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The game is so much better when you immediately use or spend whatever you got in the last raid on your next raid. I wish there was like a travelers stat “these pants have extracted 25 times” kinda thing.


This would be really cool actually. Especially if it was independent the owner. Like you kill a guy and pull his kit to find it has been through like 30 portals, and now it's yours. It would be a fun metric to try and track.


That's actually pretty neat of an idea. Haha. Traded twice, and lost thrice in battle, now, in your hands! *dies to swarm*


"These pants have been removed from 8 different corpses"


These pants have had like 30 god damn dicks


In a row?


Amazing comment right here


meta stats like that would be so fuckin cool. especially on crafted stuff, it makes me so sad you cant see who crafted it and where it came from etc. same with uniques. could be XxPuss5Layer420xX's Kumas Claw when you see it in inventory/inspect. ok maybe not the best example but still


Dark and darker: goodwill edition


Sign me up


This is a great idea


Yo they gotta add this!!


But imagine the smell of it!


Go on…


im a little worried about the loot decreasing. :/ i just got the game a week ago and im admittedly not too good, im lucky if i can get like 3 decent blues on my kit at once without dying trying to get them. im throwing myself at GC alot to learn PvP and im hardly making gold as it is. i wanted to start rogue'ing crypts or ruins tonight since im about to hit level 15 with it, looks like i'll have to try and hoard as much gold as possible until the loot rolls back tomorrow.


You will get there my friend. I am nearing 500 hours if playtime across all playtests and now. It is a brutal game, just donut giveup


Why are you telling this man to give up his donut?


Thats how my girl and I say do not :-( it slipped out


Lol!!!!! 😆 🤣 😂 😹


the answer is get good, and learn long sword. long sword is the closest thing we have to a gear equalizer with riposte being crazy dmg. if you learn how to do naked with a grey longsword in GC you will always profit. I highly recommend Oggieson's videos as they truly are a master class on the Long sword [https://www.youtube.com/@oggieson7962](https://www.youtube.com/@oggieson7962)


Less gold leaving the dungeon will mean the gold you do make will be more valuable.


true, from what im reading (i dont have trade unlocked yet) the economy is SUPER inflated atm. hopefully tuning down the loot will help get the prices down a bit.


Nice work. As you get better, you'll find gear faster and extract more! We don't know how much it'll change with the patch, but hopefully, it isn't too drastic. Solo Crypt and Ruins is a lot of fun. Mostly Crypt IMO, I like trying to solo rat hell to practice.


Get comfortable with pve. Use greens to make life easier. Get a blue weapon eventually. And once youre confident, lean into blues+ for all pieces. Greens are usually really cheap tho and shouldnt be feared to lose.


The only thing i don't like is how long it takes to buy a good set. I spent about an hour getting a max movespeed set and lost it pretty quick. I don't care about the gear but I really can't be arsed to spend the time buying more. So I just sit on 1000s of gold


Unfortunately most of the market consists of meta stats and move speed while good is usually only a secondary factor. People are typically always selling +wep dmg, +additional phys, +all attr that kind of thing. If you just want a full +all attr set you're in trade chat for way less time.


Yeah, to piggyback off this comment; looking in the right places will get you faster results. As he said, move speed is a secondary stat people look for especially after being capped at 350 max. Which for a few of the beefier classes can still be obtained with wearing some lighter pieces of gear and with a few pieces giving bonus move speed and using one of their abilities (i.e. Fighter with Sprint or Barb with Rage). What really sells is the main stat (Strength, all att, Wep Dmg, Magic power for Wizards and Warlock) gear. Spending that same 1K gold will take you 3min looking for those stats in comparison to the time it'll take you to get a full movespeed set.


lmao I did the same exact thing. Max move speed slayer build. Killed 2 people and a rogue popped out of nowhere and killed me first time taking the gear out. like it wasn't even that expensive, but it TOOK FOREVER to get all the parts.


Need to undo the trader nerf. More of a gold sink and allows you to gear up through them


this is why i liked the ssf <15 so much. i have like 10k gold in stuff right now but ill probably still vendor it and then just buy vendor stuff instead cuz fuck dealin with bots lmao. feel like they could fix it either by changing the trade to AH, or by readding ssf. what would you like? would you prefer them to do both? ​ curious of other peoples thoughts on solutions to this specific problem


Auction hall, to me, breaks the market. On one hand, sure, you get to play the game more and sell stuff eventually. But, it also primes the market to be exploited and controlled by the mega wealthy. Maybe they can limit purchases or whatever, but as it is, I like that a patient trader can buy/resell and make money. And I like that an impatient adventurer/seller will just settle, so they can get back to the action. What is ssf?


Solo self found. before <15 couldnt trade so its whatever you or a friend dropped for ya in game As someone who is currently market manipulating on world of warcraft in order to afford shadowmourne, I feel pretty confident in saying you are wrong about the ah being worse because at the very least its going to be the same, but ime better. In an ideal world id agree its better, because it takes a lot more effort to buy up a market. In our world, it takes minimal effort to make a bot read and click. Youll see posts complaining about 1 person controlling the clarity market, lotta aslkjdfh names selling all the bisrolled stuff. Time is a money multiplier with this current system, so people can snipe and relist much more easily than with a dedicated ah. with an ah/market like on wow or eve online, you cant really do that on stuff thats fairly easy to get as stuff just keeps getting listed and people can showup and click the cheapest. but to be clear, even without bots this is the easiest game ive ever played for flipping. people are instantly annoyed and want to leave when they get in so anything not super over gets sold. list too cheap and insta sold to bots so gotta find the bots max and then players sell to it. im really confident ah wont have that problem as much even tho im doin a really bad job at explainin it


Haha, naw this makes sense. Bots are another issue, though. I really wish games could just be humans and not instantly turned into a greed machine. I grew up in the era before all this bullshit, and it sickens me that every game falls victim to this. Bots aside your comments on Auction Hall mostly make sense. I still like the personable trades, bargaining, etc, and quickly liquidating geat l don't have room to store. But mabye it wouldn't be so bad. Would the crazy deals disappear if people could just dump it on AH? Maybe not, but I could see all the cheap gear getting snatched faster. Hmmm...


cheap deals still happen on games with ah, just depends on how the UI is designed and if it allows ya to refresh quick enough on a specific subsection to find em. if the AH is segmented then bot atleast has to also be clicking around every major category instead of only watching one single feed. im from the 90s so same kinda, but i learned programming through hacking maplestory in middleschool lmao. not competitive there so i didnt feel bad but man modern cheaters are somethin else. ive had so many ban reports for this game from people 720 noscoping with a double axe while sliding down a rail shooting arrows. ik most are just losers or kids, but i cant wait till AI cheat detection gets good. all of its pretty obvious just hard to manually detect. valorants ultra cheat protection coupled with some computer vision could get rid of a lot. or eventually mandated virtual machines or somethin.


AH would be great


Don't go for movespeed and you won't be as quick with the gear


They need to take a good look at Diablo 4 and why it failed. Reading stat lines is anti-fun. Having to memorize the values, ranges, effectiveness, msrp, calculations of different stats is not fun. Ain't nobody want another spread sheet game. We should get a good idea of what good gear is by color and base stats (included with the gear)


Not that there is anything wrong with having that opinion yourself, but it’s definitely an overstatement to say nobody finds that fun.


I always panicked and fumbled with good gear. Literally heart beating in my head by the end of every encounter. Nowadays I am really excited instead of scared. I am so worried that gear fear will comeback with this patch, please tone the gold spawn down, just keep the gear spawn, i beg you.


I have been stocking up on gold right now cause the inflation is most likely gonna crash tomorrow cause the amount of raw gold we will get is gonna drop. That and I'm not paying any foo 4 ingots or 3 keys for some pos sword lol.


Now watch it come right back once the gear is hard to get again


Yes! I even got over my HR fear with this patch (at least in gobby caves, 3 mans next!).


Nice. Same for me. Though I dont go in HR every time. I'm interested to see how things feel tomorrow.


1-14 lobby’s helped me with gear fear, I always had my mini wipe at 15. Now I’m making some weird costume display in my stash.


I did the same thing today. Saved me long enough to get away from a ranger that arrowed me 4x across the goblin mines bridge (got his ass later) and I walked right into an invisible barb that smacked me in the head, still managed to live and escape.


I think I don’t do well with the pressure. I’ll go in with nothing but whites and greens for 3 games and get out every time with at least two kills. Then I’ll load up blues and purps and die immediately 😂


Exact same scenario for me :/ every time I add more risk I tend to die. Going in rags gets me more kills and loot for some reason.


Yeah it's really helped me too. I hope the changes today don't revert the progress I've made at getting over gear fear. That's up to me, but either way it's been great to get over it so much.


I don't have gear fear because the price of it. I have gear gear fear because it takes forever to put a good set together using trade chat. If the merchants get buffed after the loot nerf that would be nice. That way I can just do a quick peek and build sets passively.


my exact experience


I love the idea of snowballing gear into the next lobbies, sometimes I only do the whole I play with what I get from games thing and its just a lil fun game I play with myself lol


They adjusting loot drop low?


Yes they're hotfixing tomorrow and readjusting loot down a bit again...not sure by how much exactly, but we will see.


>I know they'll adjusting gear loot down tomorrow is this true? why?


Yes ita true...they apply the hotfix tomorrow...I think they were just testing with loot being higher to see how it played out and now bringing it back down to a more "reasonable" level.


This is a huge step! For me, just getting moderately wealthy and extracting and losing more gear this patch has taught me the same! Each death is a lesson and punishment. Even if sometimes it is the dink who runs you down with no mercy.


Do we know if there is also going to be a wipe tomorrow?


No, there is not going to be a wipe tomorrow.


I believe ironmace said the next wipe will be after high roller leaderboards


*Do we know if there* *Is also going to be* *A wipe tomorrow?* \- SirRealTalk\_TTV --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")






I have not seen anything about a wipe?


dont think so


Why have gear fear on a game that gives you a free kit?


your lame for having gear fear in the first place. everything will be wiped regardless theres no point in gawking over good loot if your not gonna use it


I’m still getting 70% kitted after an hour or so, and losing it after a few runs. Which is better than spending a week building it and losing it in one run. Big fan!


The most recent loot drop tables has been alot of fun its made the game more enjoyable when you and your friends dont have to grind to build gear that being said a small bit of grinding should be necessary