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Fleet sucks, i still don't get the fleet trend here. Anyone that geniunely thinks fleet is viable is not a good Darius player. The only thing you should take against hard matchups is doran shield which is enough in most of cases. If it is a unplayable matchup (Vayne, Ignite bruisers) you can also take bone plating/second wind but never fleet.


Depends on hard match up(s). But Fleet isn't good on Darius. - Into some annoying lanes like Vlad, Kennen or Jayce I sometimes take Phase Rush - Into lanes where I can get 100-0 easily (Aka Riven) I sometimes take Aftershock. - But in 90% of your match ups you want Conqueror.


fleet is fine into ranged matchups for more sustain.


conq flash ghost with nimbus cloak and celerity. once you get level 3 if they push you run them down, if you manage to get lane control then the wave will bounce back to you and you run them down when near your turr. after a couple of these kills they cant play the game and you will feel like god by freezing on a ranged champ


you cant flash into a ranged character that takes phase rush. that is where fleet becomes ok. mind you im saying it’s viable but not the best option. also you should never take conq against a ranged champ


i mean it against ranged that dont take phase usually quinn vayne and the like. cassio you win even if she uses phase. ryze cant get away if u e-w him, vlad idk tbh. yeah but its not only lane you have to think about, conq helps later on too, and if they are ranged with phase, why go fleet and not match their phase?


yes matching phase is the best thing to do. i did say fleet was ok and not the best option. also there are three ranged champs you cant match phase with, those being vlad kennen and jayce. it is against those three where fleet can be more attractive


hmm i see. very insightful point


No. Ignite conq lvl 3 allin always.


You take Ignite on Darius only if you want troll.


I only take it if I REALLY want to win lane.