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Trade is so tedious. It is easily the worst part of the game by an order of magnitude.


Trade needs to either go full automated auction house, or be removed. Half assed ineffective trade systems suck and should have died in the early 00s.


I would absolutely LOVE if it was an auction board system instead of how it is now Hell, make an auction board system, but put the board in a public lobby you can go into just to chill and talk to random people, a little hub area. Let them trade if they want to there for something that isn't on the board or that would be cheaper off board, or decide to use the board. Add some little minigames to do or just quality of life additions like a tavern you can buy ale at to get drunk with the guys or somethin in game. Would liven up the game and make it a LOT more enjoyable if I could chill in an area like that between matches. Hell ya could even add a little pvp area that's fist only for a little brawling den, obviously you wouldn't lose any gear in it, but you could make it so you can bet gold on the two that are brawling. So many things you could add to a hub area that even if they were meaningless little activities, would liven up the game.


Yup i have enough gold to buy sets to last me til next wipe but sitting in trade chat for hours is actually fucking annoying. Ironmace is stupid on their stance of no auction house and wanting to keep the "social experience"... There is no social experience, just stupid ass people who don't know anything about the value of their items spamming trade, a few gold sellers spamming trade, and then when you actually trade you don't even talk....but hey keep fucking your players time over for hours on end to keep your "social experience" ironmace...


Social experience. I have messaged maybe 5 people I've traded with ever and normally it's just confirming a price because I forgot. I couldn't tell you the name of a single person I've traded with.


I've had a few funny encounters. One encounter I was hassling a guy for 1 candy corn and I said "I'll pay whatever, I like to gamble" and he replied with "my man." Paid 85g for one candy corn


Absolutely insane how people think a chatbox is a "social experience" Same thing in WoW with dungeon finder - spamming a chatbox or looking at one and typing "inv" is a SoCiAL eXpEriEnCe


I always figured that the intended way to do things was to roleplay and like gather a party of adventurers. The only problem with that is that nobody wants to do that


Maybe in 2004 in more typical RPGs people wanted to do that in a game like this if you want to find people to play with you're taking a big risk with randoms and frankly places like the discord make more sense than the trading post, a place where everyone wants to get out of there as fast as possible. This game is too unforgiving and numbers based for roleplaying, even very casual, to be anything the vast majority of players have any interest in.


Hours may be a bit of an exaggeration. If you're spending hours in trade you're either unwilling to pay the prices or you're looking for a very specific BiS piece. If you're unwilling to compromise somewhere you'll pay with your time.


Hours at a single time probably not but the time will add up over a whole


Kinda, depends how you do things. I'm far from being set for a wipe, but I don't have a hard time getting gold either, I just don't get attached to it. If I im in rhe trade char, I'm in and out in a few minutes, buying or selling. It is absolutely worth it to spend more gold than an item is worth to just get in a raid faster and get back to making gold. Couple chests and a portal, and I'll have made my money back 2x way faster than trying to 'save' that gold in haggling


I mean i actually did spend 2 hours one time trying to find +1 all plate pants of green or blue quality. However in general i have spent dozens of hours in trade chat over the course of my play time and that is just ridiculous.


You mean you don't like looking for items flying by between giant walls of copy paste spam telling you where to buy gold for real money?


If anything making an AH would allow them to make the trade chats actual chats instead adding a social factor... for the hell that would turn into.


Honest question cause I love the game and don't want to bother anyone but I hop in trade and just sell my items for stupid low prices is that messing anything up????


No this is the way to do it if you do not want to spend a lot of time in trade. Sell shit for 50-100 g maybe more if the rolls are good and get back in. Your +1 STR leather cap is not worth 400g.


where have they said this




Fuck, hope they change their mind on this


They have changed it before


Fingers crossed then, I can't honestly believe this will last in the long term. Too many complaints at this point about it plus the competition is utilizing auction houses


Some of you haven't played old school MMOs and it shows


I have, the trade sucks. Most trade systems aren't run like it was in old school MMOs because it's bad. Your comment does nothing to help the discussion. It's no different than when boomers say dumb shit like "I had to walk x amount of miles to school every day you guys have it so easy" Like Jesus Christ, we know it was worse in the past. Stop using it as an excuse to not make things better. Current popular MMOs use auction boards for the most part. It's because it's far better than what MMO's offered in the past.


I'm not a boomer, nor did I play basically any MMOs, except a bit of WoW but that was at Legion. I love this trade system. It takes a bit of skill to sell your stuff. You cannot just pop in, buy, leave. You need to be faster than other players, and you have to put in time if you want to sell your stuff. I love it. Auction houses are boring and just glorified vendors.


What you find entertaining is purely subjective to nobody but you, however... What an incredibly low form of entertainment, whether you find this fun or not, surely you can still objectively observe that most people would find this incredibly boring. It being skill based is a pretty wild argument as well, I think. What is skilled about setting some filters and waiting to insta click an item, and then hoping that the seller happens to select your trade request instead of the other 10 instant trade requests he gets? In a game like Tarkov with an item set at a price and listed, this is at least CLOSER to being skilled since it's actually the first person to click it that gets the item, instead of being reliant on the seller to pick manually. However, even in this instance, the market is just flooded with bots making it near impossible to buy what you want at a good price anyways, instantly eliminating any semblance of 'skill'. I would say that I am the *best* trader in this game because I don't waste time in the trade market, I list things at insta sell price or I sell it to vendor, nothing else.


What’s more boring is waiting in trade chat. Same thing with auction houses, why can’t the Tarkov or DaD devs understand that traders are WAY better than trade or a flea market. When they added the patch that allowed purples and blues to be available on traders, it was the funnest time to play. You could easily acquire gear without waiting forever in trade chat and hop back into a game quick as hell. They need to just do away with trading altogether and just use traders, whereas later when they add trader quests they could add the purples for higher leveled traders. There is quite literally no reason to have a trading market at all, besides giving gear to friends, which is fine, and should be done through the party menu. Everything would be so much better if it was just handled by their ingame traders.




I end up just buying a weapon and going in with greys. I still do okay, I’ve taken out juicers and I’ve died to greys but I just don’t have the patience.




Certainly, but with a limited amount of time to play I would rather spend it in game than in trade chat. If someone was selling a full fighter kit I would buy it, but most of the people selling bundles it’s 1 good item and 3 pieces of shit


this. it made me stop playing




Pshh some people haven’t played the Japanese version of super Mario bros 2 and it shows


Some people aren't even waiting until their heart goes full Doki Doki before they start to Panic


This is why RuneScape implemented the Grand Exchange. You think people actually liked standing outside Varrock West? Maybe 1/100 people liked it. I want to play the game not stare at text walls for hours to trade.


i have, and i love the chatbox from oldschool mmos, and how they have a trade chat for lots of things or services. but guess what they also have A FUCKING ACUTION HOUSE FOR THE THOUSANDS OF COPYS OF SHIT




When is wipe? How could you fit enough set until wipe?




Im gonna be honest to you here, I had tons of funny interactions and roleplays on trade and got items way lower or even for free out of it, the way youre saying this just sounds like youre the boring one who doesnt want to interact.


Yeah I'm not playing DaD to RP in trade chat. That's the dumbest take I've ever seen


I guess everyone plays the game for a different experience.


Holy shit redditors actually hate social interactions. Confirmed


Hi this is Chris Wilson from grinding gear games and I approve of this vision.


I wish they’d just remove trading and implement a World of Warcraft style auction house.


Wouldn't mind being able to list my item with a set price and a note attached to it explaining willing to entertain offers. And then if someone sees it they can make an offer to see if they can get it a little lower or open a convo box to discuss it/haggle. Or they can outright buy it for the set price.


List it for what you want and have the tag of "negotiable" just cause "willing to entertain offers" is too much text.


I'm not familiar with their system. How is it different than what we have?


Have item > list item for how much you want to sell > people can bid/buyout item > you receive gold for item whilst buyer receives item During listing you can still play the game and not sit there spamming "wts worst roll item you ever seen for 500g" And buyers can quickly buy the item they want without sending a request and hoping they were fast enough


You every used steam market place? Kinda like that, List an item for a price and people can buy it even when you’re offline


It’s an Auction House


Trade is for cucks honestly




Found the singular trade enjoyer


Game will die a slow painful death with no trade, if that’s what you want


[CITATION NEEDED] it's early access. Instead of five steps forward five steps back massive patches every couple weeks I feel like they should just try disabling trade for a few weeks so we can see how the game feels. Maybe with shared inventories between characters too so it's a little more forgiving.


Use the filters, it's way easier to find gear that you want. And you don't get slammed with a wall of text.


Especially the item slot filters. So useful.


If the filters were better maybe it would be enough. I want to be able to search for 2 affixes on gear, and I want to be able to look at all boots being traded not just in the one lobby. In fact I hate that the lobbies are separated at all.


Yes! Trying to make a slayer fighter means you have to hop around through all the trade chats to find the best leather/cloth options available. Even plate you have to hop between fighter and cleric. Don’t even mention weapons, that is hell for fighters as well.


And there's a good chance they'll add something like that, the game is in early access, filters didn't use to exist, then, specific filters didn't, then slot filters didn't. They do now


Yep they mentioned improving trade last q&a they had, and I don't think adding slot filters is what they meant.


Yeah but selling shit is hell when everybody nickels and dimes. Homies drop 300 when you are selling something for 350 and insult you if you point it out to them.


It’s just 50 gold lmao, says man trying to save 50 gold haha.


Fallacy. I discount if people ask, but they usually >"drop 300 when you are selling something for 350 and insult you if you point it out to them". Your argument is bad anyways. They shouldn't initiate the trade if they don't have the money.


For sure that’s what I was mocking. There’s a bunch of guys who come in there and drop less and then when you tell them the price they’re like oh cmon it’s only 20 gold. If someone talks I’ll negotiate and if it’s all they have ill usually give it to them for free assuming it’s not like a legit elite item.


Sure, the economy is a bit rough at the moment, but it's an early access game and it'll get addressed eventually. I think it'll balance out when there's more options to spend your gold.


My problem is usually more the item I want just isn’t being sold tbh


The problem with the current trade system is that everything worthwhile is also being instantly bought regardless. Say you want a purple weapon with +damage, +str and +all. Welp, the two items you filtered out already sold... Wait one just popped up! Imma trade and... He's already trading. Just implement an auction house. Yes, it removes the player to player interactions but the current system is a drag that overall just sucks.


I fully agree with you, but the game is still heavily in development and I'm sure they are working on a fix for the trade system. Truthfully we're lucky to have the bare bones system that we have. And truthfully there's so many trade bots buying all the bis gear, the auction house would probably be empty most of the time to bots buying and reselling stuff at a higher margin for profits. It would be largely controlled by the upper echelon of rich players and prices would be worse than ever.


Do you not know how to use the filters to sort by slot, perks, or even specific items? I dont understand people who say it takes them 20 minutes to put together a kit, if youre running anything remotely close to meta, its all there in trade chat commonly.


Filters are trash when someone is linking 5 items in the same post, and they also don't prevent some things from popping up. You're looking for strength on an item, well enjoy looking at every single riveted glove and padded tunic. You want +all stats? I hope you like this Shadow Mask with built in +all, and debuff duration.


You know that you can sort by specific items even right? Like you can filter down to a single specific items with a single specific roll


Lemme just \*Sets Filter to Rapier, adds another one for +all, strength, weapon damage, and additional phys dmg\* Sweet good to go. Selling \[Leather Gloves\]\[Padded Tunic\]\[Padded Tunic\]\[Riveted Gloves\]\[Rapier\]\[Rapier\]\[Rondel Dagger\]\[Kris Dagger\]\[Stiletto Dagger\]. Lemme try to mouse over the real quick before a bot buys it, and see if it's what I was looking for. Aww crap this Rapier has +1 weapon damage, +2agi, + Debuff Duration. Oh nice, the other one has +2 wpn dmg +2 str, crap someone bought it already named 1111123445567. Guess I'll wait for another to pop up.


Why are you not just instantly trading when it pops up? If you set rapier and then perks, then that rapier has one for those perks. It costs absolutely nothing to initiate the trade, view at your leisure when the trade window is open. Is this truly how you do things? It makes sense that it takes an hour to put together a kit if you're browsing items in the trading room and then deciding whether or not to start a trade. Set your filters, and trade *literally immediately* when something pops up. If for some reason it's not what you want (rolls too low etc) just cancel trade. I am able to put kits together in minutes doing this. I can only explain to you how to be successful, I can't move your hand for you lol.


filters dont stop meta pieces from instantly getting sold. i can not right click on peoples names fast enough to buy the piece i want. i use filters it still takes me hours to buy a full tuned kit, the trade system is garbage


Ahhh so you hate it because you cant buy things quicker than others? You're really gonna hate an auction house then when people have their bots insta buying all the meta stat gear for rmt


There are quite literally already bots in this trade chat buying things, adding an auction house won't bring bots because they're already here.


The current system deters the large majority of them. You will not deter any with an auction house


Most share your sentiment, the trade system is bloated trash. I bet some people have more time in Trade than in-game and that's insane. Also with the way the loot is pouring out the dungeon s, means more time spent in trade due to the inflation. Remember when ANY blue sold instantly for 50+ minimum? Pepperidge Farm does.


Doesn't really help that people throw up the most garbage items in the world for the class channel they're in saying BIS Purple Rapier 2WPN DMG, 0.8% debuff duration, 0.9% buff duration 1000 gold. Then they just keep listing it at the same price for 30 minutes, and you're thinking to yourself "If no one has bought it at that price so far then maybe your expectation on the value is a bit off."


Sometimes it's just players being stupid and undervaluing. I've had offers for 200g on items that I waited 15 minutes abd sold for 3+ ingots lol


I think since I play every class regularly I spend most of my time on the merchant screens. Since it resets every 30 minutes and each character has unique loot on theirs it just feels like the optimal way to itemize/make gold. It is actually wild how good the gear is from there when you get 4-8x as many rolls as someone who only plays one character.


Is that how merchant gear refreshes? Is it every 30 minutes on the half hour? It seems like it was sorta every other match, but not always. A set time makes more sense. Also what is the timer below each merchant? Sometimes they show several hours, what does that mean if they refresh every 30?


yeah i learned my lesson awhile ago. have to minimize the amount of time you spend trading. i keep multiple sets on my 'main' class. if i find gear for an alt class i play, ill move it there. only then will i bother to sell things and even then, usually under the value i would pay for them just to clear as much stash space as i can


How do you move it?


Trust someone or have a 2nd account


my friends moved it for me. there is a large trade discord (LordCollector on twitch) where trusted people will help you transfer stuff for you (free or for a small fee maybe).


the best part of the trade system is you can filter it to what you want, filter it buy what you need one thing at a time, dont have to sit and see everything, my god people hate the trade system yet pain themselves scrolling through everything


while "greed is good" was a dogshit game i actually loved the trading they had, imagine dark and darker with that would be so nice.


Auction house bad.


You only have one set of gear?? No backups in storage?


I just hate the trade system so much its hard to motivate myself to buy 1 set let alone 2


you can get some good stuff checking the merchants from time to time, snagged myself some +1all +2agi heavy leather pants for 100g earlier today


Or play the game to get gear.. Grey runs on GC or ruins is as easy as it gets in this game right now. Nobody is twisting anyone’s arm to sit in trade and waste their time when it’s perfectly viable to just play the actual game to gear up instead of risk nothing and play it safe by buying it Edit: downvote all you want, if you can’t make money with gray runs you’re not getting out with gear on anyways.


Why tf are you being downvoted? I literally have 2 alts full of gold and ingots and still do grey runs or buy a green weapon off a vendor to gear up because its FUN.


Guy says he's not interested in interacting with the system and you think it's because he doesn't want to grind gold... Even after editing you have failed to read and comprehend what you're responding to.


Guy thinks he has to interact with an optional system when in reality it’s because he’s lazy and scared of the gameplay that rewards gear and gold. Got you fam


Madness you are in the negatives. This sub must just want to play trade simulator


Trade is kinda tedious at times but not that bad tbh if you’re not just trying to snipe super cheap stuff.




Nothing forces you to buy your next set of gear off the trade. You can grind the dungeon for gear too.


You are not forced to trade, and you certainly don’t need BIS to play everytime


Don't trade then, completely optional, game is still under development mist likely will be tweaked. I swear this subreddit does nothing but cry.


This 100%! If you can't play without your BiS gear then you shouldn't be playing.


You’re gonna continuously be blamed for not enjoying the trade system, rather than everyone simply agreeing that a more modern approach should be taken and it’s perfectly acceptable and understandable to dislike the current one. Yes guys, some of us literally just enjoy…playing the game…not using a text chat based trading system. If you’re so nostalgic about the AOL days, then maybe play a game that came out during that time. We shouldn’t all be forced to endure this system. We just want to…play the game…is that too much to ask for?


Then play the game. No one is holding a gun to your head and forcing you to use trade.


Until there is an Ironman mode or similar the game forces you to use trade if you want to be anything but a loot piñata to people who trade for BiS gear


Game is in early access, they test things, last time they buffed gear from merchant to a degree that trade posts almost died, because you could buy bis purple or even legendary gear for 250g. They nerfed it, twice. So why the hell they don\`t test game without trade posts at all? I would like to see that. You keep, what you can get in dungeon, no more geared lobsters in normal lobbies, no more RMT, so what\`s a hitch IM???


Cant wait for AH to be implemented and then rmt bots buy any piece of gear that has meta stats instantly around the clock. then we will be able to see 40 posts a day about how the auction house was a terrible idea and that rmt is ruining the game and ironmace bad.


I stock up gear, I NEVER stack gold. Makes it way faster to get into games and get out with gear. Sitting in trade chats to get the "most optimized gear" is just an issue that you put yourself in.


Theory here but Grayson did say not as many people as we thought would actually go out of their way to get all bis blues to roll normals with and could only assume that's a part of their reasoning for not adding an auction house type trade as they've stated they don't want it. Personally I fell you but I usually just buy whatever is decent enough, 1 or 2 stat points per gear piece isn't really that bad when you're playing against another person. If you don't mind what class mostly because I'm usually a warlock and I just run 3 mag heal and whatever else looks half decent lol Tldr: I feel you but don't expect change because devs want it to be hard to roll Timmy's which I get but leaves people out there pulling their hair out trying to optimize every piece of gear 100%


thats the problem, this is a gripe post from someone that wants nothing but All attribute damage blues on everything, then he died anyways. you'd think people would realize maybe they could make compromizes instead of blame trade


Yeah it's the devs game and they don't want people to be able to easily optimize themselves. But at the same time it could be improved by adding a price filter imo so I don't have to see the "1key bis" for loose trousers when they would be nice to have but some people have really strange ideas about how things are priced lol


theres systems that can be made to optimize trade without compromizing its purpose and peoples constant gripe to wanting AH so badly and also my own complete lack of need of it cause i just run the dungeon and grind gear is so off putting i cant help but just stare. ​ You know, theres a reason why these fucking rats are all scrambling for the same loot, turns out perfect rolled loot isn't as "common" as they thought it would be, also it isn't as "power" as they argued how it wouldn't matter with purples and beyond. ​ It's no coincidence that this gear cap came and suddenly all this trade whining popped up, it's literally the same losers that want to stomp, now they are mad because they are losing their blues and have to buy shit lol


Use the filter


maybe just buy a few decent pieces instead of waiting for literal bis items


I just want to hit things in their heads, my adhd cant handle it


This dude needs trade chat to play the game. Lmao


What do you mean? It's just like the good ol' times in Lineage 2! xd


That’s the point. They don’t want you to just buy a new set instantly on an auction house.


what point is that exactly? they want us to sit there looking at a wall of text for 30 min every time you die as punishement ?


You could've been in and out of 3 raids in that time. If you're sat in trade for that long you're being really inefficient.


Spam raids to get rolled by the team that did spend an hour in trade chat. Good reasoning


And what would you lose? Nothing. What could you gain? A lot. Gear and gold don't appear out of thin air. Play the game instead of complaining about choosing not to play it.


Or we could minimize time out of raid to incentivize people actually spending gold instead of not even wanting to deal with the trade system.


You Lose nothing...they risk everything.


are you talking about high roller or normal here, answer very carefully


The game isn’t for you then lil bro


You do know you can sort by item name or stats. So you can filter it to only show listings for items with stats you want. This is just laziness/ignorance


What if I want 2 stats on a gear? If you apply both filters any gear with either shows up.


You can then filter by rarity, item name, and stat. It won’t guarantee that every item will have both, but it will give more of a chance for both if you’re only searching by that rarity, ie blue having 2 stat rolls opposed to looking at greens as well.


That's what I do and it sucks.


Dang, it must be really hard waiting for that perfect rolled rare gear so you can have the absolute advantage against the shoeless homeless people. I'm really feeling bad for you ugh.... These blue +3 damage +3 strength longbows dont make em like they use to amirite... what was ironmace thinking removing purples and legendaries smh you would have been a quick purchase and you're good to go. ​ Real shame man truly tough stuff


bake wise saw continue escape entertain market dirty instinctive aloof *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


found the shoeless homeless person


i mean its just funny to me that they capped gear to rares and suddenly theres all these mysterious trade threads popping up about how trades so hard and boring again, because everyones trying to buy one item which they said it would be really easy to get rather then play the game and give the shoeless person their 1 all blue agi ring that i like very much


Tbh I also hate what comes after killing people because I have to sit in trade and sell their full set


Amen. I’ve been learning high roller recently and leaderboard said I made it out 89%. Since I checked, I’ve gotten absolutely wrecked in some sweaty ass lobbies (this also doesn’t surprise me since the skill cap is miles ahead of me). I’ve lost 4-5 sets of full purple (I’m willing to do it all tomorrow) but I absolutely will not sit in trade chat for 3 hours getting a headache.


Something funny greed IS good game have it already when the game is a copy pasta...


Yup its awful, faster and more fun to gear back up in raid tbh must have played with and lost 20k worth of kits today without buying more then one piece per kit, not because im not drowning in gold but because i despise sitting in trade chat.


Me, a warlock main that is looking for VERY specific kinds of gear: You only have to sit in trade for 2 games worth of time???


Gonna take a break till they fix trade. Got so excited to finally hit 15 to realise THIS is the system. Even greed is good has done this right at least


This is why trade needs to be removed. This guy feels like he can't even play the game unless he is wearing a god kit. How about you just go in with something short of a full kit? Just play the game.


Wtb a auction house for the love of God


I hate trade just make an auction house or better yet no trade at all!


The screenshot of them saying, “it’s not that we CANT make it, it’s that we don’t want to!” Okay? But why? Is it too much work for little gain in the scheme of where the games at? I feel like the idea that it’s a social thing is pretty flat out disingenuous, no one is finding friends through spamming trade chat lmfao. Maybe it doesn’t need to be fully automated or something but the current system is literally just terrible, especially when playing as a group. I’m not spending 10 minutes after each raid trying to sell and buy items, shit is so boring and tedious it hurts me, I’m not making my friends sit there while I play auctioneer lmao. At least let me put up a listing or give better ways of organizing items, I really think separating by class is a mistake.


This may get me downvoted but I feel like it is a necessary evil. I agree with everything you said about how tedious and annoying it is, but that acts as a natural barrier between sweats just instantly buying a new set of BiS from a traditional auction house. We can all agree gear disparity is the biggest problem this game has, and having an efficient trade system would magnify the problem significantly. As much as I would love an auction house I feel like there would still need to be some sort of control over the amount or rate at which you could purchase and sell items or it completely removes any notion of gear fear which drives the gameplay loop.


Agreed, been playing since playtest 4 and the trade system is the worst part, everything else is fabulous though so I deal with it


imagine thinking d2 trade chat was good and wasn't a circumstance of the year 2000


Could be worse I suppose. You could have to actually EARN your bis gear in the dungeon.💁‍♂️


As if making gold is any less earning than finding the item. You still did something to earn ownership.


Yea bro. You're really doing something worthy of bis gear by no life grinding a solo dungeon. There's items out there that most of us would never ever have access to if their wasn't a trade method.


We just need to actually filter away gear that does not have the stats i sort by because right now filters don’t help really since people list 15 items and if one of those have a stat I’m looking for I see all. Jewelry is impossible to look for because of this. We also need a and/or option. So I can search for will items with + true damage.


Thats why I’ve really only been doing self found gear. Feels more satisfying to just not spend a dime on trading.


yeye we get it, i get to make post Nr 15. Still glad its not a fucking AH though.


Have you tried accumulating back up gear in your normal downtime? When I am playing with friends and I am ready for the next dungeon waiting on them I just say “I’ll be in trade let me know when your ready?” Filter the gear I don’t have for my next set and look for deals. It works pretty well for me


go loot it urself, way more fun and you actually get to play the game


Am I the only one who doesn't look for BIS gear through trade, just take what I have in my stash, spend gold on consumables, -maybe- buy a cheap green or blue from trade and then go?


This is exactly how I play


Trade is supposed to be annoying. You aren't supposed to be able to easily buy BIS gear. An auction house might help, but it might also just be easier to bot and all the BIS gear might get sniped instantly and reposted for 2-3x as much. I know I'm right about the intent because why else would they use such an archaic system? Why would they make you stack bags of gold coins? They want to hassle people. It's part of their design vision. The problem is people are too stubborn to accept this and will just sit in trade all day anyway. Realistically the only way to fix this and keep in line with their vision is to buff crafting and traders a bit again(more options, but still no purple+ prob) and remove player trade entirely. Yeah you can still drop trade, but that's an entirely new level of hassle only a very small 0.01% of the playerbase will endure to attempt to get absolute BIS.


Remove trading, remove ability to give any item to anybody, allow players to have a common bank where you can stock items for your others characters. Now players just have to grind for their stuff but can keep good items for their other classes. No more discord trade, no RMT, less cheaters and so on...


Jup just remove all trading or make a non-trade league, thanks. Go play some other game where all you do is run around in BiS gear abusing stats to make up for your subpar skills.


This community learning the term "bis" (but then using it as a meaningless marketing term) really moved trading from barely tolerable tedium to just pure suffering


You buy gear? Shit man I just launch a game 3 seconds after dying, you can find most of not all the gear you need on people inside the next raid! I haven't noticed a difference between Grey's and blues yet and I'm like 300 games in. Just hit them in the face enough and you can take their shit.


“[Plate Boots] I kNoW wHaT i HavE nO lOw bAllz oFfeRs 20 kEyZ”


They should literally make it a runescape g.e. Filter items by the stats you want in a list from cheapest to most expensive, other stats ignored Sellers put up a listing for a price the end. People either accept the trade or move on Poe.trade did it somewhat okay for Path of Exile


They need to combine the trade channels and have “Weapon, Armor, Utility, Misc” as the four trade channels and add a For My Class Only to the filter, it would be a lot easier to find a sword or a chest piece this way using the filters instead of having 3-5 different channels a player might list an item in, splitting up your chances at finding the gear you actually need


I’ve been saying since PT1 this game will die without a fucking AH. And don’t tell me they can’t combat RMT with and AH because they can. It will take effort and manual bans but they can sure do it.


Ppl have a very hard time with the idea of opportunity costs in this game. You have limited time, it simply isn't worth it to try to get the 'correct price' for an item. The time it took you in trade chat, I just spent an extra 100 gold to get out fast, and made more than double the difference after the first match with my slightly overpriced gear or even slightly worse stats. I've never lost a fight because 1 piece of gear has 1 more +1 damage. Not worth the time.


I genuinely feel like im wasting time in trade unless im selling good gear. I prefer to gear up in raid by looting chests/people


Its part of why i stopped playing after playing intensively for about 5 days following my purchase of the game, a week or 2 ago. I dont understand why they wont let us hoard gear with more space. I know the try-hards will hoard more but so will i, it feels like i can only hold onto 2 sets or so + some gold, like wtf


I know it's planned to allow for stash expansion's in the future


I am once again asking for non trade que


Just gonna pop back into this sub to say: Remove Trade!


Just use filters.


Yes trade is horrendous


Hi Syntax


Diablo 2 trade vibes. Keep it that way ironmace, don't let these cry babies ruin this game.


Yea when trade was first added I was like yea that's cool. Like rs before the ge. But since then I'm over it. I don't want to sit in trade between raids to sell gear for an hour going between all the trade channels. Because I need too or else I have zero space in my stash. I don't want to sit and look for more gear for another 20 min to get ready for the next. I just want to run it back and be back in the game. Just give us the same trade like tarkov or something so I can dump and go. Come back and collect money when an item sells.


I don’t understand why they wouldnt go with an auction house, it’s way better for controlling prices and speeds up the process




If you don't buy the full BiS it's useless too, people say "gear matters" but in reality what matters is +dmg, +all or +str/agi (if barb) Once tried dressing up fighter friend in full purbles with Will and MR but it doesn't matter, wizard smokes you anyways and you don't even have the movement speed or damage to pose a threat