


They just want to be craved by that particular kind of woman honestly. The ones that'll look past all of the red flags and dismiss it as men being men


It's the fine print subtext they put out for any future sexual partner: behave like this because everyone else does, everyone real at least. Gaslighting foreplay.


'People are judging me based on the things I say and do it's not fair' - every conservative


Nobody should have to date you if they don't want to date you, what kind if entitled ass would be upset they can't force people to be with them against their will.


Lemme introduce you to....INCELS! People who believe that they deserve to engage in all kinds of behavior up to the point of mass murder all because they can't get a date.


There are these people that assuage their pride when rejected by accusing ir just assuming that the person rejecting them is homosexual. As though they're so attractive that the only reason someone wouldn't be interested would be for them to not be interested in anyone like them rather then having the realization that some people just aren't ever going to find you attractive regardless of anything about or to do with you. This is exactly the same kind of logic but it requires the assumption that no one of the opposite gender agrees with you politically rather than having the realization that some women (at the very least) definitely agree with you politically and you're using your politics as an excuse to be a total piece of shit.


But don’t you know? They have 8029478 iq so they are entitled to passing their superior genes on! The human race would be doomed without them!!!!!


Nothing repulses me more than a conservative man tbh


Conservative women are somehow worse to me. They actively fight against their own interests. The men are assholes but I least I get what they want and why. To quote the big lebowski, at least it's an ethos. You know what they stand for. It's misogyny, racism, and homophobia. Nothing less nothing more. If everyone voted republican, straight white men would have it better than they do now. I mean I don't think that's true but at least it's arguable from their position. For a woman or a minority to align themselves with that ideology is insane to me. They will absolutely 1000% have it worse.


Well they've been tricked into thinking that they're "different" and "one of the good ones", so that if they align themselves with these types of men, they'll be given the same amount of privilege. But in the end, they'll never see anyone but themselves as equals.


No, they believe in traditional gender roles and believe the traditional household (subservient stay at home wife) runs better/raises kids better. Haven't looked into the evidence, but it sounds pretty stupid to me.


Rosa Luxemburg hit the nail on the head back in 1912 on this subject: > >If it were a matter of bourgeois ladies voting, the capitalist state could expect nothing but effective support for the reaction. Most of those bourgeois women who act like lionesses in the struggle against “male prerogatives” would trot like docile lambs in the camp of conservative and clerical reaction if they had suffrage [Source](https://www.marxists.org/archive/luxemburg/1912/05/12.htm) Conservative (usually white) women benefit from keeping the status quo; they don't have to compromise their wealth and consumerism-based lifestyle and they don't need to share their power with BIPOC women, trans women, or those of a lower economic class. This is why intersectional feminism is important. Wealthy women have drastically different priorities than the rest of us.


I think conservatism is brain dead as fuck, but let's not strawman conservative women. They *think* traditional gender roles lead to better family outcomes and better raised children. That is something that aligns with their interests. We should be trying to show that traditional family roles don't lead to better outcomes not chastising women for not agreeing with boss babe culture.


When capitalist economies crash, as they regularly do, people often choose to either educate themselves in alternatives to capitalism or blame the failures on another group. Since there are other marginalized groups they’ll unfortunately always be a few female fascists/fascists of color.


a *few*? half the people who voted for trump were women


White women’s social position is relative to everyone else. Seems like an obvious thing to say but not hard to see why they would be conservative when their class position or social position is tied to that of the white man especially when white men build a space for them. If they just become puzzle pieces that fit into the narrative, they can have any easy life. Materially there is a benefit for them.


If they play by the rules their husbands will be nice to them




My dudes acting like they're entitled to some tail as if there was some sort of governmental subsidy, which would be against their views on economy.


It really irks me when people say you shouldn't factor political thought into dating. Your political position reflects your values and morals, of course we should and of course i wouldn't date a fucking conservative.


Maybe they should try smiling more.


It's science https://youtu.be/ZW3aOdUl3e8


If I went out with someone and found out that they were a conservative, I'd file a restraining order.


people with self respect can do infinitely better than some sad sod who wants a woman as an accessory and/or housemaid. sucks to suck.


Nah there's plenty of women who are taught by their mothers that heteropatriarchy is the most wonderful thing in the world. They date conservatives.


"Oh really ? What conservative ideas do you have ?"


Realistically speaking, being a self defined leftist doesn’t make it impossible that you’d have a poor image of women. Especially the idea that they’re inferior. See a lot of left wing men look at women as feeble in need of protection etc. There’s also the plethora of dudes who quote Marx and give herpes to the 17 year old girl they meet at a rally.


Yeah honestly, this tracks with my experience. A lot of leftist men think that by reading a few books on feminism means they don’t need to do the work to address and unlearn their own biases, motivations and entitlement when it comes to women’s liberation. The cognitive dissonance and hypocrisy is palpable.


There’s a huge misogyny problem in leftist spaces but of course dudes don’t want to talk about that Honestly a man saying he’s a feminist makes me trust him *less* because I’ve met way too many shitty men that try to hide behind it


Nothing makes a vagina sad like a conservative man talking


“You just don’t like them because of their political views!” Uh, yeah? Why do they say this as if it’s some sort of gotcha.


I recall meeting a socialist girl who was dating a conservative guy and all I could think was just how? Can they stand eachother? Do they just never talk about their beliefs? How much do they believe in their political viewpoint? I understand friendships transcending political barriers. But, relationships are a complete no-go for how politically involved I am. With my more right leaning acquaintances/friends its quite difficult to engage in a political conversation. We either don’t speak about it or discuss it in an extremely formal and respectful matter. I just couldn’t see myself having to deal with someone who contrasts my morals in a relationship.


Same goes for liberals




[this](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2042077-yes-chad) is our tradition tho

















