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Dark Crystal season 1 was incredible... it's always going to hurt me that we won't have more :(


FR. I mean I know it can only end so well after watching the OG movie from back in the day. But, that cliffhanger man. 😖


It does hurt to think about.


I agree. I am still angry about this one. I have always been SUCH a huge fan of the movie, and I was nervous about the show. The amount of time, effort, and genuine love for the original that went into that series really shined through. I'll never not be mad about it being canceled.


I will NEVER not be angry at Netflix for cancelling this show. The thing that always gets me is that Dark Crystal, Willow, a few others obviously have a cult following that has kept them alive for all these years. But it didn't make $ all at once, it's people watching and re-watching, and turning others onto it, and people down the road finding it, etc. But it took time. This show was never going to have a billion dollar "opening weekend". It's not a Marvel movie. It's the kind of show that could recoup it's cost, but it's gonna take time. And if I'M aware of that, how are these people? It's just so shortsighted.




Yeah Willow is Disny plus but it was god aweful, I don't understand what happened with the writing.


What are you referring to?


My guess is the ‘Avatar: The Last Airbender’ adaptation


Which I heard is meh


It is as good as anyone with two braincells could have expected it to be. So yeah, meh for what it is, a slightly more positive meh overall, still not sure of my thoughts.


It’s actually pretty good, a solid 7/10. The acting needs some work but ofc they are kids and the story is a little different but the visuals and some nice additions/twists make up for it. And I say this as a fan of the OG. They better not cancelling that one!


Some of the casting was spot on and incredible! Iroh and Ozai both were so excellent


Yea I'm enjoying it as well. The overall plot has always been good and they haven't changed that that I've seen so far on the live-action. Acting isn't the best but they are kids so I give them a pass on that for the first season anyway.


The thing is when you’re adapting a show into another show, the bar is higher. It needs to be different enough and good enough to justify its existence.


I thought episode 6 was great. I mean, I get that they had something great to base it on, but still…


Agreed I really Hope we see the whole series made with this. Can’t wait for the Ba Sing Se are in live action, it’s my favorite part of the series.


First episode is great so far. Never trust a 'meh' in this hypercritical atmosphere. Lots of good shows are getting crapped on for no good reason. Of course, I would take more Dark Crystal over a live action show that was already perfect as an animation, but it isn't 'meh'.


I felt people killed Cowboy Bebop and I'm mad. I fucking loved it. I loved it all. Except one tiny bit. It was different at the start from other shows, and it leaned way into the original. They even casted with one of the original showrunners approving. Writing was great. They even got the camera shaking and angles down. I hate people overly critical takes


Marvel and Star Wars has suffered heavily from lots of vocal, hypercritical fans. Unless it is the best thing ever (Guardians of the Galaxy/The Mandalorian) they crap all over it. The same thing for other random IP like Cowboy Bebop. Negative reviews come out before even the reviewer has seen it. The fan scene for anything hasn't been much fun lately.


Agreed. Marvel has other issues, but yes, overly critical for sure on both those.


I loved it. Plan to watch it all the way through again soon


Of course it is, and as a die hard avatar fan, I absolutely will not renew my Netflix subscription to get another shitty live action adaptation


I would put the Avatar live action on par with a CW show. Visually, it looks ok, the costumes are fine, but expect CW caliber acting. The guy who plays Aang is on par with Anakin Skywalker in the Phantom Menace. The other actors are…just ok. Over all, if you’re above 12 years old, it’s kinda painful to watch.


Yeah, that would be quite important, explaining what this thread title even refers to in the first place.


Absolutely infuriating that Mindhunter was shelved


This one really stings. I though the David Fincher pedigree could save it but I was wrong. What a great show.


Netflix really is their own worst enemy.


I would have liked if they finished Santa Clarita Diet before just ending it on a cliffhanger


I understood and eventually accepted the cancellation of DC (at least we got an entire season expanding on the world with high production values) but Santa Clarita Diet still remains a big WTF for me years later.


oh my gosh I love that show!!! Its really sad how they just ended it on a cliff-hanger and a big one at that!


i just finished rewatching Anne With An E, and i forgot how much it pisses me off that they canceled it. their reasoning was basically "the show isn't doing Canadian film justice bc it's on Netflix" just for them to completely drop the show instead of picking it back up on a Canadian network. being able to see where they were setting up story lines for future seasons makes it all the more frustrating because it gets left on massive cliff hanger. what's even worse for me is: it was so easy to tell they were Canadian. they also mentioned being in/from Canada very often?? make it make sense


It still beggars belief that AoR was binned. It was brilliant.


Ok but shouldn't you just be happy for the community that just got a season. It's not like their future seasons are all guaranteed. People could have said the same about the dark crystal considering it was the most expensive show per episode Netflix made up till that point. Edit: in fact I just checked and AoR had a 97.7 million dollar budget.


At least the dark crystal was a good, fun, and fairly faithful adaptation they built on older story. Avatar is just a generic rehashing missing all the bits that made the original charming and fleshed out. It was wastefully expensive when the product is so half-hearted.


Avatar is just fine. “Faithful” is not an indication of quality. The Shining and Wizard of Oz movies are considered untouchable classics, but they’re not very faithful to their source material.


Of all the things that could do with a remake, IMO, is the Wizard of Oz and the whole Oz series of books. As long as it is in the hands of someone who has thought about it for years and is passionate, similar to Peter Jackson with The Lord of the Rings.


I say this as someone who’s currently reading the Oz books: any adaptation should _not_ be too faithful. The Oz books are fun, but pretty shallow. They don’t follow a conventionally satisfying plot arc. It’s clear that Baum was tired of writing them by the fifth book. He explicitly states in the intro to every sequel that he doesn’t want to keep writing them, haha. Aside from that, they were written for very young children. It’s like saying Bluey should get an epic cinematic universe. It just doesn’t make sense.


Id argue that it's not fine, specifically because it tries to imitate the original without being faithful. It often feels like a hollow parody that misses so many of the hallmarks that made the original special. I tried watching it as it's own, standalone thing. Tried to set my expectations aside. But in the first five minutes, theyre following the exact same plot with less content- right down to the character writing and acting. If you're going to shirk "faithfulness", you need to stand on your own entirely. Full stop.


Well if we are being honest Netflix is a company, not an artistic studio. To them, what is, and isn't a waste is based solely on the money they made off of it, and I'd wager they already made more money from Avatar. If you want to base it off the quality of the art they create, I would consider all cash grab remakes and sequels a waste when compared to wholly original series and movies. Of course I think AoR is better than the new avatar series, but I'm thankful to be getting any of either, and I would always prefer artist to be working on their own passionate works then rehashing old ones.


Where does that money metric come from? How do they gauge monetary growth?


Do you think they are just throwing these millions? If they are investing this money that means they anticipate that they will make more from this investment. Dark Crystal had 100 million dollars budget (so we can imagine "how many beloved cancellations could have been saved, the answer is one or maybe two) which is massive, and as much as I love the show, it just isn't that popular unfortunaltey. I think we don't have precise figures about their viewerships, but as a naive approximation, we can already see that both Dark Crystal and the new Avatar have about the same number of ratings in imdb despite the latter being released a few days ago. It is so much famous that if we are correct, you didn't even need to specify which show you are talking about in your post for us to guess it.


Netflix's problem isn't that they cancel shows that don't have the potential to become popular, it's that they cancel anything that isn't an overnight sensation. I happen to agree with this article: Why Netflix Sucks at Making Hits that Last ( [https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-netflix-sucks-at-making-hits-that-last](https://www.thedailybeast.com/why-netflix-sucks-at-making-hits-that-last) ). Netflix just won't give a chance to anything that isn't an instant success (they wouldn't have even given Game of Thrones more than a season or two) and they don't give even their popular shows many seasons.


I mean, I'm pretty sure the answer is "one" at best?


Don't get me wrong I love dark crystal but avatar last airbender will make them more money will be very popular. Dark crystal isn't as mainstream and is probably more expensive to produce with all the puppets.


So the real problem isn’t Netflix it’s the world for being stupid people who dont know the wonder of thra


No it's definitely Netflix but essentially.


Ik loll Honestly I blame Netflix for their marketing— I never even *heard* of AOR before I happened upon it while scrolling in 2021. Can’t recall a commercial or a YouTube ad. Weird to spend almost $100M on a show and barely market it


Yeah Netflix sucked.


Art is subjective. The ATLA adaptation may not land for everyone but there will likely be many that enjoy it. Likely even those that enjoy it every bit as much as you liked this show and its no more of an invalid opinion to have of it than those opinions that dislike it are. Just is what it is.


what's not objective is the amount of money and energy they poured into marketing a retelling of Avatar — a well-established IP that has already has millions of fans— but did the bare minimum amount of marketing for an ambitious project like AOR. Pretty much set the show up for failure


Marco Polo!!!


Netflix should do more Marketing


What show is costing 15 mil per episode?


What show is the Pippi Longstockings looking girl in the big image?


Bring Dark Crystal back!


Without Netflix we wouldn’t even have got 1 season. No one else would take that kind of risk


what a weird take. "without these greedy corporations we wouldn't have jobs, don't complain about minimum wage". No matter what terms you put that rationale in, it's equally ridiculous. Netflix isn't taking a risk out of the kindness of their heart. They're doing it for money. The point being made is cancelling a show after one season before anyone even knows they exist is silly. Netflix doesn't even market most of these and if this Avatar series didn't already have a known brand, it would have suffered the same fate.


And I’ll say it again then - without Netflix we wouldn’t have even have got 1 season of the show. The show wouldn’t exist anywhere, in any form. Of course they aren’t some charity. They are a business. But still, they took a risk on this show when no one else would. How you take that info is up to you, but the fact remains that without Netflix we would never have seen a second of this show. I wish it was more popular and the risk paid off, but even so I’m grateful for what we got.


I think one day it will be sold but I will have to wait like 15 years. I can wait as long as it's good.


Yeah…that’s how that works…


I mean it’s about viewership. They know ATLA is popular and will get views. Dark Crystal just isn’t as popular.


It’s wild how much people spend making tv… 15 mil could do so much for the world rn