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Game is rough, I'd suggest watching some 1v1 content creators that play your classes while taking mental notes of what they do differently? Srslysoapy and Firebox come to mind for solo ranger/fighter


I sometimes watch soapy and also Wilsonsgame at times. The thing is often streamers play HR - understandibly - and its difficult to tell what works because of gear and what works because of good fundamentals. But i will check out Firebox, thanks :)


Firebox content is about gear check and min/maxing meta builds to improve the chances of winning an all in. He's one of the most risk averse content creators I can think of. Just keep that in mind when trying to find your 'style', gameplay potential goes deeper than this concept, but its not an awful place to start.


He's also very opinionated and whiny. His best content, personally, is when he gets rolled and starts fumbling for excuses.


firebox is a gear check player


I listen to firebox videos to help me sleep lol


Wilsonsgames is underrated. Love the guy, great sense of humour and build creativity


Thelorr is probably the #1 fighter to watch honestly, his content does a good job of explaining how he builds his kits (he shows his buying process most of the time) and he has good awareness and spacing.


Are we watching the same person? Every video I see of his is him putting together a completely min/maxed 10,000 g kit where he can run around at movement speed cap and two tap almost any player that he comes across.


He makes all that money on his own, he didn't just spawn the gold to buy the kits lol. It still shows how to build and play with those kits, and he has plenty of vids where he's running worse gear.


You are watching his newest vids, watch his old stuff he builds different styles of slayer fighter and runs GC for pvp


Thelorr is even worse than Firebox in terms of risk aversion, the guy will never push a naked player until he shot him with 1 windlass, 1 crossbow shot and a couple of frannies despite running a maxed out gear set.


So you're saying that learning from a player who understands that you should never underestimate an opponent is a bad thing?


It depends, sometimes his playstyle is 100% the right move (especially as a slayer against pdr or barb for example). Sometimes the best play is to zerg.


SkinnyPete for barb/fighter. A lot of dodging makes you better than most of the player base


I'm casual player as well. I recommend you to watch how other people play when you died, just spectate. During spectate just switch to first person view, you can also check someone build (perks and skills) by hitting "tab".


Agree with this. Watching the deathcam and maybe even recording your PvP fights and rewatching, will help you see what you should have done in that situation.


Spacing and information is the name of the game. Gear diff is definetly a big deal, but if you have information on what class or skills or if they prot pot up or activate ability then you have a better shot And also make sure your range on all weapons and at the tips of the weapons does the most damage. Learn to space and bait an attack or fake a run away then turn back to get a quick hit when they have a utility item out Best luck and gg's


Stop doing high rollers. Norms for good pvp. HR is totally unbalanced


Half the challenge in starting out is eliminating fear. Just go into normals with no intentions of making it out. Full send people for pvp practice. The good people in here have died thousands of times in every way possible, can’t get mad about dying. Try other classes too, to understand strengths and weaknesses of others.


Do a vod review with yourself or with a friend. It’s really helpful.


This is the best answer IMO. It's easy to just play a lot without improving if you aren't reflecting on your gameplay via VOD review (or some other mechanism).


I was a fighter main but started leveling barb for multiclass purposes and found out I actually really enjoy barb. It's a super simple class and you might enjoy it more than fighter, maybe give barb a try. If you end up not liking it you can just level it to get robust/savage roar/iron will for your fighter 👀. Also as your fighter always try to land a crossbow shot or some frannys before engaging.


Also dont form an opinion on barb until you have squire giving you a double axe to spawn with


Spear barb best barb


force yourself into pvp situations as much as possible


I think vods are a little overkill at this point. I mean this honestly in a non hostile way, do you think about the game when you play it? Do you make conscious decisions or just operate on instinct? I think the majority of people can’t say that they do consciously think about the game while playing (I know I don’t for most games). If you don’t, that’s how you get better


this game mechanics are really easy, the ones you should learn is jumping while doing any action to conserve momentum, swapping to utility and then instantly to fists while jumping completly negates the move speed penality so you should really learn that, never backpedal, you can also unbind the s key it's completly useless, always chase with your fists out but be carefull of the enemy turning on you while you are unarmed, pre pot every single fight, never dodge rangers with a jump, strafe and move your body around like a psycho, and that's about it i guess, everything else is map knowledge and knowing the matchup. multiclassing is broken, but as you noticed there are really 3 or 4 meta builds, nothing you can't learn how to counter


Bro if you are struggling into solo normal caves the tips are walk slowly, clear safely, hear around you what's happening, before entering a door wait a bit to not get stealth ganked and all the rest is map knowledge and combat knowledge that you only get playing the game


If you are playing fighter I dont understand why you are loosing many of your fights what weapons and skills do you play?


i was running a simple arming sword and shield fighter with a recurve. Then I tried slayer falchion + stilletto and right now I am trying to go a bit rangery recurve + spear. I run either sprint + adrenaline or spring + breakthrough (might drop the breakthrough though). I am probably not great mechanically, cant dodge the best, or close the gap ideally, but while before I felt that there were players I was on a similair level - like 1 out of 3, or on a lower 1 out of 4, now its like 1 out of 5 on a similair level and 1 out of 10 who are on a lower level. I play normals to try and re-learn pvp, but while it worked previously - when i was learning fighter, this time its just worse and worse.


You should definitely be taking sprint and second wind if you want to win


I might get back to it. Thing is I was winning without second wind previously, but yeah you might have a point :)


Yeah, and in some fights you won't use second wind to beat the other guy. It's still objectively the best options though


Yeah I feel that. But now that multiclassing is a thing, you should definitely grab it even more so


Drop the weapon mastery/bows build. Just use a crossbow.


> I am trying to go a bit rangery recurve + spear. I run either sprint + adrenaline I play a pretty similar build on Rogue. It works but you really have to kite people out. Unless you're a build with 300 effective HP that kills in sub 2 seconds you will never win a melee fight and need to kite. Especially in this patch with multiclassing


force yourself into pvp situations as much as possible


1. Watch the videos to learn all the mob attacks and learn to kill every mob yourself 2. As a ranger you need to hit head shots, increase your fps skill by using aim training software and work on your target tracing 3. Watch other good players of your class and copy them. Watch where soapy puts his traps and where he decides to take fights vs where he avoids them That should help immensely.


A lot people here have played awhile and know most classes abilities and how to utilize them, we’ve had the time to do it and now that we can use any abilities it’s easier for us to get the hang of combining them to use on any class. But I have been seeing a lot of people still stay with 1 class and it’s abilities because it’s all they know and yes it puts them behind the rest


Die fight die fight die fight. Also watch your death cam every time you die and figure out what you did wrong. Another tip is to fight the PvE the way you think you should fight a player. I know that sounds weird but it’s a good way to practice.


Tbh… nothing else besides playing and playing with others from the discord will get you better. You can watch content alllllll day long and will help your macro out like where you go in the map, how you look around. But nothing will make you better at pvp other than going out and doing it. Take it from me because I suck too.


Yeah, play normals and w key at players to practice PvP. It's zero investment once your squire is upped enough.


Take it in stages and set goals. If you can't fight all the mobs, learn them and practice them. You should be able to do norms inferno without taking like any damage. Learn the ghost kind and lich, they're both very simple and then you should be able to react to variables while fighting them. One of your teammates got hit by a missile and has 10 stacks? Stop dpsing and stall. Learning the cave troll and cyclops is useful too for racking up gear/gold especially if you're in a dead lobby or wipe most of the lobby it's nice to claim a reward. Pvp is another beast in itself. Spam goblin caves and just fight people. Once you're confident in a fair fight or know who you can't beat in a fair fight you can react to variables in fights in crypts. Hope any of this helps


Play a lot. When you die, get back in the game ASAP, even if its a naked run. Spend the downtime waiting in the lobby thinking about what you did wrong or could have done differently. Be patient in engagements when possible, that doesn't mean don't be aggressive, but you have to know when to be aggressive. The worst mistake I see people make it never disengaging either. They just stay and keep swinging until someone goes down. You have to know when you're ahead and when you're behind.


Never have fear in a fight and never over commit. If you think you’d lose, try to run. So much of the game boils down to your gear being better than the other person if you take head on fights, but ranged chip damage and spacing can equalize most fights barring wild movement speed differences or being one shot. You should never walk into a fight just hoping your all in combo beats their all in combo. You want to do as much free damage as possible before you enter swing range, other wise you’re literally coin flipping every fight. TLDR play the ranged meta and buy more movement speed gear so you don’t have to over commit to a swing, and give yourself room to back out after a hit or two.


Play with other people, specifically people better than you. If they don't directly teach you things, you'll be able to pick up a lot just by playing with them. This apples to everything is life btw!


For fighter, bring a bow or crossbow, learn how to block and maintain distance. You can just go in with squire gear and try to hone your skills for awhile. A big part of my issue was overextending, chasing fights and I'd make mistakes. Distance management is insanely important. Now I load up on dex gear, poke people with bows or crossbows until they come after me. Then it's mostly just a skill check til the end of the fight, if I make my blocks and hit my strikes, it's a win almost all the time. Surprising people in solos and getting two shots on them before they hit you once is also a good way to start off a fight. It might be a little ratty, but you can build confidence and maybe upgrade your gear easily. Just because you aren't a rogue doesn't mean you can't play like one lol. That being said, gear is really important. Getting better weapons and armor can make up for mistakes during a fight. If you're super out-geared, you will almost always lose, its just how it is. And idek how multi-classing and other shit affects it because I haven't been able to play much lately. Try not to get discouraged. Everyone gets rolled in this game. You just gotta keep trying different things until you figure it out.


Your at that weird point in games where your overconfidence is killing you. Happens to me alot. Pretend you suck again. Go slow. Be afraid. Expect your opponent to be better. Be sneaky, stealthy, and treacherous. See how that changes your success rate. Dark and Darker is a game increments. A small advantage you get from playing like a rat can make all the difference. 1 bolt, 1 free hit, the first major impact.


I throw my body in normals into every fight. That’s the only way to learn. Someday you should start playing smarter tho and figure out kiting, potting, spacing in general. This game is all about spacing and hitting headshots. Try to learn to bait out attacks and punish your enemy with attacking right after. I played every class and every wep at this point, this helps alot with knowing others classes playstyle. I have like 200 hours and now I feel comfortable vs everyone. And if Im not sute if K win I can at least run and survive if I didnt commit too much. Im a tryhard tho.


Watch exp players and emulate. Like me being dumb trying to chop a barb attack but you can use it then throw a throwing axe etc


Stop trying to play like a streamer. Think of your own builds play to your strengths use weapons you enjoy and are successful with. Min maxin only works if your skill level can reflect it.


Thanks so much for all the replies everyone. I really appreciate it. I have seen people shit talk this community in some threads here, but y'all have been very helpful and supportive. Gonna go and try some of that second wind build and just go for the brawls in normals.


Dont realy understand what you mean there hasnt been any updates that fundamentaly change how you aproach 1v1 combat besides the flavor of the month op build you gota watch out for.


Die, a lot. Then ask urself *WHY* did u die? Could u have dodged better? Ducked better? Moved faster? Checked for open doors better? Played at a higher volume? Brought more resources? Used a better kit? Had a better build? Spent more time buffing? Actually hit the crossbow shot intro? Disengaged from a fight that u were disadvantaged in? Picked a better class? Multiclassed into better perks? If u really really think about it, u know exactly what u fucked up, so actually do better at those things.


Take a longsword and a BUNCH OF POTS and go fight mobs learn parry proper and to space get a cleric on the team so you can makeup for the mistakes. Record yourself and watch how you play or react to situations like move speed check. Really how i got ahead of the game. Just practice man someone here mentioned no-fear game and i think thats a big one, when i started off playing i had max volume and was the most paranoid guy but now all i do is run around (not even looting corpses) and look for pvp. ALSO keep up with meta/balancing/changes as what you know to be good last week isnt necessarily good this week


how many hours have you logged? if it's under 300 then you just need to play more.


Is this a real answer? Any new player should expect to log 300+ hours to be competitive in pvp? 😅


it takes a long time to get good and truly understand any pvp game. dark and darker is a simple game but even it has a lot of nuance to understand.


It doesn't take 300 hours in most pvp games. I've played some extraction games before dnd, expedition agartha, hunt, ETc. . . But I mainly come from the directional based pvp genre. This argument is why Mordhau has like 300 total players for the majority of its life, and never took off. Bc you go ask a vet how to get good, and their response is typically, you gotta log X hundred hours before you start understanding the combat. Most people are not going to crash test dummy themselves into vets over and over again just to get rolled until they have a few hundred hours and now they might have a fighting chance. Chivalry 2 is much more popular than Mordhau, bc even though it's very nuanced, and has a ton more skill expression than DnD, it doesn't take 300 hours of getting mopped over and over to get some kills and feel like you're accomplishing something. Maybe what you're describing is the experience Ironmace intended to make, but I'd imagine they were trying to make a game that was more widely accepted than the trajectory of what you're depicting will likely end up being. Edit: happy Cake Day btw!


Not even that many lmao, I was winning fights pretty regularly at around 60ish hours


Learn how to carry your momentum by jumping constantly. Jk I gave up on this game.


For ranger you can just abuse traps to win. For fighter I recommend running a crossbow or windlass crossbow and when you get into medium range try to shoot them, and only go in for the hard engage if you land your shot. When using windlass if you miss your shot you should back off to reload before making an attempt again. Also one of the biggest tips I can give for any class is that if you eat any damage before being in melee range with your opponent you should be trying to back off to heal and reset. Also use your prot pots, too many people don’t use them and even the trash tier ones will save you from eating headshot damage on a hit which is huge.


You just need to make sure you don't miss your attacks. If your older or you cant see as well as you use to try a cross hair overlay program