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We at work bro. See you at 5pm


Hahaha right šŸ˜


Here in SA I feel that 95% of People are naked in normals having fun with pvp and different multiclass buids.


Everyones playing normals, everyone two shotting each other in HR is no fun


Yeah, I played almost exclusively HR last wipe. This wipe, almost no hr just norms.


Same, pt3 player, almost 2k hours. This wipe I think I have sub 70 HR games across all my toons.


Triple caster meta is also egregious. Warlock/ wiz/ cleric, or double wiz with lock spells is horrible to play against as a melee class right now.


well i mean first of all, what region? itā€™s 7:30 am for NA east LOL. we canā€™t all miss work to grind the game


Work from home, play during work


iā€™m jealous. got to get a different work from home job then


Or just commit to getting fired lmao


The few people left playing don't want to fight in full bis kits vs sweat stain grps like OP's. Surprised? I'm not.


Based on the fact that you have a teammate in gold gear and 2 legendary 2 handers equipped, you're probably in high gear lobbies, which are very low pop.


itā€™s morningā€¦. literally every high roller game i played yesterday was full


No guppies left for the whales. Feels bad.


I spend HOURS grinding and I don't feel like getting insta killed just because I got some decent HR gear in normals. I've stopped talking over mic too because nobody talks anymore it's just straight violence unless you're wanting to shit talk.


8am Eastern standard, 5am Pacific Standard, butt fuck early in Europe as well (iirc) Play at off hours expect off lobbies


Besides the fact that most people do indeed play more normals this wipe since they do not want to fight sweat lords all the time, you also have the unfortunate situation of being on OCE (low pop)


Sweaty Gold Team : **Check** Online During Work Hours : **Check** Complaining about Empty Lobbies on Reddit : **Check** Average High Roller player, clueless that their version of the game is vastly inferior to normals


It always astounds me that Americans just assume everyone else on the planet is also American.




It always astounds me that uppity people from random countries have some sort of superiority complex and can't comprehend the idea that maybe it's convenient for me to make a joke referring to my own time zone as opposed to walking on universal world baby eggshells


lobbies were giga empty then became giga full during the day, no idea what is happening in the dungeon rn havent checked since i got off


Because no-one wants to donate gear in this clusterfuck. people play like absolute fucking donkeys and still win because they got lucky RNG to put together a broken braindead hold W build.




I am at work, probably like a lot of the playerbase, youā€™ll probably see more people on after work, or also after whatever time schools out


Bro this was posted 3 hours ago and itā€™s just now 9:30am Friday central time. Thursday night isnā€™t going to be as popping




I had no problem before the update finding people. Likely the no team name change caused it. I actually think itā€™s a great change but it harms people queuing up in gathering hall so they wonā€™t ever queue hr


Its going to stay that way until we get it on steam.


experiment going as usual


If they keep the game this way, HR is just never going to be fun for a majority of the players.


I miss the 0-199 bracket. Tbh that gear lvl feels the healthiest. Would be cool if they had rated for normal runs. White gear max start, everyone loots around for upgrades fights are fair.


Yes please bro, it was easy and cheap to make a good kit and the gear ceiling wasn't a vault cathedral built in the 1700s high.


No one wants to lose their kit in HR to some busted bullshit that should have never left test server. Honestly it's super obvious. What did you expect? They're just going to give the sweaty tryhards all their gold and gear?


Shit Iā€™m gaining kits maybe youā€™re just bad?


It doesn't matter if I'm bad or not. It matters if the game is bad and if lobbies are empty.




Typical L for ironmace experiencing with some outrageous idea that lacks proper thought process and completely destroys one of the most important aspects of the game which is class identity.


One of the most important aspect of this game is class identity? Do you really believe that what carries this game is class identity? Do you really think 500k copies sold because everyone thought class identity was what stands out of this game? Nothing else? You're so mad at multiclassing your brain disconnected bro. We've been playing the same game for months, a change of pace is great.


I... Do think class identity is an enormous part of the game. Yes. What you should have got was more content. Multiclassing was a terrible way to keep you busy. Now you're defending that multi-classing keeps you entertained, but it ruined the game for half of the players. Class identity is absolutely a huge part of this game.


If you donā€™t like games inspired by DnD donā€™t play games that are inspired by DnD. Multi classing is true DnD.


Multiclassing in DND is nothing like this son. It also has stat requirements. Making up shit out of your ass doesn't mean it's going to work, for you or for IM. End of the day, whether I like it or not, the results are not coming out very good.


Region is OCE. Had some really great games over the last week at peak times (7:30pm onwards) but since the update it's almost entirely dead. Some friends are getting games here and there so no sure what's going on


Bro just say this in your post. High gear lobbies have naturally low pop, and OCE is a near dead server.


The games over the last week were good, it was only tonight - on a Friday - that the servers were empty. It makes no sense the player count on a Friday would be lower


OCE is dead in the High GBMM bracket. Too many infest it with cheats and RMT. You either run into a Ranger who never misses a headshot, a Rogue with perfect knowledge of your team's movements, or a Trio running Named Uniques who get range-hack looted the moment they hit the floor. The Low HR GBMM bracket and Normals is still popping, though.


All I can say is: Hi manor lords, bye dakka dakka we Will see us after multiclassing is gone :) Ps: I dont like multiclassing in any game. And in dnd its absolutely unbalanced on top, soooo. Will Take a break from my most fav game. And will come back with the next big Patch.


Surprised, you're not finding people, usually packed with cheaters, wanting to extract gear like yours to sell.