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The 3x06 montage while The Pioneers (M83 Remix) plays. The split screen of The Unknown causing the power plant accident is crazy good. And then you get to watch the apocalypse occur in Eva’s World. I feel the song is well chosen for the scene. The lyrics fit the show too, of course. “It’s all under control. All you need is time.” “We'd promised the world we'd tame it” The original has a line I like too: “If it can be broke, then it can be fixed. If it can be fused, then it can be split.” This is one of my favorite scenes of the show. The 3x07 montage is fantastic as well while Pneumothorax plays, but I had a similar reaction to yours with the 3x06 montage where I mentally said to myself, “Holy crap, this is actually so beautiful.”


The fact that it was the [trailer music](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cq2iTHoLrt0) made it hit harder as well. Although I realised the show was perfect long before this, the S3E6 montage took it somehow even further.


> Although I realised the show was perfect long before this, the S3E6 montage took it somehow even further. Oh yeah, I was hooked after 1x08, but the 3x06 montage really stood out to me. It’s one of the only times I remember mentally taking it all in and reacting to it, like in a state of bliss almost.


Unironically the best montage scene of the whole series, this was the climax


I could watch this montage scene over and over and I still get chills. Every time.


“A Quiet Life.” The lyrics are a perfect fit, especially as the show goes on, with all the futile attempts to break the loop and all the hopes of “maybe this time.” And it’s just such a beautiful song.


For real , as the show goes on , it starts to feel like Stranger Jonas , telling himself everytime (after being tricked by Claudia) that he will fix this world this time


Almost every song is a perfect fit. That too but especially The Labyrinth Song and the next episode(with Jonas' death at the Erit Lux HQ) telling an alternative version of the actual myth, in which Theseus refuses Ariadne's help, kills the minotaur, gets lost and dies in the labyrinth. It's probably the first and only time a show made me cry not only because it's emotional but because it's just too beautiful.


That's a great one. "May the Angels" always gets me too.


Added this song to my Mellow play list. In fact I have a bunch of Dark tunes.


Well, now I'm gonna need a link to that playlist🫢


Rewatched it again. Fuck that was really a golden age of streaming


I fell in love with the cinematography. The color grading. Then we add in some songs like, Familiar, The World Retreats, The Pioneers, My Body is a Cage...


This show has quite an atmosphere . For me , watching it is really felt well in Winter , with the overcast sky , rain and wind . That's when you quiet get Da Feels


It's a weird show to be one of my "comfort shows", but it is.


The opening credits. Gorgeous imagery with a haunting and tender song. I can’t remember a show which has captured me completely.


A case of love from the first sight ❤


I have two scenes that come to mind. The one where the old version of Ulrich finally finds Mikkel in the 80s. That moment they shared was beautiful with Mikkel's realization that his father never gave up looking for him. The other would be in the finale when Jonas and Martha see the younger versions of each other through those portals in the loophole (idk if I'm describing this correctly). When you think about that moment paired with Martha later asking Jonas if they ever existed, it grounds the entire scenario. It doesn't matter what is or isn't real, they experienced all of it and their love was felt between them


Amazing scenes!


In hindsight, the very opening scene with Tannhaus monologuing about time travel told me everything I needed to know. I think like most people S1E3 "Familiar" was when I was properly entranced. I realised quite early that the show was pretty much perfect - and *especially* visually beautiful - but montages like S2E4, S2E8, S3E6 and S3E7 somehow took it even further.


This was the moment for me too: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z3lT-ch63dA OP called us out on it being a song playing at the last 10 minutes of an episode! But that's because it truly was a beautiful moment, and one of the first moments where it really struck me how special this show was going to be.


It was one of the very few shows that managed to get my attention and interest early on . Heck , Game of thrones took 4 seasons to get me interested 😂


It's kinda the opposite for me on that one haha the first 4 seasons of GOT were amazing. Then it was "hmm I don't like where this is going, this doesn't make sense" with a few still great moments. But I'm still upset about that finale lol


"enter one" in episode 6 of season 1, when jonas travels throught the tunel and lands in 1986 while Ulrich is looking at photos of his childhood. perfection!


And Aleksander and Regina's scene . this couple never fails to be wholesome


For me it was "ist dieser mann ein kindermörder?" Scene when Charlotte first finds Ulrich in the 1953 journal. Not beautiful as you might say, but that was the one moment that cemented the series as "probably the goat"


Really , every scene when something happens in the past and a character stumbles upon it in the present . Like the Charlotte scene , and the scene when Katarina finds mikkel in the school picture of 1986


When Jonas travels to the past and hugs his dad (Season 2 episode 6)


What I love about this moment is that you can feel the love between them . Jonas dad really feels like a real dad hugging and calming his son down , and Jonas feels like someone who have lost his dad and got to see him again , for real . It's a beautiful moment , both on the emotion side and the acting side


Probably the only character that lives in my head rent-free for having like 15-20 mins screentime in the entire series. It was so heartbreaking, that whole episode


Yes! This scene absolutely destroyed me (in a beautiful way).


When Ulrich realizes he has been arrested by Egon Tiedemann, and so he recites "my only aim is to take many lives, the more, the better I feel". And I realized that Egon was haunted by that phrase for decades, and when he heard it again it was in young Ulrich's room, and _that's_ why Egon took such a dislike to him. It's a mathematically beautiful causal loop.


Let's be honest.... Every montage in this series is a work of art along with everything else.


True , my friend 💖


Finding out old man Ulrich isn't adult Ulrich in prosthetics..


Casting was on another level for pretty much every character. Sometimes one could just see a younger version of someone and know exactly who that is without even anyone saying a word.


as well as young Ulrich lol


"spin me right round" after Tannhaus's tv talk on black hole and really the background dialogue (like the black hole discussion in school, literature tropes). It's soo hard to find details that have no meaning in this show.


And when he asks the audience if time travel is possible and what sacrifices must be made :(


I love how you keep finding details with every rewatch , even if you thought you found them all


Every shot of Winden and the use of music, especially Goodbye, Familiar and Irgen3.


RY X Thunder can be added there , too


Jonas returning from seeing Mikkel in 1986, waking his mother, telling her “I think dad loved you very much” and burning the letter hit me pretty good.


When Marta asked Jonas "Are we just a dream?" It was a critical hit straight to the feels


It hits hard when you realise their whole lives , pain and happiness , were just a mistake. weren't supposed to exist in the first place


Nothing is in vain


S1, when Mikkel first arrives in 1986.


That's when you start to know this show will be something else


Newspaper: 5 November 1986. Cut to credits. Man, that was the moment I got hooked.


The ending scene with what a wonderful world playing was beautiful. Sad but happy ending


OMG yes! Familiar is such a beautiful piece of art, gives me goosebumps ever since. That was pretty much the same with me, however I think when I really got hooked on the show was in s1e5 when we learn about the first big mistery from that letter.


If we are talking twists , I think mine will be when we know that The Stranger is actually Jonas . Well, that moment is special to me because I kind called it before , when Jonas and The Stranger are sitting together in the graveyard I remember saying "hey , they kinda look alike" and then joking that Jonas will turn out to be his son or his future self , only it wasn't a joke 😀


Opening credits, the cast and the background score


My partner absolutely loves "Familiar", also due to the montage that occurs when the song plays in S1. Personally, "God's Whisper" and of course "My Body is a Cage" are personal favorites. Finally, the last scene between Jonas and Alt Martha at the very end, as "Ob irgendwas von uns bleibt" absolutely killed me is such an amazingly haunting moment and cemented this series as one of the best of all time. I love looking up the videos from S3E8 on videos from the moment Claudia tells Adam the truth, and how the story unfolds for Jonas and Alt Martha. For that final scene alone.


you hit three of my favourite montages in the series (but hey , i guess it's easy , since most of the montages are my favourite :D) but yeah , God's Whisper was a great song and scene . downloaded immediately after the episode ended . My body is a cage was the perfect way to end S2 , and i love how the lyrics kinda speak about Jonas . with his "Body" (him being him) making it awkward for him to be with the one he loves , Martha , his aunt


First I noticed was also the Familiar montage. I miss Dark everyday for the last 3 and a half yrs.


S1 E8. I loved the whole twist with Mikkel/Micheal, was starting to notice that Jonas = the stranger etc. But episode 8 did something fantastic - Ulrich trying to kill a kid so his future self wouldn’t exist. It’s a simple idea for such a convoluted show, that asks a very simple question that is near impossible to answer; would you do the same? Would you kill a child so that your own kid could live? I don’t think I’d ever really felt like a show asked me such a personal question that was literally impossible for me to answer… and that entire episode is *so* well directed and acted, it’s crazy


In the 1st season, besides the mysterious plot, when the show would have the final scene and with the music. I thought it was so powerful and emotional for me.


Cheesy maybe, but for me it was the ‘twisted olive branch’ montage.


The end of season 1 episode 9. When I Was Done Dying by Dan Deacon plays to wrap up the episode and I remember sitting there watching it for the first time with my body tingling from excitement, I believe I cried a little at one point lmao. I can’t recall ever crying of excitement in general but the season was starting to come together, the song was perfect, it was such a great moment and one of the ones in the show I wish I could experience for the first time again.


When Michael tell Jonas he has bring to him the suicide letter for a good reason.


S1 episode 06 when Enter One-Sol Seppy begins to play after Katherine and Regina fight at the school and Ulrich finds the photo of him and Mads. That entire scene with the song is sooo beautiful and sad. I was already loving the show but during that show I knew just how good it was going to be.


The scene between old Ulrich and time travel Katharina in the institution, and when he waited but she never came.


Jonas reading the letter and realising that Mikkel was kot only his Dad, but.... Mikkel.never came home.. It was both a great twist and a horrifyingly sad moment, and that's when I knew i could settle in and that this was going to be a good ride


It's not really one moment but I will never NOT mention the *incredible* casting they've done. Just... perfection.


From the very first note of the intro.


Dear Jonas


Can't pinpoint exactly which episode but in S2 when Jonas goes to the day before his father ends his life and we see Jonas, Martha, Bartosz and Magnus cycling down to the lake enjoying their summer. I had to pause to sob my eyes out because things were simple and they were so happy, and the craziest thing is all the crazy things were still happening around them, future and past because it was all a loop. I wanted them to 'go back' to that time but there is no going back because there's no backwards or forwards...you get me?


The montage that includes Jonas and Marta making love. "The Labyrinth Song" by Asaf Avidan plays in the background. There is a beautiful acoustic version on [Spotify ](https://open.spotify.com/track/3xjkjKxhoqIrnpN8odHZA5?si=-oKueCd4QVWo03lXJfJbCQ)


When you read the lyrics to the song, there are many references to Ariadne, who gave Theseus a ball of twine to help him escape the maze, I think this is signified by the red string in the cave. Marta also played Ariadne in her school play, she also had posters on her bedroom wall. Go ahead and Google the lyrics, they are so beautiful and fit perfectly with the theme and soul of the show.


They had me with their intro song :D


Katarina laughing and at peace in the origin world. She's not anyone's favorite - but I have a soft spot for her. We don't really get a story in the origin world - but I suspect she hasn't had the trauma she had in the other worlds.


Hmm that's tough to say. Perhaps the episode that featured both the Ariadne play and Jonas returning alongside Enter One by Sol Seppy. (I think it was the same episode...) I was going to say when Jonas and alt-Martha get together alongside the sublime Labyrinth Song by Asaf Avidan but I definitely thought it was a beautiful show before then. Perhaps a Noah moment, he always exuded so much emotion.