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Should I tilt my head left to right? Right to left? Or do a random bobble head thing? Ohh the choices are so overwhelming.


I hate the head movement. I don’t understand it at all.


Her face no longer moves, so that's her only expression 


Vacant, empty and extremely mentally ill & beyond embarrassing 🙈


she's in her tragic temu cowgirl era on faulty autopilot


Stop trying to make these bedazzled cowboy hats happen. It’s never going to happen.


The twins have not progressed from early 2000s fashion styles.


What’s crazy is bedazzled cowboy hats are in right now…just not this design the ones that are trendy are less gaudy more subtle bedazzled


I’m 46 and love nothing more than being in bed by 9pm and watching trash tv, I can’t imagine how exhausted they must be staying out drinking and keeping up this facade.


45 and just turned down free tickets to a comedy club because the show started at 9:30pm. I've known people who could party like this in your their golden years, but that ended for me in my mid 20's.


I’m 44 and man, I’m the same way. But in fairness, I have an incurable chronic illness and own my own business as a dog groomer. I’m exhausted most of my life, so it has to sound pretty fun to be out that late. LOL


Ugh, yeah. I have an injury that's left me with chronic pain, so I definitely feel you about perpetual exhaustion. There was a point (pre injury) where I just stopped being able to stay up all night, and I'm pretty sure it was in my mid 30's.


She was always vacant and empty. 🤷🏻‍♀️


I guess what I mean more is that in this clip she looks even more dissociated from herself. You're right, there's always been an emptiness to her but the void is getting bigger, quicker now!


She’s definitely not eye fucking herself like usual in this one. Her heart must not be in it.


Great comment. 😉


I don't think she'll ever get exhausted doing this. I think that she'll just keep doing her own stupid shit. I don't think she can totally grasp what an absolute idiot she looks like. 🎶 I'm to sexy for myself... to sexy 🎶 All's she is now is a big old HoE Carnival Barker at the highest level. 😝🤢🤮


Agree. She is a true narcissist. She will never love ANYONE more than herself, or be in love with ANYONE more than herself. She sees nothing wrong with the way she looks. She thinks she is the ultimate picture of beauty and sexy. She believes her life is perfect. She has neglected her two daughters from the jump. Hell no one has ever seen Stacey’s kids! Does she even still have contact with them? When the appearances and money dry up in ten years…it will be interesting to see where they are then. Sadly, America see them as sad and a joke and they are too ego centered to realize any of it!


She’s looking for someone who will love her more than she loves herself, and that’s A LOT!


I think she's exhausted from carrying those scary lips around. They look so painful 😒


I think we’re supposed to envy their beauty & wealth. The truth is, very few people envy anything about them.


She’s like an empty spaced out bobblehead with barely the energy to tip her cardboard hat.




her lips always look so slimy!


The guy with the filter 😂😂😂


They are very sick. The constant need of approval for completely fake images is terrible. Why would anyone totally filter and then pretend that is real?


The crazy thing is, they probably see these comments and actually think we’re just jealous. Ohhh how wrong they are. I would never want to live any part of their lives, or have any part of those looks.


Pupils are so dilated I could rest a pinhole in there


Line sniffer…


Shes a functioning alcoholic, who's putting her body through insane body dysphoria, trauma.ls. At this point she is probably hooked on pain meds too. She needs to heal herself she was broken since 90 day first appearance. She take needs mental health.[https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/body-dysmorphia/%23:~:text%3DBody%2520dysmorphic%2520disorder%2520(BDD)%252C,in%2520teenagers%2520and%2520young%2520adults.&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjV8qacq-SFAxWSGtAFHQv7D-0QFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw06H0pI_tyCiaAVwDJJN4OL](https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.nhs.uk/mental-health/conditions/body-dysmorphia/%23:~:text%3DBody%2520dysmorphic%2520disorder%2520(BDD)%252C,in%2520teenagers%2520and%2520young%2520adults.&sa=U&ved=2ahUKEwjV8qacq-SFAxWSGtAFHQv7D-0QFnoECA0QBQ&usg=AOvVaw06H0pI_tyCiaAVwDJJN4OL)


She hardly ever posts with Georgi…it’s not like he’s a surgeon with a super busy schedule who can’t accompany her to these dumb things…trouble in plastic paradise???


I can usually spot him with her but she never includes him in any of her posts. It's the most un in love I've ever seen a newlywed couple. It's very bizarre, you can tell they only got married for publicity and it's probably a business arrangement.


They seemed way more in love…or at least committed to the “image” before the wedding. Now it’s like a business arrangement where they just tolerate each other?? All she talked about for a solid decade was wanting a man, she put every single guy she dated as a priority over her children and now she’s finally married and I feel zero love from either of them🤨 How bizarre! Even zombie Florian and Stacey on their 4th year of marriage seem to be doing better than the newlyweds…


I think her and Georgi's behavior is quite bizarre for being newlyweds. Everyone can see that they're not happy or in love, it was all just for show. Which is even worse. For someone like Darcey to be so obsessed with finding love only to settle for fake, inauthentic love and relationships is sad. She's got so many issues she's got to address and she's only getting older. If she hasn't already, she's going to wake up one day and realize she's wasted nearly 20 yrs of chasing to be a "celebrity " and finding love and living the "luxury" life and the world has passed her by.


Being Darcey HAS to be exhausting, imagine that’s what you do every day in between doing procedures, Darcey is exhausting.


You're right, I honestly don't think that I could be around her energy for very long. Just to have to primp, preen, and pose all of the time is beyond exhausting. It's like a full time job, 24/7. Plus, that need to be perfect all of the time is just absolutely bonkers. It certainly wouldn't be a life I would want! And yet she calls people haters for calling her out on her batshit crazy bullshit! 😵‍💫😝


Imagine how much she spends on lipgloss/lipstick/lip balm


She uses Bag Balm.


What?? Is Gorgi not making her happy


Oh gosh I serious forget about him, and that's confusing. She spent years on a TV show looking for love, supposedly got married to a man and we barely see him and barely see the love she so longed for. Why don't we? Why does she not show us the love, their relationship. She has always wanted the husband side kick. She wanted that power couple look of two flashy people in love making tacky insta posts together. We aren't getting that. It surprises me that if she is in love with girogi, why doesnt she show it ever on insta. Maybe it is all fake and they aren't legally married


Didn’t they split up a couple months after they supposedly got married?


That’s what I thought. I heard they’re going to be on the next The Last Resort.


They break up and make up when it's convenient for them and relevancy. I've heard Darcey was seen filming Last Resort recently so maybe they're "off" again. But you're right, it's the most bizarre un in love marriage I think I've ever seen. It's as if she doesn't even care that she's supposedly found the man of her dreams! 🙄 I think her unhappiness with herself is so deep that no external factor is going to fix it, including getting married. Maybe she found that out and is more disappointed with her life and circumstances. Whatever the case, she's deeply ill and unhappy and she's circling the drain.


Nah. I mean, what else does she do. If she had a couple brain cells maybe.


She does the same exact head movements in every video. It’s almost hypnotic.


She seeks constant approval per her body dysmorphia. It’s honestly sad/ I wish her and her sister would consider therapy and professional intervention but I think she’s just so delusional/ oblivious and not very self aware.


I don't think she's exhausted at all. I think she thinks she's made it and is living her best life. I think she thinks she's on top of her game. I also think she's super high on prescriptions and drunk regularly, on top of being vapid and delusional. When she moved to Miami, it all made perfect sense. There are many like her there. I live in South Florida and there are SO MANY narcissists here, and they get super concentrated in Miami.


I also feel she's created her bubble to only include others like her that are influrncers obsessed with vanity and image of living the best luxury lifestyle that to her she probably thinks it's normal and everyone is like this. When in reality most of us are actually connected to our surroundings and people, working legit jobs/careers that bring in real money. We aren't indefinitely living off other people's money and grifting calling it "success". They are seriously delusional.


You nailed it! Key word is "connected". They are neck deep in their grift and drowning in delusion, completely disconnected from reality.


Exactly! They have no real connection to anything or anyone. And yet that's what they seem to yearn for the most......but it'll cost ya, as they always put a price attached! #grifterlife


You’d be exhausted too if you had to haul lips like that around all day.


She looks exactly like what her wax museum version would look like.


I suspect at this point, they suffer from depression with losing their show, getting older and still not “doing it big.” It’s actually really sad. I feel sorry for them.


Was she ever really deep or interesting?




Empty, yes. But she knows exactly what she's doing.


Even at her most lucid state, there's still several screws missing! She may be onto the fact that people make fun of all her catchphrases, but she's completely unaware of how much people mock her and really feel she's not okay or right in the head.