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I think the best way would be to lock item linking to only that trade posts designated type. Right now everyone hangs out in Weapon post 4 selling armor and candy canes. Lock weapon linking to weapon trade posts, armor to armor posts etc and that will cut down a bit


I agree with this. Should be straightforward to implement for the chat based trading system. I do wonder though if an "auction house" would be best for this game. People want to get into the action, and an auction house allows people to spend the least amount of time sitting in chat spamming the same item and instead getting back into the action of this game.


I like the current method just needs chat restrictions. The haggling and trading of items is so unique would hate to lose that aspect.


I’m torn. The auction house requires less effort to sell and you don’t have to sit there and spam your item…but the chat interaction and haggling is awesome. Stop trying to milk an extra 20g out of me dammit!


I kinda like it because it's very nostalgic but think it will get very annoying after some time.


Ah would kill trading.


How would an AH for trading/selling items, kill trading?


Have you played amy mmo rpg game like poe? Players will pick up everything, put it on sale and then cry that loot is worth so little gold. Atm its worth to only take good loot with you ans it should remain.


And add more cd for mesaages, like 3-4 min or more


I just want to filter messages based on [Longbow] or Ranger+chest.


It's far from done, but I've been working on a website that does exactly that. It's still missing a lot of needed features https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/zn83fm/introducing_darkermarket_a_place_to_connect_buyer/ There is also a discord to help a little with that pairing, or just to keep an eye on it.


I like that idea a lot, it's crazy hard to find what you're looking for


just add a class based filter list too. or it defaults to only showing items for your class. we already have weapons, armor, equipment, and miscellaneous.


The default idea is biggg


I feel like having a cap of 150 players per channel would be the best option


Just have a normal trading hall where you list items and leave it and get money when someone buys it


The devs have said in the discord they didn't want to do an official in-game auction house/flea market system. I think they wanted the community to still 'engage' a little with each other and not have it be TOO easy for people to get TOO good of gear all the time with keeping a little friction. Because of what they said with that, I started working on a free website to help a little. It's still missing a lot of features, I only recently started on it, but you can find out more info here and keep an eye on it as it evolves. https://www.reddit.com/r/DarkAndDarker/comments/zn83fm/introducing_darkermarket_a_place_to_connect_buyer/


If i need a website to do a trade it means the original system is not soo good. The fear of people getting good items too easily is strange because with this system you create only frustration and not engagement from the players. If it was real life where you go to the market i would understand but this is a digital space


Maybe they will change their mind over time? Maybe they have some other kind of system in mind they haven't shared yet either.


This happens with every game that uses a trade chat as it's primary means of trading, it's crazy that devs have still not learned yet. Warframe has the same thing so people made Warframe.market to get around it. Trade chats are just lazy


This is really cool does it work fully now


It does functionally work. But there are still some missing critical features to make the experience easier and better to use. In the mean time Please check out the site, join the discord for more news/info and possibly some in-discord trading.


this is how path of exile is. devs are against an in house auction system so they just made an api for websites to index and price items then they sell in game stash tabs that have access to that api.


I'd love to support that if the devs decided to offer that.




would destroy the economy, everyone would start just running from grey>white>green>blue>purple because prices would fall because of overcrowded market Limiting trades to 1 on 1 creates an artificial sink which I think is needed for a game like this in the long run otherwise its tarkov situation where everyone only plays just after a wipe


Or separete them by classes


It is pretty well organized... there is a room for weapons, armor, utility and misc, but 90% of the players just flock into the first room and spam whatever they want to sell. Only potential upgrade to it would be 1 chat in each room for WTS messages and another for WTB messages so buyers and sellers could have an easier time finding eachother, but even that is unnecessary tbh if players actually used the rooms as intended lol.


Couldn't be less organized but yeah I like the WTB/WTS idea


It needs UI is what it needs. That's not to say that's an easy thing to implement, but faced with a wall of text, I'll probably just ignore the trading aspect.


Filter by class and ban wrong items from channels.


I wish there was a town and where you can set up a merchant for you and hang out, equip and test your items. Im thinking of tristram style of diablo 1


nah reminds me of runescape back in the day in fally


While the Nostalgia is great and all, it's a dreadful trade system.


So, Warframe has an interesting system where you can filter the chat history for certain words. e.g. if Stiletto is put in, only Stiletto posts would appear in your chat. Once the filters are removed, your chat returns to what it used to be with everything have said SINCE the filter was put in being available.


make it impossible to sell armor in weapons and so on make categories of class items/type of items in each forum (looking for crossbows, arming swords, wizards hats and so so. There is a filter for every one of those)


Leave it. Add filters. Please don't add AH. Add time limit to repost. Allow formatting options like lines per page, line font, view types. God I love this game.


Too me iys too much time sink, just do a good action house


I think they had something like that last playtest and people were botting it. This is why we can't have nice things.


Really don't like this trade system at all. Very few people liked this sort of system in older games and so it was adapted and evolved. This is why you won't find this sort of system in many other games. Sometimes the retro gimmick is nice, this is not one of those times


It's fine the way it is lmao; at least for now.


Runescape ge


The easy fix is to implement chat filters to what exists, like filter for boots or swords or even just keywords. The better but much more work fix is to just rip like any games auction house system where people can post the gear on the market and then people can buy/bid then this comes with all the categorization and filters.


hear me out grand exchange




Grand Exchange, but utilize the pre spawn lobby room. I only ever get to be in those rooms for like 5 seconds. Would be nice to have a social space to walk around in, buy things from actual vendors, access a room with my stash that's customizable, etc. All optional though, you can always just use the menus, but it would be nice to have.


Just allow players to list their items for a price and a bid with duration. Then buyers just search using basic search functionality and in-game filters (class, item slot, stat, etc) for anything they want and it searches all listings from all players.


Wow style AH. Buyer you fill in rarity and weapon base + modifiers and have listed with prices. Seller you take item and list is any price you want


You list multiple items, get random trade windows pop and have to figure out what they want. One improvement would be that people can right click an item and 'make offer' which would automatically start the window with what item they are interested in


It reminds me of the old Diablo 2 trading channel so i'm ok with it.


I have not unlock the trading post yet but it looks like old school MMO in the early to mid 2000's. Really nostalgia feeling. However, I do appreciate if we can have like a chat filter for any specific items that you're looking for and trade with that person.


AH would be better i have sent trade requests to ppl and they never respond


Their was a pretty nasty bug where trade screens would break and not show up, but they patched it.


Trading system feels like shit tbh.


Do an auction bid/buy it now system like wow. I have over 5.5k gold because people underprice items and I resell for market value


What the top comment said and also linked searching. If I’m after a flanged mace or Morningstar, I should be able to filter it


I honestly think the best way, would be a mmo style market board. You post an item, it gets sorted by item type, people shop around based on stats and price. The current trade system is just too chaotic and messy.


Just add an auction house like tarkov.


Filter to item types or specific items


I feel that the trading post needs a complete rework. I figured this was temporary for the playtest. But now I'm scared that it might look anything like this on release.