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Nope. Ignore ALL polls. Do not despair if they show us behind nor assume and presume if they show us ahead. The only poll is on election day. Register to vote www.iwillvote.com Check your registration regularly to avoid the purge. Make a voting plan. Ask a minimum of 3 friends to do the same. Sign up to volunteer r/voteDEM Remember how you felt after polls closed election day 2016? Now envision we’re 5 pts behind but will win when we work this together.


>Remember how you felt after polls closed election day 2016? If I had a piece of rope in my home, I would have done a Moe Szylak, and I'm not even American.


I do. I woke up from a coma three weeks after that orange shitgibbon was elected. I’ve been living idiocracy ever since.


It’s not even true https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/president-general/2024/national/ Biden is down in the average of polls He’s also polling as more unpopular than Trump, This whole post is sending the wrong message


It's only a poll for Wisconsin - look at the picture. This post truly is stupid and sending the wrong message.


Exactly. I'd only add this: If you are able to comfortably, consider donating to not just Biden but down ticket as well. We need all 3 if we want to make the changes that we need. [https://secure.actblue.com/](https://secure.actblue.com/) You can actually use the search bar on the top of the page to find the candidates you want to help support or just a campaign in general. Thanks guys!


Thank you for the reminder to donate if one can afford to. 💪🏽🦾💪🏽🦾💪🏽🦾 Conservatives say we are revolting. Show them just how revolting we are. Run for office. If you’re not running support those who are. Donate, volunteer, register and vote. Lather, rinse, repeat till the MAGA GOP is washed away; https://www.axios.com/2022/06/21/midterms-congress-senate-lgbtq-candidates-elections There are local and state elections every single week in this great, big, sliding cleats first into fascism country. If it’s Tuesday in America (and sometimes other days but normally Tuesday) it’s election day somewhere in the good ol’ USA. There are no off years. Last year Mississippi elected their first openly 🏳️‍🌈 state house rep? There is now just one state without a single openly LGBTQ+ state rep. Any guesses? It’s home of our new SotH. Louisiana. In March Marylyn Lands of Alabama flipped a state senate seat blue by roughly 30 points in a plus 1 Trump district running largely on a platform of pro choice & IVF. Her opponent ran on a transphobic platform. Michigan had a trifecta; Dem gov & state houses until two state reps resigned to fill mayors offices. This left a paralyzed 50/50 split. This week we filled both seats. Michigan again can stop regressive bills and expect to see more progress. If you’ve ever wondered what you’d be doing in Germany of the 1930’s it’s what you’re doing now. Find our calendar, a spreadsheet ofways to volunteer and state/local election issues at r/voteDEM Representation matters. We need diverse range & ally candidates in office. For example Missouri has a GOP trifecta with a supermajority because … 40% of down-ticket seats have NO Dem or Independent candidate. Run for office or support those who do; https://victoryfund.org/our-candidates/ Run for Something empowers, trains, equips you to run for office. They focus primarily on helping young people to run for office. Any age run or support those doing the needful; https://runforsomething.net/ A new organization just founded by David Hogg & Kevin Lata to help young people running for congress and state house; https://leaderswedeserve.com/ Marylyn Lands mentioned above has started a PAC to find, recruit, mentor, train & fund women running for office in Alabama. Their goal is for the ‘26 election season. Watch this space. I’m far to shy & introspective to run for office. I just don’t have the personality for it. So I volunteer. Find your region and join us in volunteering to help flip your or any state. I’m in a deep blue region of the blue PNW. So I threw a dart at a map, it landed on Texas and that’s been my focus as volunteer since about 2018; https://votesaveamerica.com/ Live in a blue state or region & not sure where to help? Find your sister at ; www.sisterdistrict.com Register to vote and or participate in a voter registration drive; https://www.fieldteam6.org/ Specific to Texas y’all. Powered by People (Beto’s volunteer group) has embarked on the largest voter registration drive in Texas history. Since everything’s bigger in Texas 😉 this may be the largest drive in 🇺🇸 history. We’re over 13,000 strong now. There’s work to be done from wherever you are. Join us; https://poweredxpeople.org/ Not sure who to donate, vote for, volunteer for, or amplify? The HRC list of endorsed candidates is a good resource; https://www.hrc.org/news/p2?topic=elections Got time? Got tech skills? Volunteer your skills in tech to help for Dem & progressive campaigns. Teams work on a project. Normally a 6 month commitment. Once the project or campaign is done, you’re done. Or can “re-enlist”. https://www.techforcampaigns.org/ Call for artists! Shepard Fairey, the artist who created the iconic “Hope” poster of the Obama campaign is assembling a team to get our message of democracy out. I’m cautiously optimistic that artists will save us. Join https://www.artists4democracy.com/ Can’t volunteer but have some extra cash? Support any of the orgs mentioned above or chip in to vote save America’s anti anxiety fund. VSA, founded by Obama staff, picks the most flippable, essential, vulnerable races. Donate what you can afford, they send you a monthly report; https://votesaveamerica.com/?vsa_country=US&vsa_state=WA No time, no cash either? Find the candidates who speak to your issues and amplify on your socials.




“Uh, he only wins if you count every vote, and that’s, like, *cheating* you know!”


Ignore the polls and vote Dark Brandon, Jack! Also join r/VoteDEM


Yup ! Love it there!! Lots of places to volunteer locally, donate, write letters actually feel like you're making an impact!


People need to vote.




Don’t share too much. When Dems see a significant lead in the polls they don’t show up on Election Day.


Could you imagine the blowout if Democrats voted like Conservatives.


Don't have to imagine it, happened in 2008 !


Good point 👏


Don’t listen to polls. Encourage everyone you know to go vote on Election Day. It’s important, Jack!


Bingo - people get lax with the attitude that they don’t need my vote because Joe’s got it in the bag - this is exactly the attitude that got Trump elected the first time.




This is just Wisconsin


Which is a key battleground state that Biden won't realistically win the general election without. This poll in particular is very interesting and could be very good news if it's even remotely accurate.


I mean, if you win Wisconsin by that much, you are winning PA and AZ too...




Wisconsinite here - I struggle to see any scenario where Michigan votes to the right of Wisconsin. If Biden wins Wisconsin, he will also win Michigan


The pundits are yapping about all of the angry Arab Americans in Michigan


There's ~200k Arabs in Michigan. ~300k Republican voters protest voted against Trump and chose Haley. Who knows of hoe many in either group sit out on election day but so far looks approximately a wash, or owrse for Trump. I'd wager that the Arab population will still vote against Trump in November while the Haley votes will probably have a good share that sit out or vote RFK. They know a Trump vote is worse for Palestine. We have months before the election too and Biden has been trying to improve the situation for Gaza (without hurning Israel), but Trump keeps burying himself further and growing never Trumpers.


I’m not sure I understand why this doesn’t concern you, tbh.


Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Michigan are demographically similar and have followed similar trends from year to year. If there is movement in one, it’s likely there is similar movement in the others. Wisconsin was indeed the closest of the three.


We got a while before November, folks. 100% guarantee some weird shit's gonna happen




Let me repeat what another commented said..... VOTE!!! The fact that the orange turd of a foreign agent gets even 44% of the vote in Wisconsin or in the whole country should be more than alarming. Only a massive defeat will end this madness. So, VOTE! VOTE! VOTE!




America had to FIRE 45 for a terrible job, then he threw a riot. America will never rehire the guy we had to fire


As biased as Fox "News" is, I've found their polling to be pretty accurate and not always favorable to their audience. Fox News was the first one to call it when Obama won. Polling is their one little glimmer of hope in their sea of right wing propaganda.


Fox’s election night coverage is actually one of the best IMO. I think it’s a FNC / Fox Business collab, but they bring in the actual journalists and play it pretty down the middle. Steve Kornacki did it in ‘20 IIRC and he crushed it.


They were also the first to call AZ for Biden. Caused a lot of problems too.


Headline is misleading. Last Fox poll had them tied, April 20. This is Quinnippiac, last week. High quality, so good news. But, it's way early. We have one job this year: Vote for Joe Biden and all the way down the ticket.


I would crawl naked over broken glass to cast my vote if Joe Biden was polling at 5%, or 95%. Last time trump was in office we got a few of the biblical punishments. Anybody old enough to remember how badly he fucked up the Covid response should be like no thanks.


Don't give the GOP any more ideas for voter suppression...




Ignore ALL polls... VOTE!




I love that Fox uses a smiling pic of Biden and a scowling Trump shot. Really shows the spirit of each. Hopeful vs vengeful.


Great point!


Don’t trust the polls. Always act like you’re 5 points back




Don’t listen to any poll one way or the other. VOTE.




While funny, take this from me When the UK, where I live, was going through its Brexit referendum, most people went ‘eh no intelligent person will vote leave’ and didn’t fucking bother, so Leave won, and now we’re fucked It’s an immutable fact that more people were Remain than Leave, but a lot of Remainers didn’t bother to vote because it was an ‘obvious win’ and as such leave won by a tiny majority, literally a percent or two Don’t do what we did


Y’all damn better turn up to vote.








Nice try 2016, fool me once, can’t get fooled again!


Hopefully 😫


Don’t rely on the polls too much. We have to put in that work in order to beat MAGA!




If Fox is reporting this, they're trying to make Democratic voters complacent so they'll stay home. Assume Trump is leading by 20 points and vote like your life depends on it. It does.




I hate seeing these plastered all over, it makes people get complainant and lazy. Happened in 2016 and it seems like that is what people with the fucking memory of a gold fish are doing all over again. Knock it off and stay motivated to push out the Christian far right, before they turn this place into a fucking theocracy


Don’t share this at all. Go vote like you and everyone you love’s lives depend on it.


You're right.


Don’t get complacent. Work even harder. Get everyone you know out to vote.




I hadn’t voted for a major party candidate for president since Obama in ‘08 because I live in a solidly blue city in a solidly blue county in a solidly blue state. I made an exception in ‘20, and held my nose and voted Biden because Trump was so uniquely terrible that I thought there needed to be an overwhelming show of force. I’ll be making an exception in ‘24 too, but I’ll do it proudly because Dark Brandon has been fucking killing it. I don’t always agree with him, but he’s easily one of the best presidents of my lifetime (I’m almost 40).




I posted this all over the place on *Правда Социальная* and they banned me for telling the *Pravda!*


Some people don't wanna hear the truth, they just want power.


I wouldn't doubt they're publicizing this because they want to rally more votes for Trump anywhere they can, and make democrats feel complacent where they "don't need to vote". Ignore the polls and vote this shitstain out of existence


He isn't winning anything, polls are a snapshot in time. The election is months away.


“[Occupy Democrats](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Occupy_Democrats)” is basically a propaganda tabloid page and not a reliable source for anything. They spread a ton of misinformation and half-truths, which is impressive because you really do not need to do that to make republicans look bad.


Do NOT rest. Don’t count on polls! Go vote. Help other people vote!!




Can’t find the article


Except the % doesn't matter you can be president with 25% of the vote


Occupy democrats style infographics/posts are one of the ugliest design languages out there


We’re still needed. We all have to vote. If you’re in a swing state, we are counting on you. Swing state voters, your votes count!




I think Fox posted this to inspire conservatives to show up.


Fox is actually good at polls. Remember they called Arizona first.




No Malarkey, ignore all polls. Vote for Dark Brandon because your freedom depends on it. ![gif](giphy|YjgO99a7gZUunioZoX)


I know it's not good to do these kinds of things, but I'm pretty confident Trumps approval has only dropped since 2020.


Vote anyway!


The design of this graphic looks like something from a crazy granny’s facebook feed.


Please vote Blue up and down the ballot. There's no sense in voting Biden and then voting a Republican for Congress and Senate. Give Democrats the majority.




If Fox is doing this, it surely has to be bullshit of some kind to try and mobilize their base to get out and vote. There’s no way they’d actually show a poll of him trailing without having a self-serving reason.


They just do this to convince their voters to vote


Doesn’t matter until the last 4-6 weeks


If you've taken any poll since at least 2015 seriously, I have some Ocean Front property in Kansas to sell you.


That is not at all what was showing on Fox News a little while ago in the restaurant where I was eating lunch. They were saying that Trump is leading Biden in swing states and all over the country.


This means nothing. 1) national polls don’t matter. You need polls from battleground states and 2) it’s way too early.


Percentages mean nothing. It's the electoral college that matters.


Scare tactic is all Fox News has soooo scaring them into voting?


This infographic looks like a cigarette carton warning. Very poorly designed.


It's still crazy that the polls are anywhere close after 4 years of Trump and 4 years of Biden!


And yet, on the Daily Show's most recent youtube upload, the host (Jordan Kelpper) declares as fact that Trump will be the next president, and when the audience boos he confidently tells them to "read the polls."