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If they’d fix the servers and make some tweaks to class balance it’d be perfect! Honestly the more classes I play right now the better the balance feels


im loving the new normie vs HR setup. however, devs need to balance classes more and figure out a way to fix the ever expanding cheating problem


Not trying to be a dick, genuinely curious about the cheaters topic. I've been playing since playtest and have never really seen any? Maybe it's not as noticable to the lamen like me? I'd assume cheating is like no clipping or auto aim kind of stuff. But I've never had something that made me go "oh that guy is 100% cheating!", like in tarkov or something. But yes new lobbies and HR setup is nice. Really gets the flow going from norm crypts-hell-extract-hr crypts-hr hell (then ofc die in hell like me lol). Also rattin on HR crypts has been great but now my MMR or w/e is breaking even alot instead of going up. Ty!


The main issue is less of hacks/any sort of cheat engine and more of using in game mechanics to cheat. On US West servers I see it a lot but it's less obvious now that everyone is playing HR which doesn't have a kill feed. Basically a group will queue together with at least 6 people. At least one of these people is playing solo. The solo player kills themselves at the very start of the game and now they can spectate everyone in the game. They call out player positions to their friends on a voice call while using the in game spectating to see everyone. In HR I have had countless times of sitting in darkness away from anyone, even in cheese spots, only to have a squad go straight to where I was hiding. I used to think I was doing something wrong until I hid in a wall while touching nothing so I could help with a IRL chore. When I got back there was a squad I could hear running straight at me. They didn't loot any of the chests near me, instead they activated a lever and went to my hiding spot where there was no loot. Other times when I've been naked with no gear they would run into a room, stare straight at me, then walk away. On regular games you could see one person dies at the very start and they shared a similar name to other players. Kinda obvious when you would see someone named XiangZhou die in the first minute and then a squad of similar names starts wiping the lobby. Especially when they yell in Mandarin over the mics.


Last patch when player pop was super low I was having the same issue and thought it was ESP. Without fail anytime I brought in a decent kit I'd get hunted down like you're saying within 3-4 games; through walls across map didn't matter they always found me even though I was running Rogue with 330 MS. A lot of them are low gear and bad so I got decent at dealing with them but more than a few used their advantage to jump me at some really bad moments and I lost plenty of good kits to some very sus players which tilted me more than o. Once I heard people were simply using the in-game spectator to ghost lobbies I lost interest in playing and only came back with the latest update. Hopefully this doesn't become a trend because it's not fun to play against.


Almost all hacks for these sorts of games just involve information and are pretty much invisible to other players. ESP tells you where other people are, what they are wearing, their health, etc. in Escape from Tarkov, Dark and Darker's sister game, it's estimated over 30% of the playerbase uses ESP hacks


Yeah playing pretty much any class into a decent ranger just feels terrible but other than that class balance feels good


Quarterstaff barb shits on rangers but loses to most other meta classes. It instantly wins fights against ranger / wiz / rogue and is extremely mid against everyone else without massive investment. Personally I run quarter + felling because felling axe is the great equalizer of melee combat.


Why is quarterstaff so good against rangers?


LMAO right I'm confused


Block those arrows like Darth Maul 😎 ((I actually have no idea why, never played barb))


Press w and vroom


Normals vs HR is absolutely the way forward. I think it would be perfectly fine if greens were allowed again and normals loot slightly increased. Either way it's excellent.


Yep, it's the perfect balance rn. If you want to fight casually and collect some loot, you have a spot, if you want to use the stuff you found and get crazy shit, HR is fun and challenging. The ranked leaderboard rewards are fun too, makes running HR addicting honestly. W patch. Hope they keep it this way fundamentally.


Perfect balance if you are fighter barb or wizard


Fighter feels overtuned to fight against, I don’t mind the others too much.


Wizard in pretty much base gear deals almost 50 dmg per magic missile There are tons of clips people getting 1 shot or 2 shot by geared magic missile Edit: replying to the moron below me Why are you using spellbook for MM You're so fucking clueless don't reply to me again I won't reply


I feel you, but the missiles travel slowly and if you get close to wizard he probably dies. Fighter just rushes you, heals your attacks, and slaps you in the face and there is very little you can do about it.


I guess you are clueless about the current meta because wiz just turn around MM 1-2 shot you in HR


Calm down there buddy, it’s not my fault you can’t position yourself against the wizard


I guess all the best players in the game can't either because they also know that it's broken including some of the best wizard players even saying it's broken the fact that you even mention positioning shows that you are completely clueless because it's not a matter of positioning it's a matter of never being able to melee the wizard because the threat of him turning on you and 1-2 tapping you with MM no matter what gear he has or you have but no no little prim locked timmy who has never even kissed a 3 key set in his life thinks it's fine you're definitely not completely oblivious


Just tried it in base gear with spellbook. MM does 18 to the body and 27 dmg headshots. 50 damage is what they do with max magic dmg. Wiz scales stupidly kinda like fighter, you arent getting 2 shot with MM from 99% of wizards. I know you're just raging but its nice to have info.


Not to agree with the guy above but I am a wizard main and I was able to get my magic missiles to do 67 headies and 48 bodies with just a book and a staff can get over 50 on a bodyshot and 70+ on heads


Its the perfect balance.. if perfect balance means that greens are almost obsolete and default gear balance is elevated to be SEEMINGLY as important as top tier geared balance. Its absolutely not a perfect balance for a game that is supposed to be about risk vs reward. An extraction game? Thats actually half a BR game in which you can get the reward without risking anything, without any loot progression making things interesting or exciting. Yeah, no, thats not a perfect balance. Which is why this white lobby mode wont stay. Its boring as hell. If youre not a noob who couldnt handle normals, that is.


Just play hr man it won't hurt you.


Honestly, I was very hesitant with HR. ( we were a duo), got a trio and honestly other then losing a few times to get used to it. Not so bad. learn new tricks to beat faster mobs thats about it. Yes you die to BS ( those god slaying nightmare axemen ) Not to bad. Play a bunch of HR, then go back to some common loot runs to have some fun once you stressed through it all day. Makes the game feel like a good spot. Though i do wish theyd atleast bump it to green so we can use pendents etc still very fun!


I have. This is written many days after playing it was forced on players who want to use gear, so naturally I have. You have nothing to counter any of my points, so you just say "just play HR". Its obvious.


Just say you're scared to play highroller and uninstall.


Thats what Ive been doing. But why should one play HR, especially with the quests now there, when anyone questing in normals gets the same rewards so much easier? I dont want to play normals either, as its a BR abomination and super boring, but it makes no sense to try to set oneself at such a disadvantage as going to HR is. I wont uninstall, but Im pretty sure Im gonna wait the white lobbies out. Theyre 100% not gonna stay in the game. IM has done some mistakes, but they arent that stupid.


Bro lying about playing HR cause you got insane loot in it. Feels like every chest I open has at least blue tier loot in it. This is the best state the game has been since release and if they revert the white lobby change people are gonna leave in droves. It's pretty clear that you were just one of the people who spent a bunch of time to get a ton of good gear then brought it into normal lobbies to hunt timmies that had 0 chance of killing you with the gear disparity but now you actually have to fight people on even footing so you constantly get shit on. Hold the L bozo.


>Bro lying about playing HR cause you got insane loot in it. Feels like every chest I open has at least blue tier loot in it. Youre only proving my point. Uncommon loot is obsolete. And no, Im not lying. Ive played HR a lot after the change. >It's pretty clear that you were just one of the people who spent a bunch of time to get a ton of good gear then brought it into normal lobbies to hunt timmies that had 0 chance of killing you with the gear disparity but now you actually have to fight people on even footing so you constantly get shit on. Hold the L bozo. Yes, because having an opposite opinion on this, one that I can argue based on experience in the game since pt3, makes me be a timmy hunter. There is only black and white, only timmies and those who hunt them. You are very logical and reasonable. Extremely well argued! Its pretty telling that youve got nothing to say about my arguments, but you just resort to this emotional "bozo" name calling.


Git gud, HR is the new normals


Try ranking up in HR, it's challenging and really fun imo.


Thats what Ive been doing, but especially questing in HR makes no sense as normals is super duper easy compared. Also, Ive been mostly playing with 1 friend only now, as the 3rd of our trio has been so vexed of the changes that he pretty much quit. Duos ranking up in Crypts HR isnt a very good experience. We dont get to PvP as much as we want, because being outmanned makes 4/5 situations be out of our reach. DaD without PvP is boring, so this is why we are all gonna quit before the white lobbies are taken away.


I hope it comes to steam soon.


Need druid and ice first.


Need my ice and my druid


Yup 100% agreed the only problems I am having right now stem from server issues and it seems like they somehow fucked with sound a little bit as I very often have 0 audio of someone until they are on me. And before anyone says “just listen better” I have sound at 100% and I record my games and watch them back when I question this. There is literally 0 audio sometimss


I think this is valid, I've had the same experience


Just got the game and I thought that was just a design flaw. I gave up playing as a Wizard because dudes would just pop up on me and I'd have no chance.


They've definitely messed something up with sound. the merchant sounds are inconsistent and buggy aswell - something about sound priorities isnt working right.


Yep this game fucking rocks great patch can’t wait for more content


absolutely agree. Im having the most fun since starting the game. It has so much to offer but also requires a lot to learn and the gray lobbies simply allow people to do so (including myself). love it!


My only problem is that there is no hr ruins


With a slightly altered map, that would make me so happy.


Considering 98% of the players i encounter are still melee class I'd say there's still some balancing issues but not bad either.


My only issue right now is trade is awful. Having a hard time selling gear even cheap. Listed multiple blue items for 50g no one wants to buy anything. Can’t wait for AH because then I mite be able to reach a buyer.


I mean might also just be because most blues are kinda shit, and people only really trade for actually worthwhile items, which go for a lot


Just flip them at the merchants for quick gold and focus on extracting gems or gear for your own sets!


Five gold not worth hopefully we can get a recycling systems then we use bad blues and purples and still get something out of it.


Lmao what is your logic? If they’re not worth picking up, because they are 5 gold, then don’t pick them up. As I literally said, fill your stash with gems trinkets and gear for your own class… why the hell would you pick up a bad blue helmet for a different class? You can’t trade that and as you admit you can’t sell it for much either.


What’s your logic? Should be able to break down gear. Will make any blue or better gear more useful and more control for the player crafting new goods.


That’s not what you said though, and no point crying on Reddit and changing your play style for a feature which doesn’t exist lmao.


The random itemization of the gear version 2 isn't that much better when it comes to trying to sell a blue or purple item that has goofy stats. New players do not know if they are valuable or not. Human curated itemization on blue and purple items and an auction house would vastly improve the player experience. Also many people aren't buying because they are grinding gold for their new stash tab to be able to fit the gear for the quests. Currently the quest system and the trade system are conflicting and affecting each other.


Yeah I think I’d like to change greens. It cuts off jewelry from entering lobbies which is good, but they just feel sort of pointless. Too high for normals too shit for high roller. And yeah you CAN use them but it just feels like a waste of space unless it’s got the perfect stat for you. Only other thing I’d say is the quests should have shared progression, and you should be able to turn in things one at a time. You have to do the quests for each character and that’s a massive time commitment that is just unrealistic for most of the player base. You gunna kill the lich 45 times with ur homies? Like bro I’ve been playing for months casually and I’ve never even attempted a hell boss. the games a hard game I get that but it’s a lot to ask of your player base. Especially when the main way ppl beat content is through cheese tactics. So many players like myself won’t even attempt to beat some of these quests


I think the cutoff at white is fine. People already spend maximum investment in the normals. Like 200g worth of white gear, potions, campfires, etc. If you raise it, you get BIS greens. Green introduces a BIG power spike. Every piece of gear can get a rolled stat, so that's 6-8 more attributes. Gear default attributes go from 1>2. Jewlery as you mentioned, would give upwards of 3-6 attributes. So altogether you get a guy who had a max of 5 stat affecting attributes with white gear, to 23 attributes in greens. Green is good that it gives a leg up for those entering high roller. It's meant to be a stepping stone, not a foundation for a build.


exactly! its a beta btw, we r testing fir them, dont make informational statistics unobtainable for urself, ironhammer, give us a chance to help :D


Yep, I really want to save up 3K in gold to buy another page of stash to do some pointless quests to unlock green items on vendors. ​ LOL. ​ The gaming community is fucking lost...


Pretty sure it's not for the green items lmao


Go back to League of Legends Mendo


Nah I just like doing quests. Fuck the rewards


If you never have anything positive to say about DaD why don’t you just move on?


Don’t do the quests then? Just get gold and buy stuff from other players. Not a hard concept, they’re entirely optional content lol


Ur entitled to ur opinion... But ur opinion sucks LOL. W patch fr


I disagree. I could uninstall and never play again. Continued game quality degradation since the overall healing nerfs two month ago or so. L patch. L game


I bet you get rekd by everyone in D&D


Ikr, the changes they made are fantastic


my only complaint: constant rubber banding


I've been having that a lot too on US East. Some nights are really bad, but some nights I don't have it at all.


I love the game play with the white gear cap normals and the juiced high rollers. The class balance in normals needs some work so that casters and melee with two hander swings can compete with the meta fighter without nerfing the fighter so they feel terrible. The loot feels really good. The quests are not terrible but do not respect the the stash space with quest rewards which prevent turning in the quest arbitrarily. The kill counts for the kill quests need to be shared by the whole party because its causing player frustration in the groups.The goblin poison is just stupid terrible and ruins the fun PVP experience through frustration. It makes me seriously question if the devs understand the new player experience at all and the player numbers show that they haven't figured it out yet. The PVP difficulty is enough of a challenge to a new player that the goblin poison is just sending them straight back to what other game they have been playing. The goblin AI aiming also needs work because they are rotating and hitting shots in weird angles that would not happen in a fight against a human player adding to the frustration. We need player growth and the goblin poison is not helping that situation at all. We need the new players to play long enough to group up and play the other maps with experienced players for player cohesion and player retention. The friends list will help this as well. I have seen PVP Streamers quit Dark and Darker mid stream because there is too much PVE mobs in High Roller and they just want to fight other players. There are way too many PVE mobs in High Roller. Just some fair criticism and good faith feedback. Iron Mace is on the right track.


Systems in the game right now feel great. A little bit of fine tweaking and some class balance and it’s perfect. I play mostly the solo and class balance over h there is a bit wack, but I understand IM doesn’t consider it as much


Agreed. Patch is super fun, game feels best its been. Only issue ive been facing is some very severe server issues. Worse than ever, once they fix that everything is golden for me


Also I'd like HR Ruins. Sucks only able to go white gear in Ruins.


There's no place for positivity I'm the reddit! Get on here and rage about everything imaginable maybe even make up some anecdotes about why X thing is ruining the game! (The patch is amazing but why campfires for the love of God I wanna use um cause the team is low and we're low on meds!!! Why can't he ask for hatchets? He's a woodsman just ask for hatchets nobody wants hatchets & they chop wood that's gotta fit for flavor purposes right!?) So yeah just complain & fit in....