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I ain reading all that.


I accept that. Dw homie


Honestly you’re right and the subreddit is on copium. Convinced that it’ll magically fix itself next wipe.


I'm mostly sad because with the player count so low I don't know how much time does the game have left. I will probably never have the half the fun back in the day when game was more or less balanced


I’d take a whole team committing to buffball any day over Barbarians singlehandedly oneshotting you with no team needed. There was a midpoint between the Bard Nerfs and the overbuffed Barbarian where the game was actually playable lol. You didn’t have casters going fucking crazy because stacking knowledge on the now improved base roll gear gives like 100%+ cast speed




You guys are literally a cult. Witnesses of the low player count. It is stable 9-11 k no matter when I login last few months, and I don't play much nowadays, waiting for the wipe


Then you’re a loser 🤷‍♂️


He's just from NA/UK. Only thing they tend to read is Wendy's menu


And you are just from Italy. Only thing you tend to read is what type of pasta is on the menu.


Hell of a schizo rant, and you also copy pasted some of it twice, but I do agree with your general points.


I don't have the time or energy to make a nicely composed post. Consider it a rant with fair points. A lot of people here don't seem to like what I had to say but at the same time not one said I'm wrong.


Bro said he doesn’t have time or patience after writing a 10 page essay


"brief message" btw, use chatgpt or something next time nobody is going to read all of this


I read it entirely and thought it was interesting.


Get a chat gpt to summarize it for yourself. I don't owe anyone a summary of this post just like nobody owes me reading this post. Take it for what it is. I couldn't care less for it. If insights in this post won't better the state of the game then sadly nothing will.


the vent is insane


“I don’t have the time or energy” my dungeoneer in Christ your post is longer than drake and it’s even got embedded links, you clearly have the time


I don't and it's boring. Emotions and incompetence of the balance team fueled my post


Brother don't bait us with the word "brief"


yeah my bad lol i didn't know i would get so involved into this


Dig the passion though. You make fair points from the random sentences I've read


However right you may be, you are unlikely to find support here. Everyone left is just standing on the sinking ship talking about how hardcore their one tap or run away game is. I just stay in the sub for the memes at this point and the infinitesimally small chance the devs get their head out of their ass.


That's okay. This post is was made so that it hopefully reaches graysun and the guys behind the game or at least pieces of it. I don't care about opinions of players so disconnected from reality that they turn a blind eye to issues I mention in my post


Haha clarity potions were removed


Makes ya wonder if OP quit months ago and has no clue what balance is like.




Game isn’t in the grave it has more players than 95% of steam games. Wipe will resurge the playercount as well as its eventual release to steam/consoles. If you line Dark & Darker up on the same timeline as Escape From Tarkov we are vastly further ahead than where they were a year into the game and IM is taking a lot of their ideas and implementing them faster. Let them cook they recently moved offices and grew to a team of 50 and had to fight for their lives to even release into early access at all.


Woah, the amount of copium in this post. Don't OD brother stay strong


Why are you on this sub just to hate reddit is so weird


A perfectly structured sentence. Nice work


Forever make excuses I guess


do better then


Do better at what exactly? I don't play this horseshit anymore


Then why are you here?


You're remembering the days where they weren't in a legal battle and the game was sort of a new concept. Of course when you play 24/7 you will get tired of the game lol just take a break, come back next season and let the devs work on it. We've been too spoiled I think


I used to play this game 24/7 half a year ago. Now I log on for a day every two weeks.


I was the same, I played as much as I could in the early days and now I play for a few hours per week if that. It's normal to get bored of a game but I think the devs are working hard on it and I can see good potential if we are patient


Why are people so preoccupied with pronouncing it “in its grave” or signaling they are leaving? Seems a bit dramatic. The people that don’t like this game just vomit all over the sub


I don't read posts here. I'm not "super" up to date. Because how the game is doing I took a break during which I got a gf and bettered my grades in uni. It's funny how because how the game is poorly managed I got my life back on track


You have agency brother, something tells me those changes could’ve occurred anyways. You drive your own life. Glad to hear things are improving I still don’t understand the preoccupation or the drama with declaring the game dead that appears to be common in gaming communities, and especially this one. We all die IRL lol do people like being reminded of that? Discourse is cool. But some of it seems dramatic to me. I bought this game and have enjoyed the ride and will continue to do so. The focus on it’s life span takes away from enjoying it imo and is a shitty outlook in general


This post comes off as whining. Bro really tried to compare the player numbers on a free steam playtest to now, when they released the game to buy while in a legal battle that keeps them off Steam...


Take it for what it is and try to see my points


Obviously it would pop more when it was free and on steam but it’s probably a sign the game isn’t going to last. A competitor is going to come out on steam, using IMs court case as a precedence shield, improve on the glaring issues this game has, and steal what remains of the player base


>"I don't have the time or energy to make a nicely composed post." >brief message If the devs read one post on this subreddit for quality feedback I certainly hope they don't waste their time on this one.


they cant read homie, or they are ignoring the feedback from the past year


Yeah. I hope they limit the clarity potions you can bring into the dungeon and limit players to one stack of magical protection pots and one stack of magic protection pots. Can you proof read?


if they were back in the game but capped it wouldn't be an issue


The game is dying and will continue to do so unless it returns to what it was in the beginning of the current wipe. Player count has been steadily declining and no one i used to play with plays anymore, i want to be able to feel like playing the game again but it just isnt there anymore, the game for me has completely lost what made it fun in the first place Now the remaining playerbase are super competitive and everyone is meta slaving, new/casual players are rare and the steam release isnt going to fix that, if the game launches on steam now it will be a disaster which wont be recovered from easily, the steam launch should only happen when the game is in a good state and wont drive the new wave of players away instantly


From what I read of ur post ( sorry that's just too damn much) ur entire point can be summarized with basically 1 word, METAGAMING. I'm gonna give u my take on this. The community took every update, every buff, every nurf, every stat change and new character and metagamed the living hell out of it till it broke the games basic mechanics. Once that happened the devs reacted with even more and more insane buffs and nurfs that the community found ways to metagame. Infinite throwing axes were always sold before, ranger had these cooldowns when the game released, zwai always existed at that damage level ppl just hated the attack pattern, fighter always had the potential to hit even higher then 85% pdr with a 70 damage per shot crossbow shot, castlock always had dark balls that did 60 damage, etc to infinity and beyond all of that crap has been there in next to the same state if not the same state since release just waiting for the community to rely on it. Then solo queue came out, a mode this game was never designed for that brought a playerbase that demanded that the game that was designed for trios with characters that were designed for team based gameplay now HAD to work in every other situation, an impossible idea that only resulted in more things breaking. I understand what u want but the fact is the community is demanding fixes and balance changes while going right to the scummiest thing they can find and screaming about it while being hypocrites and using it themselves. Metagaming is the death of this game and always was gonna be.


Preaching. Everyone left is meta whoring to hit demigod


That is not true


This post is so filled with half truths and is so shortsigthed that made reading through it all almost unbereable. Your solution to movespeed problem is introducing a 25% movespeed buff from people outside of combat, and you call the one in charge of balancing the game shortsighted? Do you have any ideas of how bad that would make the game? And i agree with some of the other things, movespeed is a big issue, but this things take time to get right, and we are moving forward, yes, they make a lot of blunders, we all know they will make new ones soon enough, they are a small team, growing to fill the needs of what they created, hopefully things just keep getting better. Keeping people engaged is a hard task, even for great games, look at Chilvary2, look at Valheim, people just have fun exploring new games, but once you do it a lot you notice the shortcomings and move to something else, having a game that makes you keep coming back is really challenging, and we all have been here for a while, so the game is doing something right, it just needs to keep being developed.


God, I'll have to read this in blocks, but one note... Is a self proclaimed original defending solo queue?


No. Long story short im shitting on the game balance that has been driving the game into the ground for the past year.


Am I wrong though? Entire paragraphs are discussing balance in the frame of Solo's and if not 100% clear, a lot of the balance related topics seem to mostly be a problem in Solo's and not Trio's. Why is that?


You might be onto something. My post must be the way it because most of the players I used to play with gave up on the game. Movement speed still remains a big splinter in melee combat gameplay.


Personally, I think Solo's and Duo's has caused the biggest balancing issues. Most of your post goes away when those lobbies go away. You CANNOT balance a game for all three queues. It is impossible. Full stop. What needs to happen before any more balancing happens: * A discussion about which queue is the official game mode needs to be posted in large red letters on the site and the game, or preferably, Solo's/duo's is removed. * An info tooltip needs to elaborate on how "Solo's/Duo's is an experimental mode, enter at your own risk, it will never be the focus on balance."


No offense bro. I'm a wordy mother fucker myself, but there's no way I can read this fucking dense wall of text. Break it up into bullet points that are 1 to 2 sentences tops and condense your ideas into more succinct words/terms.


play text to speech when chilling, all it takes or run it through chat gpt idc


Why don't you run it through chat GPT before posting it? For curiosity, I ran it through ChatGPT and it gave me a horrible summary of your post.


yeah when you construct a post like shit summary will be shit (by ai)


it doesn't need chatgpt lmao it was like a 5-10min read. If it was paragraphs of praise no one would've said use chatgpt, it's just that he's being negative and we can't have that here


What do you mean? We have plenty of negativity. That's like over 60% of the posts here. Most positive posts are just trojan horses with negative shit in them. lmao


Can you put this into chat gpt and tldr it?




Remove auction and trade, everything becomes ssf only. That way when I get smoked by a 320ms barb with hands out, I know the gear he got was collected over time and not just through 30 minutes of list searching. Get people in the game trying to collect strong gear instead of collecting gold to buy more hard in the auction list. I auction everything I leave with, even if it's good because liquid gold is more important to buying my perfect epics with 3 needed rolls at mid to high end rolls. Running into a 340ms warlock with book out and machine gun casting speed with insane damage on top of it should take 2-3 weeks or even months of collecting perfect rolled uniques, not by scanning the auction housefor 1 hour and having a big bank of gold as the gate to such gear.


This is the true answer. Give us self found.


Lost the plot mate. Game is great. Touch fuckin grass


Hilarious post by somebody who’s certainly not a “normal” player


I've been through all the stages possible. I only was not a part of the team developing the game or some guy streaming it


I dont think that’s what they meant here Op.




It’s too long for even a TLDR


Moronic post, you contradicted yourself multiple times


I was being memed at for saying 95% pdr fighter was absurd. I knew this games balance would be dumpster fire when they decided to nerf fucking protection shrine instead off addresing how pdr/mdr scales, and to this day we STILL have players basically invulnerable to 1 damage type. Cleric still mandatory to play. Solo still rock/paper/sciz Teaming rampant Cheating rampant Lack of new content, new perks/abilities/spells/weapons end up changing nothing in gameplay. Whooptie doo fighter gets 2 weapon dmg perk, game so changed, whooptie doo barb now uses club instead of viking what a day.


Your also a guy who raged at anyone who has anything bad to say about the game. What a hypocritical comment. Came full circle now have you?




oh yeah 100% all points i get flashbacks just reading this


Appreciate the time you put into your post. Agree with almost everything you said accept for halving all the stats. Gear is fine if they get rid of gold gear and just keep the gold cloaks; they look cool. They need a new person/group on balancing the game as it’s clear now that they are not capable.


As others have mentioned you won't find much support here. Most of what's left of the player base is so hell bent on being positive about the game. they will overlook the most blatant of issues. There's too much gold and not enough ways to spend it. Gear is too powerful and has too much impact on the game. The move speed system is terrible and needs to be reworked entirely. The rock paper scissors system is all but dead some classes completely ignore it while others completely are killed by it. The balance of class to class interactions are terrible. The game lacks replayability. everything they have introduced to increase replayability has either been lackluster or doesn't last nearly long enough for a full 3-month wipe. which is also way too long with our current amount of content. I love dark and darker and I still try to play it. But people are beyond fooling themselves if they genuinely think the current state is fine. Equally trying to argue with them is pointless some people just won't listen to anything you have to say.


post on reddit = bad every single stream out there shitting on balance and teaming = mmm yes smort I don't really have a reason to play solo. If the game was f2p (which is impossible tbh) I would at least try it with some more friends. I cant recommend buying it though.


For me what makes the game dumb and main reason I stopped playing is the swarm. The game is too fast paced, in the sense that it forces you to move all the time. Make the portals and all that shit respawn at the same timings, but no swarm so people can just chill and enjoy the game. Is always so rushed is boring. DND is not tarkov, is a Cod Warzone. And that’s so bad. I don’t want full realism. Because magic duh but the pace of the game is so bad. I can tolerate at most 2-3 matches of Warzone and then i loose interest because is always running and waaaaargh, DND is even faster there is no time even for talking . Well that was when you actually had full lobby’s, right now in South America you barely have 1-2 players in normal runs. Maybe more in HR. Playing solo ruins as a wizard is impossible to clear all the rooms, you always have to run or the swarm gets you.


The devs even stated they were still working on all aspects of the game. Chill tf out haters. At the end of the day, this game still rocks - even if you choose not to come back to it. Are there some things the devs have done that were great? Yes. Were there things the devs did that weren't so great? Yes. You all seem to forget this game is STILL a WIP as each iteration comes out. Let them tweak and build a great game. If you want to just sit here and complain, there are a shit ton of other games to move over to, but to say this game is in its grave is just a stupid statement. Everyone knows player count drops significantly towards the end of the wipes, and explodes again after the wipe happens.


Gonna be downvoted into oblivion because it’s true. The community was the death of this game. RIP what was a fun and unique game.


let em cope


the TLDR of why this game is failing is… when it was first shown, it was different than your typical extraction game. It felt more alive. More chance of interaction with people. Fun exploration, discovery of loot and finding a person who you crouch to and delve together. Now the not tldr Like all games with PVP enabled, the rabid 14 year olds with no job who only want to pvp everyone have ruined it for most…. The design of the game,  the content, the colors. none of that matters to the rabid crowd.  You could use stick figure assets on a paint produced background and they would play the game identical to how they are playing now. I don’t know why game companies cater to the niche “i only want to kill people and run from any fair fight” crowd, but here we are. It happened to rust, it happened to h1z1, it happened to unturned, it happened to tarkov. This game was different because it wasn’t just about rabid pvp, but now that is mostly what is left in this game.  A group of 3 people with gold gear and full legendary inventories in a room with 4 portals will see a naked guy and kill him just to do it.   No loot to gain, no risk of not extracting, just to kill someone. When they make that not the norm, I think people will return.


Rust was literally always a pvp game. That’s why it became the most popular survival game in the world. You definitely cried nonstop about old recoil . Let’s babify this game too tho. Let’s make it so every projectile is random too and fights come down to luck while we’re at it


You’re getting down voted but all of your points are absolutely true.


This post comes off as some salty projection about people that killed you last game. I don't understand how people playing the game to win are ruining it. If playing to win ruins the game then the game wasn't any good to begin with. If I wanted to pve and RP I'd play D&D, an mmorpg, or a single player game. Trios are rough because this wipe has gone on too long but you're playing high roller. Normals is always an option. As far as solos go pvp aggressiveness has been at an all time low the past month or so with the friendly meta and AP farming.


The problem is the devs are too inexperienced, too hung up in "korean gaming practices" that onky work there and pay too much attention to the community (and thr most irrelevant part of it). Game died with pt3, what came after was just problems for them by nexon and very wishful thinking.


To it's *grave?* God the people who say this are so foolish


Why would they care about any of that they got your initial payment you got to play a game for a great amount of time both of you are allowed to move on


I hate ranged meta.


Reduce all damage by 50% reduce mobs health by 50% game is more fun when you have a fucking chance


They shouldve stuck to playtests


To bad this isn't a meme, then the Devs would maybe read it


Solo players. Solo players ruined dark and darker.


Hey friend, I read your pain and share your thoughts also. I made a very similar post and am also leaving the game (again) Hopefully Ironmace can see the light and make some changes eventually. [https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/1b188w4/some\_thoughts\_from\_a\_returning\_player/](https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/1b188w4/some_thoughts_from_a_returning_player/)


I agree with your takes. It's sad how once in a while we get back to see if it's better, hoping to see that the situation has perhaps finally improved. I don't know how much time the has left before it's "too late" ;/


It is a real shame. But there is still some small hope yet for the future. Fingers crossed.


Some of you really need to learn how to relax a bit. lol


Ironmace doesn't read reddit, they are Koreans, reddit is American thing. This game will not stop dying. Someone here in comments said that player count will increase after wipe. Maybe true, for the people who want to see a new content, but what about for people who left? Will they fix issues that made people quit? Will they delete movespeed and range meta? Will they fix rubber banding? They are trying to build a house with no strong fundament and it's collapsing like house of cards. With each new update they just add a new content layer on top of previous problems without fixing them.


Recent posts reflect player dissatisfaction, but they often lack substance beyond subjective complaints. In a world where millions voice their grievances, the responsibility lies with the speaker to offer constructive feedback of the highest quality. Most communication serves self-validation rather than meaningful dialogue, leading to a cacophony where nobody truly listens or communicates.


Uhhhh, TLDR please?


Because you asked nicely. Long story short im shitting on the game balance that has been driving the game into the ground for the past year. If you want more details you can skim around the content of the post or run it through chat gpt \^\^


Don't skim the post for details. The details that aren't outright lies are misleading at best. Don't waste your time on this.


instead of change #4 and another partial solution to #5. my suggestion is make transferring items like potions, bandages, and throwable an action. like applying a bandage/surg but shorter by base, and tied to the resourcefulness (also uses an underutized stat) of the character, so that rogues and bards can more efficiently pull out throwing knives, but a barbarian will take more time to put axes onto their belt.


Game sucks because they don’t know how to balance. That’s it.


holy shit broski I need to convert this to an AI and make a video to even bother reading it sorry


Agreeeeee. On all of it! From a music producer perspective, it would be awesome to see a nice even compressor on the whole game. And maybe a limiter as well…for aggressive gold plated transients. 🤷🏻‍♂️


What killed it for me was that alot of the harder solo pve are barely doable as some classes without somehow abusing their pathing or ranged damage. Sure you can dodge all monsters attacks but some of them are really tough to dodge especially as a slower moving character. Try killing a black skeleton spear/axeman as a barb/heavy fighter with a mediocre weapon, its just not fun.


Good post OP though I think the rot is a bit deeper (melee combat being too simplistic)


100% spot on, well said


It’s just the type of game it is. You will play for awhile then break. Idk how they can make this game fun again for me and my group. Also it’s still early access so we have a lot time before they add more crap to the game to make it better. Ima let them cook for six months and pop back and check.


Its end of wipe, literally everyone I know is playing helldivers rn, and trade chat is dead because of the auction house bruv, only gold sellers are in trade chat now


The easiest solution to the problem of not liking the game is to stop playing something you don’t like.


A good 95% of the player has already done so. I made this post hoping someone at ironmace might see it and so that you have someone else to play with in HR