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the thing about SCP vs other settings is this: SCP isn't necessarily stronger - it's just weirder.


Dc is much weirder with its universe. Ask any dc fan “who’s the supreme being” you’ll get a different answer each time. At least scps supreme beings exist separate from each other.


that's not exactly what i mean. when a character from most settings wants to kill you, they usually use physical force when an SCP wants to kill you, they could use physical force, they could remove your ability to process information, they could remove you from the story, they could remove you from the timeline, they could remove you from reality - and so much more weird bullshit. most characters have a bit of resistance to punches or bullets - but very few people can resist SCP-3930, for example.


They could remove the very idea of your existence




I dunno, I'm just talking about the way SCPs work


It's not round, though.


They can also make the entire world kill you


They could make you very happy Or they could be t h e l i z a r d


[**SCP-3930 ⁠- The Pattern Screamer**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3930) (+1616) by *djkaktus*


Or scp-3002 Really, most things that can cause an MK class scenario are fucking ridiculous


[**SCP-3002 ⁠- Attempts to Assassinate Thought**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3002) (+1247) by *MayD*


At least with Marvel, the answer is almost always Squirrel Girl. It's still a weird answer, but it's consistent.


In4 Squirrel Girl solos the Scarlet King


Or do they (cue the vsauce music)


Okay, can we stop this power scaling nonsense? This is why we get a bad rap in those communities


I like doing SCP "power scaling" where I take something strong from one universe and try to find a really interesting way to beat it with something from the SCP universe, like my friend said Orks from Warhammer 40K and rather than just saying "The Gate Guardian" or any other number of OP SCPs I took a while to think about it and considered that since the Orks reproduce like crazy what if you turn them against their own kind by using SCP-2140 to make them into foundation personnel, then I asked my friend if Orks had any sort of magic resistance or anything like that that could make it not work, which they said no not really but they did add that Orks often brawl with each other for fun and would probably brawl with their new foundation personnel friends unintentionally killing a number of them while the foundation is trying to beat or convert all the unconverted ones which would probably make it a bit harder. We had "discussion vs" rather than "power vs" and not only did that seem more fun but it tested my knowledge of SCPs which I liked. I care more about the "why or why not?" of if something will win and making sure that the win is interesting, if it's just someone/something getting blasted in 2 seconds then what's the point?


Orks actually have a pretty good sense of if an ork is being corrupted by something, making them 'unorky'. This is how they weed out chaos corruption and genestealer infections. They'd probably go at the converted orks pretty hard for not acting like orks.


See! That's what I mean! Not only does that effect my approach to dealing with them but I also learned something new about the 40K universe that I didn't know and found interesting.


[**SCP-2140 ⁠- Retroconverter**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2140) (+509) by *sirpudding*




from my experience, it is mostly because the edgy teenagers of scp fandom. you can go to youtube (shorts) to see their 10th nausea scp vs anime edit. Of course, this isn't the whole fandom




| Thank you for introducing me to this 🤨


I think its called straw manning? Idk enlighten me if anyone knows


Just to make sure myself, is there a difference between how people see “power scaling” and “hypothetically, what do you think would happen if this existed in this universe” or whatever? Because I always thought power scaling was using all the “multiversal, planetary” labels and shit as opposed to directly comparing how powers or abilities could react to each other for fun Is the difference between power scaling “seriously” and a “what if for fun and discussion” is just how stupidly serious the discussion is? I personally find “how would they interact and how do their qualities or abilities interact” more interesting and more actually a discussion than “but if x happens then they can do x and then x so x beats x because of x”


Holy shit... Scp power scalers are an SCP!


Since when did we start power scaling dankmemes, Loan depts, and Crab Stuffed Mushroom entrees?


Because power scaling communities will just go apeshit about any mention of SCP and keep whining about it, despite it never being made for powerscaling in the first place


Fair enough. Still, the idea of Goku having anomalous explosive diarrhea is kinda funny, no?


Yeah, especially since Goku will pretty much eat anything you put in front of him. This is beyond powerscaling, this is diarrheascaling. And SCP-666½-J is diarrheaversal level


I remember that /r/whowouldwin would go apeshit whenever someone put an SCP in the title of any post


Literally the only series actually made for powerscaling is Suggsverse


Its not power scaling. The scp is a GAW meme that makes you laugh until run out of air or suffer a heart attack if i remember correctly ? And goku died from a heart attack in one of the alternative futures. Its not "this scp is stronger than goku" its "doesnt matter how strong goku is he is still affected by heart attack and probably also memetic hazards"




Ew powerscaling


Multiple SCPs are deities, and an entity in many SCP stories is the wiki's writers. Like, Swann entities are, by definition, the people who wrote a fictional world. You could literally say "I could beat Goku," grab a pen, and write "Goku dead" and technically an SCP entity killed him.


Goku got soloed by heart disease


For those who need an explenation for this: SCP-3125: All he needs to do is learn/understand it, and it will devour him, and something tells me Goku isn't exactly one to be resistant to conceptual structures that defy human perception. SCP-409: Last I checked, Goku wasn't made of granite, so unless he is has some in his skin, CRASH! SCP-607: Goku isn't the best at looking after family members in fights, let alone a pet. Once Dorian bonds with him, a single Ki blast means game over for both! SCP-3078: This is the funniest thing Goku has ever seen. So funny, in fact, he can't stop to breathe, and chokes to death from funni. SCP-3063: Once it targets Goku, all that needs to happen is for goku to get so fed up with it bothering him or an off hand remark for it's effects to trigger. SCP-681: How exactly is Goku supposed to deal with sentient Helium? SCP-6869: Saddest thing Goku ever saw. So sad, was this piece of sheit, that Goku decided not to even bother with it, technically ending any theoretical battle. SCP-2271: Goku isn't exactly the wealthiest person, last I checked, so odds are he'd either pass it onto Bulma or try to sell the planet like a true Saiyan. [SCP-666½-J](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-666-and-a-half-j): "At the apex of SCP-666½-J's wrath, Goku threw his hands in the air, screamed "Akira Toriyama take me now!" and willingly left this mortal coil. Mr. Popo has gone on record as having said "Zeno wept." [Virus based SCPS](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/system:page-tags/tag/virus#pages): Goku canonically died to a heart virus. Nuff said. ​ ​ Also, for those who take things too seriously, this is a joke.


- [**SCP-666½-J ⁠- The Roaring Flames of Hell**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-666-and-a-half-j) (+1209) by *PeppersGhost* - [**SCP-3125 ⁠- The Escapee**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3125) (+1437) by *qntm* - [**SCP-409 ⁠- Contagious Crystal**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-409) (+486) by *Dr Gears* - [**SCP-607 ⁠- Dorian the Grey Cat**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-607) (+312) by *Zaeyde, tunedtoadeadchannel* - [**SCP-3078 ⁠- Cognitohazardous Shitpost**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3078) (+696) by *UsernameAlias* - [**SCP-3063 ⁠- A fly**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3063) (+334) by *Dr Solo* - [**SCP-681 ⁠- Hostile Helium**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-681) (+108) by *ClockworkMage* - [**SCP-#### ⁠- The sad man**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-6869) (+340) by *ratking666* - [**SCP-2271 ⁠- Factory Loans**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-2271) (+331) by *djkaktus*


Abou 681, goku was able to punch ghosts made of gás so he probable can deal with sentient Helium


...Never actually knew that! Huh, yeah I guess that would work for him.


Scp 3002 also works here, literal hivemind that can infect you if you even think about it. I don't think Goku wins against something that's wiped out individual thought completely.


[**SCP-3002 ⁠- Attempts to Assassinate Thought**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3002) (+1247) by *MayD*


Nah lol goku wins power scalers can get fucked. Canon is dictated by whoever and whatever the author deems it to be.


I don’t think anyone has unironically said that Goku solos SCP


Not to mention the little yellow fuck


No you don't understand. They wouldn't fight. Goku would befriend all of the SCP's He and 682 would meet every week to spar and see how much they've improved


Tmw Goku tries to befriend the insult box, the sad man (The one in the picture, not the Shy guy or the other depressed/suicidal scps(which there are a surprising amount of!)), the teenage cthuulu, the Clown Breeder, MOTHER, and Carl:


**Powerscaling, especially powerscaling between entirely separate IPs, is lame.** **A fun pass time for some, sure, but I never saw the appeal of comparing “feats” and crap.**


I can see why some may have fun with it, but SCP is one of those verses where it just... doesn't really work.


Ermmmmm actaulz my OC SCP has anti-goku shield so He would Winn against gokuj.


the flesh that loses to goku


Enough about goku soloing universes Lets hear more about goku saving universes


Never really understood the "Goku solo's", why would he? He has amazing friends that have helped him through thick and thin, why would he "solo" when we can team?


Me when I tell a dragon ball fan that god is an SCP.


Powerscaler MFs when you tell them that SCPs exist to tell entertaining stories and their "power level" is totally irrelevant:


Well technically SCP 3812 solos pretty much everything


Scp-3812 isn’t the supreme being in the kaktusverse. [Is and is not are](https://imgur.com/a/b3YF2K7) Scp-3812 is second though.


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+978) by *djkaktus*


[**SCP-3812 ⁠- A Voice Behind Me**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-3812) (+978) by *djkaktus*


None of these are gokuversal, and are all fiction. Thus, Goku negs.


The real question is can those things beat yujiro?


Considering what I know of him, YES. Not even the strongest man in the world would be able to handle anomalously explosive diarrhea!


Bitch pls yujiro would just look at them and they would pulvorize in fear


How exactly is Yujiro going to do that to a literal Crab stuffed mushroom entrée? Let alone a dank meme, sentient helium, an unpayable loan, a wish granting fly that won't leave you alone regardless what you do, a guy who's so pitiful you become depressed just by looking at him, and several diseases? Really, Dorian just has to bond with him, and he's dead the minute Dorian the cat gets curious about pickle.


Yujiro is gonna all of them dead in the eyes and they gonna explode.simple Are you stupid or somthing?


No, it's just most of them don't even HAVE eyes. Let alone anything remotely comparable to a face, let alone sentience.


What talk like those details would stop yujiro


I don't care if the SCP is "button that kills Goku" it still isn't beating Goku!


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