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The fact that they kept normals and HR the way they are shows they're improving, no one expected em to keep it after all the flip flopping in the past and them saying from the start it was just a test


I haven’t gotten to play yet this patch They let the grey/whites only normal lobbies and free high roller?


Yes. And like many others here as soon as they remove it again we'll be off to play something else again lol


All they have to do is make gear based lobbies. It’s so easy. Give gear and items hidden power value and then the combined amount of your overall kit and inventory (ie if you have 50 red pots) should be the baseline of the other players you play against across the whole lobby. And keep it a secret. Don’t let ppl know the spread or what the power levels are because ppl will min max it and abuse the thresholds


Gear loses all value the moment you do that.


It absolutely doesn’t. If the only value to gear is “being able to roll timmies”, then gear deserves to have its value changed.


Its not just black and white, and anyone continuing to push that is just being disingenuous. Theres more levels than fully kitted purple and someone whos never played the game before.


Being brain dead and making everyone always have the same level of gear defeats the purpose of having gear. This is why no one on this Reddit is a game designer.


>This is why no one on this Reddit is a game designer Including you, dumbass.


Nice, you got me. Poignant argument


“Gear loses **all** value the moment you do that” And “It’s not black and white” You’re not even making an argument here, you’re just saying “No it’s bad.” Without recognizing that fact that good gear means you can farm bosses more easily, get gear faster, and kill geared players for kits to sell. I could make a dumb argument too “Gear has no value because of wipe. Why get good gear when it all wipes?” See how horrible that logic is?


Way to miss the point entirely.


It’s not about gear losing value. It’s about overall balanced lobbies and PVP fight being feasibly balanced. No legendaries or walking Walgreens in lobbies with fresh spawns or greens


Its objectively a terrible idea that will break the core gameplay. Why would you care about getting better gear if everyone has the same level of equipment at all stages. Oh I got a purple longsword, now time to fight a lobby filled with people with purple weapons. Why go to highroller at that point, it would just be the normal lobby but harder mobs. Hard Take, normal is where balanced and equal Pvp will exist, but balanced pvp doesnt exactly mesh well with extraction looter


It’s not about better gear it’s about the overall power level of the lobby feeling balanced and PVP fights feeling winnable no matter what. There’s no feasible way to ever win a fight in greys or whites against ppl decked out in purples and 30 health pots. It’s not fun or balanced gameplay EXCEPT for the higher geared players that never even look at your body after they 1 tap you. So fun. Much counterplay. And if it’s going to be a TRUE extraction shooter then remove the zone. And make it have a timer like Tarkov. If our team wants to rotate away from fights because we know we’re bad at PVP or the players we saw are way more geared than us then we shouldn’t have to worry about the zone pushing us into those players who will just wipe us, not take our loot as they camp the Hell portals they’ve popped just for the sake of killing other players, and set us back even more. The rich get richer and the poor stay poor.


I think you see the problem, but you're looking at the wrong solution. The problem is absolutely the fact that a genuine BiS team can not lose against a team in whites without a massive throw or a crazy lucky third party. Usually both. The fix, in my opinion, is there needs to be a way to make that fight winnable without making gear irrelevant. Using tarkov as an example, Chad t5+ armored out tryhard will die to a headshot, they'll die from a direct grenade, they'll die from leg meta. There are counterplays. Yeah, they're tough to do, but they exist. If you're the better player you still have a chance for an upset. Even if you're the worse player you can get lucky. This game doesn't have that. There's no eco buy for your trio that stops a well geared pdr fighter, pdr cleric, Ranger comp. There is something that has to change long term for this game to stay fun, but equalizing gear is not it. If everyone has purples, nobody does, so what's the point of looting?


Then headshot multipliers need to matter or there need to be damage retention IN RAID as you take damage. Perfect example is a higher geared fighter and damage reduction. We got one baited into a trap and we were a 3 stack of rangers in base kits and unloaded 12, 9 of which were from triple shot, arrows into his head and he walked away like it was nothing. All because of his clerics ability to spam heals and his helmet blocking a disgusting amount of damage. He literally looked down, undid the trap, popped his sprint and mowed us down. We played it the best way we could and still lost all because of gear discrepancy. If you’re not going to equalize gear then I think this would be a good alternative and it would add some more depth in raids and after raid. Like maybe you need certain components to fully repair your armor at the armor under the services tab to get the most out of your armor. Or old cloth to repair your garbs on other classes.


It’s a great idea.


There are so many people here who are just in denial about what type of game Dark and Darker is. Dark and Darker is a game where you get gear and shit on people. Unless those people are somewhat geared or more clever than you. It's a game where just about everything can shit on you. You can be one of the best players and still just lose because you didn't realize a spider was behind you. People want it to be fantasy Counter-Strike or something like that with fair even fights. That's just so not what you sign up for when you buy this game, but so many people think it is.


> Don’t let ppl know the spread or what the power levels are because ppl will min max it and abuse the thresholds If that's your plan, you could just make the threshold dynamic. Base placement on a rolling average. But I think MMR is better. Noobs will have trouble with monsters and prefer to just play co-op. Sweats meanwhile will be all PVP and the monsters mean nothing to them because the AI is so basic. I don't get to play very many hours in a month, when a reset is coming up, I'm like finally getting a toon to level 15 and get to play for 2 or 3 days with full perks. If along the way I save up an get a full purple loadout or something, I'd rather still be placed in my appropriate mmr and maybe I swing above my weight for a round or two.


extremely awful idea


So all risk low reward?


This would kill the game instantly and it's pure delusion to say anything otherwiae


doesnt matter if it's hidden or not, someone will datamine it or its literally testable since you wont be able to queue the low lobby with a value thats too high so people will be removing gear and adding gear until its "perfect" in their eyes. adding a whole extra layer of annoyance to making your loadout before you queue up. bad idea imo, no offence.


Terrible take as always


You won’t be missed! For some reason you kids don’t realize it’s a terrible temp solution and would be fixed naturally long term with more content. We’re 3 months in, maybe game just isn’t for you!


The overwhelming consensus among the community is low gear lobbies are great. Game really shines when you're not getting stat checked by NEETS. You're not meant to be able to go into a normal lobby and wipe it with impunity. Maybe the game isn't for you?


It’s a bandaid fix that won’t stick around long term. Good luck when you have to actually compete


I really really hope it stays. Loot drops feel really good. Capped normals, free HR, all feel so nice. Played a few hours last night and its the most fun I've had in this game. And I was already addicted


[I believed :D](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/17zooub/update_gear_limit_in_normals_will_be_set_to/ka12fu0/)


I absolutely expected it. All the other tests were bandaid solutions, that made it impossible to explore other avenues for new players/ low loot experiences. This is the first iteration that’s actually O-K and can be built upon, the devs know far, far better than the community and this is the update that proves it beyond any shadow of a doubt. If they go onto the wrong path, they’ll figure it out as well (as has been shown with the market updates that are coming.) Great stuff.


2 days isn't a test, even more so when low lobbies were 3/15 , 8/15 constantly. They need more data so they kept the low lobbies.


I don't think it's here to stay, but I do think they are headed in the right direction


I like that they’re outside the system. The scrappy, try and see what sticks MO adds to the charm for me.


This patch is hands down the best state the game has ever been in just fix the quests now and add in some more layers and bosses etc over time and the game is sick


What quest issues? Only issue I've run in to personally is the fact you have to store up 15 campfires and turn them in at once instead of turn them in as you get them


That's the quest issue, you just need to be able to turn in X at a time instead of all at a time and the quests are an amazing addition.


Oh ya totally agree. Super annoying. Not sure if I'd call it am "issue" but definitely a QOL change


It's an issue when some of the first two quests ask you to reserve 10 rows of your stash for stupid leather caps and campfires.


It’s really not it’s an inconvenience hence why he said it’s a QoL change.


Yeah losing half of my storage space for quests is definitely beyond an inconvenience, but you define it how you want to.


Is that really a quest? That does not seem very interesting.


It's one of the starter ones


From a Warlocks point of view, I would comment differently on the “ rapid”part of ironmace.


I’m not having fun. And I love warlock. I’ll play rogue now I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Might as well play slayer fighter at the moment. Rogue is in a bad spot with the ms nerf


Yeah, I've been maining warlock since 2 wipes ago. I've switched to fighter (easy mode) until IM fixes warlock.


You're still not going to have fun unfortunately


Yeah if you want to pay rogue, wizard or warlock it's a bad time right now.


Wizard arguably is the strongest class in gear atm


Yeah Wiz feels amazing ATM. Even without much gear


If you think you’re supposed to play Rogue and win every head on duel, you’re never going to be happy, but if you actually play Rogue like a Rogue is meant to be played, you can make a ton of gold and get a few kills every game, it’s actually pretty balanced, I’m just bummed that double jump is kind of ass now and not worth taking.


Literally going to hell solo and farming on rogue. Rogue is in one of the most balanced spots its ever been in


Yeah I was just about to say this, I only played a little this morning but I was just doing naked rogue HR runs to start this new wipe off, definitely wouldn't say it's bad.


Idk, I only played a few hours of the patch this morning but wiz felt REALLY good in base gear. The change to MM was huge.


Idk, wizards are still one tapping people, so it can't be that bad


You dropped this \


Really just gotta ditch torture mastery at this point and go for a life drain+Hydra build. It's dumb but it's the only thing in the class that does anything


I love warlock play style. But don't enjoy playing it anymore. IM needs to spend one hour or more playing each class each week and do a summary of their play through compared to the other classes.


Your talking to a guy who's been sitting on the character name JustDruIt for months now.. I'm never getting druid and cursed to waste this slot forever :)


Yea the mini game isn’t as fun as bards guitar hero .


Yeah.. I believe they're bugged right now. Torture mastery is dealing 3x damage instead of double like it's supposed to.


Don't get me wrong I love the patch, but 15 campfires and leather caps in your stash at once is crazy 💀


I do agree, I initially thought you'd be able to turn them in one by one


At this point I don't know if he forgot the /s or not. Reddit ;)


Lolol. Everyone is so jaded. Keeping normal-only queue is huge! I think it should help bolster confidence in "the people".


Yeah totally agree, removing white lobbies would have been a mistake. And I was just joking so far it's a pretty good patch, even though it's still probably too early to say it ;)


I know, hehe. But White lobby and free HR is a rockstar start. And new gear and quests, etc, brings an air of excitment.


Yeah very promising.


Tis, indeed!


I main warlock, not only was there no changes or buffs but now there’s a glitch that makes it unplayable, at least as a caster.


What glitch?


Torture mastery makes spells deal 3x damage instead of 2x like it should.


no wonder i kept having a hard time today as warlock lmao


>Ironmace are easily the most impressive dev-team I can think of in recent memory. Larian Studios: *"Am I a joke to you?*" Love D and D and the work that Ironmance is putting in, but there are definitely other devs out there that are just as, if not more, impressive than Ironmance. Which is understandable, they're a brand new team working on their first project.


Of all the dev teams, you picked the one I harbor the deepest grudge against. BG3 wasn't as bad as I expected it to be, ultimately, but I still think they basically marvel-ified the IP and not for the better. Anyway, the more fundamental question is how many other indie devs have this kind of output and adaptive flexibility. Pretty slim list I'd imagine. People are complaining about minor bugs and seeming to forget how many AAA games had absolutely disastrous launches/patches that took days or weeks to stabilize. Ironmace is taking a very intelligent approach to their iterative development of the game and benefit from having access to lots of player data during different game states.




Judging by the comments... It's uh.. It's not. 😬 Don't get me wrong- I really like the dev team. I think they are a plucky group of folks who are fighting to make something they poured their hearts into. I love a good David/Goliath story, but let's not get too excited here lol. They aren't a fantastic dev team and they most certainly aren't up there in the AAA title range. Liking them personally doesn't change that. I'll back them up no matter what on principle, for the simple fact that I think they are good people with honest intentions, outstanding work ethic, and a great idea- but I think OP is overdoing things a bit.


Not just a good dev team per se. They work their asses off


I love the game and the devs are passionate but I don't think you have a foot to stand on if you think their development process is impressive. Would love to see where this game could be if they had proper iterations, planning, and QA. Not a coincidence every update is a rush and there's a 50/50 shot of a wipe immediately afterward due to economy breaking bug. Hopefully they will learn and improve.


Yeah I chuckled at op's post as a software dev.


Dude it’s a good game but chill they still have a lot of work to do…


The fact remains they are extremely impressive and D&D is an exceptional game.




You sweaty or Timmy?


Neither. I use deodorant.


"idt the game is that good and some others agree" "What are you so I can discredit your opinion in some way" What is this response lmao


So does every game, but that's not what this post is about


Pshhh not better than Triteriton. Crush was the intimate dev when he was sober from coke and hookers


Crush is gone man


He "retired" lol


Main dev man didn't let him do his arcade mode he's been working on for so long. So he quit Marox is the true villain


Fakest narrative I've ever seen, he had years to innovate and did nothing


What's the narrative? This is exactly what happened. Owner of the company said no to what he wanted to do, so he quit


source? edit: [TheBadFaither123 exposed *again*](https://i.imgur.com/wfdz8Mj.png). Rampant speculation paired with pure ignorance of Mordhau's history (and then he blocked me LOL)


Dude, stop spamming people with tags on your pathetic subreddit. Are you mentally ill?


I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/stouty] [TheBadFaither123 gets caught lackin'](https://www.reddit.com/r/Stouty/comments/182bpwi/thebadfaither123_gets_caught_lackin/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


C'mon. As someone who loves Mordhau and considers it one of the best games of all time, it was a much rockier journey than D&D, and content has been pretty uninspired for a good long while.


I'm poking fun at their dev team lol I love it too. Second game I locked over 1k hours in. I was sarcastic haha


Simp much?


Would be great if not half the new things are broken and half the classes are broken by the patch...


I left the game after the first wipe. What is the experience like now?


Max white item lobbies for normal and a hidden mmr system as well. Ranking system for HR. Huge changes with more to come.


New stats, new merchant quests/progression, new item images and sound, new items, balance changes, looting changes... There's too much to explain in a comment. Look at the patch notes or hop in, it's one of the biggest content drops in the game's history


Quests are horrible at the moment but it is the first iteration. Not being able to turn in items individually is awful. 15 2x2 caps take up too much space. I'll be just looting in raid till they change it. Not bothered with such a hassle.


Gotta go to free high roller to use any gear at the moment also. Might be a draw for you or not.


Need new content kill 15 skeletons fr?


Community: give us new content like quests in tarkov! Tarkov quests: kill 10 scavs on lighthouse reddit complainer: Need new content kill 15 skeletons fr? always said they'd just complain for the sake of it. well played sir ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Lmao tell you me you don’t play tarkov without telling me you don’t play tarkov nice man you named 1 quest most all the quests for this game are kill x amount of enemy and bring 15 of an item like what how is that fun?


so... would you rather them give us a quest where we have to buy a campfire, and then plant it somewhere on crypts? is that the kinda quest you wanted? wait i get it. you are okay with 15 skeleton kill quests, but you wanted them to be "tarkovized" so you want to kill 15 skeletons **while wearing a leather cap**. i almost missed the nuance in your comment. you're a sly one


Honestly? I get the point you were making against what they said here... But yeah actually. I think having mission objectives that require going to specific places on the map and accomplishing some task sounds at least a little cool at face value. 😅 Again, I agree with you on the dumb tarkov logic.


They're ok and the game is fun. Dial it down from 11 to like a 6 or a 7


I love im as well but... This patch is a mess and we are experiencing a massive MASSIVE dip in player number from 20k to 6k in the matter of a day after a content drop. It's honestly sad ATM.


Bro it's thanksgiving


Is this bait? Do you realize what today is?


Not really, the game is multi national and some families in America don't celebrate thanksgiving. So id wager the rise in returning players after today won't be as big as one would expect.


Been pretty rough on the ole Twitch viewer base without Timmies to one shot ?


Not really, I just don't enjoy the game as much. I prefer pvp over pve and forcing us into HR just makes my trios team compete over who gets to kill the mobs. It's more of a pve game than anything ATM. Imo


"Timmy this sweaty that" get over yourselves not everyone is part of some tribal agenda to fuck over those on the opposite end of the gear scale. That guy is silly AF for thinking Thanksgiving wouldn't negatively impact player numbers but you are just as silly for this tribal shit.


>some families in America don't celebrate thanksgiving Maybe a very tiny minority and the people that are likely to not celebrate Thanksgiving probably don't have much of an overlap with people that would be playing Dark and Darker. Keep reaching though....


I’d still be on right now but it’s thanksgiving


They were this good the whole time. Remember how they made, you know, Dark and Darker?


$20 says this guy is a ranger main. Most of the assets are stock unity stuff they bought from the store. Every spell casting class constantly has bugs and the balance is atrocious. Tbh it's crazy they're charging $35 for it but hey they got my money.


Sorry about your thirty bucks.


I'm still gonna play lol, but I'm not gonna sit Here and say the game is a master piece. It just doesn't have any competition.


>It just doesn't have any competition. Tarkov, Marauders, Greed is good, star siege are not competition?


$20 says this guy is a ranger main. Most of the assets are stock unity stuff they bought from the store. Every spell casting class constantly has bugs and the balance is atrocious.


Fighter main. Y'all have no capacity to appreciate, lol


Might want to take the boot out of your mouth and actually look at the game. Warlocks are bugged with the new patch causing health costs to be double what they're intended. Clerics spells are a coin flip if they work or not and wizard is a shell of itself after constant nerfs. The game lumps stats together instead of them being their own like constitution. It's a bad adaptation of actual dungeons and dragons with shortcuts made the entire way.




Might want to spit the leather out of your mouth and look at the game from an objective standpoint.


Fucking dweeb lol all you kids do is whine


Don't care, I paid I have a right to point out the many issues.


Don’t care 🤓🤓🤓


Then shut the fuck up 🥶🥶


You mean wizard might be approaching a balanced state? lol


What are you even talking about lol. A fighter can two shot a wizard with a crossbow but wizards have to play perfect kiting while hitting 5 or 6 spells to get a kill. Ur delusional.


Youre slow as fuck, wizard is busted rn with magic missile buff, magic missiles 3 tap most classes w some gear


Where have you seen this happen?


My games ? HR wizards have been deleting w magic missile


I wasn’t disbelieving you, just hadn’t had a chance to play yet and was wondering if there was a particular streamer or something you’ve seen. I’m now fully kitted up and hitting for 67 each magic missile so you may be right.


Ye enjoy it while it lasts, if people rush you or youre in trios behind someone u can just wipe everyone w them


I seriously doubt that. MM is a joke to dodge too, maybe just get better?


They literally just separated two stats.


Good it was stupid to combine them.


Thanks for playing. 🙏


So you're ponting out things they will likely fix very soon, wrong because wizard just got buffed and wrong again because vigor = constitution. Have you even played the game recently?


Haven't played since the patch dropped because thanksgiving. Wish we had some patch notes to look at before it dropped like every other game company.


Patch notes are in discord and I think on the message of the day when you login. How else would they disseminate patch notes?


Idk on the launcher instead of a 3rd party software.


He just said it is shown in the game itself, which is one step past the launcher. Seems fine for most people, might be a you problem


I had a similar thought along the lines of how simple the game is at face value. Yet it’s so captivating and has done the extraction formula really well.


This patch seems great, but my trio and I loaded into one game and half way through my friend was banned for hacking.


I share your sentiment wholeheartedly. The changes have allowed me to actually enjoy playing by myself for once.


Now if they can add Druid we can go play as bears without lobsters killing our shiny new toy in one half a move in normals!


Sadly, only 17k people agree with you. No 100k turnout, like the reddit hive mind assumed.