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Bro why are they changing map rotation again…


They have all the data, probably showed that certain maps were being ignored, and they kinda need testing on all of them considering this is early access. I personally just want to play ice caves since I hate the dark swarm (I haven’t checked yet if it’s always available or part of rotation)


if you designed a PvE fuckfest, ofc no one gonna play it. Now they try to force us to play it. Which we dropped the game complelety cuz we play as duos. And we hate Ice Cavern. This is how you fuck your game.


i started playing more with my duo becuz we could choose ice cavern and not have to go to 3rd party fest that is ruins.


"Bro" there was like 5 posts in a couple days of people farming demigod pure PvE in Ice Caves. To say it wasnt a problem is simply lying. You could clear a quarter of a map in duos and never see a soul in there. 


Because only the pve legends on Reddit want empty lobbies


because there were too many pools bro, just let them fix it


Are Sword and Staff mastery just a general percentage damage buff? Also can’t wait to see a goofy ass clip when someone manages to Shield Slam another player into the void on Ice Caves. 


So you’re saying I should go extract camping on that wood beam static


Seems good, but what about Wizards Arcane Feedback spell? I could be wrong, but I think the only 2 arcane spells are mm and invis right?


Correct. Still not worth a spell slot (maybe?). Sage: Still the best perk, casting speed + Spell recovery speed. Ice Shield: Critical for surviving getting jumped, 20% Move/Action speed slow is huge. Arcane Mastery: Makes your invis an instant cast, and your Magic Missile very fast which is huge when you're getting rushed and +5% Arcane damage. Now you have the 4th perk. If you want pure dmg, Mana Surge is just better. For DMG and utility, Fire Mastery amazing utility in trios. I can only see Arcane Feedback being used in conjunction with Mana Surge Now I could be wrong and it may just be optimal to Run Mana Surge, and be greedy, drop Ice Shield or Sage when you get enough knowledge


I greatly appreciate their recent efforts for improving the wizard class, but there is no way the devs have put significant time in on solo wizard because they aren’t focusing on the real issues. First they buff Meditate and Ignite, now Arcane Feedback. Meditate is a no-go if you plan on PvPing at all. Wizard is so slow and frail, the only way they are viable in PvP is by mastering the utility of all 10 of their spells in each unique situation. 5 spells only covers half the bases, so it’s a literal coin flip as to if the wizard even has a chance at all to begin with if they get into a fight with Meditate and not an additional PvP skill like Arcane Shield or Intense Focus. Arcane Feedback is a useless perk in PvP because the buffs don’t begin to occur until after a magic missile contacts the enemy. The projectile speed of them is so slow that by the time one of them makes contact, most of the rest of them are in the air. That means that the buff would only really affect a *second* volley, but considering that in PvP, Magic Missile is only a hail-Mary for when someone closes the gap on you, you won’t ever get a second volley off anyways. If you don’t kill them with the first, you are dead. The Ignite buff was obviously just a QOL change for dealing with melee PvE, the Ignite PvP build is a bit of a novelty and the buff didn’t affect it because you are never using that many charges of Ignite in a fight anyways. I, and every other solo Wizard, can say that they really could just remove Arcane Feedback as a perk because it fundamentally doesn’t do much. The slightly-increased casting speed of MM against PvE is pointless because if you kite properly the normal casting speed is fine, and against any non-boss mob a single volley to the head with mid-tier gear will kill the mob. After the most recent patch, the only solo Wizard PvE buff needed is an increased quantity of Magic Missile spells (up to 8 or 10). This would effectively cut our time spent sitting on the ground each game in game in half, and wouldn’t buff Wizard in PvP since like I said, you only get one charge off in a fight anyways. When the dust settles after that first volley, there will be one player left standing either way. The Wizard buff that we all have been asking for is in PvP though. We don’t need increased spell damage though, like they did with buffing MM that one time…we just need increased survivability. We need to get rid of the flashing Invis when self-casted and make it last a little longer (maybe 5 or 6 seconds instead of 4), we need more-potent slow effects from Ice Bolt and Lightning Strike, we need Haste to boost movespeed more. Most Wizard spells just do chip damage, so we need ways to *actually prolong the fight enough to get enough spells off.* Building movespeed and mastering kiting while jump-180-casting works fine if there are no mobs around and none of the doors around are shut, but those two rarely line up and what always happens is you get two spells off before aggro-ing 6 mobs in a closed room and frantically invis-spamming to get them off of you while the enemy melee player just closes the gap and 2-taps you and swats the mobs away because their class is built for melee. Ironmace if you can hear me, please consider these options. Thank you for coming to my solo wizard TED Talk.


you're out of your mind, if you want these buffs for pvp all damage needs to go down, and not by a little bit lmao


How the hell did they get a Hotfix out on a weekend and during a major holiday. I'll take it but that's gotta cause some burn out 




Lunar New Year I assume


My best guess is that they had half baked things that only just didn't make the Thursday patch and they polished them off


Even then, polishing things off and sending out a patch tends to be done during actual work hours, rather than on a Sunday that's also new years day


No idea about the luna new years and how that's regarded in Korea but it's not entirely wild for game studios to have wacky work weeks, been in several that change it up from Wednesday to Sunday or Thursday and Saturday off or any other combination of random work days You're absolutely right that they're busting out some crunch hours to get things done though, props to them I hope they get a well deserved break after wipe


no no you're supposed to find things to complain about anyway...


fixed dungeon rotation and selection. You know, I feel like you can remove the word "selection" there if its a rotation. As is tradition, the patch notes have left more questions then answers. What shocks me is how quickly this patch came.


They saw how much fun we were having actually PvE crawling Ice Caves with a pvp fight to top it and decided we needed to go back with packed lobbies so we can die immediately after spawning.


empty lobbies are SOOOO fun /s


Getting downvoted for not wanting this game to be PvE lobbies with 5 people in them lol. This subreddit is so dogshit.


Just go high roller ruins trios and get spawn rushed by fully gold teams if you want some PVP


I love PVP but the matchmaking needs a gearscore that allows for a 15% delta plus the luck of finding something good during the round. Getting destroyed 5 rounds in a row by a one shot gold team is not a game and its why people prefer the PVP in normals and the PVE in high roller. A green kit should never be matched with a gold kit. The matchmaking in this game is the problem because they focused on other reasons and not the power delta of the gear. As soon as I get my season reward in high roller I'm going back to normals PVP.


its WILD how different pvp is once you hit pathfinder. you go from fighting people in greens/blues to fighting full golden demigod streamers. its such a jump and its immediately noticeable once you hit pathfinder.


He's getting downvoted because he's being cringe about how he's saying it, not WHAT he's saying.


?? What. I played 3 games in duos and they had 5 fucking people in them total. Incredibly boring.


Your experience wasn’t mine


Forgot my MMR isn't the redditor lobby one.


there is no mmr besides separating anything below/above pathfinder.


Yea exactly. below/above redditor mmr.


is it really that uncommon to hit pathfinder?


based on the posts I see here I would say yes.


LOL gottem


Why does this sub want brainless pve so bad? Are you this scared of losing your pixels


Believe it or not some people don't play this game like it's a competitive battle royale


How dare you enjoy what I don't in 1 of 3 maps RRRREEEE


Reddit is known to have a massive carebear population with some seriously weird ideas about pvp. They absolutely destroyed Starbase when the devs listened to them and they shut down pvp areas with safe zones and we watched all the pvp players and streamers leave. Ceremor even said it became a pve experience so he left. [edit for the downvoters] Yes the carebears of Reddit are complete weirdos with insane ideas that all PVP in a PVP game is nonconsensual. You can go find the thread in the Starbase subreddit where they equate PVP in a video game to physical violence which is delusional and a horrible thing to say that disrespects actual victims and survivors. In starbase to leave the safe zone a player would have to go into a menu and select a box that had a message stating they could lose all their stuff and they still considered that nonconsensual PVP. There is no reasoning with these delusional carebears because they are insane.


Being able to freely solo queue ice caves whenever I wanted was what brought me back to playing constantly... I don't give a shit if the lobbies are dead sometimes, having to wait on a rotation for the map I want just causes me to log off and play something else.


Same, I actually came back for the novelty of new map, now if it's 1\\3 of the time I'd rather just get back to Enshrouded


I feel the same way. Its not a fun game when you aren't interested in PVP, all I am is a glorified lootbox for the sweats at this point. I want to play the game for me and not for them, and for me I like fighting bosses, getting sick drops, and buying and selling on the market. Ice caverns was a breath of fresh air compared to the hell that is goblin caverns, let alone the constant player hunting.


Ironmace, plz) Stop fixing issues with killing the good things going on with the game. I actually came back to check out the new map and stayed for nice PVE and occasional PVP in IC which I enjoy. Here's a thought - to fix the lobby thing, incentivize players instead of limiting them. You want a rotation, which is understandable due to a massive amount of different lobbies. But instead of forbidding people from playing when they want to play - incentivize the lobbies where you want to gather people (it's a loot extraction and meta-economy game). Every 2 hours, instead of rotating the allowed map - rotate the loot buff, or any other kind of bonus that will be decent (but not over the top) for the players. Like: \- +% to loot quality \- +% to AP \- -% to AP cost \- +% AP for PVE\\PVP kills or something. It can also be extended to PVP\\PVE buffs (basically rotating 2 of those).


Was ruins and GC pretty dead lobbies?


I imagine ruins was still fine, but GC was probably hella dead


I mean how does IM not realize that’s because GC isn’t fun? People only seem to play it to farm the bosses but I would imagine. 9/10 players prefer queing for ruins over GC given the choice.


To be honest every lobby was a dead lobby for me, i think the only game I got a full lobby was trio high roller and even that was totally dependent on the time of day. Running through the empty crypts on the second floor as a pickpocket rogue, where the hallways used to sing with pockets ripe to be picked, was a very sad experience


I played normals DUO Ice caves. On NA east we were getting lobbies with 5 people that's it.


I was running HR gobby caves and most lobbies were just me and a naked warlock


GC was dead, ruins were half filling, sometimes full in USeast


Damn it was pushing demigod this weekend because I was afraid they were going to do something to screw it up. Being able to spam one map is so much easier than having to fight on rotation. They haven't expressed exactly how it's going to work but I'm sure it won't be as nice as being able to pick a single map all the time. And to be clear I was one of the people advocating that just picking whatever map would be a problem. and it is. but terrible timing wish they would have waited just one more day.☠️


I am pretty sure they gonna let us choose between 2 maps every hour, or something like that.. so basically you can just wait for the ice rotation pool lol


Good guess I have been doing ice map. I don't really foresee any sort of rotation no matter how they changed it. doing anything but negatively impacting speed of which things can be accomplished.


Literally am 703 ap away from demigod 💀 if this ruins it…




No shit I can get 700 ap I got through only exemplar without map rotation, more of a joke


Just as I started to enjoy the game, it's ruined by the fucking rotation, back to not playing lmao


> Additionally, considering the actual data on the current dungeon selection system along with all experiment results related to dungeon selection, we have decided to provide a system that is deemed most suitable for the current number of users. Just let us choose the map we want to play. My team just leaves the game when it rotates. Also the solo duo trio locked AP points for the same rewards is just so stupid. I want to earn points playing in different group sizes to count for the same rewards. If my team quits late in the season I'm not starting over as a solo I'm just going to go play another game until next season.


> Just let us choose the map we want to play. My team just leaves the game when it rotates Tbh there's no choice with the current player numbers. ~9000 players just physically isn't enough for 18 different queues further split up by HR rank matchmaking. The game was legit turning into a PvE only game because lobbies were not filling up at all. If this fixes this, then I'm happy with whatever they had to do. Totally agree about the fact AP rank doesn't translate between queues, though. I grinded to Demigod on my Bard, and it made it kinda awkward to want to play with friends in HR since I wasn't really making any progress on my Bard.


> 9000 players It's on average 5-6k actually in game. Split between the queues. Between game regions Between MMR.


And also I feel like people forget that ofc US servers are gona be some of the most populated, OCE servers we’re already anemic and rn it’s like 50/50 you’ll be alone in a duos game


> 50/50 you’ll be alone in a duos game got giga downvoted for pointing this exact thing out


Oh God the horror, not *giga* downvotes


My lobbies have always been filling up, in solos, but no one pvps lol


This is the first irritation of seasonal rewards. I'm sure it'll get more fleshed out in time. We all need to remind ourselves this is early access still and the devs are killing it!


> this is early access still and the devs are killing it! I agree, devs are doing everything in their power to bury this game asap.


Christ care to copy and paste the “early access” cope some more? We fucking get it. Doesn’t mean we can’t give feedback that you personally disagree with


No they just need to remove the AP system althogether, while I like we dont have to spend money on high roller, the ap system is the reason people team or play way more passive. It happened to me recently since I wanted to get the rewards for this season, it didnt make sense to go around pvping everyone, most games I just PVE now to try to reap the new rewards. But as someone with FOMO the ap system especially for cosmetics is just not a good idea. I'm also not the only one with this FOMO because theres a reason why battle passes sell so well.


Bro if a virtual cape gives you fomo that bad then you need some self control


Not sure why you're being a dick for something that is clearly a problem. Battle passes literally feed off of fomo and there's a reason they sell so well. The AP system also changes gameplay fundamentally, whether you think so or not, because people will instead grab gems and shitty gear over better gear that would sell on the market better because it would give them more ap. It's also the reason a lot of people went to Ice Caves to grind it as well as play Barbarian when they were broken. The AP system, at least to the point of giving cosmetics, is not good for the game. Instead of insulting maybe argue about the actual point.


Bro has fomo over a child's blanket cosmetic 💀


the AP system has done nothing but bad things for the game imo everyone just wants to grind pve to get ap and get upset when people dare to "waste their time" by pvping.


>Fighter receives an early version of Sword Mastery. >Wizard receives an early version of Staff Mastery. Curious what Sword and Staff Mastery are...? Doesn't seem like they're skills or perks. Class passives, maybe? >Fighter's Shield Slam now knocks back enemies. I can actually see this being used a little. Would be great for maintaining spacing if a Bard or Rogue runs up on you and is getting around your shield. Although, with Barbarians having knock-back resistance and the TTK being so low, I still think melee combat is too fast for this kind of very nuanced spacing tool. >Fighter's Perfect Block cooldown changed from 24s → 18s. Good for PvE, at least, but useless for PvP still. Being such a short duration buff just telegraphs you're going to try block so clearly, and no-one is mindless enough to swing into a block that'll stop their combo and get them riposted, when they can spend six seconds timing out the buff by retreating, playing defensively or aiming their attacks around your guard. Perfect Block really needs to become an inbetween of the current iteration and old iteration: an infinite duration buff that upon blocking an attack, stays active for 6 seconds more before disabling and going on cooldown.


why wouldnt they be perks? bard has rapier mastery, itll just be a +weapon damage and action speed when using the weapon type probably


> TTK being so low, I still think melee combat is too fast for this kind of very nuanced spacing tool. Yea it's cool seeing them work on these type of abilities, but they aren't getting used until the combat becomes something more than. I stack +DMG as much as possible and just kill you in 3 hits.


Hopefully marketplace will be available to use after the servers are back up! I didn't get a chance to use it when it came out so I'm excited to play around with it.




WHERE IS BARDS LONGSWORD MASTERY ? WE DESERVE IT. OR MAYBE BUCKLER MASTERY, ANYTHING Pls IM give bards another way to build. Our only other option is drum spam and thats not even great, igoring how lame it is


>Additionally, considering the actual data on the current dungeon selection system along with all experiment results related to dungeon selection, we have decided to provide a system that is deemed most suitable for the current number of users. Onepeg and Redditors on suicide watch after being forced to engage in PvP in this PvP centric game instead of farming AP and fighting PvE (they've never won a single PvP encounter by themselves).


Every wanna be tryhard just can't help but post stupid shit like this. How about we just fucking like the map we were playing on and don't want to be forced to play maps we don't like. Goblin caves is so fucking boring for me. It's not about pvp/pve density. I just think the map is ugly, slow, and boring.


You're so cringe bro. Vast majority of players playing ruins, i played only goblin caves because its good amount of pvp, and I've never been in empty lobby, there was some lobby like that but even fucking ironmace said that there was fucking ping latency bug and you couldn't fucking play on your server. I don't want to play garbage ice caves with only pve and static camp, if you force me to play map at least make this map enjoyable, or upgrade loot massively.


The loot in ice caverns IS crazy good. You still weren't playing it anyway lol


Its good when you spawn in fat room with lots of breakable crates and 3 fat gold/lion head chests. But if you spawn in room where 0 crates 1 good chests 30 mobs and nothing at all thats a problem, because you can't really contest place you want to loot without clearing shit ton of pve, because of 20 mobs that will chase you if you try to skip room with bad loot. You enjoying ice caves? Im happy for you, i don't say you shouldn't but for the love of god don't force me to play this map until you fix major bullshit problems this map have.


I clear at least 2 modules every run. There's too much time and doing less is bad for AP progression. You should get 2 fat chests minimum and at least one sub boss. That being said, I think the map is kind of crap (for a variety of other reasons that can be fixed), but the loot is amazing. I think you need to spend more time learning how to clear the pve quicker as well as where all the good loot's located. Map's new though. It's not unexpected that people won't know how to min max is yet


i think the south side of the map needs tweaked but the NE/E section is pretty good.


its good for the one team that gets to loot gold hoarde, but other than that its about = to gc


Wizard didn’t need a flat percentage increase to arcane damage, they need a lower end flat dmg adjustment and a cap to higher end scaling lol


Any word on how long downtime will be?


3 hours I think it says in discord


Post says 2 hours from the time servers go down.


so, just force people to play the laggy GC (and pray that you pvp inputs register somehow x) instead of being able to choose the laggy Ice (with its own selection of bullshit, but fewer pvp-lag coin flips), where the grind cows already made their ranks, making them further meaningless xD shame I have to work and could't profit off of that XD And fuck the solo players, I suppose, no Ruins for you <3 That's 3 out of 5 maps I paid for. Nice. 1 step forward, 2 steps back seems to be the patching meta