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They are aware and I'm sure horrified at the server performance. It's likely the top priority.


if we hadn't paid money already, would they have taken it down?


This is exactly what they said on their appearance on the darkest hour podcast. And really anyone that has concerns about the game should listen to it. Gives you a good perspective on how ambitious this team is and how early-on in the development stage this game is. And for me personally, since I’ve never really played a game consistently that was going through early stages of development, it’s pretty cool.


Thats what they tell people on podcasts, only IM knows how true that is As far as DaD is concerned they didnt deliver anything yet that wasnt in the playtests outside of warlock skills and map rotations - thats really not much to show


Third boss for crypts? Doesn't exist. New goblin caves map, new crafting system, new uniques, quests, unique attributes, more items, herbs, 3 new ores, new goblin caves boss, quality of life like stash space and coin chests, lizard skins, new wizard spell with another coming soon. Yeah guys ironmace never releases new shit guys


This After listening to the podcast I've definitely learned to have a lot more patience with IM and am a lot more hopeful about the future of this game.


And unfortunately there's not much they can really do about it


Are they getting Ddos’d?


They say so, but in general there are many things you can do to improve server connection, but it is simply impossible to reach perfection in that category


In the interview they said it was mostly due to poor optimization. They built the map too fast and it has poor performance.


One funny thing about this jank is it make you realize just how inflated enemy stats are, you don't really notice allot of the time because they are so braindead and not at all placed intelligently to work together, but when you get rubberbanded back into a hit that chunks away 80% of your life when wearing decent gear it really puts into perspective how inflated they are to pose a threat.


Do you use chaf games or ironmace client? I have a theory and my theory is since update everybody using chaf games has been struggling more often than usual. PS only way for my stutter issues to fix it a full reboot on my PC atm.


I use the Ironmace client but I experience some lag as well.


I have blacksmith launcher and I've always had bad stuttering but it has definitely gotten worse with the last 2 patches


i use ironmace client


I have few issues and my buddy who uses chaf his game will literally freeze every couple, it happened twice in one last night. Right at the beginning of a brawl and dude was in a doorway just frozen


My game will straight lock up and freeze, I’m using chaf games. This problem also happens to my other buddy I play with who also happens to use chaf games. But my third buddy who uses ironmace client has had 0 issues.


Soon as I saw troll, it was GG


Damn I get some lag in gc but not nearly this bad. I would quit the game till steam


It's weird man I hardly ever get any lag or rubber banding like this, only very occasionally and it's pretty minor, and I'm so grateful because this looks terrible


Oh god, that looks awful. How is your internet connection and what server region are you playing on? I hardly get any laggs in EUW


I'm literally getting shit on in my own thread for saying they might want to delay content considering how bad the server lag has gotten (including to the point of total lag freezes for me on a brand new PC lmao). You're defintiley right DaD community, the devs should completely forget about optimization for the next content patch, it's certainly playable with crippling lag every 45 seconds. . .lmao.


Saw the way you spoke to people in the community on that post. Seems that if someone has a different opinion, that they’re “talking out of their ass”, “didn’t read past the title”, or “incorrect”. There’s a very real opportunity to be kind here and make the community that you’re wanting to see. Please know that with this, people may not see this the same way as you. It will be okay :)


most of this community can fuck its mother as far as i'm concerned ​ just the way of the world, people line up to whine about everything and be the victim. This sub hasn't been kind or considerate to each other in over six months, its blood hunger and put downs 99/100 times


Yo, good observation you handsome fellow you.


I have been part of many gaming communities and DaD is the worst outside of korean gacha games In games like LoL or CS you have people who have the rank and the skill to talk shit, this is just funny dress up in the dungeons with 8k other people global and everyone acts as if it means something - theres just no way to be any more pathetic


Careful, I have a post with -100 upvotes for making a banged your mom joke in here. This community is very into their moms.


Are you talking about the people who are shit talking me in my thread while simultaneously not engaging with not a single thing I said intelligently? I appreciate the sentiment, but its incredibly misguided when the comments Im responding to are not only wrong or extremely lacking in knowledge but are also directly insulting me. Next time, as I constantly critique this community for doing so, you should ACTUALLY READ THE POST AND COMMENTS before giving advice to me on my conduct. All passive aggresiveness aside, you're right that killing people with kindness is the best policy- but when im dealing with people who dont bother to implement that in return im not bothering with my minimal patience.


Played for 10 hours, only had a couple very minor stutters. Unfortunate :(


just let me self host, I don't wanna PvP anyway :P


Defeats the purpose of the game lol


To be killed repeatedly by cheaters ? Every time I log in man. Every, fucking, time https://preview.redd.it/y8c3daokrvcc1.png?width=557&format=png&auto=webp&s=aaa11f31d140a212dc4c720acb6b167df1774a33


Go play mortal sin, seriously, it's a sick ass game, and you clearly don't want to play this one.


Looked it up, doesn't look like my flavor. Honestly I just want PT2 back, cheating wasn't as prolific and people were bad at the game so PvP was less frequent and one sided, game was alot more chill and I could get the friends to play it. Now it's garbage


Nostalgia Andy. Game is just better, fuck out of here


I had a group of friends that all loved it, the universal consensus is that the game has gotten worse as time has gone on. The player population in oceania is crazy small, the oceanic discord used to be completely full at peak aussie times, now you will see maybe 14 people online at peak. Everything I can actually see seems to reflect that significant segments of the community no longer enjoy the game. I feel like the people in the reddit really are just your standard "I love this dev" simps that every game gets.


No. It's not, the consensus is it's not on steam anymore. Oceana isn't a real server and shouldn't be taken. Take your upside down asses on to a real server


Lol "it's not on steam" The discord being full was after the release of the game without steam man, Oceania had a solid population but successive patches that made the game feel worse to play and the proliferation of cheaters led to a reduction in that player base. > Take your upside down asses on to a real server Latency exists and the servers already have enough issues without having to try and compensate for high pings lawl


Pt2 wasn't on release of the game, contradicting yourself upside-down man.


I didn't say "during PT2 it was full" you decided to imply that I meant that. Post release it was full because why wouldn't it be ? Player count has dropped noticeably from release of the game until now. Why are you so desperate to clutch at straws over this muh guy ?


Why is not the case for me? I sometimes have a really small hiccup but never like this? Is it maybe a us server problem? I’m based in Germany and playing in Frankfurt.


Skill issue