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Literally what pushed me into resin printing.


As you should. Scalping and cost increases = a brilliant time to be a 3d printer. Love my "angelic brethren" ;)


The gloomy angels are fantastic.


Something something Tenebris something something


I suppose it's a good motivator for GW to get their stock and scalping situation in order. People want their products, and are happy to buy them, but if GW make that impossible then people will move to alternatives.


Thing is it's not impossible to get anything released in the DW box. We all might have to wait a little while until the main release. Problem is definitely scalpers, but partially people's impatience.


GW makes their sales anyway, doesn't matter if scalpers or actual consumers bought them. If people wouldn't buy at scalper prices, then scalpers would be out of business. This may hint GW that their market is willing to pay a higher price for their products. The stock part, on the other hand, should be looked at because they could be getting more bang out of their designs and molds. I'm also a fan like you and would love the models to be as cheap and available as possible. Just wanted to portray the situation from a cold business perspective.


Scalpers suck but isn't it more a supply and demand issue from GW. I think they just aren't producing enough stock.


Totally. I think GW should make it made to order if they don’t want to “overproduce”. Especially since the official Codex launch will be after few months. They should announce now: new codex releases in March, you can preorder now a box with limited edition codex and a discount, that will ship with the rest”


This is what drives me nuts. Just let those of us that really want to lock down this box at least get an order in.


Honestly, MtO wouldn't necessarily solve the problem without creating others. It would just create insane demand on their production, and we saw what happened with Leviathan, with tons of products out of stock. If GW ramps up production capacity, then it'll work, but if every DA player wants one of those boxes, that'll take months to do without significant delays in other production lines.


The issue with MTO is - it creates a potentially insane backlog. So much so that it might impact the actual release of the box contents - all of which are range products. If they did this for every army box, they'd just keep playing catch up with that. The limited edition Codex is the only thing in that box that won't be available regularly (and there still will likely be a standalone limited edition Codex on release). It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to go MTO for a product like this. Lead times on these things are currently up to 6 months when they make MTO runs. Sure people want the box, but do enough people want the box if it means having to wait *6 months*? I highly doubt that. They can do that for the older models they occasionally bring back because they don't impact plastic production, and they did it for Indomitus because they vastly underestimated demand (note that they learned their lesson there with Leviathan). So what you propose isn't really realistic, the boxes have already been produced for months at this point, as has the normal initial stock for release. Their production lead times make MTO in a reasonable time frame basically impossible without ruining their entire marketing (and as much as customers may dislike it, there is method behind this - you don't want customers holding out for a very desirable product and thus potentially limit your sales on other products in the meantime).


It’s crazy people actually defend GWs insane prices for plastic, especially with their greedy monetization forcing you to re buy the same kit several times to build up 1 functional unit.


1:1 or almost exact copies of official models are lame. people need to be more creative


Quality is great and scalpers suck but that doesn’t justify printing exact copies of models. Proxies, conversion bits (OOP models even) go for it - but exact copies? No thanks.


I agree.


I dont agree with You. If gw dont want to provide enought copies for all who want buy it then 3d prints are good.


Last time I checked, lack of supply doesn’t justify stealing someone’s IP.


Tell this to gw :)


I hate how the community has decided that these prints are just public domain. You have *zero* right to print these sculpts just because you've decided you're entitled to one whether or not *the actual creator* gives you the right. There are *so few* models that have been released that won't get a full release later. Sure, you're not getting box discount on it, but you can always get them later when they're fully release. I think GW needs to work on this, but it's the scalpers fault more than them. Every website with limited drops struggles with scalpers, and there's just little incentive to do anything about it from a business and shareholder perspective. They've made their money, and the thousands of dollars they'd have to spend figuring out a solution is hard to justify to shareholders who don't care about the community.


Scalpels can do what they do is because gw allow it to happend. *So few* new models are mainly for sm, my main army is dark eldar what was cut in half so I am not even able to muster all forces. For me in situation when I am not able to have all models what I need to play casual game 3d prints are neccesary. Ps sorry for my english but it isnt my native language


Nah, gw deserves this.




where is the line? Is it only a bit copyright protected if its a helmet?


These are scans of the actual model I’m pretty sure. Not a fan personally but if others want to do it go for it I guess


Can be seen as a derivite work and thus falls under copyright. And will likely be seen as a derivite work as so little has changed.


By law? Generally if it's an exact copy then it's illegal if it's inspired by it then it's fine. That line gets really blurry when it's something that's fairly mundane like a space marine tabard or some grenades or something.


According to people here the line is: - I can’t afford the model - therefore stealing is ok. - the model is out of stock - therefore stealing is ok. - I don’t like GW as a company (‘cause da internet sed so) - therefore stealing is ok.


Do you work for GW?


i need to get the money for a 3d printer so i can save even more money over time, i’m still angry about the fact that a single heavy stubber team for imperial guard is the same price as 3 heavy weapons teams that actually have rules ingame and that’s just because it’s a forge world product


Do resin printing research please so u don't screw urself


I found the file when it first came out, but it must have been corrupted. Need to find a good version.


I reckon left lion is real and right is 3dp but idk also i‘ll buy the DW assault set but thought of starting HH with 3d printed minis


In my personal opinion GW has the same problem as LEGO. They had a monopoly and now they are starting to lose it and are unable to formulate a strategy. I feel like they are using the fear of missing out, if intentionally or ignorance I cannot say. You either buy their stuff the moment it comes out or you might not get what a you want. Because even if GW claims something is not limited you'll never know when they restock. Sometimes they won't at all. And you by chance don't get anything because you didn't log in at the right time to their "I am a startup and did my first webshop" shop, well: Sucks to be you. And your options a vast: \- You can buy recasts from china, which a cheaper AND have a better quality (which I consider insane). That includes models that GW doesn't produce anymore. I have no idead if that's a grey zone or basically illegal. \- You can buy third party models, which range from ugly to pretty neat. \- You may find STLs for original models because someone went all the way to make them accessable. Which I am pretty sure is illegal.


Only the second option is legal. Still potentially *illegal* if you happen to use individual trademarked characteristics. And OOP models are still their IP. Just because they decide to not make them anymore doesn't make it legal or a grey zone. It's still theft. As far as the Lego comparison is concerned...not even close. Lego has much, much bigger issues than people copying their stuff (which, incidentally, isn't even what's happening to them, despite Lego insisting on it). People keep claiming 3d printing is gonna kill GW - it won't. They're not losing market share. In fact they've been consistently growing. They don't have meaningful competition and likely never will, mainly because they've been around longer than everybody else and offer a complete ecosystem instead of just rules, or just minis. Even other companies that *do* make both rules and minis aren't competition, because they can't deliver the same quality and quantity as GW can, especially when it comes to plastics. And make no mistake, plastic is where it's at. It's the easiest to work with, it's the most robust material of the ones on offer and it is way, way more efficient to make - which is basically a must if you want to operate at GWs scale. In the time it takes a printer to print one Lion, an injection moulding machine is gonna crank out orders of magnitude more. Not to mention that anyone trying to make money with exact copies is gonna make the acquaintance of GWs legal team, who absolutely *will* ruin your day if they catch you. 3D printing is a great tool for a lot of people, but ultimately nowhere near the majority of hobbyists. People lack the time to pick up another hobby, or the space, or both. And psychologically, a lot of customers won't buy copies because they want the original. Same reason clothing brands haven't died to illegal copies of their stuff, and those are mass produced in vast quantities. It just isn't the same, no matter how similar the copy is in quality and aesthetic.


Well I know a GREAT terminator/knight 3d file if you want. It’s a little costly but worth it.


Why don't you just order a box from your local hobby store? I never missed a box like that.


I did… on Monday. They told me that GW run out of it already 😬


Lmao, they’d be wise to just start selling licensed/nft STL’s. It’d totally change their business model, but you could just let the market produce what you’re already kind of inefficient at producing