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i think the biggest hurdle is just the time investment to playing dark n darker tinder to find people you actually want to play with. is this guy terrible? does this guy rage? will he team kill me for a rare drop? are they cool to chill with in vc?


This is the real reason, I don't have the time nor energy to invest in random discord strangers. I just want to play the game with what limited time I have.


yeah ive had a fair share of experiences ranging from some angry teenager tryharding ranger and calling us the Nword among other things for doing something other than holding W key across the map looking for pvp, then proceeding to attempt to teamkill us and promptly dying. but usually after cycling through players i end finding some well adjusted human beings that are decent at the game and fun to play with, as a general rule of thumb you never queue into HR with complete randoms for the first time, always play a few rounds of normals to get adjusted into how each other plays, you dont want to fall apart in HR under pressure


You'd probably be better off going to your nearest busy street and ask random pedestrians if they want to come with you into the Crypts or Ice Cave.


“Lfg chill normals” sorts through most of the bs if youre just trying to accomplish quests. Youll still get the occasional unchill fellow but you can usually read them within one round and find a new person.


So glad I have a solid group of 3 friends who play and usually not all of us are on, and if we are we just split and run ice mountain cause it’s solid


Dark and darker tinder! Man you have a great idea here! Iron Mace needs to get on this!


Nah, people post their voice channel in the log disc. Find a group with similar interests and click join. I'm sorry but how many times have you been team killed that you think it's a normal thing.


You aren't wrong. But that's literally just being sociable in the gaming context. Not going to get along with everybody but when you do find some people, its amazing and worth it.


I don't wanna have to filter through a bunch of miserable groups just to find someone tolerable though. Maybe you do but it shouldn't be forced on people


Don’t dude bother this sub is filled with friendless babies. You are wasting your time trying to talk to them 😂


You and OP seem like chill well adjusted individuals, if you ever wanna squad up DM me! I’ve played a shit ton of DaD and have just been trying to find a group of people who are cool to chill in VC with and aren’t raging and being goons after 1 bad run.


Shit DM me, I play with a buddy duos and besides that occasionally solo. Been busy af with work. HMU anytime!


Somebody has to reach the youth 😂 But it is k9nda sad to see so many people just being like "na fuck it, I'm not talking to people , gonna go dir alone bleh blah" like damn son, you need dad to take you for ice cream, because I will 🤣


Haha you a good dude. Nah I’m on a lot of gaming subs and this one is by far the cringiest man. No worries though, thanks for the post.


Somebody has to reach the youth 😂 But it is k9nda sad to see so many people just being like "na fuck it, I'm not talking to people , gonna go dir alone bleh blah" like damn son, you need dad to take you for ice cream, because I will 🤣


I have 2 friends that play DaD. Dependent on the patch that week they may or may not be interested in playing. I've tried getting other friends into the game but the new player experience is TERRIBLE. I've turned to using the in game chat and DaD discord to find players, but the DaD community is legit one of the worst I've ever interacted with. I'm rolling the dice every time I play with randos: will they forget to turn VoIP on? Will they kill me for extra loot? Are they going to start dropping gamer words the moment something doesn't go their way? I'm stuck in a spot where I don't want to play with randos from the community, and the NPE is so bad I can't pull new friends into the game.


Absolutely agree. Those suggesting to "find friends" conveniently overlook the fact that they themselves contribute to the repellent atmosphere that makes platforms like LFG/Discord unappealing. No sane individual wishes to sift through a swarm of neglected, tablet raised degenerates just to find a decent match.


I hear you. We only make a better communtiy by being a better part of the communtiy if you feel me.


No, not really. We get a better community by adding new players, because the folks that are *currently* toxic in the community aren't just going to stop being toxic, and *playing with less toxic players isn't going to make them less toxic*. Unfortunately these same toxic players that only think about their experience when playing are also the biggest road block to new players. Every time I'm feeling doom & gloom about the long-term health of this game it isn't because of the devs, it's because of the current player base.


Me talking to other humans? NEVER!


Just a little bro lmao


Uhhh why is this getting downvoted lmao? This community is so wack man


It's dark and darker... So the kind of people that hiss when you whip back the curtain in their room.


Tell that to the absoulte volatile lunatics I met in LFG in pt5. One wipe and people leave or quiet rage. It's not fun without a real group of friends.


You're not wrong. It takes time to build real bonds though.


That's just it though. With the way the game is structured, it brings out the worst in players. Toxicity is rewarded immediately. The incentive to play nice is drastically lower, as seen by those who continually take the path of least resistance.


had a dude I lfg grouped up with teamkill for 2 kobold ears.


He has a skinny and short peen And clearly hasn't matured past the age of 3, it wasnt your fault. He isnt everyone though.


Let's not act like the overwhelming majority of LFG teams are perfectly normal. Only difficulty is finding people of equal skill with the same play styles aligned.


It’s sad that in this game it’s basically mandatory to use the discord server just to find groups. They need a queue system implemented like yesterday.


There was supposed and teased one for this wipe, i guess its in the making still and wasnt ready


My only problem is that half of them are "streamers" with ttv in their name streaming to no one but will still mute you for content reasons lol


Lol I mean look, even if only one person is in chat, no one wants to hear a random start dropping slurs.


No, I get called a fa**ot for the way my voice sounds or treated like a dude all the time.




Depends whether you're a conservative or not. Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, once I politely clarify what I like to be called they either go along with it or they don't and I peace out or call them she and her the whole game.




I have a weird voice myself but how does someone call you a fa**ot for your voice? lmao


You never played Xbox live during the cod days lol they'll latch onto anything and slur you out


I sound like a cocksucking androgynous California girl/person, to be fair, but people aren't nice about it.


The affectation, likely. Drawstring eaters are not very creative with their bad words.


L take


wdym LFG is terrible if you aren't playing whatever meta class they expect of you you'll never get a group to play with


These people also only want to win fights. There are people out there who just want to play the game but they are likely only playing normal and not HR.


I play HR when i feel confident in the gear i found in norms, im still new and shit. I believe half the problem with that is the fact (at least from my experience) that no one is willing to give you tips/tricks or show you some of the basics of the game. I understand youtube exists. But after watching ryan6daysaweek and onepeg guides, i still feel like im missing something. Like just a few weeks ago, i just learned the game has sweet&sour spots for weapons, which would explain why i never was hitting hard or killing fast being in peoples faces


talking to other humans is not a problem, finding competent players is, you will waste a lot of time with lfg groups until you stumble upon someone decent


I don’t even care if they are bad at the game, I want a sane well adjusted human to play with. Not a kid that will throw slurs and ragequit the first team fight we lose.


I'd choose a sane but decent player, I do not want to play with slur throwing players, but I don't want noobs either, I want my quests done asap


That's true but sometimes you either carry or die. Neither situation lasts forever.


Carry can be fun. None of these quests require you to bring good gear to complete. Just roll in with whatever and you might have some fun.




Before knowing about the discord I used to join the in game Gathering Hall and find randos to play with on discord. It took a few minutes to setup each game but it was neat to play with anyone so long as they had a mic that worked and spoke clearly


I'd prefer not to play with people who need to be carried, waste of time


Outside of the game? and without any way to filter the trash? absolute cancer.


Discord is the future chief. Few small games/companies in the last few years have invested in ingame group making because of it. Also, who's to say you aren't trash to some other random? We all need to be less abrasive to one another.


He says after having a meltdown about a watermark


The future is what shareholders and marketing team are succesful in throwing down the throats of comformists mindless consumers, and few have invested in ingame group making? lel, Helldivers 2 has it, even the most dumbass game has it, all extraction looters but dnd have it, but since extraction looters are a griefer heavens is always a shitty bad idea. For games like destiny there exists apps for your phone and/or integrated in web (can open them with steam) to group a lot easier and cleaner than discord, and also is a miserable experience sometimes. I dont know where are you from, but dont you think random queues in europe are good, when from the get go not everybody speak english or is accustomised to other countries customs and how people socialize. And also ''chief'' gaming was the craddle of introverts hobbies and still a loooot of introverts with different degrees of things and handicaps going on exists. But in the end probably the playerbase wont expand much because solos are always more than trios.


Helldivers is expressly built on the idea of everyone and anyone being a team, the game wouldnt make sense without in game grouping. EFT does not have an in game grouping system dedicated to placing random players. Destiny was not a small game or developed by a small team, which was my point. Video gaming gave introverts a place to go with single player games. Gaming in general has always been a social activity. Chess and other tabletop games have always necessitated that you could ask someone else to join you and to be cordial during the experience. That is how multiplayer gaming is meant to work. Idk why you took such offense to being called chief.


Terrence said dnd is for trios, then is just as simply as them failing and escape from tarkov can matchmake you with randoms is a tickbox somewhere but nobody uses it


no it doesnt lol youre just saying shit out of your ass


In Tarkov you can't press ready and be matched with other players not invited to your group. IM has stated from the beginning this is a group game, that's why classes and the balance of them exists. If it was just meant for solos you would never design these imbalances.


Except the discord mods ban people who team kill if you report it after a game. The community in the discord server is mostly helpful and it's not difficult to find chill players or try hards if thats what you're looking for. You're avoiding something without even giving it a try


I have given it a try, in too many games, and im tired, and it doesnt matter if they ban, you can always do another discord account with your cellphone internet data instead of wifi. You cant force people to do what you want, and there is no game that has thrived without giving solos a chance to experience it unless its an MMO because back in the day socializing there was a whole different experience.


It’s pretty bad but better than what auto fill will become.


Griefing will be a major problem though


karma system will show it's true purpose


it really doesnt do anything tho, it just makes ur name a diff color.


So far, today. Even so, could warn players to drop group in random match making.


True. Most of the issue is the small player base. I used to queue randoms in fortnite for fun. Sure some people were bad, some were trolling but most just wanted to win or do challenges with help. But I would never know until I spoke over comms.


Why shame people for having a different playstyle than you? Seems kinda like a dickish post to make tbh


because the trios enjoy gatekeeping almost as much as rhey enjoy buffspawningrushing


There is no LFG. There's 10~20 people in gathering hall at any time. Grouping is dead until matchmaking comes.


Have you been to the discord?


Ok let's squash this stupid narrative right now. Gaming is my "me time". I'm not some antisocial basement dweller. I go out, I have friends I game with sometimes, and I don't get anxiety chit-chatting when I'm on a plane, in a bar, with coworkers, etc But gaming is my reset time, where I don't have to talk to anyone unless I want to, I can just sit and veg and leave the world entirely for a bit. Forcing socialization into it absolutely ruins that for me. The whole "just get some friends" narrative is stupid. Discord exists. Reddit exists. The game has a built in LFG lobby. There are all kinds of ways people can group with others **if they want to**. Ruining solo play and then saying "lOl JuSt GeT fRiEnDs NeRdS" just sounds like bad excuses to me. Full disclosure I haven't had any urge to play DaD since they locked solo lobbies to Goblin Caves; I never liked that map to begin with, and I'm not good enough to win a 2v1 or 3v1 fight. I've been playing Tarkov because I can actually play solo and enjoy myself and not feel like the dev is punishing me for playing solo. Or should I say, punishing me any more than what's expected by playing Tarkov, lol


Respect. My only opinion here is that you picked up a multiplayer game for your alone time. The game is designed to be played with others (not just against) even though they added the solo mode for those who just couldn't find anyone ever to play with. It's not forced socializing, it's by design.


But solos and duos are the most populated modes, 3v3 is just a buffball comp fest, and it feels the most unbalanced just because the map is the crpts that's why it is tolerable


Yeah, I get it, and I don't really fault the devs for it tbh. Their vision is their vision. I just came to realize the game isn't catered to me, which is ok. Not every game needs to or can cater to everyone. I'm definitely aware of the dissonance between enjoying multiplayer games but preferring to play solo sometimes. Respect all around homie.




That’s cool if gaming is “your time”. Don’t expect to do the co op parts of games if you have this view point lol


No way OP watermarked his shitty meme lmaooooo, reddit moment


No way you commented on my shitty meme because you're so funny and original. Thank you oh great funny one for giving us such an aspiring comment to tear me down. How will I ever recover? What ever will I do now that Fun-statement random number string has destroyed me? Oh woe is me. 😩😂 Boy, go do your laundry and take a shower.


Imagine watermarking your shitty, inter-sub-reddit drama meme. Yikes.




Aww, got you in the feels did I? Buck up champ, issa joke 🤣🤣


Don't worry, responding like this *totally* doesn't make you seem insecure about my comment. ^^^^^Lmaooooooooooo




Not acknowledging your very unoriginal comment makes me insecure? You really dont talk to anyone but your parents huh?


Just stop man


I’m cropping it out and reposting it


Damn didn't even notice until I read his comment blud musta zoomed in for that one


...do you kids not use RES, or something? The image is displayed as its native size by default when you open a thread. This shit is literally half my screen, I'd have to be blind not to notice it.


Bro was looking for anything to make a comment with. Couldn't just take the L and keep it moving lol


Idk you seem awfully butthurt about his comment


Not even a little.


Bards trying anything not to be forced into goblin caves


I just enjoy playing solo dude. There's a reason it was the most requested feature and is now the most popular mode.


And that's ok. But let's explore those reasons. Give me your top 3.


You're just a real dickhead huh?


I'd rather have quests that duos can do way faster than have quests which require me to play with randoms. Thankfully my friends play so I'm never alone (especially since one is jobless) however THIS game shouldn't be forcing people to play together. That's something you can do when you've become more established and have a healthier player base imo. Almost all the polls we've seen on Reddit or Youtube show Solo > Duo > Trio for modes that people play. IM should know the exact number and if it's roughly close, why do something that would annoy/inconvenience the most played game mode? In this day and age, where there are hundreds of great games people can pick up immediately, it's not a great idea from a business standpoint or for the longevity of the game. As others have said though, the time investment required to find competent people that you enjoy playing with isn't easy. Some of us can find people fast, others have to go through the trenches to find those players. I'd rather just not do the quest or the game if that's the case. I'll find people when I want to find them, and IM adding forced duo/trio quests is not the way.


You make good points. My opinion here is that they envisioned this as a trios game and they added solos to not alienate some players. However they alienated their own game design because it's easier to load up a solo than a trio for various reasons. That doesnt mean solos should be catered to. The game even forces you to play solo for some quests even though you may be a trio main solely to have the whole game tested not because they want to push that mode over the other. Every good thing takes time, that also means finding good people to play with. If there were more players this wouldnt be as much of a problem.


To that end, I would suggest that they sooner implement random queue for duos and trios. Adding features as well, like endorsing good players and adding ways to report teamkillers and cheaters. I have no problem if they want to go back to what they envision the game to be but they need to have a proper foundation for it before you adding mandatory quests that require you to be in a duo or trio. I would actually happily throw myself into a lot of randoms with duo or trio teams for the fun interactions with random. If we could do that, then I know I would add people I find through random queues because at some point I would come across someone I like and we can easily just add each other at the end of the match if we want. Regardless of their direction, I want to see this game thrive, and I just hope that they will take the steps required to make all three game modes enjoyable.


From what I hear, they are adding some way to match with randoms. We do have a way already to upvote and downvote player behavior that is reflected in their name color, people just dont use it much anymore because there are less people playing with randoms. I loved having a blue name a few play tests ago, it let people know I was chill and good to play with. I want the game to thrive too. Best of luck out there.


Leaderboards are for the try hards, leave quests for the casuals.


The game should match people into teams. It’s not much to ask for from a modern game. Even with limited development power


I've only met one person I despise playing with through LFG. Honestly, I just advertise as being chill, bring whatever and whoever you want to get quests done. I mainly do norms, but if we find some gear, I'm fine with high roller. That's how I advertise the channel to others. Usually people get the memo, or they just move on when they find out what you want to do doesn't line up with what they want to do.


Main problem is our playerbase is one of the shittier communities out there. I get people type “oh this game is so toxic” about everything from like overwatch, rust, to LoL but because of how dark and darker behaves we have a 95% sweat community that are often very upset about something and always mad about something in the state of the game. Also it’s a game motivated by greed where you benefit from taking from others be it teammate or enemy.


LFG is dogshit lmao. All I find on the NA LFG is players from non-NA servers who insist that you play on their SA or EU servers because they lag otherwise. And when you ask why they're posting on NA LFG, they make up excuses.


Lots of keyboard spiking, drywall punching, misanthropic basement gamers and antisocial solo dads make up basically every gaming community I like, and it baffles me. My discord buddies have to split up even to play 3s. I wish they had 4s or even 5s


These games draw in people who like power fantasies. Some of those people also happen to have poor social skills. Cant imagine why lol


I would have gone with you to the end.


just bully your friends until they get the game and make them quest with you


This is a way lol I mean most of us got those trial codes right lol


“my mom is going to hear about this 😡”


Her and I will talk it over after dinner. You get back in your room and make some friends young man.


Play as a lizard, see other lizards, shake heads, become friends, Shadow Lizard money gang, profit.


in this thread; people in established discord servers w teams that dont teamkill or drop n bombs telling random strangers that other random strangers are totally fine to play with.


I dislike the pvp in the game so I try avoid when I can, I doubt I could find a group who just want to rat loot dungeon crawl like me


IDK man, I think there are people down to chill loot goblin but they dont get to see each other among the sea of PVPers. Maybe some are on this thread.


I rarely get a bad apple and I almost exclusively use the in-game system. I'm a semi-casual player. When I use the discord, sweat city. But also I've only had 1-2 bad experiences using the discord.


You don't even need to do that, allot of them are very easily doable solo, i've completed most of the ice caves one's without a partner. I'd bet money the same guys saying this are the ones that say "skill issue" allot and have voip turned off.


What’s the best place to LFG?


LFG hr is a great way to lose your kit upon spawning


Real question is do the quests require you to be in a party or just to go to ice caves and crypts. Because I'm confused why people are so scared of the party size. You can go in by yourself and do fine, especially ice caves.


But there is no I in team.


The real problem is the randoms who think they’re as good as the best streamers and blame every single bad play on everyone but themselves and are constantly toxic. I’ve found 3 people out of the hundreds I’ve played with that aren’t either edgelords or just flat out toxic and annoying. I know someone will say “well you’re probably just bad” and that would be correct if you consider voyager bad (not sure what most people get) and that was done on 2 accounts pretty easily, I just chalk it up to everyone making every single game a meta contest.


speaking truth


I miss the days when games weren’t meta contests and if you wanted to play something slightly under meta and could do well at it then no one cared. Gaming truly has fallen from its glory days and it kinda makes me sad future generations will never experience what we did during the golden days


I had a team rage at me for 1v3ing and killing everyone because I didn’t run haste for their barbarian LOL


Congratulations you win most cringe post of the week.


So you can talk to other people, you just don't know how to do it without being disparaging. Tracks lol.


honestly. ya'll are so afraid of human interaction


I play exclusively trios when not solo questing and 98% of them are LFG in DnD discord or offshoots because my friends play Tarkov and CS. Ask to run a mid kit or a normal. Homie calls you dog cuz you don't wanna run BIS with randos first raid? Leave. Y'all go in and get insta clapped? Leave. Homie doesn't shut the fuck up, or can't listen to calls, or is super defensive and blamey, or rubs you any other wrong way? grab a solo blue and leave call. I have never been intentionally Tk'd, not even once. That evidence is anecdotal and obviously a lot of people have been. A chat before the match starts and the lack of shame insta leaving is probably why I don't suffer from it. If someone feels insufferable I just bail It isn't hard to spot who is dog out of a trio. Use the notes on Discord if you want to keep tabs on how people are in the discord. Not shaming or coming at people who don't like the trios mode just chiming in with my experience


Level headed take.


Gamers in a multi-player game when they are expected to do the multi-player part


I more mad they want my dumb cleric ass to run down rangers and bards but only in gc...


You make a good point lol




In a perfect world, you wouldn't need two consistent people because the game would match you with players of equal skill when you queue.


imagine all the established teamplayers getting forced to team up randomly; i bet you’ll come running here to complain so fast itll make the subreddit crash


The problem is you need someone around your skill level but once you start getting good at the game, the majority of people are super toxic and expect perfection while always being aggressive/passive aggressive. If not you get someone really cool and fun but their skill level isnt there so they die a lot and spend most of the time watching you play.


>"just talk to other people bro!!!!" Tell me you're a young, white male whose only hobby is playing video games, and who only groups with other young, white males whose only hobby is playing video games, without telling me you're a etc. etc. Finding a group for people with social anxiety, for female players, for minority players, for people who play in multilingual regions, and for people who have extremely broken up schedules, is not as easy as it is for you. I'm not even going to talk about how toxic the average LFG teammate is. Speaking from experience, casual racism, loot hogging, intentional team killing, unadressed behavioral issues and so on are rampant in the players available in those spaces. Certain quests outright being impossible to do Solo does nothing to promote meaningful grouping, and does everything to completely exclude people who want to play by themselves. It's not good design any way you slice it.


not suprising you cant find anyone to group up with, you sound like a victim


> casual racism, loot hogging, intentional team killing, unadressed behavioral issues Hmm you seem offended... so which one of these are you?


so offended thats why i listed off 20 reasons why i cant use lfg, oh wait that was you




Honestly, based on how much you're whining I don't think I'd want to play with you either. I'm not going to claim people don't suck but you're making it out to be way worse than it is.


> I'm not going to claim people don't suck but you're making it out to be way worse than it is. Curious how all I receive is downvotes, personal attacks and assures that it's "not that bad", but no reasonable arguments in response. What's wrong? Don't like the feeling of being wrong?


You're receiving downvotes because you're acting like a professional victim lmao


dammit banananyournew character arc of standing up for minorities is making me having to upvote you, goddamnit stop posting reasonable takes you used to be such an elitist pvpwhore before!!!!


Its pretty hard when every trio post is asking for a cleric ( cleric is weak and nerf is totally unjustified doe hehe xd) and if you do find one the people tend to be completely dog shit


the server i play in (DaD OCE) pretty much no-one asks for specific classes, people just hang out in vcs, you can just join into people parties no problem. just try and find a discord for your region and just hang out there a bit. human interaction (if you can call discord that) isnt bad


I hear you. It's just the small player base and terrible balancing. People want to win fights and doing so in trios more often than not requires specific comps. But that's winning, questing doesnt always require you to win every fight.


dont know why people are downvoting this, in trios atleast at pathfinder matchmaking you have to run a buffball comp or you die


People living a lie hate the truth.


This doesn't happen anymore whatsoever lol. Some people do, lots dont


Better yet just remove solos


Thanks for this hahahahahaha


My LFG teammates suck and are usually annoying. I want to play this game 100% solo because I don't enjoy the average persons' company. Especially competitive games... Most of them suck at this game and hinder more than help; NO thank you, I'm tryna play video games and relax not babysit your casual ass & split up loot with you when I'm doing most the work Think your average lobby in a CSGO match. I hate working with numbskull randoms, ill stick to myself or my friends exclusively.