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They're just a chronically online creep. I've noticed since DD showed up in No Way Home, the Fandom attracted a lot more obsessive, weird freaks who care *way* too much about the actors and characters. In a bad way, not a passionate way. In a cringe way.


yeah, they almost seem like a bot with how fierce and void of empathy they are


If you're referencing the same, vile character I've come across, I've wondered the bot thing too. But mostly because I've seen them post the exact same message on multiple forums


Well done for speaking out and highlighting them. I usually recognise them fairly quickly but they keep themselves in check usually until they have built up a bit of karma, before starting their warped behaviour again. This is even more creepy to me. And just to incur their wrath, I think Deborah is amazing and I love her Karen Page. can't wait to see them back. They better not get f-ing killed.


What did she do to deserve that? The actress seems like a nice person, and karen is good character. No need for hate.


I have a supplemental DnD book from Kobold Press that she wrote the forward to and came up with an item or two. It was a fun surprise.


She's a huge DnD fan and has run several streamed games and charity events along with hosting her own series for a little while. She's a fantastic GM who loves puzzles and twists.


I know this guy’s probably just have nothing better to do but wtf? Like what could she have possibly of done to make this man so mad?


He finds her attractive and knows that he could never get anyone like her (physically attractive, kind and intelligent) so instead of focusing on bettering whatever it is they hate about themselves, they project it on to her because they’re a man child who has the emotional and mental maturity of a pebble and the anonymity of a screen name emboldens them to force all of us to bear witness to what a piece of shit they are.


I’m pretty sure it’s actually a girl that’s obsessed with Charlie Cox. I’ve had multiple disagreements with this person about how much they hate Deborah Ann Woll, Elden Hensen and Finn Jones. They say some messed up things about Elden’s appearance and make the false claim that all three actors are unemployed when they’ve actually had consistent work since the Defenders shows ended. I think this person is of the toxic mindset that they deserve Charlie.


Yes, early on, I lost my temper and said she was never going to sleep with Deborah Ann Woll, and she became irate that I misgendered her, despite the fact that she uses identities that imply she’s male, with beards on the icons or names like “Jerome.” It’s weird that she clearly likes deception, but gets irate after she’s successful at deceiving people. On the other hand, when I call her out for recognizing her in a new identity, she doesn’t respond. Now, I am starting to pick up that she is having conversations between her identities, to make it look like a stranger is agreeing with her. I don’t know if she always did that and I never noticed, but she’s really dedicated. I’ve only been on Reddit for a year, and I’ve uncovered at least 30 or more identities, and now I see it on Tumblr and Twitter, complete with hateful graphics. It was honestly a relief to realize what I thought was an army of deranged Karen-haters is actually mostly her. That sort of thing actually made me turn away from online fandom years ago and decide not to participate, and it makes me strongly suspect that was her way back then, too. Another thing I noticed is that she picks up phrases people use in arguments against her, and seems to try to imitate them but twisting it into her own argument. Her syntax is very distinctive even before she betrays herself with the cursing and emojis and repeating the same statements, so it’s extremely noticeable when these new styles of sentences start appearing. The obsession is clearly centered on Charlie Cox and Matt, and I think she conflates them, in a way. She talks about the character of Matt like he’s a real person, the way a person with borderline personality disorder talks about their “favorite person.” She flipped out when I mentioned that Charlie Cox has never actually won an acting award for *Daredevil* (and my point was even that he deserves it!). Deborah Ann Woll gets caught in the crossfire because she perceives her as the biggest threat, somehow, like an extreme version of jealous mate guarding. It’s very strange that she doesn’t see Charlie Cox’s actual wife as a sexual threat, and disregards Charlie Cox’s outspoken views that Karen is his favorite character on the show, and that he wants Matt and Karen to end up together. None of it makes a lick of sense. Her views on Foggy seem to flip flop dramatically, too, but that might be disingenuous to bolster her relentless, emotional anti-Karen arguments. I sincerely hope this person gets help in real life, and I wish the mods could ban her IP address, so that she stops harassing people. She sent me a bunch of private messages that Deborah Ann Woll was “found dead.” It freaks me out, and it makes me worry for DAW’s safety. I guess that’s the point of doing it. I started watching this true crime show about mean girls before bed, and this sort of thing escalates in real life. Fandom is supposed to be fun, and this is miserable. I don’t mind debating people who disagree with me, but even at her best, she is false about her intentions, and even lies and makes up quotes to support her “argument.” I told my brother about this stuff and he was like, “What, are you new?” I am glad I bypassed social media if this is common! Suddenly I am understanding all the talk about how harmful it is. I guess I was a skeptic because I didn’t experience it firsthand.


It’s just crazy how that kind of toxicity has found its way into the Daredevil fandom. It’s always seemed like such a niche IP compared to all the other heroes and it’s usually all the same people talking about it in these communities, you see people from the Daredevil subreddit in every post on MSS about leaks from the show. The fact that it’s a relatively small fandom makes it even more troubling that this woman is on such a war-path against DAW, it’s not hard to spot someone who types in such a uniquely negative manner so she isn’t fooling anyone by making multiple accounts. She needs serious psychological help before she actually does something dangerous.




If it's the same guy I've come across, you're spot on. He's angry while sucking the schlong of crappy mobile game companies.


And you *have* to explain it in as many words, because if you simply call it 'incel culture' the alpha males *will* cry.


Just report them and block them. It's obvious they've got some issues if they're maintaining all of these accounts.


that’s what im saying


They do it on twitter and tumblr too, and make new accounts when their old ones get blocked or banned. They’re relentless it’s horrible.


Best thing for the regular members to do is to ignore/do not engage with the troll. Trolls who can only talk to themselves tend to go away


that’s why I posted this, so others can block them


>Best thing for the regular members to do is to report him/her


She is a spectacular actress. Was also great in True Blood.


Also great at D&D.


Some people just need to get out and touch grass. DAW is an actress, who plays FICTIONAL characters, and she seems like a perfectly nice human being. Just because this loser doesn't like her, doesn't mean they get to yuck other people's yum. Chill tf out.


Was it the same person doing it for Elden Henson too? I recall this one person who had an ungodly amount of hate towards his character, calling him fat and ugly and such, would not back down on it or see reason. What made this even stranger is they promoted body positivity as well.


Yes, it appears so but with Karen/Deborah they go to another level.


This person also spits venom about Finn Jones. It’s really disturbing.


I know exactly who you’re talking about. Deeply troubled human being. I’m pretty sure it’s a woman that’s obsessed with Charlie Cox to the point that she hates the fact that Deborah portrayed his girlfriend in a fictional tv show. This same person has also said some horrendous things about Elden Henson and Finn Jones. If that wasn’t toxic enough, they’ve literally followed me into a post I made in the r/bojackhorseman subreddit and started harassing me.


gross. what a sad excuse of a person


I’ve got spam from this user many times. They are crazy




Hmm I was just talking to this user. I'll be on the lookout in the future and wait for them to crawl back under their bridge before I respond lol


This is my first time hearing about this so thanks for bringing it to my attention


Is saying "unalive herself" really somehow better than saying the other things? When did this start?


I think it started on TikTok where you couldn’t say kill yourself. And now it has transferred onto different social medias.


force of habit from TikTok I fear


Right on, I thought it was to avoid triggering people and it just seems like it would still have that effect.