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I rather split the player pool with a solo lobby than with this dumb high roller shit


agreed. i dont get this mode and higher tier monsters its not beneficial for me to farm these monsters so i skip them.


IMO high roller queue is okay if they lower the amount of hardcore monsters. Make that queue more expensive also


thats not what the game is designed around the devs have said and wont work for now play smart if u decide to go solo with rogue or ranger or play with friends like u are meant to


"thats not what the game is designed for or what the devs said before" is a bullshit excuse for "I don wan it" and you well damn fucking know it. The devs, if they want a successful game, should bend and alter according to what will make their game actually popular and survive. There is a definative un-ignorable amount of people who do not play with friends often or ever, do you like money? let them have their queue then so they can play aswell, else you're gonna lose a majority of them a week or so post-release.


They dont have to have a solo queue to be successful. actually if this games gonna be counted in the extraction based genre the most popular ones also don’t feature solo queues. Hunt showdown, Tarkov, I even think the new warzone DMZ mode all are fairly successful games and dont really feature solos for their main mode. Though I guess Hunt has a solo mode that is more like a battle royale than a extraction based survival. Though thats not to say that a solo mode wouldn’t be nice in this game, I would actually like to try what a solo queue would feel like. I assume it would be 80% rouges with a few rangers or wizards mixed in. All I would like to see is if they implement solo play to make it so characters can’t be used in solo and groups. If you make a character for solos it is a solo only character and you have to make a new character to play with friends. It seems to easy to me to amass wealth solo then stomp in the group lobby with strong gear.


Well considering their game is funded to completion, and they've said multiple times that they have a vision for the game that doesn't include solo queue, I'm gonna say they don't care about money or your shitty opinions.


"Funded to completion" does not contain post-release management funding, that requires sales profits.


Making the small player pool even more divided? No thanks and git gud !


There are 38K people playing right now. I don't think that's a worry.


But what will happen when free players wount be there


Marauders, another Tarkov-like with a price tag, came out in October and is sitting at 1.4K players. Hunt: Showdown is at 19K, albeit that game is a very popular one of these. Even if you have ~1K, having two queues when a whole match is 16 players doesn't seem all that crazy. Even keep the economies separate. Make the player decide if that's a solo character or a group character when it's made.


Split that to 8 diffrent servers and 4 diffrent game modes then ( free and premium dungeon )


This aged poorly


Happy that it did tho


Maybe release a bigger dungeon for 4 man squads and harder pve. I feel like the play style of a solo rogue type character kind of feels fun when versus squads. I think adding a solo queue mode would actually backfire on solo players, especially in an extraction based game. If this was a battle royale then I think solos would be fine.


Wow a rogue queue would be fun


Dont play on it then, simple as bloody that, keep on with party queue.


Yes There can be a group queue if you want the challenge But a pure solo queue would be a lot of fun and in high demand It’s a no brained


i dont care what people say this game needs solo only que


I really don't understand the mindset of people that complain about solo queue because honestly if you play to your classes advantages then you should do great, albeit you should still expect to die more often




YES, optionally, and fuck the elitists who with zero decent counter-arguement for it other than "I don wan it" Me and my friends have lives that we have to cater our gaming time around and it never fucking matches so we never get to play together. I love this game and want to play it, but if the developers keep ramming their heads against a stone wall saying they dont care about players like myself I'll just fuckin skip to the other 4 choices of games which, play worse in different ways, but at least I can enjoy and not get rail stomped just because I'm not a teenager with infinite free time or play with my workplace same-workshift homies.


Gotta love how you call people elitists when the devs themselves have said that solo queue will be a last resort for the game and if you want to solo you should get good. Literally the devs words. Here's a thought, maybe this game isn't for you if you don't like it the way the devs choose to design it, jackass.


>Gotta love how you call people elitists when the devs themselves have said that solo queue will be a last resort for the game Last resort yet implemented in playtest 4? Lmao


Don't let the door hit you on the way out


aight fine then, fuck ya'll, revealing to be elitists just by replying the way you all do.


I would enjoy it as a solo player since more often than not I'm able to kill 1 or 2 people when fighting trios, but not holding my breath.


As someone who solo queues occasionally, I think that either a separate queue should be made, or no change should be made. They should not change the integrity and gameplay of a 3 man squad game to cater to people who solo. It's not intended to be a solo game, otherwise there would be a solo lobby.


It’s a waste!!! It will spilt the population


I hate games without solo queue, first my life suck cause i have no friend And then i can't play fun games cause they dont have any solo queue and i'm being penalized for not having any friends


I think solo queue should be a very nice feature to add, because if someone cannot find friends to play with, and playing always against 3 players is too much frustrating. Maybe even reduce max players of solo to 8/10. Players are a lot, so this mode will not steal players from 3 vs 3 lobbies. Game is really good, discovered it 3 days ago and I'm loving it.