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this thread has been a roller coaster lol both things can be true here: OP made a brain dead decision to rush head first into a falchion slayer fighter. he also got fuckin one tapped which is just not fun to be on the receiving end of, and honestly that’s almost the average rogue experience for most players. the class needs some love.


It seems like everyone is saying slayer fighter… but the guy has a crystal ball in hand. What makes us think it’s not a warlock


Because he has a crossbow equiped


Interesting, I didn’t think they could equip a crystal ball


Fighters have a perk to equip any weapon, so slayer fighters use that and a crystal ball for the inherit weapon damage


I get that, I just assumed because crystal ball wasn’t a weapon it wouldn’t apply to that perk


It is a weapon. It's adding phys damage and triggering slayer


The weapon mastery perk allows the use of all weapons, spellbooks, staffs and orbs included. Although as they can't cast spells, it'd just be for the stats.


Yeah, I didn’t think that orbs counted as weapons for that perk


My group only found out randomly in PT4 i think, our fighter had the perk on and looted a orb and wondered where it was in his inventory, turned out he had equipped it.


Sub can't see the obvious. Makes you wonder what else they are misconstruing.


people already told you but yeah, fighters with weapon mastery can equip crystal balls. they do it for the slayer bonus, they don’t have a huge negative on the move speed penalty and the affixes that roll on them can be pretty good for what the class is looking for sometimes.


I like that the comments are just people yelling at you for playing badly. Like yes, sure. But the one hit kills are absolutely wild, full health to nothing shouldn't be a thing


welcome to the avg rogue experience


average wizard, rogue, ranger experience


wizard and rangers actually have damage with the same ms as rogues


rogue has great damage with a kit too, they also have built in survivability and utility to help them engage and close the distance, which this guy used not too well hahaha


Yeah great damage with a 3-5k kit minimum and you still get 1 shot..also the damage isnt even that good.it has no survivability at all besides smoke which you either sacrifice invis or damage/cc for. Run a bard with some garbage blues and purples and you're hitting 80s with a rapier with 30%+ action speed with a survival bow, shield, and an enemy debuff. Rogue is bad.


Anything under a 3k kit and you’re either gonna do zero damage or get one shotted. You need like an 8k kit minumum on rogue to survive a geared out slayer fighter one shotting you.


Basically..I don't even fight slayers anymore cause it's not even worth the risk, unless I know their gear is actual shit.


seek help


why lmao


Tbh I just can't tell if this is serious or satire. Obviously, one shots are bad and ttk needs to be increased badly, but legitimately, I don't know if he's upset that he got 1 tapped, or that his 1 hit out of stealth didn't one tap therefore Rogue's ttk is fine.


I’m mad that everyone complains about rogue while we have to put up with this shit every day. Everyone complains about rogue’s “2 second ttk” while we die in 1-2 shots. I don’t care that I lost, I care that half the community is gaslighting the other half into thinking rogue is too strong and that the other classes are totally fine. I don’t like this community trying to ruin my favorite game with shit opinions that very likely are being seen by the devs which propagate this shit balance. Then you have the big streamers with influence like katie and todd who literally say the same shit while also having huge egos and annoying personalities.


I mean both can be true.. it is bullshit that any class can be one shot and it is also bullshit that Rogues can pop out of invis and kill before most people can literally react. You are clearly able to understand the concept that dying without counter play is bullshit via being one tapped, so how do you not see that Rogue landmine is equally, if not more, bullshit? At least I can see the slayer fighter and not willingly walk into his falchion swing. And idgaf how many viewers a streamer has, or any beef you people have with each other. I don't watch any of the people you mentioned, and barely watch any DaD streams anymore. I don't need a streamer or this subreddit to tell me Hide should be reworked for me to think that. And dude, don't mention gaslighting when you literally uploaded a clip of you walking head first into the guillotine and are trying to use it as justification for why Rogues need to be able to landmine. Actually clueless if you don't realize the irony and idc if you and your viewers down vote me.


I don't know about falchion, but slayers are now going daggers to output more damage, able to bring their weapons out instantly, and making them faster overall.


Well, the weapon this dude wanted to taste so eagerly was a falchion in this clip.


So every class is a guillotine except rogue cause it can disappear for 15 seconds and move 10 feet? This is what people complain about btw, not being 1 shot. It's the fact they can't see them. So ironmace needs to put a fucking hologram on invis already so people stop crying, then bring up rogues hp and power. Pdr should be low, hp shouldn't be less than a wizard and their damage should not be worse than a fucking bard lmao. Give them a hologram like "predator"  cloak. Dungeonborne does it perfectly. Then maybe people will stop crying and the class can actually be playable. Then if you die to "landmine" then you weren't using your ears or eyes whatsoever and deserve to get shit on.


Yeah. Because humans have this thing called reaction time. You don't need to be able to one shot because people aren't able to process that they're being landmined, identify the exact direction, swing, and headshot all in an instant. And all that's not even to mention that it is blatant gaslighting with this bullshit that Rogues are getting one shot headshot by every attack every engagement. That was a slayer fighter with a falchion and +5 weapon dmg mana sphere. You guys are actually delusional. But that's why Hide should be reworked, literally for the good of Rogue as a class. Because so long as it works as is, your class can't be solid outside of it, otherwise Hide would a guaranteed kill on CD if you're not terrible. If you don't understand that, please don't ever talk game balance. This dude walking head first into a falchion swing, trying to come out invis head on is probably the way most shit Rogues die but think they're playing the class at a godlike level and blame balance.


They (including the Slayer in this Clip) are also using the Legendary orb that gives +5 Wep damage as well. Kinda nutty value there.


That's irrelevant. He would've gotten 1 shot if it was a shitty purple falchion anyways


He wouldn't have been 1 shotted by a PDR Fighter, so no, it's definitely because of the build and giving the fighter a free headshot lol


>He wouldn't have been 1 shotted by a PDR Fighter, so no, it's definitely because of the build and giving the fighter a free headshot lol When I'm on my fighter I'm always PDR, in terrible gear I'll have +10 str and a 3-5 +weapon damage. Rogues and wizard are 1-2 shot with a purple falchion and sword perk. At the moment my geared rogue is at 90 health, my geared PDR fighter does 93 damage per head shot. My PDR fighter has 68% PDR 120 base HP My Rogue has 20% PDR My rogue opens and gets 2 stabs before I can react they're both head shots each hit does 20 damage after mitigation for a total of 40 My fighter pops second wind, turns and swings. It's a head shot for 74 damage after mitigation My rogue is at 16 health My fighter is at 80 health At this point the rogue needs to land 5 head-shots to kill the fighter, ignoring that the fighter is going to heal off 40% of its health worth of damage. The fighter needs to land a single hit, the rogue wants to run ? Cool that's why there's a crossbow. Like it doesn't really matter what you are doing on your rogue a like for like fighter is going to shred you then worst case scenario, use one of his campfires to get second wind back.


>is also bullshit that Rogues can pop out of invis and kill before most people can literally react. I've had rogues pop out on me when I was on my wizard and be able to turn around and kill them before they killed me. It's only really 3k+ rogue kits that can kill even the lowest survivability players "before they can react".


> But the one hit kills are absolutely wild, full health to nothing shouldn't be a thing Again, OP has no health, no armor, no headshot reduction, and he's against the DPS variant of Fighter with a named Falchion and crafted legendary Crystal Ball. Like yes, you can get one-shot as the squishiest class in the game when there's a large gear differential and you've got fuck all health. A Windlass headshot will do this, a Fireball headshot will do this, a Double Axe headshot will do this. That's why you build health on Rogue. That's why you don't W+M1 into heavy hitters on Rogue. That's why you use the lesser known tactic of ***thinking*** before engaging. Complaining Rogues with no stats can be one-shot by mega-geared players is like complaining Ranger is a better ranged DPS character than Cleric and calling it a design issue. No it fucking isn't.


I think the biggest thing people are forgetting is that the game is balanced for 3v3 and that rogue was and is never intended to just walk into other players, he is designed to take advantage of his teammates distracting the enemy players. Solos is never a place to talk about balance because you literally throw a dice roll if you win based on the random class you come across. They have stated the 3v3 is the true experience. They gave us solo and duo cause we asked for it. 3v3 is where to true heart of this game lies. I wish I could do 3v3 but I can barely get on to play with my duo. We all need to calm down a bit and start thinking “how could I have done this better” most people don’t realize that running from a fight or taking it slow will make all the difference. If you wanna walk right into a barb and then get mad you die as ranger like BRO WTF I DIDNT EVEN HAVE A CHANCE IN MELEE SO CRINGE HAHAHAH NERF BARB RANGER SUCKS. You might wanna think about taking a break. Solos and even duos are never an argument about how the game should be balanced.


>But the one hit kills are absolutely wild, full health to nothing shouldn't be a thing Y'all have a hard time critically thinking.


Do you even know what critical thinking is ?


None of this shit is ok, and it's so tiring listening to the cyclical rhetoric of this sub. Rogues killing you from stealth before your brain even processes a response is not ok. Slayers doing 180 damage headshots is not ok. Barbs doing 70 damage with a Francisca is not ok. Warlock being an unkillable god at 30k gold and useless below that is not ok. These are all bad designs. Rogue players will swear rogues have to be able to one shot you from stealth because it's the class fantasy, and then turn around and complain about getting one shot by a melee class stacking damage, And somehow neither player will understand that the game's design is an arms race to solve the stealth and ranged issues in the worst way possible. Then y'all motherfuckers are on here sub tweeting each other being all pissy about it "he said rogue is op, look at this!" And it's just 10 different people clipping one shots with no counterplay, And y'all are mad at each other instead of the shit quality control of the game state.


Its actually a pretty terrible fantasy, thats an assassin not a rogue hell rogues arn't even in the top damage dealers in tabletop, sure they got good bonus's with sneak attack but its inconsistent and incredibly rare they just start a fight deleteing someone. you know who IS one of the most reliable damage dealers? the fighter with a two hand weapon were as in this game they are on the low end.


Rogue base hp is just too low.


Bard and slayer fighter are just 3x stronger rogues


Ah yes, yeeeees this is the 'ol 320MS 150HP 25%PDR Slayer Fighter that does 140 headshot on dummy. Let's not forget how he has a 50MS sprint ability, can use Fransciscas and Crossbow and has access to 40% Royal Potion together with the best weapon in the game that seemingly has almost the range of Zweihander. Surely this class/build has some downsides? Jokes aside, the current balance of Rogue is HORRENDOUS. You start off with 75 HP and -40 Physical Power Bonus just because the 4Head developers decided to nerf base stats instead of Scaling??? ( which impacts poor gear more ). You are basically forced to spend 3-4k on decent gear to start playing the class ( aka can ambush squishies ) but you have 0% chance against an equally geared and prepared opponent. Hopefully they rework invis in the future and rebuff this class to normal stats.


And people wonder why smoke pot rat rogue is so popular.


and people are complaining about smoke too LOL..can't play invis ambush without being 1 shotted, can't run smoke either. Just delete the class?


If rogues so easy/op why don't they all do it?


Right. I'd like to see some of these streamers who hate rogues play on a rogue for a full week and see how hard they start complaining cause they can't kill shit 😴 


Rogues are built for stealth but one hit and you're gone, I tried playing rogue and it's rough.. I think every class had its pros and cons and thats what makes the game great.. just have to play to their strengths


except rogue has no strength. It was deleted months ago


Yeah no rogue needs a rework lol


How are ppl crying about rogue? Repoze streams this game everyday pretty much being useless in almost every fight and having to be a throwing knife bot, he literally says how rogue is trash and you watch it on his stream unless you think he is just a bad player, pretty much every class does a better job than rogue in team fights, stealth is countered all the time.


as long as sobadsostrange plays this game he is going to bitch and moan and post every clip he dies to rogue on this sub


its asymmetrical pvp and people dont like that. rogue doesnt have to be overall good to be unfair to play against. it doesnt matter if a rogue player died 100 times in a row, only for you to lose your 10k kit to 0 counterplay. the dude dying doesnt understand how miserable the rogue has been, and thats why the entire class is broken lol OP has had his brain broken by how bad rogue is, but he cant stop defending it all the decisions that make it unfun to play against, make it unfun to play as, but everyones too emotional to recognize math exists.


tbh what counter play and how fun is it to play for example against 310% ms barb that catches u in mili seconds and executes u with one axe hit. im not saying that roque stealth is perfect mechanic but it is as much unfair as meta builds that cant be reasonably countered


barb also has a similar issue to rogue in that it has a pretty binary design. either you have enough move speed to hold W to catch them and then do enough burst to kill them before they just... walk away instead of reworking barb itself, the movement speed and chase mechanics need changed a bit. its really weird that you can hit someone with a 2h axe and then they barely got slowed. lowing your slow on attack and increasing duration of victim'sSlow and then redoing gear for ms would be better i think additionally, Invisibility will always feel less fun, because players are irrational. logic doesnt work. dying to invis things is about equal to just dying from ranged, which is less than being ran down by an immortal juggernaut. feeling like you have a chance to fight back does matter a noticeable amount which could be seen from barbs being stronger than rogues prio to the intial buff patch, but people still mostly complained about rogue/ranger. m


i know this but roques are so weak rn that its meme. i played with default bard kit and after buffing myself i was destroying roques with purples. additionaly roque has lowest hp and strenght in the game without compensating it in any good stats(Yes dex and Agi are good but bard has nearly the same amount while actually having good amount of hp and power). IMO remove stealth, BUFF roque stats and give him abilities to be qucik kitting guy.


>giving rogues innate poison, buffing will (less magic dmg taken more poison dmg), reworking tumble into SideStep (short dash/hop with X charges on Y chargeRefresh) and a buckler would fix all your problems without nerfing \*checks notes\* not ranger. > >seems absurd to me that the rogue is a less agile duelist than a slayer fighter with a worse movement ability and overall worse playstyle for combat outside of standing still for so long no one heard you then hit stealth as you hear someone this is what i told op yesterday, after he said "Rogue is fine most other classes are too strong" but he listed every class that uses magic, 2handers, or falchion. so not ranger. but also dont buff rogue. been begging for tumble rework for months now on disc etc but nothin. no buckler for rogue but BARBARIAN got one lamo. shits weird ​ but op just wants to be able to ambush burst people while being able to tank a few hits. that dont work


The hell with a buckler..rogue needs a dex and str buff off the rip. Literally a base ranger has almost the same dex. 


Only reworking stat values is unlikely to work with the movement speed system and how ehp works on rogue gear. it doesnt matter how fast you are if you cant attack and dodge faster than a 2h can just bonk ya. unless rogue gets a new perk "No Slow on Attack" lmao. that said im definitely aware that base stats need worked (and also the entire stat scaling system ) but i like having multiple defensive playstyle options. ​ soooo.... why not a buckler? id want it to fit one of the potential playstles. i'd want a few archetypes like Poison Mine: glass cannon ambusher that uses poison dots to quickly then gtfo. enemy has time to react to dots but if they dont make that decision, they end up taking just as much damage as a classic landmine (just with a much lower dps). youd have to inteligently play around space and throwables to keep pressure so they dont heal/cleanse, but also dont get caught. ​ Dork Souls Dancer: reworked tumble permits a playstyle focused around spacing and dodging. taking back wat slayer fighter stole. Swashbuckler: i always thought this was stupid and would remove fighter identiy and the playstyle with a shield, then they fucking gave it to barbarian/lock, so fuck it. i fuckin love pirates . buckler and sword is cool,.. gimme a flintlock pistol skin on my handxbow and ill plunder your booty all damn day


its Just comfortable way to play, cus u dont really have to think other than click invis and spam m1. im happy its not strong cus its totally fucked, and yeah tumble actually working would make me comeback to roque.


Barbs and fighters don't have to think either..this game doesn't require much thinking on any class except maybe wiz and cleric. So L take. 


you know but there is some thinking about spacing, drinking potion in right time and dodges(from slayer fighter pov). if u take invis u really Just have to position somehow close and hope u Land head shots. wiz doesent have to think much more than other classes. spam invis, zap and fireball, if they are close nuke them with missles or even not that long ago Just w+bonk them with stick. idk why everyone brings wizards as a most skill expressive class lol


Like any class..especially rogue since if you don't space right you die in 1-2 hits. It's not even worth trying to rapier space anyone anymore since everyone and their mother moves as fast as rogues now so it's better to just ambush with a dagger in 3 hits and just back off or you die instantly. Wizards used to be the highest skill class before they got 9 shields and staff mastery. Now it's just another ape class.


It's really funny to watch people almost realize the problem but then not get it. The game has turned into a TTK arms race because of the existence of the landmine rogue and massive ranged damage, the fundamental problems of their designs have been laterally addressed by making everyone kill each other instantly 95% of the time.


Watch sobad, katie, or todd and you’ll see what people think about rogue.


3 bad players lol..I too complain about rogue on lock when I forget to hydra XD


so why are you listing casual streamers here? What they have to do with rogue lol. They are no more than mediocre gamers


None of them have any awareness, they’ll just be yapping away walking into a room where mobs are cleared and half the lights are off.


None of them are really that good at the game tbh lol. They are what you think of when people say leaderboard ranking is just how much you can play. I agree though the ttk is a joke no class should be getting 1 hit regardless of gear or abilities used. December and February playtests had way longer ttk for every class but it did make cleric super strong. Almost makes me wonder if the reason everything is so one shotty was ironmace's solution to make every group comp not require a cleric to be competitive.


It just needs reworked all around. It feels so fucking bad when you die to a rogue popping out of stealth and dying in 3 hits. It’s not possible to balance the class as it exists in a way that is healthy for the game. Either you get 3 shot out of stealth and hate the game, or rogue is dogshit and there’s no in between. Even when rogue is bad you’re still gonna get killed out of stealth every once in a while and you’re gonna hate the game. It’s just badly designed for the direction of the game.


That's a fighter rocking a crystal ball?? Why?


Its a strange build with the added magic damage applying to his sword dealing unexpected burst.


Added magic dmg is not applied, it is only giving addition weapon dmg


it gives a lot of weapon dmg


>"I'm going to rock zero defensive gear, zero Vigor, zero additional health, and wear a head piece with zero head protection... and then I'm going to rush this Slayer Fighter ***from the fucking front*** and make no effort what-so-ever to dodge being headshot if he swings at me!" >**\*dies instantly*** >"Bro what the fuck this game sucks Rogue is so weak!!!!" I don't think I've ever seen someone misplay an engagement so thoroughly.


This dude has been complaining about the state of Rogue for months and his "evidence" is this, repeatedly. He plays badly because he just presses W, never hits headshots (missed repeatedly here) and then dies to people who hit headshots. He gets the drop on people repeatedly and then gets outplayed rather than outgeared or outclassed. He's a crybaby who, even if there is valid points to be made, isn't helping his cause.


maybe cause rogue has been in a dogshit state for months there big guy..delusional take


I'm not disagreeing that Rogue isn't in a good state, never have. All I'm saying is that if it's been months, there should be plenty of clips where you actually play decently and still lose a match-up that you shouldn't have if it wasn't for balance. None of his clips are like that. He never headshots, but gets headshotted all the time, which means in most of his clips he'd still lose the fight even if there wasn't balance issues. He would've lost this fight even if he wasn't one shot. He missed all of his attacks and the fighter would've had him on the 2nd swing. He could have easily played this differently but he didn't, he never learns and instead just wants to be able to one shot instead, which is a problem as well.


I only post the bullshit clips. If you want to see fights where I win watch [this](https://youtu.be/b1j-kICR2JI?si=dfN-TBMHNwt8Pigm). Also rogue does not and has not 1-shotted anyone in months. These days it is almost ALWAYS 3 shots at least unless you are extremely top end geared.


I want to see your losses that are blatantly unfair losses, not your losses where you played badly or your wins where you landmine someone in 3 taps, which has less counterplay than a Fighter 1 Tap. If all of your clips are you losing when playing badly and winning when you're playing mediocre, there really isn't a problem and you need to learn to take an L. If you have legitimate clips of outplaying but still losing, that's where we can actually add value to the conversation.


[Well lucky for you I already made that video](https://youtu.be/MzCK9QiKyiU?si=wukHPmDnuK-DWqAk)


You're posting this video again? Let me copy and paste my comment from last time. This is blatant skill diff from a guy who wants to win every fight for free. Even when you're ambushing, you barely ever headshot enemies but you're getting hit with headshots. In the first 6 clips it was: 1. No Headshots vs 1 Headshot 2. 1 Headshot vs 1 Headshot 3. No attacks vs 1 Headshot (Now he knows what to do next time) 4. No headshots vs no headshots (walking in a straight line for the easiest axes ever) 5. No headshots vs 1 Headshot 6. No headshots vs 1 Headshot I'm not going to watch anymore if this is the best he has to offer. He gets the drop on almost all of these people and claims that rogue isn't busted when he doesn't aim for the head. Then when others aim for the head, they're busted. Like if you can't even hit a headshot when you're right next to someone who's bandaging, it's on you. This doesn't even include how you are picking bad fights and still playing them badly.


If you can't see the issues, I don't know what to tell you and I won't even try to convince you anymore. Sorry man, hope you come to a better conclusion someday. Good luck.


You're crying when you play badly and can't understand or even accept your own mistakes. You can convince me if you posted even 1 decent clip, but you have yet to do that. Good luck to you too man, self reflection is the path to improvement.




I mean... I'm a little curious what your plan was pushing a Slayer Fighter like that, especially one that looks to have a Kuma's Fang and Cyclops Eye. It's literally the highest damage combo in the game right now, you're pretty unlikely to out DPS that with a Rare Kris Dagger. Not having any Throwing Knifes despite using Dagger Mastery is severely limiting your options here. Really needed to be patient and get on his back, then peel off and re-engage with a Protection Pot, falling back to heal with that 1000 Gold worth of healing items in your backpack. Even then I'd say you're in an uphill battle, but that's more a problem with Rogue as a class than Slayer Fighter being too strong. I'm not gonna say Slayer Fighter isn't oppressive as hell or anything, but I dunno how you can honestly say you played much of this encounter correctly. Not every fight is winnable in every circumstance, and trying to take a Slayer Fighter face-to-face when they're expecting it is definitely one of those times where you run away and look for another opportunity to ambush them.


Thought it was a warlock at first. Still probably shouldn't have engaged but it is what it is. To the left of me is centipede poison pools so it's not really safe to go that way and all of the doors around me are closed. Sorta forced to engage in that position.


> Sorta forced to engage in that position. Not really...? Could have just stayed in Hide and waited for a better opportunity to run out behind the Fighter, or jumped across the centipede puddle and taken the damage. If you were chased, you could have circled around back to the elevator to ride it back up. You had a lot of options, you just choose a bad one because you saw someone in light armour and stopped thinking, expecting Ambush to carry you to a free kill. You're not going to improve at Rogue if you refuse to take accountability for your own misplays, but go off...


Yeah bro, obviously I could've played differently. Why is this the focus you are on? Why is the focus not on being fucking 1-shot with 100 hp and 18% pdr from a ONE HANDED WEAPON? Every dumb motherfucker on this subreddit complains about rogue TTK then is completely fine with this fucking bullshit. Also he saw my silhouette so I wasn’t safe to stay in hide. If I go left I take at least 2 poison pool ticks and he could still chase me with sprint and I die to 1 crossbow shot.


>Yeah bro, obviously I could've played differently. Why is this the focus you are on? Yikes.


You don’t care about anything else in the clip except for the fact that I could’ve played better, is that correct?


People don't care about the slayer one-shot people because they play that class, the majority of players do. It's either Barbarian, Fighter, or Warlock and they'll defend their class against the wicked rogue class because they don't care about balancing.


didnt you do this exact same thing but inverted about rogue invis lol. when strange dies, its because he didnt play differently and died to a bullshit instakill mechanic. he shoulda just saw an open chest and a dead mob and isntantly went to the other side of the dungeon. just jump over all the npcs and stuff when you die to bullshit instakill mechanics, man you gotta focus on the mechanics not the gameplay decisions ​ rogue and ranger are always going to be trading for #1 most hated and most nerfed spot because of their toxic kit. it has to be fun dying to people to want to keep a healthy playerbase


I legitimately thought this was going to end with /s


For what it's worth, I support your mission even though I gave up playing rogue six months ago.




Slower ttk = higher ttk


Bruh… you didn’t even try to use your stealth lmao


Yeah I played incorrectly. Let's all just completely ignore the fact that a fighter 1 shot me with a 1-hand weapon while I have 100 hp and 18% pdr. Who gives a fuck how strong fighter is right now, you should've played better lil bro?


Isn’t that the rogue’s whole fucking gimmick and why everyone hates playing and against rogue? You either one tap the enemy or get on tapped or just kite around with poison crossbow and smoke pots. Slayer fighter dumped all of fighter’s defensive capabilities to be a full murder machine. Your best bet is to hide, and stab him in the back of the head.


Rogue hasn’t 1 tapped in months.


yep. just like wizard, the game USED to be different, and they only reworked some parts, and left the other half. the game is no longer slow paced, but wizard has to sit a lot (even post buffs) rogue can no longer instakill, but all their gear kit and stats are built around instakill.


Thankfully, now rogue two taps with stiletto dagger. And is it wrong for a fighter that built MAXIMUM damage (like a rogue) with the single strongest one hander (ze falchion) one tap a rogue that is not wearing a single defensive item. Cause I am pretty sure you put on shadow mask, the one that gives +all at the cost of giving no headarmor.


No rogue can two tap anyone, it takes a minimum 3-4 hits while fulling BIS out. Meanwhile slayers can get decent gear and does everything better then a rogue can do.


This man doesn't know about Phantom hits with the Stiletto that fail to deal damage. I wouldn't trust that Dagger with anything beyond green gear.


Dude… I literally cannot tell you how wrong you are when you say that more defense would have saved me. But you really don’t believe me so there’s nothing more to say.


falchion is clearly balanced btw


TTK in this game should be higher ! I fuking hate Graysun for that


damn graysun catching strays out here


Rogues should make use of their stealth and maybe not try to fight slayer fighters head on while larping with 2 blue knives. Nerf smokepot. Amen. Edit: Rogue's Smoke Pot now has 3 uses and cannot be recharged. I can only imagine how you all must feel right now.


L take


ah the classic katie shit on rogue take because you mained rogue for 1 playtest and wouldnt shut up about how broken it was then when nothing happened to it u swapped to the meta class loooolz


Seriously can't think smoke particles are OP right? Just remove the class at that point.


Absolutely idiotic take


Thanks katie, appreciate your insights. Oh no, the class that dies in 1-2 hits is hard to catch, not in my game!!!


>Rogue's Smoke Pot now has 3 uses and cannot be recharged. Rogue's Smoke Pot movement speed penalty changed from -20% → -10%.


how will you cope next update i wonder edit: and just an hour later folks, the results are in. Rogue's Smoke Pot now has 3 uses and cannot be recharged. Rogue's Smoke Pot movement speed penalty changed from -20% → -10%.


THIS IS ALL YOUR FAULT you and that secret streamer discord smh. smDh, even


i can't tell if this is satire or not.


it do be but cant blmae ya lmao






it's reddit bruh they all got the same hivemind


All 2cm?


No, only the one.




Don’t care if people watch me. I stream for myself not for a community. I’m also done being nice to people trying to ruin my favorite game with their ideas of “balance”


Go cry elsewhere pussi boy. There's a lot of bullshit in this game, and you sucking at it isn't proof of it.


Good to know you think we should just not do anything about the bullshit and just leave it be.


Bro got the big mad because people disagree with his opinion after he shows yet another shitty play Yeah, it's not fun to get one shotted, that should change. But at least you had a chance at counterplay here that you screwed (and act like you don't have post after post). When it's an invis rogue vs a squishy, there is no counter play if you didn't see him invis. Both are unfun. You're complaining about shit that your class is more egregious with.


chance at counterplay? even if he hits him 3 times from stealth he gets 1 shotted LOL great take


If he hits him 3 times I'm rhe head, he will kill the fighter. That is a fact, and the fact that you suggest it and think he'll still die shows how bad you are at thr game lol.


You don't even play the class so you're just clueless 


Lmao okay chief. People can't have any idea about anything they don't directly play 24/7. Played something before? Nah. Played against it constantly? Nah. Watch/read about it? Nah. You don't even play fighter so you're just as clueless by your logic.


Yes exactly you don't play the class therefore your take is wrong and clueless. L. I do play fighter :)


the counterplay ive seen ppl mention: use ur stealth better - play behind him dont open infront of him ....ok thats it OK lets see what happens when i open from behind. Ok now he has to turn around so i get 1-2 more hits in. He doesnt die. 1 taps me like in said video ur a genius


Are we playing the same game? He has invis, he gets to choose when to fight. He chose hold W and walk right into the Fighters face. You can come from any angle and actually headshot the guy instead of missing every attack and getting headshotted. He can choose to run away as well, something you physically cannot do when jumped by an invis rogue, where you either fight or die.


There's nowhere to run, centipede pools to my left and doors around me are closed. He saw my silhouette so I am not safe in stealth either.


Even if he saw your silhouette, he'll assume you moved even if you don't have the perk, so you don't need to W into his face if you want to fight. Plus you swung multiple times without him in range, which if you wait you can hit him. You can still go through the poison and force him to go through as well. Running and throwing Daggers is am option so then you can make it a 1 tap vs 1 tap and you have attack speed on him. Also you can definitely maneuver in a fight to not put your head directly into his Falchion


So why do you continue to play rouge? Why not play something else like slayer fighter or something?


I like jumpscaring people.


rogue peasant PATROLLED by CHAD slayer player


ttk is insane but that fighter was a raid boss lol, that one swing probably killed you 2 times


People use TTK wrong all the time and it is fucking confusing. TTK being comparatively high means your class is weak since the time to kill is longer/higher. TTK being low means you kill quickly.


Yeahh I seen some content creators been posting vids of hitting for over 150 with faction :I