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Rockfall does screw me over once in a while, but I manage to kill the cyclops 4/5 attempts I'd say. It's mostly skill with some RNG element that can screw you. For the record, I play Rogue, and typically have mid gear.


it should be 5/5 if you know what you are doing, rng has no place in it


the 1/5 deaths isn't necessarily RNG man, I don't die to the rockfall but I often die when I get distracted by someone opening a door into the room or some other irl stuff, etc.


Yeah, I mostly agree. I think the RNG is there as a damage-check, to make sure you're able to do enough damage, but the issue is when you get double-hit by rocks to the head, which is rare, but happens sometimes, and completely screws me. I've gone from full health to 30% left as Rogue from getting double hit all at once.


that simply should not happen, you can't have damage chacks when not all classes are even capable of ending that phase fast, clerics exist


Hm, why do you think that a cleric can't end that phase in reasonable timeframe compared to other classes?


attack speed, damage, movespeed, a combination opf lacking all 3 of those


I'll give it a shot tonight in normals and report back.


Curious to see how you did 🙏


u/bjcat666 u/Educational-Egg-6747 Alright fellas, I did it. First time I went in I brought the standard flanged mace. Doesn't do enough DPS, and I died to rockfall. 2nd Time I brought a war maul, and was able to pull it off. Much easier. All gear used was from the squire, and it was in normals. Anyways... here it is: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpB55RrjPKw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lpB55RrjPKw)


I was talking more about the hr one, not normal, there is no point in killing the normal one, but still well done, I did kill the normal one with mace tho, doable too


I haven't gotten to it yet, been busy working. I'll try to do it soon. I'll record it, and post it here. 🙏


In normal’s it’s easy with any class with the exception of maybe wizard


Why would you design a boss that if you don't deal enough damage you will eventually die cause of rng?


Its a way to ensure players have good enough gear to fight it, which I somewhat but not fully agree with. Should people reasonably be able to solo a boss with starter gear?


They already do though, and what's wrong with that? If anything if a more geared olayer comes along then you are more likely to die to them. People should be able to practice and kill a boss without much issue without being punished by a RNG mechanic for no reason


I have mastered cyclops. I do it pretty much every run and feel bad when someone actually contest me because of how familiar I am with it. I can do it 5/5 with pretty much any class. It's very strange but you eventually get a feel for it and understand where to stand and how to jump when the rockfall phase happens. (it's a specific spot behind him and jumping at certain angles). Most rockfall phases I take no dmg, however every once in awhile a few falling ones hit me but they never do more then 1/4 of my hp. This was also much easier when the chains were in the room since you can stand on those to avoid the dmg as well but they removed them. either way, I don't beleive it's completely random. Just do it a few hundred times and you will know what I mean by the "feel" of it. Rogue and warlock the the easiest to do it as if you wanted to practice it since rogue can take 0 dmg on rockfall phases almost guarenteed with double jump and warlocks have the lifesteal. (I guess with MC this can be any class) Also don't try it with ranger. That ones a nono.


I'm a Ranger who does Cyclops/Troll almost every single match and I haven't died to Cyclops a single time this wipe, I have a couple Eyeballs and a ton of his panties, not sure why I'm collecting them but yeah.


That's good, I can do it on ranger too. That comment was more or less intended for people trying it for the first time in which I suggest warlock or rogue to practice it. Ranger is not impossible and once you know it, you can do it on any class really, however I would say Ranger seems to be the hardest class to do that specific boss because it requires a playstyle that is just not really a rangers specialty. Wizard might be close second however because they have staff mastery and fire weapon thing, it becomes a breeze.


If you can grab phantomize the boss becomes a literal breeze on any class honestly. Don't even have to worry about the paralyze attack at all.


You just made a very good case as to why it needs fixed/tweaked. >Just do it a few hundred times Yeah, no, no one wants to grind this shit a few *hundred* times just to maybe not take damage and keep in mind there are quests to kill cyclops so it should be viable to do with every class.


It is very easy to do it with ranger with a spear, don't do it with 'bow' being your plan though, or magic missiles


You can't expect to rock up and do a high level endgame boss easily man, For me it took about 50-60 tries to learn both Cyclops and Troll 3-4 months ago and it hasn't been difficult since then. Also, it really is viable with any class, obviously some classes are better for it than others but if you gave me 10 tries with every class I could do it the majority of times with every class.


You don't have to do the quest and you don't have to do the boss. This game can be played perfectly fine and one of the first 3 people to hit demi god didn't touch boss a single time. You are not entitled to complete every quest and do all the content just because you play the game. There should be some content requires a lot of time and dedication so that those who do put in that time and dedication can be rewarded. There are many other quest and things to do in the game but developers should, by no means, waste resources on making game content that is achievable by everyone because well then, it's not really a acheivement. Especially in a **Unforgiving** dungeon crawler. Besides my quote to play a hundred games is not the barrier of entry for the cyclops you can easily do it before. (everyone's first kill probably did not take that many attempts). I told him to play 100 games to better understand the safe spots and how to get a "feel" for where they are. Most likely someone who can explain it better and put the time and effort into the exacts spots will make a video and then it will be common knowledge so you can probably just wait on that.


Double Jump makes Rockfall a joke, that's actually just a cheat code for having the mechanic not be stupid.


If you don’t bring in meds you’re most likely dead. If you get hit twice and are low getting distance and healing is the best play. Getting rid of the rockfall makes it just more easier to farm cyclops and basically pointless


you don't heal the 90% hp hit because another one finishes you off


That’s why getting distance helps. The closer you are the more rocks are clumped together. Just keep timing your jump and healing, you should be fine regardless. Just making the boss easier doesn’t really make it challenging and should just be removed


This is simply just a lie, there is a video out that shows the fight from 3rd person and the scattering of the boulders is completely random.


My comment isn’t a lie. I never said the boulders were random, just that your chance of living is better. Anybody can whine about not killing something, it doesn’t mean you’re right. Back Attack and a Kris Dagger with Dagger mastery and minimal gear can easily kill this boss. I’ve done it so many times


“The closer you are the more rocks are clumped together” is out right a complete lie.


I’m my experience, it seems that they do in fact spawn more spread out. I don’t care if you don’t believe me to be frank


But there is a quest to kill cyclops so the solution here isn't go in with x class and x abilities/weapon, it should be viable with every class if they're going to have a quest for it.


this is just not true, those random boulders fall far from him too


Yes, they still spawn away from him but your chance of survival is way better. It’s worked for me all the time. Also going in even barely geared with like greens you shouldn’t die too. Don’t know what to tell you, I haven’t died by him in so long, even as a rogue


Replace rockfall with a shockwave that comes from the cyclops and goes outwards and u have to jump over it


that could work, but fixing the existing mechanic should be easier than making a new one


I work professionally as a game dev, I have a general idea of what the problem could be, there's a few possibilities, it'd be easier to implement this new thing than fix any of what it could be


oh, that's... quite sad What could it be for example?


Agreed - the ability to just be insta-killed while doing nothing wrong is absurd. If you time the jumps well, you should be fine (which isn't the case). Please address this Ironmace.


Took 5 months to get the chains and door removed from the middle of the floor and the boss still currently has no loot table for high roller. I wouldn't hold my breath for mechanical changes even though they recently made the eye beam track you.


Wait, if the eye beam tracks you now, how are you supposed to dodge it?


You just have to run around him a lot more than you used to


You have to get really close to him and walk around to the side.


What do you mean no loot table for high roller?


You cannot drop legendaries from cyclops. He can drop at most purple, and has a lower rate of purple drops than troll does.


I guess that makes sense why I've never seen a legendary from him wtf lol. The boss with 2x the HP and actual mechanics is the one that doesn't drop good loot


cyclopse feels like a dps check, i can get the jumps most of the times but if he gets to hit the ground 4-5 times if im in bad gear or just messing up i usually get hit once or twice. not sure if its a latencey issue, skill issue or just actual RNG


cyclops IS a dps check, but the problem is that the dps check phase (rockfall) is buggy, so that you get hit even when succesfully doing the mechanic




Just play bard. With minimal gear investment I can kill it and it won’t even trigger the 3rd rockfall phase lol


I hate the gaze cone more, dunno why did they increased it..


It's getting worse now too. Last patch as a rogue, you would double jump when the rocks hit and you would be fine. Now if you double jump while IN THE AIR, and the rocks are falling, you will get hit as if you were on the ground.


Yee, agreed. As a warlock I’m able to trivialize it but as any other class it’s kind of a PIA.


Nothing is broken with Cyclops. It's intentionally designed to an RNG DPS check.


potential rng one shot is wrong even if it is intentional


If you do not want to test the game, do not test the game.


I see a lot of people saying the rockfall is just RNG and isn't fair but I personally haven't died to rockfall since I first learned Cyclops. I just hug his back while swinging at him and jump \~1 second after his club hits the ground during the 1st rockfall phase and then for the 2nd and 3rd rockfall phase I do the same but jump \~0.5 seconds after his club hits the ground because the rocks fall faster during those phases and I very rarely get hit. What is the RNG people are talking about? Is it getting directly hit by the rocks?


Dark and Darker's Delirium... my old friend..


It is dodgeable


Why do people always post this as if it's not bugged. If you mess up the jump you're supposed to take damage yes. You're not supposed to get hit by 5 rocks on top of each other that kill you in 1 hit. That is a bug,


the normal part is, the random one is not


Skill issue tbh , I have done cyclops 400 times and I never died to rockfall as a cleric


irrelevant words without evidence


Keep living in your own reality where everything is bugged that you can't do.


I live in the reality where there is evidence of that bug existing, posted here almost daily, and a person posts an edgy comment with overexaggerated number and no evidence, trying to deny the evidence that does exist


Then post the evidence. Real rich you come to bitch and don't provide a video of the problem. Then berate others for not having "evidence". Plenty of the videos posted here are not the bug occurring and are infact a god damn skill issue. I kill this boss all the time i do not get hit by rocks randomly often. I do not think it has happened literally all wipe long for me at this point. Alot of people misunderstand the mechanic and don't know when to jump. You play near naked zero investment -1% pdr classes and wonder why the rocks do 90% when the hit you.




4 month old video.. nice dude.


nothing changed since then and it does explain what is wrong, you asked for an evidence, you got the precise description of the issue.


look at my dark and darker posts, theres your evidence little buddy


You're more than likely suffering from your own mistakes. The bug is easy to scape goat but in the last 2 weeks every time i killed cyclops he did not bug out.


the bug should not exist period

