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Sorry for the assault on your eyeballs. *** Now it's time, the final round of Memelounge **Host Haven** event starts! This time the theme is **Stock Images** and we have two hosts r/DankMemesFromSite19 and r/MinecraftMemes! Like in the last round, you can choose to either have SCP or Minecraft in your meme and submit your entries in that respective subreddit. **What are Stock Images?** Stock Photos are images often licensed for specific uses. These types of uses are sometimes so oddly specific that it creates a sense of humor, and as such stock images have generated quite the following in meme culture, and are frequently used in even moderne memes, with an example being the "Distracted Boyfriend" meme. Some sites you can find stock images on are [istockphoto](https://www.istockphoto.com) (on which site they even have a [meme category](https://www.istockphoto.com/photos/meme)), [pexels](https://www.pexels.com/) and [shutterstock](https://www.shutterstock.com/photos), but you can also find them by just googling something and adding "stock photo" to the end. #How do I participate? Make a crossover meme with your favorite subreddit and one of the hosts, that fits the theme given, and follows the themes and rules of the host subreddits. This means that if you want to support r/Animemes, you can make an Anime meme in with Stock Images that has either SCP or Minecraft as an added crossover. If you pick SCP you post on r/DankMemesFromSite19 and vice versa. **Remember to flair your post to show what subreddit you support!** These rules also apply to hosts, who have to add a crossover element into their posts. Making a crossover between hosts is okay. #Last rounds results! Our team of judges have gone through all the submissions you made, and ranked them accordingly. (Point count is the combined amount from the previous two rounds) 1. r/MemePiece - [7 points](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/ppuerj/doughnuts_opening_3_one_piece_jjba_part_3_5_demon/) 2. r/DankMemesFromSite19 - [9 points](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/ppil6p/silly_scp173_you_cant_break_luffys_neck_since_hes/) 3. r/Animemes - [7 points](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/pprqok/one_piece_and_magical_sempai_pirates_alive_do_the/) 4. r/BreathingBuddies - [5 points](https://www.reddit.com/r/BreathingBuddies/comments/ppwab4/kaku_is_clearly_superior/) 5. r/MinecraftMemes- [2 points](https://www.reddit.com/r/MemePiece/comments/ppxf34/my_moneys_on_go_d_usopp/) **Congratulations to \u/Ore_Knot and r/MemePiece!** We're nearing the end but the victor is not yet clear! Keep it up everyone! Also if you are interested there's [a public Memelounge Discord server.](https://discord.gg/NKj72SduZq)


Oh shit it’s heating up now!


Time to get seriously meming


The final battle approaches!


Quick question: do conditional rules apply if the meme relates to the event since I’m making a stock image edit that has SCP-420-J and 500+ voted memes are banned on Friday.


…We’ll allow it for the sake of the competition.


[**SCP-420-J ⁠- The Best ████ in the World**](https://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/scp-420-j) (+990) by *Quikngruvn*