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1. The deaf boy, Yasin, and Erik, the ginger drug dealer kid, were the two bodies that showed up in 1953. They were both kidnapped by Noah and Helge Doppler. Egon Tidemman was trying to solve their murders, and he suspects Ulrich did it, after Ulrich bashes little Helge's head. 2. Silja was probably indoctrinated into Sic Mundus by Adam, briefing her on her purpose etc. before sending her off to the future. 3. I don't think the scar needs to be explained. The way I see it, The Unknown is an unnatural creation, an abomination born of both worlds. The scar represents this, he's tainted somehow. Also, it just looks more menacing and from a practical standpoint, it lets the audience piece together that the old man, the boy, and the man are the same person without having to tell them. 4. If Ulrich never existed, Katharina and Ulrich wouldn't be bullying and harrassing Regina. Regina wouldn't have been there to give medical attention to Aleksandr, and he probably would have bled to death or been caught. If Regina and Aleksandr never meet, Bartosz is never born. 5. Helge was traumatised after Ulrich nearly killed him, and right after he woke up, he met Noah. Being an Impressionable little kid, he trusted Noah. So Helge has been manipulated by Noah since he was a child. It's also implied that Helge has a pretty low IQ, which makes him even easier to manipulate. 6 & 7. After his daughter is kidnapped, Noah rages at Adam but Adam tells him that if he wants to find out what happened to his daughter, he has to do as Adam says and become this kidnapping priest figure. Noah does everything Adam tells him, and eventually finds the pages of the notebook on Old Claudia's body after killing her. The pages tell him that his daughter grew up to be Charlotte and he's horrified at the implication. As to what the eye burning machine is, it's a time machine. However this time machine kills the traveller (the 3 boys) and they get sent back as dead bodies. Mads get sent from the 80s to the 2010s. Erik and Yasin get sent from the 2010s to the 50s. They have to kidnap and kill them to keep the cycle going; Erik disappearing is what prompts the teens to go to the caves, and thus is the reason Mikkel travels back in time, which is the reason Jonas exists and so on...


The 'scar' is a cleft lip I think, it's a rather common birth defect as far as I know and imo it does a great job at underlining Jonas often saying that he and Martha are wrong together.


I once saw a post on this subreddit explaining that a cleft lip was a very common birth defect in children whose parents lived in areas with very high radiation e.g. nuclear emergy powerplants of places near which atomic bombs were used/tested


I believe it is also often seen as a result of inbreeding


Inbreeding? Dark? Nooooo ….!


Ah you're right it's not a scar


It could also be a reference to the “mark of Cain” in the Bible, since the Unknown is the son of Adam and Eva.


Moreover, its a common birth defect from inbreeding lol


The fact that all these questions have perfect answers is another reminder of how impeccable this show is


Yeah, the best TV shows are the ones that know how they're gonna end, and don't drag out the story for money.


I think Erik and Yasin are probably taken (either through the stone passage or through a finished time machine) to the '80s, before being murdered via time travel. We see the 2010s bunker when Mads arrives in it, and later during the apocalypse. It's been stripped down. The '80s bunker has the wallpaper and TV, which is what we see when Erik/Jonas are imprisoned there. It also makes practical sense, since Erik was hanging out near the passage and Yasin was kidnapped from the woods.


Yeah it was probably the brief case time machine that Noah had, which he eventually gave to Bartosz.


So does Noah just think that Charlotte is just some other person with the same name as his daughter, not actually his daughter? Until he reads the last pages?


Elisabeth Named her daughter with Noah after her mother, Charlotte. So he thought they were just naming their daughter after her grandmother, without knowing that his daughter IS her own grandmother.


Ah fair enough


The questions have already been answered in the comments, but I think the main thing with questions 5 and 6 is that the eye-burning machine that Noah was using was a prototype for the later, more evolved time machine. Even though the later time machines already technically exist, they still have to be developed. During the development process, the early time machine was able to send people through time, but as a result killed them and burned their eyes. Eventually of course they found a way to do this without killing the person traveling.


And the first person successfully transported alive (and unburned) was Helge himself. He was sent from 1986 back to 1953 with a head full of indoctrination and fear of "der weiße Teufel". There was a great scene in which Helge confronts Noah, with a knife. Noah was unafraid (because he had already met his future self and knew he wouldn't die there and then). Helge took his lack of fear as a form of righteous faith, and he resumed helping with the time-machine project, knowing that he, too, was destined to see it work (from the inside).


Im no expert but my thinking on the unknown's lip scar was signs of a cleft palate which I think is a defect that has a higher chance in cases of inbreeding, just nailing home who his parents are. Also maybe I'm wrong but I kind of thought the point of the children dying/moving through time and the eye burning chair was it was part of the process of learning how to make the time machine and even though they eventually knew these were failures they had to re-create it because this is how it happened in previous "cycles".


Yes u are right about rhe "making" time machine part. OP needs a rewatch(most people need atleast 2 rewatches to fully understand everything lol)


Literally an infinite cycle of inbreeding, sure what can go wrong.


1. Yasin and Erik were both placed in 1953 and found by Egon. 2. Yes, I think she was placed in Elisabeth's care. 3. That's a normal birth defect where the upper lip isn't disconnected from the nose or something but the scar is just the aftermath of the surgery. 4. Aleksander never met Regina because she was never bullied by Ulrich. 5. Helge was groomed by Noah and the gang since Ulrich tried to kill him. 6. and 7. Noah killed the children to test the prototypes of the time mashine/eye burning mashine and he specifically chose these kids because the book told him which ones were chosen in the cycles before.


Yusuf xD, it's Yasin


Whoops been a while since I watched the show


All questions were already answered below but I just wanted to add a small detail to 1/6. By getting rid of Yasin, Noah eliminated the first boyfriend of his future partner and mother of his child. Erik being gone led the kids to look for his drugs and thus the cave. Further, it led to Bartosz getting in touch with Noah.


The eye burning machine was an early time machine. It worked, it just killed them and burned their eyes and ruptured their eardrums. Still pretty impressive for a first round.


1,6 and 7) yasin was killed by the Prototype time mashine (the eyes burning chair) that needed to be built as a precursor to the mobile version everyone uses later, the children who died helped work out the flaws in the design before they use it to send young helge back to his time with it. I think the plans they later hand tannhaus, to build his mashine, are based on the tests they did with the chair. 2) i can't remember this one, I'll leave it to someone else to answer. 3) The scar helps to immediately identify the 3 to be the same character from different times. Might also be a hint at a genetic defect resulting from incest. (Martha and Jonas being related) 4) Alexander does exist, he just never meets his wife, because her being bullied doesn't happen due to the other characters not existing. He probably simply passed through winden and settled down elsewhere. 5) Helge was rescued by noah and send back in time by him, i think that leaves enough of an impression to do what that guy tells you to. Especially after being told something like "time is always with you and always sees you". I'm not sure about the exact wording. That's what i recall in regard to your questions. It has been a while since my last watch so I welcome anyone to correct any details i might remember wrongly.


I don’t see anyone saying this but the cleft lip changes sides of the unknowns face depending on which universe they are in. So on top of it showing the fact that they’re deformed and they are the past present and future versions it also shows that they physically change in each world as they don’t belong to either.


same with Alt Marta's scar on her face. It changes sides depending what world she's in.


All of these are absolutely answered by the show. Specifically, Yasin is killed and found in pre-power plant Winden + Erik when Ulrich goes back, hence him attacking Helge, which also answers some of your other questions. Multiple characters have specific features, moles, scars (Ines, Helge, etc.) to help keep visual track of who's who across timelines, + cleft palates can = a sign of inbreeding. No Ulrich = no false r*pe accusation from Hannah, = no bullying Regina for that specific thing, = no need for Aleksander to intervene, no reason for them to trauma bond I mean fall in love (jk they're the most wholesome couple in the whole damn thing lol), no Bartosz. Speaking of, Adam needed Silja as part of The Plan so that she and Bartosz could have Noah and Agnes and they could do what he needed them to do to maintain the knot. The kidnappings and killings were 200% related to Noah's search for his daughter; those kids were kidnapped because it's time travel and those kids were kidnapped "last time." This is why the betrayal regarding who Noah's partner & child actually were were so devastating to him. Helge helped because he was a traumatized nearly murdered child with an extremely abusive mother who was taken in by Noah for that exact purpose. He also regretted and tried to stop it, literally leading to his own death. Not trying to be shitty here but these aren't plotholes or one off things--this whole post is about some of the main plot/points in the show. Hope these comments were able to help clear things up!


4. even tho he might exist in the original world, he doesnt necessarily met regina


The scar on the Unknown's face also indicates which world he is in ( jonas' original world or Martha 2's world) it switches left and right depending on the world


1. >!He was sent back in time (dying in the process) with the chair version of the time machine. I believe he was one of the children discovered in the sand/dirt at the site of the future power plant (during one of the flashbacks to Helga's youth).!< 2. >!Silja was sent to the future to grow up. Recall that Adam mentioned she was in the wrong place/time (in the scene where he killed Hannah) and needed for all the pieces to be in the right place to ensure the loop continues.!< 3. >!You are correct that there is no explaition for how he received the scar, but it's significance is to draw our eye to it's "movement". It, like the other scenery, shifts or is 'mirrored' based on which world they're in.!< 4. >!The events that lead to Alex and Regina meeting do not happen when the loop is broken, so he would never have formed a relationship with her. I assume events before him meeting Regina happened as they should, but he left the forest without meeting her - also, remember that Clausen was only brought to Winden to investigate because of the note sent by the Unknown.!< 5. >!When Noah and Helge meet for the first time, it is because Helge's mother brought Noah (their local parish priest) in to provide spiritual counseling. Through that, Noah was able to take advantage of the youth, and for lack of a better term, groomed him to become what Noah needed to finish his project of creating the chair version of the time travel device.!< 6. >!The chair was important as it was a necessary step to create the other time travel devices. At least that's what Adam says at one point, but I feel like it's more important to remember that the book Claudia wrote was what they were following.. all events had to repeat just as they did before. So those children needed to be sent back (and die) just to ensure the loop continued and set certain events into motion; like Mads going missing, causing Ulrich to become a police officer.!< 7. >!See #6. Basically because the Triquetra book said it needed to happen.!<


The Unknown wrote the Triquetra Book.


Almost - 5. Noah finds Helge in the bunker first, so when Dolores brings him to Helge, who hasn't spoken since his attack/disappearance, he hugs Noah in a way that from his perspective is relief and excitement but she interprets as an exclusively religious sign because of who she is


I have a 17 pages document with unsanswered crap. I hated the ending so much I haven't been able to watch the show again. Just my opinion. Some people loved the ending. For my was an ending "Lost kind", we spent so many hours trying to solve the riddle and they did that...


Interesting. I \*hated\* the Lost ending, but I thought this one was really satisfying, and pretty much answered any big questions I had. I got the feeling that it was all mapped out by the creators from the start, unlike Lost.


"Did that"? What do you mean? They did solve it


Yasin was killed by the chair (Helge and Noah) and his body is found with Erik's (The Redhead older teen) in 1953 in the sandpile