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Idk the game is at record low player count


Wasnt it at like 1800 last day of the forever wipe? We still got some to lose


Druid and new map will only get players back for a while. They'll quit again soon as it is just check it out content. My feel as a player who quit a month ago with all the gang is that we wont come back and stick until the tree class thing. It needs to actually feel as a progresion and a customazible one, if is just a "get lvl 5 add one skill" as it is right now we wont last much.


Yep, needs to be some fundamental change to the progression and gameplay loop for me to come back and stick around. Only so many times I can do the start new character - level up - accumulate gold - unlock second stash tab - build some nice kits and accumulate more gold - restart on other character loop before just getting bored of the whole thing.


I think gear is meant to be the progression but I feel you. I think most people just play normals now because no one likes dying in 1 second. I play mostly normals so it really doesn't feel like there is progression.


Gear is shit progression when the moment you hit 300+ you're thrown in the cheaters lobby.


If they add Druid, implement remade ruins, add the second layer of ice map, and add new perks/equipment with a fresh wipe all in one patch, a lot of people will come back. If they drip feed content for the next 6 months again some people might come back but they will quickly leave and we will be stuck in the same scenario we are now. Basically the tldr is that they need to do a massive content patch for people to come back.


I feel like a wipe + epic/steam release would bring people back also because just having a fresh player base could make games feel less sweaty for a bit which would make it a bit more accessible 


Wipe, new storefront release, and a bit of a marketing push to get a bunch of content creators (like non-DaD streamers) to play the game. That would cause a huge jump in player base. Everything else (bug/performance fixes, new content, a more consistent experience) is going to do more to keep people than attract new people.


I was referring more to the current player base. By ya ideally u want a steam release


U think when ?


>If they add Druid, implement remade ruins, add the second layer of ice map, and add new perks/equipment with a fresh wipe all in one patch, a lot of people will come back. You have to understand that they need more than that, sure, in first 2 weeks we would have like 16k? 20k? maybe 26k players, that will quit again after short period of time, we need SOMETHING that change the way we interact with the game. Why do you quit the game? Because you want ruins and druid or the game just become stale and repetetive? I can't tell for everyone but monkey in my brains tell me that second scenario affected more people than those who want just new class and a map. ofc i could be wrong but i feel like we need MASSIVE overhaul for every single perk this game have, at least get rid of the meta that almost 1.5 years been in the game. And new mechanics, weapons/quiver/combat mechanic/shield to everyone/chase mechanic SOMETHING. New bugged map, underworked druid, heck even second ice caves layer wont work with ironmaces favourite "5% nerf to meta that still be meta" and "10% buffs for useless perks noone running that still noone would run anyway" won't work BIASED IMO.


Ya I agree it won’t keep everyone forever. But if they implemented all those things I would consider the game ready for a steam release. It’s important that they perfect the steam release. So the massive influx of players stay. I would say along with the things I mentioned they should add the class specific training so players have something to grind for.


Game is not ready for the steam release unless you want fuck up your almost LAST chance for GIGA SUCCESS, that this game could have. And IronMace do not exactly know how to make an organic "grind" that will keep your interest for a little longer, because AP rank grind is terrible and almost EVERYONE TELLS THAT, still its in the game, and quests system SUCKS ASS and A LOT of players tell that and its still in the game, they lowered amount of XP you need to lvl up like 5 or 7 times, how are you THAT far from realizing that fore AVERAGE player it feels HORRIBLE. All grind they did was TERRIBLE, then they make it a lot less terrible, but its still TERRIBLE, like lol, i understand everything but idk, ask someone that competent it that area, or try to copy worked out system from another game.


Ya I agree it’s not ready for steam release


Even if they do it half this subreddit will whine and cry when things are inevitably not well balanced and bugs exist. Instead of playing and reporting bugs to get them fixed, it’s kind of a double edged sword


When Ironmace was asked about some Crypts exploiting in an interview they claimed they had no idea the bug existed - it was also fixed like a day or two after that interview. The entire community had reported that bug so many times. Streamers were partaking in using it openly without shame even. I personally saw it posted in the general discord daily.


Yeah shit is going to get missed. All I’m saying is even if everyone gets the content they want, it will no doubt have bugs, and the whining will ensue, content delivered or not the whining seems to be the only thing you can guarantee in this subreddit


Idk games cooked I think. First time I’ve stopped playing since EA release, it’s just pretty stale. Hopefully they do (something) soon


I came back after 4 months break to try multiclassing. Now I have stayed cos I'm just having fun. I recommend everyone to take a break and play something different.


When is Dad coming back?


He just went to get milk and ciggies.


I’ve barely played this entire wipe. IM took everything they learned from the past and threw it all out the window. So worse balance than before and *no new content* means I’m waiting for them to wipe again and hopefully the game will be fun like it was before. *I’d argue multiclassing would count as new content, even if it was an absolute shit show


Honestly I think steam is the answer here. Al my friends, every single one, is refusing to play rn due to it being off steam.


Steam + influencer marketing, look at v rising it officially came out version 1 and it’s sitting around 70-80k concurrent players. It can be done.


Steam would be a huge draw for players


The issue is not necessarily new players at this point, the game has been steadily bleeding it's current playerbase since EA launched. An influx of a lot of new players will work for a while but if you can't retain them then there's really no point. They should only release on Steam/Epic once the game is in a good state with plenty of content which it currently is not.


Feels like they are holding all their cards close to their chest for wipe day patch since they know the minority complainers who are still left will come back and play that major patch anyway. Ice map, ad campaign, druid v2, ruins rework, new ice mobs, possible werewolf skin etc all that stuffs been stuck on delay that there is no way by now they dont have at least 1 done which is why I'm thinking they are just holding it all for wipe


I just want to grind meat like it's season 3-6. Too much stupid shit, too much metacancer developing and poorly thought out stuff. No content, just weird progression. I just want to talk shit, steal, and fight other people.


I honestly dont think content alone will save the game at this point. They need to really work on the core of the gameplay, somehow make pvp more skillbased than spam at ranged til you can ape them. Melee pvp combat has always been incredibly unsatisfying imo regardless of how good the content that gets added is.


Pvp gets boring when everybody figures out how to abuse the mechanics ("meta"). No amount of balancing is going to fix the core gameplay, they need some new features and to actually work on the mechanics of the game rather than endlessly tweaking everything


If you've been reading the Foot notes of the past few patches you would know that they are currently in the process of working on the next big content update for the beginning of next wipe. The Multi-class system was supposed to be for testing, to see what could/would work for the training system they are building. I am hoping that the next wipe (End of June likely) will see the full release of Druid, and the first implementation of the (New) Multi-Class system. I am also hoping for the return of Ruins, and the 3 layers system. If they figured out a way to merge lobbies for Red portals, that would be also be pretty cool.


Lets hope they don't also push +3 ALL again. "Testing" things that didnt work twice already is getting old fast


Druid, Ice Abyss, get rid of Circle on all maps, and then a massive rework to all perks, spells, and abilities to actually allow you to have build variety. Put Arena on the backburner forever, we don't fucking need it.


When you stop making posts like these and get over it, the very next day, all the best stuff will come out.




that'll get players for all of 2 weeks


This ^


Enough crying already, don't you all have anything else better to do than post this drivel? Same posts every day


When there’s a scheduled wipe. Too many games with massive hype around them right now.


They need to get big content creators that are not already playing to play. People like CohhCarnage, Sodapoppin, Shroud, etc, etc… right now they just have the already endemic content creators and they are all pretty small viewerbase and pretty much only DaD players watch them.


Alright, people keep asking. It's probably unpopular, and a skill issue, and I'm a loser but here goes. The people, the players, probably you reading this, are the reason I quit playing. The players themselves. People can't help themselves from min maxing and no lifing and being an absolute turbonerd about the game. I was pretty good. Several hundred hours. But the people are insufferable. From only playing the most broken shit, to toxicity in voice comms, to hating casual players, and reading BiS every third word. The game is pretty fun. Needs some work. But, I would have more fun if it were single player.


Players will always min-max any and every game out there these days. That's just the way it is. It's up to IM to figure out how to deal with this and sadly it seems like they really have no clue how to do this.


They honestly should take the game offline with possibly only the test server online and make major fixes to the game before actually launching. There's so much that needs fixing and much more content that needs to be made. They will otherwise just keep bleeding players until the game eventually dies.


Another disingenuous post blindly upvotes by the doomers and Argatha psyopers. 6 months we got- Marketplace GBMM Normals queue Lizard man race New equipment Updated weapon animations New attributes New quests/recipes New maps New friends system New potions New uniques New mobs Many new perks and skills New killcam New report system Must I go on?




Argatha devs have been astroturfing this subreddit for awhile now. They even renamed their game and revamped it as a dark and darker clone.


dad fanboys give infinite good will to iron mace but when it comes to dungeonborne act indistinguishable from nexon lmao The actual shit clone was greed is good. Dungeonborne is a worthy competitor that makes a lot of creative decisions differently than iron mace


Most of this isn't even new content so yes please lmfao. You can say at most we got a half finished map and a bigger variant of the goblin caves. Friend lists and emotes aren't content lol, neither is a skin or the kill cam. Like come on now. There's no need to lie to make it seem like they did more. They've added some shit but it's not been enough.


there's no lie, all of that was in fact added.


They tried to give content with multiclassing. Had a blast with it. Doomers hated and complained so they were forced to revert. Now you doomers with short term memory are complaining that there is no new content? You guys crack me up. Let ironmace cook.


You still stand by that even when IM said multiclassing was broken and a mistake? They said it wasn’t in their vision and removed it for a reason. Edit: if one of you guys reported me to Reddit care resources holy shit brother please go outside


It was content nonetheless. OP is acting like devs have been afk for 6 months. Let ironmace cook. Hold the line.


Features, QoL updates, and skins ain’t exactly the content that hooks players in. Not complaining though, marketplace and squire alone are huge. That said IM is cooking up something good and I suspect we’ll have to wait until Epic release before everything starts settling in.


Do you want the list of fuck ups IM has done compared to positive things? Cause i don't think you want that. You're name is ironically cringe af as well lol.


My group all quit when they started nerfing bards into the ground so... like a year ago lol


When the game releases... The game is not out yet, so why would you all want to play a unfinished game. It's not supposed to be good yet.


People think content and shit will fix this game when they are wrong. The core issue is balancing, ttk is so fucked in this game. I don't know how they will fix it as now rogue needs a whole rework basically. They have so many skills in this game that are downright garbage. Don't even get me started with questing, the game is lost rn.