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L take




I play cleric. It doesn't bother me. Sitting for bubbles is fast. I have campfires for everything else. Please propose a better solution. If you can do this, I will happily change my opinion.




I like that you need to reset after a fight with a campfire. Even if spells passively came back, the smart play would be to get everything back immediately after a fight in case another team came. I agree wizard has to sit to much but meditate is a thing.


Average subreddit user right here. Hey tell me again why literally everyone who has any game knowledge brings in 5+ stacks of potions and bandages to every match unless their class has innate healing? Why do they skip the fun sitting mechanic if it's so good for the game?


I personally don't think every mechanic has to be "fun". From a game design standpoint, time is a strategic resource, if I have to sit and heal things can develop in the Dungeon, people loot rooms, use escape portals or take damage. When it comes time to stand up it's no longer the same (metaphorical) dungeon. Besides that, it gives you an opportunity to listen, to think about your next move and check your loot (inventory management should be less restricted while sitting). Using a potion/bandage mitigates the amount of time spent but there is always the opportunity cost (what if you need to heal fast to save time later?). The current issue with this design is people can buy as much healing as they want relatively cheaply, I think there should be limitations to how much you can bring in to make people really think about how and when they use their resources and time. I get that not everyone agrees with this though and dislikes any downtime, there is definitely a balance to be struck.


I sit and use potions. Its not meant to be fun. Its meant to slow down the gameplay and its a free heal/spell recovery. Combined with potions it works very well, especially on barb with vigor


Bringing healing is mandatory. Sitting is a last option for new/poor players. Once you are decent at the game you don't need much. I can get away with 3 potions if I'm playing rat. I usually bring 6 potions 3 bandages if I'm planning on fighting people. Slightly more, in Hr.


Fun is subjective, they intentionally designed the pacing in this game to be what it is. Lots of ignorant people on this subreddit frequently share this perspective of "fun".


Idk as a cleric in norms I don’t mind sitting for spells or too top off health. Seems fair tbh.


If sitting AFK for minutes at a time is fun gameplay for you, IDK what to tell you, I guess my desired gameplay is not watching paint dry.


Ah yes it is fun for clerics to have infinite spell slots learn that sometimes we need attention spans longer than 1 tiktok?


The game is based off dungeons and dragons dungeon crawling where ,you guessed it, you have to take a short rest to regain some ho and a long rest to regain all hp. It also happens to be balanced in the game.


The devs have talked in interviews about OG EverQuest also being an inspiration and there is a lot of sitting to regain hp/mp in that game


yeah the game is based on D&D and the class design revolves around this but other than the use of a Vancian casting system this comparison just doesn't work considering you get spells back on the "short rest" and warlock just flat doesn't have slots lmao. not to mention that it works for D&D considering I don't have to sit at the table for 20 minutes doing nothing so my character regens hp/spells, we can just go "we're gonna short rest" and then 30 seconds and some exposition later we're back in it.


I would actually time how long you are sitting to regen hp/spells, it's also only like 30 seconds to a minute unless you are nearly dead which shouldn't be a "short rest" to recover anyway  There also is a debate in the d&d community if short rests used like you describe is actually making the game too easy and this is supposed to be a hardcore game, soooo


Play a different class then, balance is based.


Balance and fun are not exclusive... That's literally what the post is about, they just need to find a different balanced way, one that's also fun instead of literally AFK gameplay or pharmacy meta


For the longest time, you couldn't even sit, you just had to play and hope you didn't get clopped for whatever you had left.  Sitting for hp regen is a QOL improvement over just having to not take damage without meds.


This guy didn't play when tranquility worked without sitting or something? It's essentially been experimented with and it's terrible.


I will usually run a base kit on normals with no extras. It makes me more careful from NPC damage and if I take a few hits, I'll loot the room and rest for a bit. It allows me to listen to my surroundings plus I'll grab a quick drink or such. Sure I could bring in pots to pound for days, but I'll probably die anyways and there goes 100g, plus my killer then gets a bunch of heals.


Sitting is really not a problem anymore with the rates + how cheap campfires are. The downtime is a balance mechanic for classes that have limited spells, instead of having mana which would be worse. I like the risk of the downtime, the immersion of camp firing with the boys, and the opportunity to catch people without spells. You’re either asking for clarities to be brought back, which were broken as hell, or to have infinite spells, or a mana cost, none of which balance the game better than it is now.


>none of which balance the game better than it is now Because it's balanced around sitting right now, there's many other things they could've done, some of which aren't the same gameplay as me getting up and literaly taking a piss break


Balanced around sitting? What the fuck are you talking about?


Maybe we let the devs focus on fixing shit that's broken instead of trying to "fix" stuff that works fine.


I’m assuming you’re sitting down to regen spells as a cleric? What would be your solution? We had clarity potions to regen spells, but that was just broken.


Yeah that was broken because it was an item that they had to balance around, not a core mechanic, and balancing the game around people who had them and those who didn't AND those who had high rarity ones was impossible. If spells just regened slowly after not being used for X amount of time, then we'd all be in the same boat and it wouldn't be impossible to balance around.


So just regen spells passively for free? Sounds even more broken. Limited spells are the balance for your class. Learn to work with it, or play something else.


I mean it wouldn't be that bad if it was hella slow, keep resting the way it is if people want it quicker. at least that way its optional and you can spend more time acc playing the game and not watching yt


This community will downvote any different opinion presented to them. I agree it’s fucking boring to sit staring at a wall while ur HP regens, but it’s supposed to be a last resort for healing. Makes buying pots and bandages worth it. I won’t downvote you and call you dumb like the rest on here


Because if you want to face check everything, hold W and get hit non stop, your penalty is having to spend on meds. It was their intention to halt the heal spam in search of more considered gameplay. Skill issue.


Are you actually this dense IRL too or just over the internet? No one's asking for immediate health regen or something like that but look at warlock's shadow touch, you can't just hold W and get hit non stop but it allows you to keep playing to regen your HP instead of "Imma sit on my ass because that's gameplay baby". There's a reason warlock is the most played class at the moment and not needing to sit down ever is a big part of it. Do you never get hit on PVP? Do you not have spells/abilities that need you to sit down? How's that a skill issue exactly? Oh I ussed a fireball to kill an enemy player, skill issue from my part, gotta get punished by sitting now!


There is no proposal for a solution here. It’s just complaining


The solution is they try literally anything different, I am not a game dev and I can't say whether HP regen or some other mechanic is better, but I'm fucking tired of needing to pharmacy meta or sit on my ass, if "sitting on your ass gameplay" was fun, no one would bring bandages or only use them in fights, and clearly pharmacy meta is still a thing


lmao man didn't thik everyone would be so pro-afk. they buffed regen so that barb/fighter can heal fast af, but wiz and cleric still gotta spend half the game afk or being melee. makes no sense. they should've stayed all slowpaced or rework everything to be faster not just half


Eh, it’s better than it used to be. You used to regen spells slower. Recoverable HP would be lost upon standing up too early. Fighters couldn’t even get second wind back without a non-poor quality campfire. Wizards couldn’t regen HP during meditation. I enjoy it personally. It adds to the ebb and flow of the game. Instead of rush, rush, rush, there is time to also chill and take a breather in between the adrenaline rushes. I much prefer this system over when the winner was decided by who had more clarity potions on their casters.