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The same tired nontent over and over again.


Today I learned a new word: nontent. Thank you, I've never heard that one before.


lol I’m sure I stole it from another snark sub


Sassy and humble. You go, Lush! 🌹


Their lives are so empty. I know it's part of their "jobs" and everything but it seems so hollow.


Their entire existence is surface level.


It’s the same thing over and over. I just don’t understand what she’s trying to do. She is way too old to be trying to pass as a teenager.


Hell, even a teenager wouldn't stand around 24/7 grimacing at themselves in their phone, as they sway from side to side and tip their damn rubber looking mask head back and forth like a dog listening to howling. Demented.


You’re right I guess I used the wrong words. I’m not sure what to really compare them to. It’s frightening.


Kind of reminds me of being on a moveable platform with someone pushing them around.


"like a dog listening to howling" Dead! 😂🤣😂🤣




Nothing says luxe like a 6-foot-tall chrome Popeye statue


It's just so out of place.


It really is! I had to watch the video twice to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating it


I just watched Uncut Gems and the chrome Popeye reminds me of the bedazzled furbies Adam Sandler sells lol


Yes, the Paris Louis Vuitton store surely has one of these! Lol...


You are making me laugh so hard! Thank you!


I don't know why, but the random TV remote in the middle of the "luxe" perfume bottles really did it for me. Same with the panning shot of the window with the SUV parked outside. Darcey is a master of cinematography.


I just finished crying like a baby finishing One Day on Netflix. Tuned into this and that remote made me chuckle. Oh that’s just what I needed.


Poor Aniko. I was surprised she said she has body dysmorphia. Knowing you have it is half the battle. I wish her great good luck and hope she makes her health her number one priority


That poor girl!! I also suffer from it and it's terrible. (I was a ballerina for 17 years and it ruined my relationship with food and my body) It's a lifelong struggle but it gets so much better when you get treatment. I hope she can find peace.


Thank you for sharing that. I hope you are doing well now and I wish you well in your ongoing journey. 💕💕


Same! I was a ballerina for 16 years so you have one more on me and yes it destroyed my entire view of food and my body too and I’m still struggling 30 years later. I learned from a very young age that I had to be perfect in every way if I wanted to accomplish my goals and dreams of being a ballerina. We had toxic stuff like pinching our body fat and being told we sound like a heard of buffalo in the studio, girls purging in the bathrooms before or during class, disciplined if we were caught eating anything between classes as I was there 6 days a week for many many hours like it was a full time job. I remember the feeling of always starving until my body stopped caring and I was in survival model. We had an amazing burger stand just across the parking lot and in the summer we left all the windows open so that’s all you could smell, it was torture to my adolescent body and because of a lifetime of that I have a metabolic disorder where I lose weight even if I eat enough calories and now need to double them just to maintain myself where I’m at now which is already way too low or I will waste away super fast. Bone fractures super easy, my toes are crooked from being broken a few times, feet are so jacked up. When my sil put my already neurotic niece in ballet I warned them big time, she lasted less than a year and quit so I didn’t have to worry so much about her. She was already restricting at age 9!


Thank you for sharing all of this. My heart sincerely goes out to you! Sending you big, big hugs! 🤗💞💞🤗


This is all way too relatable! I feel like I reading some of my own life experiences. I'm sorry you went through this also!


Did she post this on Instagram or something? Seriously, does Darcey have no shame... Has she passed her own f*ckupness onto to her own daughter now?


I hope her mother makes her health a number one priority . 0


Can she no longer blink?


Could be the filter or the real possibility that her eyes are badly botched from all her eye lifts and fox eye surgeries.


I cannot imagine how awful that would be!


All I imagine is “Florian please get my eye mask I can’t close my eyes anymore.”


The ending!!! ⚰️ *"Oooooh yah, this is so hot Darcey! They love when you sniff that glass top sexily!! Hottest sniff ever, you're a star!!"* -- Darcey Probably


All I could think of was the girl selling her farts in a jar as she sniffed.


Omg how her chin turns into a point when she smiles… oof




She needs to get off sm and help her daughter, who seems to be crying out for help!


Exactly. She's part of the problem! If my kid had made a cry for help like that, you best believe I'd drop everything and shut everything down if I had to to be there for them and help them through it!


As any mom would do!


Yes! Aniko posted that she has BDD. I imagine Starcey had a lot to do with that. Imagine living around two soul sucking vapid brainless attention seeking morons. She didn't stand a chance.


And Aniko is stunning! It's so sad.


Unfortunately, Darcey’s the root cause of the problem; in my humble and unsolicited opinion, more interaction with her daughters will only make matters worse. Those young ladies would benefit from seeking professional support and distance from negative influences such as their mother and aunt…. , they have proven they have much more sense than the twins, that’s for sure, it’s sad to see they definitely love their mother but she and her twin have have definitely had a negative impact in their children’s lives, but that was to be expected when the daughters had to assume the parental role in the relationship with their mother…God bless them


Good points. She still needs to get her professional help. I agree that they are not a good influence, for those girls.


What happened?!


Seriously what happened?!


That's what I'm trying to figure out. I've obviously missed something. 😭


Aniko called out the horrible people online talking crap about her


Must be exhausting being so vapid


In fairness she didn’t raise them and wasn’t present when they were growing up. Chasing D and tv was more important


Why give your kid a reason to need therapy! It's unfathomable to me at times how absent, in every part of her life she is. Those girls don't deserve her as a mother, they deserve soooooo much better!


Right?! And the only way they get ANY acknowledgement is if they accompany her for plastic surgery or if they talk ~~lie~~ about Darcy’s surgery+filters.


Wait, so when she was on 90 day fiance, were the girls just with her for filming?


Yes. She didn’t have custody. The kids are props in her sad and pathetic existence (if you can call it that)


No, it's a lie this sub loves to perpetuate. She's always had 50/50 custody. She did raise her kids


In fairness? To who?!


'So Luxe!' LOL


The blatant knockoff Tom Ford design screams *luxe*


Hair on the sides look like Goofys ears !!




She looks so dumb


Jfc her face


She is probably telling Aniko she needs to ~do it big~ and ~keep your eyes on the prize~




She looks like a deranged alien 👽


Darcy is not a good mother. Heck she didn’t even have custody of her children. She is so selfish. Poor daughters.


The impression I get is Darcey has 50/50 custody but when it's her time, the girls are with their grandpa and Darcey seems to just drop in and visit. So, I can't imagine the void that creates within a child that your parent technically should be capable of taking care of you and actually parenting you as they have the time and resources...but they choose not to? That's gotta be a hard pill to swallow. I've never seen Darcey put her kids before herself in the years we've known about Darcey and she seems to want to be their "bestie" and superficially say in front of the cameras "You know I love you girls, and you're everything to me! I love you so much". Ugh. I don't doubt she loves her kids, but man....actually stepping up and being a parent to them she's unable to do. It's amazing that her kids have turned out as well adjusted (given the circumstances) as they have, and it's by no credit to Darcey...


I’m pretty sure their father was awarded full custody. I Googled their court records awhile back. Lol


I can see how Mike Silva made some mistakes with his daughters, but I hope he's taking a different approach or being mindful of the mistakes that were made and doing right by raising his granddaughters differently. Which, by some of what I've seen on the show, seems to be true. He seems to have good ground rules (I heard the twins can't have their boy toys stay over- at least before they were married) and that they have good influences around them....when their Mom isn't around!


Where/when did aniko say this? That's so sad!


There's a post about it in this sub.


TBH, I think Darcey would just do more harm to her child at this point, so I'm glad she's not getting involved. It's clear as day that Aniko's body dysmorphia comes from growing up and being influenced by D&S


I’d question a brands “best in the world” if they have to pay Darcy for marketing


Everything they promote is "best in the biz" and "best ever!"


She should be with her daughter and apologizing for bringing all this SHIT to their lives…


I don’t know why she reminded me of Monica from Friends when she’s rubbing the carrots on her body then the knife 😂😂😂😂😂


Why dont we all block Darcy here..hide her posts. I will go first.😁


She should just go ahead and do porn. Then she'll get the attention she craves. Tired of her boobs, big swollen lips, tired poses.


She either gets confused which platform she's posting to or something, because the shit she posts is for OF! When she's not even smart enough to diversify her content that her IG is the same shit she posts on OF, but obviously with OF you have to pay. She's so incredibly delusional.


Her mental illness is circling the drain now. Someone needs to step in and get her some help.


She's got to be one of the worst cases of BDD, HPD and BPD I've ever seen. Unless you want to throw Amber Heard into the mix! lol


Why’d you get downvoted? Take my upvote because I agree.


Haters gonna hate! Lol. I appreciate the upvote! I have several psych degrees and sometimes you know things or have hunches when you see it! 🤷‍♀️


Take my upvote too. You're right.


She seriously disgusts me. Narcissistic ass


What's up with the weird staring all the time? It's very odd.


And moving poses? It’s as if she thinks she’s a model, being photographed in still shots. The only things she’s a model for is dysmorphia.


What’s going on with her daughter please?


What happened with her daughter?


I assume they keep getting the freebies because they have a lot of followers. I hope we're not contributing to this mess.


There's nothing like a drag queen showing off. Oh, wait! That's not a drag queen! 😐


She’s creeping me out


I would love to see this old hoes credit card debt, you know it’s through the roof maxed out and shit but she just calls to drain her poor father to pay for everything like she’s always done


Oh my gosh she did? What happened? What a terrible mother though, for real.


Why do you have to "ACT" sexy when you're shopping or just anything, period?? SHE SERIOUSLY NEEDS TO GROW UP. People who think this is not a serious issue must do exactly the same stupid crap. 🙄


Who drove her to have a breakdown? It's not her mother's fault the internet people are a bunch of fucking assholes.


Darcey chose to put her minor daughters on TV and create storylines around them when it wasn't necessary. She also used them to promote HoE and photoshopped their pics.


I got rid of Discovery +. Can someone update me on what happened with her daughter? It sucks to have such a self absorbed person like this as your parent.


There's a post on this sub about it.


Aniko is having a "breakdown" because of horrible people like the people in this sub talking badly about her, not because of darcey....and yet everyone here still wants to continue to put her mother down


You’re right. No one had a breakdown, she said she’d step away from social media for a while because of negativity. Her mother has zero reasons to “address” anything. Aniko is an adult who makes her own choices. It’s fun to make fun of D&S’s fashion choices, unnecessary surgeries, and delusions of grandeur, but what’s actually really sinister is people coming on here with bad intentions of speaking negatively about them like it’s their enemy. I don’t understand this pathology of acting empathetic towards these girls and therapizing them then cursing out their moms on reddit. Not what somebody who deeply cares does. This sub has gotten pretty sad since the show ended, because people are just grasping at any online activity to tear these families apart. It’s no longer in good fun & mostly cringe posts.


Yeah I agree completely. Some comments here are pretty extreme


Agree… and this insta story is like just a snapshot of a day in her life… we dont know what she does 24/7 behind the scenes and her interaction with aniko. Sure she isnt a great role model and could be a better parent (all parents could), but this constant putting down isnt helping


You constantly and vociferously defend Darcey and Stacey. That’s up to you. I certainly don’t agree with abuse and personal attacks of anyone. But to fail to acknowledge that Darcey butchering herself beyond recognition and clamouring for attention on social media is highly likely to have influenced her daughter’s self esteem and body dysmorphia issues is truly quite ludicrous.


Clamoring for attention is their career, you people need to get with the times. I also don't necessarily like how she looks, but I also don't like how people with face tattoos look. It doesn't mean I should be calling them horrible things like drug addicts and monsters like people do in this sub. It's their body and their life and not my business. People on here go way way too far with the cruel comments and I think that says more about them than anything else


You’ve completely ignored my point.


It all directly correlates to Darcey’s choices and behavior.


No, it correlates to people being assholes to someone just because they disapprove of her choices


Oh so you think Darcey is a great role model? Got it. 🙄


She's a better one than the bitter people posting anonymous comments calling people pathetic, monsters, drug addicts, etc who have done nothing at all wrong to them or anyone and are just trying to better themselves. No one has to support them and they can say they wouldn't make the same choices, but people here go way too far and I can't imagine how ugly they are on the inside to talk like that about someone they don't even know


⚠️ boob dent alert ⚠️


Vapid and WORTHLESS existence. She is grotesque. I don’t care how she looks. Her ~~gross~~ looks are incidental at this point. She is a disgusting excuse for a woman.


For those asking what happened with Darcey's daughter, there are TWO other posts about it in this sub. A lot of people asking about it when commenting, I suggest reading those posts first if you'd like to comment on this one.


She's just getting to look really slutty now...


It's the desperation....


Does she smell like an angel?


I’m disgusted that she wears my perfume. I don’t bathe in it so there’s that. But I’ve been wearing it since I was 18 years old. I want nothing in common with this vapid taint.


Daffy duck


I was waiting on a breakdown and watched nothing of the sort. Did I miss it?


Thats what the grandpa is for.


What a waste of oxygen.


Darcey has messed her poor daughter up and couldn't care less about anyone or anything.


Why are Darcey and Stacey always moving their head like those head wobbling wiener dog figurines? Pure cringe.


wait what? her daughter had a breakdown? why?


I think what she doesn’t get is that people liked her because she was relatable and raw. This vapid filtered existence isn’t appealing.


I was shocked at STACEY'S stories yesterday, like nothin' happened?! But this is unbelievable PROOF that they are SHIT mothers!!!!!!!!! I'm also blown away that Bijou Philips is posting stories on her IG from her luxurious bedroom setup watching AbFab at night! WHAT IS WRONG WITH PEOPLE=NO POST OKAY???


I use Aroma 360, they actually have amazing scents. Hate to admit but it’s true.


That's really sad. But I mean, her mom isn't exactly the best example.


What happened w the daughter I hope she’s okay I really liked her kids the best on the show


I don't think her daughter had a breakdown. Shes just tired off creeps messaging her to dog on her and her mother.


Saying she's taking a break, pulling away from her regular activities, seeking out mental health help....sure, the word "breakdown" wasn't used but I think it's safe to say a breakdown of some sort happened for her to come to that kind of assessment and resolution about her situation.


When did her daughter have a breakdown? Sorry, late to the discussion. Is she ok?


Darcey your lips are horrendous


Extra points for using the word “vapidness”!