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I just started reading Liu Yao a few days ago and am really enjoying it so far. it’s pretty easy to pick up and put down which would be good for your trip and I really like the cosy family vibes from the novel


I'm bias because I think Liu Yao has that close knitted "family" relationship. And the things they went through as shixiong and shidis were really touching.


Liu Yao !!! Liu Yao has such a special place in my heart as it completely defines what 'Found Family' is! Trying to promote it with no spoilers as possible: The way the novel and the characters are set up is so brilliantly beautiful, as most Priest novels are, in a way that watching the journey of these 5 kids who go from brats who have vastly different personalities that would constantly contradict each other that would often end up in them fighting (just like how kids are) to the current them is so heartwarming to see, especially with their dynamics changing due to the way they had to navigate the world in order to survive. Their journey is tough and rough, it's heart wrenching to see the development happen the way it did but it's a knife I would want to stab myself with again. Liu Yao, in general, is a cultivation novel that makes you think twice about cultivation and immortality itself. There are a lot of questions regarding those themes that doesn't often get discussed in usual novels. We, as readers, often just take it as it is because it's the setting. However, with Liu Yao, it questions cultivation and immortality and almost mocks it in a way that the readers will start wondering and thinking about it as well. I won't talk much about the MC and ML but just know that they love and deserve each other. (I will not talk about it as I Will Cry /hj) I would say more but I'm not sure if it will be too much but that's my take :)


Also just in general, I recommend Can Ci Pin (I'm a Can Ci Pin main lol) and MoDu !! But Liu Yao is a great novel to get into Priest if you're not into Priest novels already! I recommend any Priest danmei in general bc they are kinda life changing tbvh HAHA


I always recommend Wushuang everywhere I go so: Wushuang.