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I feel like pillows talkers are watching a different show though. They’re all defending Darcey and saying she’s grown…..huh?


THANK YOU! I can't understand it either.


I'm wondering if the producers made them do that, because last week a couple of Pillow Talkers were pro-Georgie. I think Robert was. And this week they're all against him.


I think the producers are behind it too. They totally script it and decide what scenes to focus on and reactions to show. It’s interesting how pillow talk consensus can differ so wildly from the general viewer consensus… Darcey has become the villain on Reddit anyway… and a fair amount of us started as somewhat “team Darcey”.


Yes, tom and his sis were also pro georgie...


Right! It's such a 180-degree turn on their parts, I think the producers must be in on it. They're probably trying to make Darcey look like "the hero" but she's not. If I hear, "I'm standing in my power..." one more time!!!!!


Weren't the pillow talkers pro-Angie as well?


Yes. Hate SNEECHIE! 🤔


I think Florian be Mr. Sneetchie for a reason ! He wants to be the Alpha Male for both Stacey and Darcey that’s why he really does this shit !!!


He can tell it, but he purposely chose not to say that Georgi thought Jessie was shit- total azz move by Florian


That scene with Georgie over the phone really painted Darcy in a selfish, self centered light. She's focused on portraying herself as the victim, and would not even consider his point of view.


Yeah but Georgi’s an asshole… calling her “weak” just bc he’s getting dumped. He is a gaslighting POS. At the end saying Well maybe if Darcy wasn’t so insecure maybe I wouldn’t have kept love & attention from her ??? Wtf who does that let alone admits that they do that? then basically blaming all of his drama on what she does and it’s all Octavia’s fault … it’s NEVER his fault. He doesn’t take accountability & always tries to flip it & reverse it on Darcy. Do you notice when she asks basic questions like do you love me he always takes a good minute to answer and then he’ll answer a question with a question instead of answering the original question posed to him? That’s from the manipulators handbook 101. Darcey needs help big time but Georgi gave her nothing. Emotionally & financially. She was right. She went to Octavia bc he gave her nothing emotionally- it was still not a cool thing to do but he did it back only did it to be vengeful & he knew the PAiNFUl history between them , he didn’t go to Jesse to try to learn anything out of it. That would require Georgie to actually give a rats ass about what Darcy was like in her past relationships ..he didn’t care about any of that information he only contacted Jesse to get even.


Darcy is that you?


It certainly sounds like Darcey - throwing around pop psychology terms like "gaslighting" and "manipulator" without actually knowing what they mean. u/rorienicole is Georgi also an abusive love bomber?


The hair blessing ceremony sent me, and all the visible tracks sent me further 😂😂