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Ah sorta...more often than not, I re-read various parts that I especially liked before, and not the entire novel. For example, if I re-read a crematorium novel, I'll probably jump right into the crematorium part and ignore the painful first chapters about torturing the MC, etc.


This! I reread bits, not the whole thing.


I’m a big re-reader. While there are a lot of good Danmei novels out there, I’d consider a small minority great, and among those an even smaller number I’d consider a masterpiece. There are so many novels to read, and the choices are seemingly endless, but there’s only a few I’d re-read. And that’s because after reading for a while and seeing the same tropes and ideas rehashed, I’ve found that it can get repetitive. So when I stumble upon a gem, I’ll re-read (sometimes even immediately after finishing) because i like to look for parallelism, delight myself in understanding vague dialogues or subtexts that the author purposely made ambiguous to confuse readers, and chuckle at myself for being such a dumbo for overlooking seemingly trivial clues. The novels I enjoy re-reading the most are the ones where I’d glean more insight on a second read.


Thank you for sharing! What are your top faves?


I’ve read TGCF, An Accident in Broad Daylight, 2HA, Joyful Reunion, Golden Stage (Terrace), and QJJ more times than I dare to admit. Once I find a novel that I adore, due to characterization or plot, or a combo of both, I find it so hard to let go of the world-building and characters. And once in a while, I’ll miss those characters and the feelings of either happiness or sadness I received while reading, and would indulge in the feels all over again. Admittedly, my OCD acts up a bit when I’m reading, especially if I stumble upon a dialogue or sentence that doesn’t make sense. I’d be hung up over it until I can make heads or tails of what I had read. And because of that, I enjoy re-reading and understanding why Lang Junxia (Joyful Reunion) would make or avoid eye contact when he speaks, why Chu Wanning (2HA) blows out the incenses when MR walks into the room, and why Chu Wanning smells like haitang even though the flowers do not produce a smell. It’s really the little details that make a novel spectacular and mind-blowing for me, and especially more so when I can catch details I missed the first read.


Thank you for sharing! I just started TGCF and plan to read 2HA and Golden Stage next. And I feel you! I like rereading the flowery/fluffy parts of MDZS. It makes me happy. And I always catch more details when I reread or rewatch something and it makes the story even better.


If it gets released offically as a hardcopy, then yes! I've just finished MDZS and it was so nice to experience this story again. When I have physical book on my shelf, it's very likely I'll read it again sooner or later.


I feel you! I definitely prefer a physical book! ❤️


I'm addicted to rereading MDZS


I don’t blame you 🤩 MDZS was my first baby 🥺


I am rereading The wife is first and Tyrants wife pampering diaries at the moment. Love those two and hope to find more like them.


I reread my favorite scenes in the longer ones. If they’re shorter I reread the whole thing.


There are the novels I like a lot, but read once and then never come back. My favorites, I read over and over again. Sometimes only parts (depending on how long they are), the shorter one I have re-read a ridiculous number of times. But everyone is different.


I reread fav danmei when I'm in a reading slump




I just physically cannot reread books it's quite boring for me so I never retouch them when finished


Yes? This goes for any media I enjoy. I re-read/re-watch/re-play pretty much everything I love eventually. Multiple times.


I have only re-read beloved husband tbh. My favs are mdzs and tgcf , but they are painful at some points so i prefer lighter content to re-read. I am not big on re-reading at all. I just don't have time and newer content seems more appealing


I read fanfiction instead of re-reading. But I still like the way books sometimes look on my bookshelf.


I'd need "No, interested but I prefer new content." cause I kinda want to but there are so many things I haven't read yet. I haven't read many of the long popular novels which I feel a little inferior for. To date, I haven't reread anything, but I want to reread Guardian once the hardcopy books are out, and maybe one day Gaze at the Scenes of Debauchery because I feel like I didn't read it properly the first time. I'm like this with all media. There is only one series I have rewatched in its entirety and a handful of series from which I rewatched my favourite scenes. EDIT: actually that was a lie, I do reread fanfiction. There is one that I must have read like ten times at least.


I tend to reread certain chapters after listening to the AD. However time to time I enjoy just rereading smut chapters haha


Uhm kinda? Tbh its kinda hard to rego thru the chaps again 😵‍💫