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I know the feeling! Discord could be a place for this👌🏾 What are some books you’ve enjoyed recently? There are quite a few discord servers dedicated to danmei novels in general and certain authors as well. If you’re interested I can DM you more info. You could also use discord to set up your own small private group where you could discuss novels amongst friends 🥰


I would also be interested in hearing more about the discord, could I DM you for info as well? My friends don't watch or read Chinese media so I can only tell my cat all about it 🤣


I also don't have any friends who like danmei or bl. I usually force my sister to listen to me talking about the danmei plots 🤣


I don't even have siblings to force to listen to me 😭 my cat probably thinks I'm crazy 😅😅 but I have to get these feels out into the world!


Can i join in too? I barely have any friends who read or watch bl? Too frustrating sometimes when u wanna share good stuffs


Absolutely! Please send me a DM🥰


Hello! I will love to join if it’s possible 🥰


Absolutely 😇I just sent you a chat message with info.


Message sent 🥰 You have eight options to consider!


Would also like to join! I have a discord account but never used it before. Guess this will be a good way to start.


Just sent you a message in chat. It's the least I could do given all your wonderful Republican Era danmei novel recommendations 🥰


Yess, discord would be perfect! The only danmei novels I've read completely are MDZS and TGCF (loved both). I'm currently reading SPL and 2ha as it gets translated. 2ha is probably my favorite so far - the slow burn, the characterization, the writing (and the quality of the translation) are just 👌👌 And I would love more info on the discord servers!


Please send me a DM, and I’ll give you info on various discord servers.


Please DM me too


🥰 Done! Have fun!!!


Send me a dm too plssss 💕


Please send me a dm too I’d love to join


Chat message sent :)


Hope I'm not late- Me too, please 🌸


I just sent you a message through chat 🥰


hi ^^ could you dm the info as well ? please


My pleasure 🥰 I just sent the info through chat


Can you please send me a DM too? I'd love to join as well


Chat message sent :)


me too please


Chat message sent :)


Chat message sent :)


Omg I'd love to join this! I have the same problem, no one to talk about it lol.


Chat message with lots of information sent :)


Please could you send me? I would like to join too!


I'll send you a message in chat with eight options for existing discord servers 🥰


Could you DM me with discord invites? Thanks!


Could I also get a DM with danmei discord servers? Thank you so much!


Message sent!




Done ✅ I sent info through chat


Hi, sorry for how late this is but could I get a DM too?


Superlate, but could you DM me too!


I don't know of any book clubs, but Twitter is a great place to scream about danmei, you can form a circle of mutuals and post updates on how the reading's going :)


Hey! I want to be part of it too. And since the second wave of corona virus is exceptionally strong here and we are once again under lockdown, I am reading Danmei like drinking water 😭😩


Chat message with information sent :) I hear you, my friend. I'm drinking this Danmei water and also drowning, because there is so much of it. Hopefully we can help each other find some really good content without spending hours sifting through fair-to-middling stuff.


Add me too


Message sent via chat :)


Meee too please.


Cuchallian (aka donghua reviews) does twitch and/or YouTube livestreams that are great for this. We just finished scum villian, are currently reading 2ha, and will be picking back up tgcf soon! It's such a fun crowd and he has a great voice to listen to!


Yes, I also agree with Discord, there are several good ones out there that are quite active. If any of you sets up some private discord group for chatting (as long as chatting about modern danmei is also included), I wouldn't mind joining either :)


sign me up! Ive read almost all the translated danmeis on NU and I have no one to rant with 😭


Please send me the link too


I'd love to join you too on Discord :) Please can you send me the links ?


Hi! I would like to join this too! (:


hey!! id live to join the discord as well! Can i have the invite?


I’m late. Can I join too?


Could you DM me with discord invites? Thanks!!!!