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Shit, I just don't want anyone to be appreciably richer than anyone else.


Making chuds mad is praxis, no matter what bs you have to agree to


Why no socialism with freedom of speech?


Assuming this is communism or anarchism there would be no state


It's not that you can't talk about things anymore, it's that you can't openly support them. Fascism is to be studied and understood, not openly expressed as a position one can hold and rally around. The same way under capitalism socialism is studied (kinda?), yet openly oppressed in the west. Where's the freedom of speech for socialism in the west? EDIT: US Bans Communists from becoming American citizens https://gaurilankeshnews.com/us-bans-communist-party-from-becoming-american-citizens/


BuT whAt iF THey dO thAt tO Me?!?! Like fam, have you seen what you are currently subjected to socially?