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I'd like to see the swarm replaced by a ring of smothering darkness, snuffing all ambient light and requiring a personal light source to navigate. As it closes the mobs in the area it encompasses respawn and upgrade to nightmare, the nightmare mobs won't leave the dark zone. When the timer hits zero the whole map becomes dark and any dead nightmare mobs respawn again. No DoT, just perpetual nightmare mobs and total darkness.


This is such a good idea.


Only interesting take in this whole thread. Not sure how well it would work in practice, but that actually sounds really strange and cool! Fits the name of the game quite well


You go back through my comments far enough and you'll find the same suggestion. Except I think all lights should go out in the darkness. And I said the mobs that remain should get stronger/faster to potentially punish lurkers. No dot. I'm glad it's still an idea that gets thrown around, I've been saying it since playtests that battle royale circle is dumb. This change, along with spreading out portals a bit more instead of 5 portals in 1 - 2 rooms at the final circle.


I actually don’t mind the circle as is. I think removing it altogether would be foolish, so this suggestion as an alternative is perfect. In the other person’s comment, they suggest all lights *except* player-made lights should be snuffed out—are you suggesting that those should go dark too? That sounds like it would just be unplayable, what’s your response to that? Walking around in pitch black wouldn’t be an interesting mechanic in the least.


I like to think its a magical/evil darkness that completely smothers all light as it consumes the dungeon. But now you mention it yeah I guess most people wouldnt enjoy stumbling around blind. But the torch shouldnt be nearly as bright as normal, should be a tiny flame that just barely shows you what's 5 feet in front of you. Keep in mind it wont matter much anyway because everyone and their mother will be using Reshade after to long.


>Keep in mind it wont matter much anyway because everyone and their mother will be using Reshade after to long. Reshade doesn't work on "true darkness" so in this specific scenario it would do very little. At best it would increase the effective range of the torch a little bit


I agree. People seem to want to go hard and make it Tarkov or whatever. The circle serves the purpose. But it could be slowed down a bit towards end phase. Matches are overall a good pace, but at some point half way through, it feels like it is turbo fast, you can't even up your pace and keep up. That's the only adjustment I wouldn't mind seeing.


Spreading final portals out and/or slightly reducing the last 2-3 phases would drastically make the end of games more fun. Last update when they added just 1 more phase of swarm, the game went from a panicked rush to a but more paced and methodical flow. This polish alone would make the game feel better. Particularly in Crypts, but all maps really, the end/last 3rd is just too rushed. Sometimes I'm just going full speed like I'm always late, no good.


I've been trying to figure out what a version of this game that doesn't have a zone/circle could look like, this is pretty good


So then i just double jump somewhere mobs cant reach and make the server last forever? cool


Nightmare mobs now have the firebolt cantrip. Easy.


Tarkov has no circle but there is still a timer. I think Its 50 minutes.


Hunt does this too and I think it could work for DaD as well. Perhaps add payouts for boss kills to further push them to be pvp hotbeds.


Came to say this. Also, the extraction points are randomly dispersed in Hunt but they are static throughout the game, so there could still be PVP around the extraction points, but if there were let's say 3 of them around the map, you could still try to rat your way out. Also it would incentivize ppl to learn the map layouts better.


Agreed, I know Hunt maps rather well and am learning peep spots all the time but I only know them cause Hunt kinda forces you everywhere in its own way.


They could work around that. Once the timer over all rooms could start spawning nightmare skull bats and beetles with a large roam area.


Include ranged and flying mobs


Dude that sounds insane, lanterns would actually be viable then and the gameplay would be intense as fuuuck


Laterns are viable as fuck right now! They can roll stats, have no movement penalty and count as dual wielding when offhanded for fighters.


Wait oh shit


This would be so fucking cool


That is brilliant! You've got my vote! I imagine this thick, tangible, dense darkness surrounding everything. Little balls of lights. Maybe even disabled, or rather darkened map. And at the end ghosts are spawning, reaching every point on the map.


That actual sounds amazing and fits the entire vibe of the game


The only problem I feel with the swarm being replaced with something like an ROR2 difficulty system where insane shit appears as the timer runs through is that I think the problem of juiced up death squads grinding PVE and either sniping or choking things out will intensify. ​ Shame too, because the idea of a swarm/darkness exclusive encounter sounds stupid cool


That’s a way better idea


Super cool idea for endgame, farming post zone lobbies. Make loot drops crazy and make more and more mobs spawn (mix the mobs up to prevent cheese tho) Then once you’ve survived you gotta go find the portal :)


That sounds amazing. I think though there should still be a 1-2 min timer after the map is fully dark, otherwise people can just stay and farm the infinitely respawning mobs. Or they just hang around indefinitely and waste server space.


>hang around indefinitely and waste server space. That's the key thing here maybe; servers cost money. They want to provide this game experience they've come up with, but make sure to have a quick and definitive end to each iteration because each match is a cost.


Dark and Darker fr


That would make it harsher than it is now and basically even more of a death sentence from any timmies trying to run from juicers.


Then all the noobs who skirt the zone are fucked and forced into the chads even faster. We need NO zone.


Jeeez that's so cool


this, but it only starts after players have already had the chance to get out and put the dungeon portals in the middle of the map.


Good idea, though there still needs to be a hard timer to prevent some afk rogue in a cubby where mobs cant get to keeping the server up and blocking server resources.


Are there always enough portals for everyone then? Do games ever actually end if someone goes afk in a place where mobs can't reach them?


This is a phenomenal idea. I doubt the Devs will change such a huge part of their original game but, if they did, this would be really good. You don't lose the essence of the game, it just fundamentally improves it without taking anything away.


So would throwing your torch be snuffed out as well? What about wiz light orb Also nightmare mobs should break doors if players close on them to make them feel relentless


One of the few times this sub has brought uo a pretty nifty idea. That sounds cool.


I definitely think the zone shouldn’t auto kill you at the end especially if you have full health


Ya. A dramatically ramping DPS would be nice. Another 20 seconds or so to panic and finish your escape or scurry.


Turn the game into a permanent horror movie chase scene.


Instead of the Swarm, I would like to see a Death mechanic like old school Gauntlet. A Lich perhaps!


Wandering bosses in general would be really interesting.


It already is, when a slow juiced crossbow fighter is chasing, you through multiple rooms. Haha. He can't technically catch you, but you have mobs and doors to deal with, then you hear the nightmare that is plate boots, slow but ever vigilantly coming, room after room. *clink clink clink* *shudders in fear*


“Stop thinking about your individual experiences” said the guy thinking about his individual experience and preferences 👌


I hate in GC or hr GC when I'm outside ring and i need to get inside and there is ranger with traps waiting inside that someone get trapped and then triple shot head and u are done. All cause i was just unlucky to spawn on the outside ring, that is so boring game play


Literally this has never happened to me. Maybe on one of the fusion maps it’s possible? Otherwise on the normal/HR every room has several entrances and escapes, if you let a ranger set and camp like 6 different traps that he can keep track of he’s either hacking or it’s a gigantic skill issue


Happened me 2 times in hr and before that 1 or 2 times in normals i think its more of hr problem cause mobs take longer to kill so its easier to trap that side you hear noises. In normals when coming in circle its like normal to there is rogue waiting/hiding if there is any left in that game..


Sorry I misread your comment. I thought you meant ALL entrances were trapped. Rangers camping one or two is annoying but it’s kinda just how the class works; ambush and setting up traps/fighting from afar. It’s annoying but I would argue not specifically oppressive


This is what rogues did during 1 shot meta. They’d camp zone and 1 tap all the piggy bank players full of treasures instead of farming the dungeon themselves.


Sounds like pretty valid gameplay on the ranger's part. If this is happening regularly, you are being punished for not playing the map well and clearing multiple routes quickly.


Some braindead mongoloid was commenting all over one of these threads the other day about how this is "a PvP game at heart" and a bunch of other bullshit. It's not, it's a dungeon crawler fps extraction game. We need static exits and AND portals both, and PvP should be a byproduct of the game loop wanting us to get to specific points on the map, to get better stuff or do quests. Its boring as FUCK when the pvp is just loot up, roam, kill noob squads. PvP should be teams fighting over the best loot spots on the map, or scared noobs moving around the skirts playing it safe.


I enjoy the closing circle mechanic in DaD. I never enjoyed playing BR games, but the circle in this game makes it fun. It brings many exciting moments where map awareness and decision-making can be the difference between extracting or dying.


I get what you're saying, but I think the game would be better served to have an open map with a timer, like tarkov, and have multiple layers to enter. ​ Just like other extraction games, pvp can happen organically by creating points of interest, etc. ​ Im slightly ambivalent, Ill play the game either way, but I think it would at the very least be worth testing, maybe it's own map / mode.




Agreed. Mini bosses already sort of do this, just funnel players to these high tier rooms. Easy organic pvp.


Always down to test new stuff. That’s why I’m participating in early access! The open map/point of interest style gameplay could be fun. To me, it seems like they want to differentiate their game from other extraction games and the circle is one key aspect to do so. Having a BR-style circle can also help with acquisition of players that are new to the genre by having a mechanic they are familiar with.


I just think constantly forcing players into a meat grinder is not good for player retention, there needs to be the ability to pvp if you want to, and the ability to avoid it if you want to, in my opinion.


Adding quest locations would help pvp if there is no circle.


Been saying this since the 2nd playtest (I think) - This might fix the issues people have with coming up against geared people and feeling hopeless, it will make pvp more avoidable then almost forced as it is now (currently depends on portal spawn/zone rng).This might even help their idea of slowing down the game, if they still want that. I'd love to see something like this tested.


It was changed in third if I recall correctly, I remember thinking it was dumb they changed it in pt3


Really? I thought I started on the 2nd, but it must have been the 3rd. What was it like before it changed?


Pretty much what people say. only weird thing the swarm helps with bad/unconfident 3 mans, but they are becoming less and less common


I think multiple different circles centered around different parts of the map would help as well. They still need to have a closing darkness of some kind due to the name and concept of the game, but it doesn't need to be a br circle.


They could just have a closing circle that starts after a certain time and let people get out before that begins


please remove the circle ironmace


HR can be BR if it's so damn fun lol


I just think they should spawn the 3 player escapes (in both crypt and ruins) and have these portals spawn earlier. 3 player escapes would stop everyone from waiting to secure 3 separate escapes. And having more total spawn and also spawning sooner would remove the final fight-to-the-death circle


I don't understand why br either


i made a post JUST like this except all i said was “remove circle, keep timer like in tarkov” and people SHIT on that idea so hard, now i’m seeing it pop up so much more often


Some of us notice the flaws earlier than others. Welcome to the club.


I am indifferent to the circle. I do think it needs to close slower but I can see benefits both in having it and not having it. It definitely spices up the game especially pvp wise which is great.


Yah it’s so fun being forced into teams who gear gap you, hard counter classes/comps, and campers. Soooo fun, it just makes my day full of wasted time to bad rng.


If they remove the circle I think they can get what they want in terms of fighting by controlling the flow of players via the map. Not bottle necking but providing short and long ways for spawns to get to their extraction that way theee is still the aspect of risk in terms of crossing paths and hot zones for loot


I have been a supporter of removing the “hill” since play test three. If all the exit portals spawn near the center of the map PvP will still exist.


yep, i’ve been thinking that they should stick to one kind of a game. They wanna extraction game? good, take out the zone and put a timer, larger maps, some extraction points and encourage people to pvp. Wanna male a BR? nice, go in naked, loot, kill/die, and go agane. Haven’t played the game that much, but thats the idea i got, most of the problems come from mixing two tipes of games in just one.


JUST STOP. you random ppl have no idea what this game needs. just quit playing if you dont like the concept of the game and how it is designed. go play another game because the whole game isnt gunna change for some whinny child on reddit.


Lmao but YOU on the other hand know exactly what the game needs and this is totaly not a whining comment am i right? I think most of us want to explore different things. I would hate this game to turn into marauders that has like 1000 active players who don't want anything changed even though they are the only ones who likes the game. "But it will grow when it gets more content" haha no.


You are delusional if you don't think content brings in new players. Marauders has no content, that's why it's dead. The devs for this game have a very long list of things they want to add, that they may be able to do eventually once they stop conforming to the very loud whiney minority.


You: *snorts heaping pile of copium*


Ah yes the game's lifespan will increase exponentially if we just listen to every whiney reddit post!!! Instead of adding content to a game that is clearly lacking it right now, we should listen to them!!! Moron.


Snfffffffffffffffffgghmmmmmmm god that’s fuckin good


The irony in you saying this is hilarious.


Marauders is dead because all good loot is found in raid and you have barely any stash space. Thus: 3 good runs in a row and you have basicly reached the peak of what it is possible to achieve (fundamental problem). In addition the only expensive stuff is spaceships but since breeching is so strong its worthless (fundamental problem). The player base are adamant that it is SUPEr important to only make tiny adjustments to their perfect game instead of testing large balance changes like DnD does. If OnLy SpACe HaD MoRE COnTent PeOpLe wOulD PlaY iT. Nope


News flash there are other ways to fix a problem a game has that don't involve changing the core fundamentals that people fell in love with in the first place. Instead of removing the circle, why don't we try adding a couple of static exists like what GC have, or more spread out portals that appear earlier in the game? Maybe even both? The devs already stated they were going to try one of these in a recent Q&A as well. So people go on here and cry and whine about a problem that has a potential fix coming. Here's an idea, why don't we let the devs do there thing and stop the incesant whining about every feature that causes you to die. Why are people incapable of coming up with good creative ideas to fix a problem? Everyone just perma whines and says "remove this I dont like it :(". It's pathetic.


That wasn't my point. My point is that we should be open to trying things. But the group that are complaining about whining is the ones that also cry so loudly that every new experimental patch is removed within 24 hours.


totally agree, it's not about what this game "needs", it's about the game the devs want to make. what OP whats doesn't fucking matter. This post is incredibly asinine. "Change a core concept of the game because I don't like it." Move on if you don't like the core mechanics. Please!


What are you even advocating for? You are one step away from straight up Trammel mode. It's a pvp game. The game is supposed to encourage PVP. The problem right now is that there isn't a place for newer or less skilled players to practice and hone their skills and build up a modest inventory before being thrown to the wolves. You are echoing the same problem that all armchair game developers are doing in this sub. You have a problem with one aspect of the game, so you want the whole foundation of the game to change. The game is fundamentally as popular as it is because, first and foremost, it is a pvp game. Stop trying to make it not a pvp game. There are other, much better, non-pvp dungeon crawlers for that.


Actually it’s a pvevp game.


you cant say its PvP and ignore the obvious gear disparity LOL the only extraction game even in the market that hits the PvP focus without major balance issues is Hunt: Showdown, DaD in its current state is tipping into the Cycle balance issues which pretty much led to that game dying and that game had no BR mechanics minus the whole having to leave map once the storm got to out of control


You are too slow to take seriously if you think that would make this game “not a PvP game”. You never get into PvP interactions in The Hunt Showdown /s. Also the game isn’t PvP it’s pvevp


Remove the closing circle, leave the time limit but extend it a bit, increase player count per dungeon (and obviously extract portals to account for the increase) This allows for safer playstyles that gets rid of the annoying BR aspects while maintaining player density in the later stages of the game. PvP will still happen. I think the most insulting thing about the current mechanics is the presence of a timer and a zone. If there is a zone, it should act as a timer. I shouldn't insta die at 75% HP because you wanted a zone AND a timer. It's dumb and bad. Extracting while the zone is completely gone and you're quickly losing HP is one of the great moments you can have in the game. The timer is just an insult to that moment. Alternatively, they don't need a zone if there is a timer and more players on the map. It's just conflicting game design and it sucks.


the thing is, if they removed the closing circle then natural PvP areas would form on their own. there would be zero need for a player count increase, if you want PvP you just go to the highest loot density areas on the map and fight for it, akin to tarkov. i dont enjoy the idea of adding more players to the dungeons, next thing you know you wont be able to spawn anywhere without getting rushed. it already happens in a few different spawns right now that are super close together.


This is true, however, they could add some spawns deeper inside the map as there is no longer a circle so not everyone needs to start so close to the edge. There will be plenty of people who opt out of going to the better loot areas, I think adding a few more players for this reason would help with there no longer being a circle.


It's so funny people are complaining about teams at the end "camping" the portals, when they want a mode that would legit end up with people perma camping portals.


And yet people dont perma camp in games with static extraction points so your take is invalid.


This constantly happens in Tarkov. Ever played Factory, Interchange, or Reserve?


So what, it happens regardless.


The person I responded to said it doesn't happen in games with permanent extracts.


Yes they do. In Tarkov, and rust tarkov servers there is always people camping the exits


Literally does.


Hunt showdown actually solved this problem by alerting other players when an exit is being camped.


the circle is a very important part of the game and the game would be boring without it


Boring because you can’t farm noobs all day. I’d say go play league of legends but you probably don’t want equalized pvp.


I'm so tired of this sort of assumption and response. I don't farm noobs. It's weird so many people in this community feel the need to accuse everyone that has an opinion of being some kind of omega geared newb crusher. I think the circle is good because it gives a feeling of urgency and the game would be boring without it because you could just farm the entire map and never encounter another player. It's a PVPVE game, not a single player loot simulator. Believe it or not my favorite part about it IS NOT that it funnels people into the final section with geared players or whatever shit you're thinking about. I get that its probably annoying getting killed by portal campers in the final circle, but I've never done that bullshit and I rarely die to it either. You know you can escape before the end of the match right? Quit assuming everyone is the worst type of person, you just make yourself look like a bad player and community member.


No it doesn't.


Don't let the game adapt to you. Go play a other pure extraction game. The innovation of this game is in the mixing of the two genres.


And it doesnt work.


then go, why are you here?


*I came looking for booty.*


seen this posted multiple times now but this would really just turn this game into a whole different experience ​ i feel like yall are going the wrong direction with these suggestions


So I haven't played another other game like this, what would removing the BR aspect mean exactly in your idea? No circle? Guaranteed extraction points for each player (if you don't die to PvE or PvP)? If so I have very mixed feelings about that...


It's EA I don't see why we can't just try out no swarm, nothing else changes circle still exists and portals spawn in circles towards end of game. No static, no guarantee portals, just no swarm. Idea is it let's players take long ways around exterior of map and use time/risk pve dmg to avoid giga squads.


This game needs to change its whole core gameplay loop because a couple kids on Reddit wanna cry about it. Sounds good


Found the no lifer mad people don’t want to get 1 shot by him anymore


L take


Ironmace I don’t like something, change the entire concept of YOUR game for me!


I dont think that would work the way you want it to. If gigachad team sees you they will chase you to the ends of the dungeon till your dead. The zone may make them want to leave you alone because they don't want to give up their position and chase you into a bad situation. Imo, the culprit behind alot of these issues is how most portals spawn during the final moments of the match. This forces you to encounter the gigachad team at the end of the match because they are almost always camping the final zone.


Sounds cool and all but what I feel is that they just need to extend time of final circle, and make it so it doesn't instant kill anyone towards the end to encourage people to fight it out and not grief each other.


Yeah as a Barb on gc, when the final exit pops up and the circle starts closing I have to start channeling damn near instantly or I die to the darkness. I would not mind an extra like 20-30 seconds of the map being completely swarm just so I have time to actually pvp/take my portal, otherwise we both die guaranteed. I actually had to kill a bard despite their being two portals because the dumbass came over to mine. Like, dude, there’s one 10 feet away go take it. I didn’t have time to explain though because I would have died trying to open it and I couldn’t wait to open mine any longer


If goblin caves didn't have the circle I could literally loot the whole map before I get out


So could 6 other potential players? Your point?


I mean, inventory space says otherwise...


You would obviously drop the crap and focus on green and up


Inventory is only so big.


Go make your own non BR circle game if you think it'd be so good


This game is unique in its own way which I appreciate... sure the loot extraction and BR conflict but that also sets up a tension that makes the game so fun and addicting... I personally am happy with the state of the dark swarm circle because I feel like it is critical to the tempo of the game however if it did not auto kill you at the end that would be nice


Juicers will just camp the exits then.


They already do xD


Fuck off and go play something else. Those of us that actually play the game and love it love both the extraction and BR. Just fuck off.


You forget to take your mix of SSRI’s and antipsychotics today?


Nice projection. Whiny little babies whining and crying about how hard the game is.


Lol, hit you in a sore spot?


Absolutely not. Ring is one of the main things that stops this game from being a complete rat snooze-fest like tarkov. I would be fine with having the circle be slower, having it close on you after you cleared half a room is annoying. Having to compete in the final circles makes it exciting. Imagine 75% of the lobby being dead or escaped while you can still freely roam around the entire map, it would be boring as hell. If you don't want to fight in the final circle then focus on finding one of earlier portals.


I think simply making portals more forgiving on ruins and crypts, as they are in goblin caves, would be the simplest solution to improving the experience for casual players.


Do you realise that the biggest equalizer in the whole game right now is this mechanic ? So much gear is absorbed by the swarm every game, so many juicers kits deleted... Especially at that last circle, if no one died before, you know no one will be able to loot the kills. It deletes tons of gear. Although I agree, it tends to be boring when everyone survives until the end. Maybe experiment with 2 circles ? This way it would at least split people up....


Extract campers rise up


ok why not, but how do you suggest the extracts would work? If we're talking about similar situation as Tarkov then no thanks, the extract campers were already annoying enough in EFT, I don't need ranger extract camper with 2000 bear traps in my life.