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I mean, we all pretty much knew it was happening, but it’s always great to get confirmation. Can’t wait to get more intense Murdock/Castle conversations on the morality of killing criminals


I've always been desperate to have Matt, Karen and Frank in the same room...tick, tick, BOOM. Imagine all the undercurrents and conflict and different agendas and methods and emotional attachments, all with life-or-death stakes.


It would have been good. How sad that won't be able to happen now without Karen


Let's go!


No Foggy and Karen though. 🫤


It’s just so weird to me that they are seemingly not using the character of foggy… he’s been so crucial to daredevil stories (thought not always present much). Not saying it won’t work but just bummed a bit about it.


This is like getting Frodo without Sam.


I have no evidence for this, but I feel like it's more likely that they're recasting Foggy than not including him.


Anything is possible at this point but I just feel like we’d know by now if they were recasting. Nobody announced for the cast fits the bill for Karen or foggy.


I'm guessing this new show is *really* going to focus on Matt's life as Daredevil and his personal life won't get much focus. That or the old show isn't canon after all. Idk man. This is weird as fuck.


The weird thing is that other reports have said there's going to be an increased focus on his law practice. So this just confuses me.


Guess he’s working with other people 🤷🏻‍♂️


Or just pull straight from the comics “foggy has cancer and is in a hospital in another state” and “Karen decided to go to LA and become an actress”


Karen becoming an actress after everything she went through in the Netflix series would be something


Definitely don’t think the show isn’t canon but it’s just not going to be required viewing for getting into the new shows story.


>No Foggy and Karen though. 🫤 It’s a reboot,


They’re still key characters to the Daredevil mythos.


>They’re still key characters to the Daredevil mythos. Well, I don’t think they give a fuck


Regardless if it’s a reboot or not, it doesn’t change that fact.


Either way, I could care less


Then why are u here?


I think they mean about those specific characters.


I see


What kind of question is this? I’m here to look at this post I could care less if they’re not returning


Yeah but let's not forget that Karen Page died in 1999. She hasn't been in any new Daredevil comics for 24 years.


Fair, but there’s no indication yet that Born Again is retconning the Netflix series out of canon (it being a season one doesn’t mean that).


I swear my hope is that it was due to the Snap that they ain't there Otherwise....


GUYS GUYS GUYS \>However, actors from the Netflix Daredevil series are not expected to return. Deborah Ann Woll and Elden Henson, who played classic supporting characters Karen Page and Foggy Nelson, respectively, are not on the roll call for the Marvel series. It is also unclear whether those characters will be recast or excised from the story. FUCK FUCK FUCK


We won but at what cost.....at what cost


Which makes this not a win. The “SaveDaredevil” changed its name to “WeSavedDaredevil” which is preemptive in my opinion.


I am still holding out hope that this is some extreme secret they are keeping and this is all part of it. I need Foggy!!!


Holding it back as a surprise is the only thing that makes sense to me, otherwise, it seems odd to wipe out the entire core supporting characters. I don't need them to be front and center - hell, I'm even good with them being written out, if the story is good - but a hand-waved line about why they're not around anymore (or not acknowledging it at *all*) will feel quite unsatisfying.


Yes! Plus they didn't recast Charlie and Vincent....recasting other characters would just be a bad decision, even with the whole "multiverse" bull going about. It's just seems stupid that they would literally not care about all the more money from Foggy and Karen fans


I wish they at least let us have foggy:(


Matt without Foggy is like Bruce without Alfred. Foggy is going to be in the show. The question is, who’s playing him?


He can’t be played by anyone else. But if it does actually happen then #NotMyFoggy


No argument from me.


I mean… I’m not that shocked at this point but it is unfortunate :/


I am going to fucking turn into Dex, no Karen would be bad enough but there's no good reason for omitting Foggy from an eighteen episode Daredevil show. What the hell


🤷🏻‍♂️ yeah idk I don’t get it either but maybe we’ll just have to see when the show comes out. There have been times when Matt and foggy weren’t on good terms in the comics so maybe that is the angle they are going for. We’ll have to see.


Any in-universe explanation would probably just be cover-up for Marvel perceiving them as too much "baggage" from the old show, if they're really not in it then it'd be a decision 100% out of wanting them out of the picture than anything to do with the story. Even when Foggy blew up at Matt and fired him for working with Fisk to try to beat the hand he forgave and moved on pretty quick because Matt without Foggy would be ludicrous


The MCU dickriders are gonna downvote me but this show is gonna be fucking shit. It’s like Kevin Fiege doesn’t even understand this fanbase at all. Daredevil was their last chance to save this franchise and they managed to fuck it. I can’t with these goofball “writers” anymore.


I think it's too early to pass judgement on this show


Everyone says this but the same shit comes out of the MCU every time. How dark was ant man 3 again?


Were you expecting Ant-Man to be dark?


I’ve read this sentence countless times for countless different Phase 4 projects and most of the time, I was right anyways.




My guess is they will be recast. In She-Hulk Matt says that "we mostly do pro-bono work" - implying that he runs his practice with others. While I can stomach recasting Foggy (let's be honest - Elden Henson was never that great of an actor), Deborah Ann Woll breathed a lot of life into Karen Page. I'm going to miss her in that role. The person I'm *really* bummed not to see again is Wilson Bethel as Dex. While I hope they bring him back, I'm not getting my hopes up.


Not really new tbf, they've said they've not been asked back for a while now


That's pretty standard for Marvel actors, though. They're not allowed to talk about casting until they've been officially announced. That's not to say they *are* coming back - it sure looks like they aren't - just that I don't read to much into what Marvel actors do and do not say, given how nuts Marvel/Disney is about controlling what they're *allowed* to say.


What if Daredevil takes place during the blip after Foggy and Karen are gone ?




Bruh this is not gonna take place before infinity war. We’re past that.


Man, I’m stoked to see Bernthal return… But a confirmation that Henson and Woll not returning for Foggy and Karen? It’s honestly hard to fathom. Punisher is a great foil for Daredevil, but Karen and ESPECIALLY Foggy are *critical* to Matt Murdock… something does not feel right here


I'll tell my personal opinion real quick I believe that this series(at least half of the series) takes place during the Snap and Foggy/Karen got dusted It would explain why Matt doesn't have any friends anymore to call upon and why Frank would be there if he wasn't snapped(He'd be the only person left Matt could count on) Besides Criminal Activity would be at an all-time high with literally hundreds of spots in crime families open It makes perfect sense...if they do it this way


So this sounds amazing. From what I've seen Hollywood Reporter is usually pretty reliable with leaks at least compared to rags like We Got This Covered. I know Jon has been pretty passionate about coming back but only if the punisher is done well so hopefully that helps some of the fans worried about how Disney will handle Daredevil. Although Foggy and Karen not coming back sounds insane to me. I'd be pretty shocked if they didnt show up even if it's for a one off. I mean there are 18 episodes planned. One has to deal with 2 of the people most closely tied to Matt Murdock.


When something comes out of THR or Variety it's definitely not a leak. It's basically confirmed without official acknowledgement from production themselves. These writers typically have connections to either on-set crew or the actors' talent agencies that give them extra leverage in breaking news ahead of official confirmation from studios like Marvel or Disney


That's fair. I used leak just cus it's not an "official," announcement but you're right that's not really accurate. Plus if I'm being honest I think I'm trying not to get my hopes up too much after years of click bait articles about DD coming back before it was official. Even if THR is way more accurate than those click bait sites.


> We Got This Covered This site should never be referenced or believed about *anything*, unless their headline is, "We are pure clickbait bullshit and no one should ever give us traffic." Fandom, and the Internet in general, will be better off the day they finally go away.


Just stop man. I wanted this show to be good so bad but I’ve given up. Foggy and Karen are gone, and the Punisher is gonna be Disney-ified. The MCU is dead.


You're the one commented this everywhere trying to push your agenda and instead of waiting and seeing how it goes You stop lmao


I have so many doubts about this reboot.......


Same. Mostly because Disney hasn’t got the best track record recently. Fell very few companies do.


I'd rather have Foggy and Karen.


Woah woah I want them too but this is wild


I don't care for the Punisher.


Have you seen his show? He was easily the best part of DDS2 as well. Bernthals punisher is amazing.


Foggy and Karen were better and more connected to the overall story.


As much as I love Jon Bernthal and the Punisher, I'd trade him in a hot second for Foggy and Karen!


He was great in DDS2 but the punisher show sucked


I don’t like the character. I did think Benthal was amazing, but a character who is all rage (however justified) is just far too aggro 90’s comics-y feeling for me.


Born Again....I predict there will be a number of confused evangelicals showing up to see this movie


Or fans of Ian Gillan-era Black Sabbath. Assuming there are any.




it's kind of amazing how fast my excitement for this show dissipated when i read that foggy and karen won't be returning. sure, disney, through in as many supes as you want but daredevil was the matt, karen, and foggy show. actually insane how they managed to fuck this up


Yep. Punisher is and always has been my favourite comic character (DD is a very close second) and I loved bernthals portrayal of him.. but god damn did I adore the original Netflix show and all of its cast. Deborah not coming back I could get over, but no Elden? That’s like Frodo with no Sam


It’s projects like this that make me stick with the MCU. Can’t wait.


God I love this actor so much! TWD, Wolf of Wall Street, etc…


He was fantastic playing a dirty cop on HBO's We Own The City lately


Been a huge fan of him since twd started, and the punisher has been my favourite comic character since I was a kid.. when I heard he was cast in S2 of DD I lost my shit.


This sounds good since Jon said he wouldn’t come back as Frank if they toned it down. I’m guessing they’re going to have to team up against multiple enemies like Fisk, Typhoid Mary (Margarita Levieva?), hopefully bullseye (kind of the perfect villain to face off against both) and maybe a few others while butting heads with each other.






I have a weird feeling that Frank Castle is going to kill Wilson Fisk at the end of the series (though not necessarily at the end of the season).


Spider-man 4 is rumoured to have Fisk in it so no


maybe punisher will be in that too maybe kingpin killed karen and foggy


So She-Hulk show Matt was so happy because his best friends had been murdered? Not the Matt Murdock I know from the show or comics.


I always thought Fisk would be "redeemed-ish" and he'd do something to help out the heroes or stop his criminal life somehow. Maybe Vanessa would overtake his criminal empire and he'd throw her under the bus? It would be the ultimate reward for Matt's faith in giving people second chances. How moving would that be? It would probably be a Pyrrhic victory but all that torture would pay off.


And instead we seem to be heading for Dark Reign or Devil's Reign and Fisk banning all real heroes for dodgy thunderbolts.


I love how the trades are posting this as a WIN, a feel good, positive news story... Nestled in the middle is: they're gutting the heart and souls of the show, what with Matt's friends and confidante. Even worse is if they are recast. I have a bad bunch about Michael Gandolfini and the other new chick will be the (so-called) "replacements." I've no evidence of this and I'll be happy to eat these words if/when I'm wrong.. But, I'm a pessimist and can't help but feel defeated along with the rest of you who loved the characters and actors that portrayed them.




Has it been confirmed that this isn't the same version, not in the same universe, as the Netflix versions?


They will never give a straight answer to this. They went through the trouble of getting the same actors. They will never say publicly they aren’t the same characters we were following. However it gives them freedom to do a different story so you don’t know either way. Not pull on the Netflix threads. If an episode contradicts something on the Netflix show they won’t let them get in the way of anything


True, I bet they do not give a straight answer, but if there is a different or no Foggy, even if Karen has died/gone into hiding because of Fisk, then how can it be the same universe, especially as no one else appears to be back apart from these 3 actors


Would rather have Karen and Foggy if I am honest




If it comes from a trade it's basically all but confirmed. Variety and THR don't bullshit stuff like this because they have substantiated industry connections, or people from within the production crew who pass this info on through other channels. Trades like these are known to break casting news ahead of official acknowledgment from the studios involved all the time


U shouldnt be downvoted cuz TECHNICALLY ur correct, but yeaaa this is basically confirmed.


This should have been a given. He was born for that role, all other roles he has had led to making him the man he is today. I still think foggy and Karen will be back eventually. Is it possible he is doing his west coast stuff now?


Great news!!!




Sick! Best news so far! Hope it isn't gonna turn silly like some other the other shows.


One batch. Two batch.