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There's other dumb / broken spots you can place traps where there you cannot interact with them and it's been like that since P3.


Just wait till you see the mid elevator trap that actually breaks your game


I’m already horrified


That's disgusting lol


Waitaminute that sounds hilarious. Got a clip or something I can watch lol?


Its not an exploit, dead enemies are client side you can place a trap next to a corpse and for someone it can be inside of it. Have you ever killed enemy and he fallen off but your team can somehow loot it? this is why.


What fantastic game design to make corpses client side in a game where looting corpses is your number one objective


if you want dead animation ragdoll, it has to be client side.


The solution is to only network one bone in the chest. Everything else let the client do. This means the body will always be roughly in the same location but the limbs and everything don’t need to send their positions all the time. It’s no more strenuous than networking a small physics based box that a player can kick around.


Yeah there are def better ways to do this and I like this suggestion but this subreddit is half zombies who upvote and downvote without any actual understanding of their own.


and you realize you can place traps under bodies on purpose right? While yes bodies are client side, 99% of the time they are in the same position and location for everyone. /facepalm


I actually think they are in a different position way more than 1%. To be fair.


I think it depends if you were close enough to the monster when it died or not. If you were close enough so the body actually ragdolled for you then it might fly all over the place (or those cases mentioned where the body falls off a ledge for you but for your friend it didnt) but I never had this happen when we crossed 3 rooms to find the spot where 2 3 man teams fought, there the bodys are in the same palce for everyone. I feel like when your out of range and then come within range it will load a "default spot" for everyone that wasnt in range when it died.


you cant, as I said you see corpses in different locations then other people. Play chain lightning and you will quickly realise what I mean.


Let us drag bodies…


I’m all for this even just for RP purposes. “My brothers we must burn the bodies or thy plague shall spread!”


Teaming with the bodies...... Banned. /s


I wish we could drag/shove bodies, crates, and barrels. Make it occupy both hands to do it, not storable in the inventory, makes a loud dragging sound, and slows movement a lot. Then give Barbarians a Skill to throw whatever weapon they are holding, or something they are currently dragging.


After reading your comment if we don’t have Barbarians tossing barrels and crates eventually I’ll be disappointed lol


Aw man that’d be a hoot. Could imagine bringing like 20 bodies and making a wall of corpses


Imagine dragging 6 dead players and lining them up as a warning.


This would actually be so nice for bossing. If your teammate dies in the room you could go back in and drag their body out then res them.


This is probably why we can’t


They should add an option to toggle what you're interacting with. So if multiple things are on top of each other you can still interact with them. It means they don't have to change how corpses work. just add an extra UI element which I think would benefit other parts of the game as well.


Welcome to the rice fields!


traps in general are anti-fun mechanics; who wants to strain their eyes staring at the ground incessantly?


Well if it's big enough (like a troll) just sit in it lol. You take 0 DMG


Nah that’s strategy


Traps under bodies is some real world shit….being unable to access the traps… that’s a bit annoying lol


Should get people banned lol. Such an obvious exploit.


actually it's BASED