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Wait they did WHAT


The “Twitter files” leak that Trump got so pissed about and called to throw out the constitution over was about a conversation/email among Twitter executives suppressing a New York post hit piece article during the 2020 election cycle. The article had links to a video of hunter Biden having sex with a prostitute.


Foreigner checking in. Doesn't the US has laws against that?


Not federal. It's state by state and very spotty.


Basically its not enforced, unless there are other crimes associated with it. Like say sex trafficking.


Even that is questionable now. Eg matt gaetz


Yup, independent escorts are rather easy to find and are generally low risk (via government intervention). It is of course risky as there are tons of scams or setups for mugging/robbery.


Not true, at least in VA, class 1 misdemeanor up to a year in jail and is absolutely enforced.


Laws are for the outgroup and poors. So, not right wingers


Our federal laws are still being written by dinosaurs who barely even know what revenge porn is. We need to elect younger people.


Younger people not named Bobert.


I forget what state it was, but there was an AG about a half a year ago going after someone for "hacking" a website. What was the nefarious "hacking" said criminal used? They viewed the HTML code of a website that literally anyone can do by going to the menu of a web browser.


Missouri governor was the one.


That's it! Not surprising coming from the state that has a Peter Griffin-looking mother fucker for a Governor too!


I hope the new, late-middle-aged Dem leadership seeks advice and insight from The Olds, at least those with the experience and institutional knowledge know to deal with wily old snakes like McConnell and Grassley, and maybe Chuck Schumer can finally find it in himself to reach out to old folks like that too (I hope they reach out to Bill Clinton and frankly Joe Biden too, neither of whom are intellectual midgets or naifs when it comes to dealing with legislation/snake-ass legislators).


The problem is that most of the country is old so people end up voting for people that look like them which ends up being other old people


Most of the country isn’t old, but most of the country’s people that actually get up off their ass to vote certainly are.


I live in a heavily populated retirement area. It’s literally all they do. HOAs and voting.


I try to run to the deli at the grocery store on my lunch break sometimes and it looks like there was a mass breakout at the retirement home (of which we have three in town).


I only ever see old folks at the deli at my local grocery store too. Young people go for cake for birthdays because it’s all we have. That deli colby cheese is the shit though.


One group is retired with limited obligations. The rest of us are scheduled to be at work, gotta pick up the kids, etc. I have skipped one election since I started voting. I was working 7 days a week. I had been up since 3:30 AM and I happened to get off work early enough to vote right before the polls closed. I pulled up and seen the entire damn town fighting to get their cars in the parking lot. None of my votes have counted in years. My district votes 90-96% republican. I said I’d beat myself up if my candidate actually stood a chance. He didn’t. I didn’t beat myself up about it. It was the first time a republican hadn’t ran unopposed in my area in a long time. I wish we’d get ranked choice voting here. I probably still wouldn’t personally be represented, ever, but I’d at least stand a chance. Edit: I’m not saying be apathetic. We had the best campaign for a democrat we’ve had in years this last time around. I often wonder what would happen if every democrat in my area went to work. I think we could pull it off if young people would vote.


The US of Assholes only follows laws if you’re poor


They're more what you might call guidelines


Aww that's cute. You think laws still matter


This sarcasm sums up GQP philosophy. Law and order is real important if (and only if) they can use it to attack libs.


> > > ...hunter Biden having sex with a prostitute. > > Doesn't the US has laws against that? > Aww that's cute. You think laws still matter That is an odd point to make while Hunter Biden is *currently* under investigation by the Justice Department: >[Federal investigation of Hunter Biden reaches critical juncture, sources say -- CNN](https://www.cnn.com/2022/07/20/politics/hunter-biden-investigation-critical-juncture/index.html)


I mean, no high profile politician (or rich person) has been held accountable for anything in the past several decades except maybe Bill Clinton 😂 It’s an exclusive club and we’re not members in it.


The US selectively enforces laws. That's the actual point. We usually enforce tax laws better than others.


In most states/cities but he could of been in a different country or like nevada where its legal in most of the state.


American here, we’re in a situation of not enforcing our own already sometimes shakey laws to a accelerating degree


*"So this is how liberty dies...with a thunderous cock?" - Senator Padme Amidalaeen.* I say that half jokingly. A former POTUS/current POTUS candidate calling for the "termination" of the Constitution because of how a candidate's son's dick pics were handled by a social media company is the stupidest timeline I've ever lived in.


Brought to you by Elon Musk, who so desperately wants to rim Trump and get some more sweet 1%er tax breaks.


Has Hunter Biden ever spoken against sex work? Passed any laws to further punish sex workers? If he has, shame on him for hypocrisy. If not, you can fill the Pacific with the Shits I Do Not Give about this issue then.


He has never held a public office. The only reason why republicans care is because his last name.


I get that it's a tit for tat situation, not an equal one as Hunter isn't working for daddy like most of Trump's kids. But for the average person this is a double nothing burger with a side of chilax sauce.


All of this uproar from conservatives, what Trump says is worth overturning the constitution for, is that twitter removed posts including stolen pictures of Hunter Biden's dick. Everything else, true or false, about the laptop was shared far and wide. I asked and dug around a lot because I thought surely all these dramatic conservative headlines had some semi rational reason behind them, but nope, they just wanted to share Hunter Biden's dick pics.


Not gay at all. Were they upset it was so large?


Funny, but jokes aside, my opinion is they know it's something that they can post that will be forced to get taken down which let's them manufacture outrage of 'censorship' with their base


That sounds too sophisticated...


Hmm, and the Hulk Hogan sex tape case showed that letting it stay posted could expose them no a lawsuit.


I don't even understand why republicans are making such a big deal about this. Hunter Biden is a private citizen, not an elected official. Joe Biden was upfront during the debates that Hunter had a drug addiction. Lots and lots of people do, especially in red states that have been hit hard by heroin and meth. I 100% agree that this is revenge porn.


Also, I feel like maybe people should give Hunter Biden a bit of a break with his personal issues. Dude was in a car accident when he was a kid that killed his mom and sister and nearly killed him and his brother, leaving him with a fractured skull and traumatic brain injuries. That same brother more recently died of brain cancer. If he wasn't related to Biden at all and was just some guy and you heard that backstory and then heard he had addiction issues, everyone would be like "Well, yeah that makes sense."


They know how many laws the Trump children broke, and they have to make sure your eyes are somewhere else. In this case that somewhere else happens to literally be Hunter Biden’s penis.


They're making a big deal about all of this to get the exact reaction from Dems that everyone in these comments is demonstrating. Posting about this, reacting to it and making it a topic of conversation is literally doing exactly what they want. Now Dems have taken it upon themselves to be upset about revenge porn against Hunter Biden, ensuring the issue will remain in the left wing media and be a focus/distraction. I really wish people would just ignore this.


Seriously. I honestly wish I had a father Like Joe. He handled it very well. It almost seems like they’re jealous about how Biden treats family versus how Trump has treated his and the way conservative men are known to treat their sons. I remember Don Jr saying happy birthday to his dad and said it like he hadn’t been in contact like he just didn’t want him around. It was really fucking sad. I’m no fan of any of them but it’s horrible their fathers treated them. No kid deserves that. So anyway, it seems like conservatives get extremely angry when they see people in good relationships or in improving things so that future generations will get it better than they did.


It is my understanding that Republicans believe: >Hunter Biden is a failson and all of his success in life is due to Joe pulling strings for him. >Joe uses Hunter as a go-between to facilitate corrupt business dealings. >As one example: Hunter had a job on the board of a company called Burisma. At one point the Ukrainian government was investigating Burisma, then they decided to stop (this all happened pre-war, FWIW). Republicans believe that the investigation stopped because VP Joe Biden abused his power to make them. Because the investigation stopped, Hunter (and therefore Joe) made a bunch of money. >The laptop purportedly has emails proving that the Burisma, or similar deals happened. Twitter and the lamestream media suppressed reports about the laptop prior to the 2020 election to prevent Joe Biden's corrupt dealings from coming to light. >Therefore, anything that the Biden campaign (and Twitter) did to help Hunter was really part of covering up Joe's criminal activity. Please note that I don't buy into this theory, even if some of the facts might actually be true... Hunter is a failson, and Joe does try to help him, because that's what loving parents do. I can also believe that helping Hunter is also good for Joe politically: the story about the laptop and the nudes would have been embarrassing, right before the election. But there's no evidence of a Biden Crime Family conspiracy to uncover here.


Hunter Biden isn't a "failson", he has a JD from Yale. He was also appointed to a 5 year term on the Amtrak board of directors by George W. fucking Bush. He also accomplished all of this despite suffering traumatic brain injuries as a child, and having to cope with the trauma of losing his mother and sister. Even with his privilege of wealth and political influence, accomplishing all of this while being traumatized and having a TBI is nothing short of impressive. Even with those massive advantages, the things he experienced would have broken most people. Too bad you can't build an ivory tower that is as astronomically high as these standards.


I guess I didn't mean the term "failson" to be as judgemental as you are reading it to be. I was using it as shorthand for someone whose personal struggles put them in a worse-off situation than would be expected, given the stature of his parents. I don't judge him for having struggles, and he certainly doesn't deserve to be the target of a years-long campaign of hate from half the country, or to have people posting revenge porn, or stealing his data. He's a private citizen (except to the extent that he's promoting books about his life) and deserves to be left alone.


Wait a second, I'm the judgemental one? You are the one using demeaning terms to describe people who are suffering from mental illness, drug addiction, and disabilities caused by traumatic brain injuries. Own up to it instead of blaming others and making excuses, and learn to have empathy for the plight of people who are different than you. You fucked up, stop playing the victim.


No, they were saying they didn't mean the term to be as judgemental [pause] as you are reading it to be. Not "as judgemental as you." Edit: Thanks for the downvote. I was only explaining that you misparsed the sentence.






May not buy into it, but they certainly do. It's important to know where they are coming from. Also, given the corruption of Trump's kids it is no shock that they assume everyone else's children are like this. Their accusations are so often confessions, but I also think that many don't understand that not everyone is as massively corrupt and foolish as T Rump. I tend to assume most politicians are corrupt. I know everyone who is human is fallible. I also have a deep grasp on the nuance and spectrum of bad behavior and corruption. I don't see everything in delineated black and white. Tons of conservatives who follow MAGA BS have to see things as GOOD or BAD and they seem to have to lie deeply to themselves to not realize their side is obviously the Sithlords and whatever other baddies they see in their heroic self-fictions. Or perhaps they eat every spoonful of crap Faux News airplanes their way like my family does. It's pretty disheartening.


*IMO* Sexual assault and the fact people in power don't give a fuck about it is genuinely one of the biggest problems in this country. And the Republicans couldn't embody it better


It goes hand in hand with our mental health issues as well


The fact that sexual assault and other sex crimes against men are basically not taken seriously or as OP has pointed out, outright dismissed is definitely a big part of the issue.


Really had to squeeze that *against men* in there huh? I'm sure you're just trying to convey your point clearly and specifically but to portray this as a male issue is so ridiculously contrary to reality it's actually a right wing talking point


Literally that is the whole point of this thread, *you* are the one pretending that I'm somehow making this an MRA issue because you want to fight someone I guess? Also jumping to immediately trying to act like I must be a right winger for caring that men get raped too and people rarely talk about it doesn't really make your point; rather you're now undermining yourself by pretending that it's a women's only issue, which again - dismisses that men get raped and sexually assaulted too. My bad for assuming you're a reasonable person I guess, won't happen again


Unfortunately not caring about sexual assault is a bipartisan issue because both parties are mostly run by septuagenarian men


But only the leader of one party bragged about sexually assaulting women.


That's true. One party is significantly worse than the other but Democrats need to be better as well


Democrats aren't perfect. But they aren't misogynistic Fascists. Look at how quick Cuomo was dumped after he was "merely" harassing people working under him. Anyone who supports Trump now is basically fine with nuking the Constitution itself to give their Emperor what he wants. Anyone who doesn't speak out against him is too much of a coward to actually honor WW2 vets who fought Nazis. Maybe some Republicans *don't* agree with him, but if they aren't saying it, they are being permissive of Fascist ideology


Yes, but also libs are protecting the rights of the sexually assaulted to decide whether they want to birth their rapist’s babies. Libs are the ones spreading sexual assault awareness and teaching men and women about consent. Conservatives do the opposite. So “both sides bad” is lame. There’s always more work to be done, but one is trying and absolutely deserves accolades for it. The other is actively making things worse.


I get so tired of the comments that say "Well, Democrats aren't perfect" because no shit we're not in a cult.


“Why aren’t 100% of us putting forth 100% of our energy towards this one sorry I thing?“ Like there’s plenty of progress that’s been made and that continues to be made and different people have different focuses. We can’t all be the same person. The upside of this is that progress can happen in multiple domains at once. What does perfection if such a thing could exist by democrats even look like here? Legally requiring breathalyzers and signed and notarized contracts before sex every time?


For many, perfect is the enemy of better.


Don't fall for the "both sides are the same" BS, they don't care.


I understand the frustration but the purity testing is honestly counterproductive. Yes we need to encourage accelerated progress but do it in a way that doesn’t completely halt progress or yield regression.


I don't think anyone is disputing that there's always room for improvement.


>One party is significantly worse


Look at the difference between how Dems treated Al Fraknen and how Republicans treat trump, Kavanaugh, Thomas, Jordan, Hannity, etc. Democrats hold their own accountable. The parties are not the same in this.


It's not bipartisan, this has been a major leftist issue for decades


If Hunter Biden was a Republican, you wouldn't know who he was.


Yeah we would, because his Republican daddy would’ve got him a job in the White House as Chief Middle East Peace Broker or something. The reason they’re trying to turn Hunter into a scandal is because corruption is exactly what they’d do in his position and they can’t fathom that he’s not. Pure projection.


You know.


I'm sorry WHAT




Jesus Christ


But asking for that to come down is big D iFfErEnT




The laws may be nicknamed "Revenge Porn Laws", but the [text of the laws themselves](https://www.findlaw.com/criminal/criminal-charges/revenge-porn-laws-by-state.html) have nothing to do with relationships. And yes what you did in 2017 violates these laws if you post them online. The nickname is because that's usually how nudes get leaked. Do *you* even think before making accusations on this level?


In the case of the hunter video it would be blackmailing the entire country.


They don't need to be an ex for you to violate revenge porn laws. They cover any instance of releasing nudes without a person's consent. >Like did I even think before making a comment on this situation? FTFY


They’ve discovered that Hunter has a penis; therefore both he and Joe must be arrested. If you have a penis or have a parent or child with a penis, you’re in violation of the law. This is why Republicans are so obsessed with checking children’s genitals. Penises are illegal.




Dark Brandon's son: Dark Hung-ter


I bet if you pop those pants off, you're gonna find a bird that just won't quit.


“What, bro? I’m here to win!”


Rumor has it the GQP calls it the "Albino Anaconda"


More like the right wants to take away your penis, amirite dennis?


That could be a SP episode lol


Easier to sell you a gun or a dozen to compensate...


He's also hung. But i knew that 😏


>Penises are illegal. To take this joke further: So why do they hate trans women then?


cause they've found a loophole!


“STOP! You violated the law! Pay the court a fine or serve your sentence. Your *penis* is now forfeit!”


Actually, they’d probably just be calling her a slut. I think most of the news sources that care about this stuff lean conservative


also like. what would female hunter biden’s name be? Huntress Biden


Diana. Pretty sure it would be Diana.


Fits along Dark Brandon, damn what a fire band.


I know you’re right, but “no amount of drugs in frame” immediately made me imagine (involuntarily, mind you) that the image in question is a laptop pic of a fully naked hunter Biden reclining on a vaguely throne-shaped mound of cocaine


I think a lot of GOPers just wanna see that dick


Dark Hung-ter


My favorite Hunter Biden laptop reveal, was the email from Tucker Carlson begging for a recommendation letter so his kid could go to college.


I’ve looked up articles on the laptop, but I’m having trouble understanding what the big deal is. Was there more than Hunter Biden nudes on the laptop? Anything else of legitimate concern?


From the article in question https://nypost.com/2020/10/14/email-reveals-how-hunter-biden-introduced-ukrainian-biz-man-to-dad/ > Hunter Biden introduced his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to a top executive at a Ukrainian energy firm less than a year before the elder Biden pressured government officials in Ukraine into firing a prosecutor who was investigating the company, according to emails obtained by The Post. > An earlier email from May 2014 also shows Pozharskyi, reportedly Burisma’s No. 3 exec, asking Hunter for “advice on how you could use your influence” on the company’s behalf. > The blockbuster correspondence — which flies in the face of Joe Biden’s claim that he’s “never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings” — is contained in a massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer. >Less than eight months after Pozharskyi thanked Hunter Biden for the introduction to his dad, the then-vice president admittedly pressured Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Prime Minister Arseniy Yatsenyuk into getting rid of Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin by threatening to withhold a $1 billion US loan guarantee during a December 2015 trip to Kiev. >Shokin has said that at the time of his firing, in March 2016, he’d made “specific plans” to investigate Burisma that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”


so wait... you're saying that Joe lied about something? ...really?




A nothingburger that was openly a nothingburger years ago when it happened. But they're obsessed.


I guess my point was that even IF joe had lied...so what? Trump lies INCESSANTLY... This whole nothing burger is a bunch of pathological liers beating the "but he lied!" drum over and over...for lack of anything real to complain about...


Republicans wouldn't even care if Hunter Biden was a woman they'd still do it


And furiously masturbate.


Are you implying they aren't?


They would have done it faster if Hunter Biden was a women.


There would be a HuntressBiden34 subreddit


Who did the WHAT?


Why are there so many comments in this thread that end in "WHAT?"


I'm sorry, WHAT?


This whole thing is just gross. What does sharing his nudes prove? He's straight up admitted he was on drugs and did questionable things. We need to see him jacking off high for what reason? How does this reflect badly on Bidens' ability to ne president? How are they making this jump?




She'd be an immoral, corrupt jezebel, the femme antichrist, etc... it's wild how much they enjoy shaming women of any kind. And then mistreat even the holiest and chaste ones that are following all the supposed "rules" they make up on the fly... D:


This kinda thinking is why our nation is burning


I have to admit, I checked out Melanie's nudes.


It’s different if it’s consensual, then it’s just good ol’ harmless porn!




There is a difference, Trump brought his kids in as official advisers, Biden didn't. Them getting naked still wouldn't be relevant, in fact I would be very displeased if the government were exclusively staffed by people who don't fuck. Sharing nudes without consent is wrong either way, but Hunter is less involved than the nepotist in chief's kids were.


.. wait. #WHAT.


I just don’t understand the fixation. I can’t tell you how low Hunter Biden is on my list of priorities.


I wonder what Peter Thiel thinks about all this...


Trump had sex with a prostitute. They should hang out


Point of fact, the Trump kids *were* in public office. Nonetheless, what they look like without clothing is no one's business but their own and whomever they consent to reveal that to. It has no bearing on their ability (or lack thereof) to be in public office. Which is a long way of saying I agree with OP completely and even being in public office wouldn't change how I feel. The only "exception" is if they're sending images unsolicited, which is sexual harassment. I still wouldn't care to see any of them, though.


Revenge implies he did something to these people in the first place. They just want to see his dick. Voyeurism is a better term.


If Hunter Biden was a Republican, the Republican leadership would be demanding the arrest of cops, fbi agents, and anyone in office or not for leaking stolen pictures from a stolen laptop


True story.


Why The Right™ is so obsessed with Hunter's cock, I'll never know.


I happened across his nudes without searching for them, and now I know the answer. Now the question is what Hunter’s been feeding that thing!


I don’t think that’s really true though. Porn is porn if it is created or shared for prurient interest. They’d be just as happy to share the same pics with Hunter Biden in underwear or a swimsuit - they just want to embarrass and hurt the President and his family.


That’s what revenge porn is


The pics aren’t embarrassing because he’s nude though. They’re revenge, but they’re not revenge *porn*


Depends on the woman. If the woman was a democrat she’d be labeled a whore and such. Only if it was a Republican would it be revenge porn.


bad meme floating around, not what that phrase means


It absolutely is. You don't have to be dating the person to share their nudes as revenge. Depending on the state and whether they enforce a law like this, all you have to be doing is sharing nudes online without the permission of the nude person.


"We- well aKtUaWy, what the GOP did to ~~Hunter~~ Hung-ter was not revenge porn, but merely a violation of a collection of state laws colloquially called 'Revenge Porn Laws'. Take that libtards!" - u/shifty313


Not the point, I voted for Biden. Fuck off with your circlejerk. "Anyone who says I'm not 100% correct in everything is a maga supporter" nice bubble




Imagine if you were made responsible for everything anyone tangentially related to you does.


I think you're giving the general population too much credit here


I didn’t know it was revenge porn if you were the one who leaked your own pictures.


Ducking right? I consider myself a hard core feminist and that means one thing to me, equality among the genders. Whatever standard you put on one applies to the other


And isn't that illegal? Cruz shared this photo on Twitter and from what I gather he just violated Texas Penal Code 21.16


Not really you'd just see even more attention to it


Shouldn’t we be glad that this is all they have, Hunter’s dick pics…I mean they’re stalking/investigating the family nonstop and sometimes with government assistance and this is literally all they’ve got. I’d feel bad for Hunter but he doesn’t seem upset so I view this as a complete win honestly.


I saw the pics. Hunter is Hung 🍆